Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 82: Chapter 82: Encounter at the Winter Festival

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Chapter 82:

Encounter at the Winter Festival

Pulling down his scarf, Jace breathed out, his breath misting before him in the cold air of the night. Winter was fully approaching, and snow blanketed the ground. Neo City was almost whimsical in winter. With snow covering the city, the neon lights looked almost festive. It was like he was living in a dream.

Which, for everything that has happened to him, he may as well have been dreaming. Looking back on the few short months he's spent with the girls, he wondered just how much his future would continue to change from here on out. Which is why he wanted to spend as much time as possible creating as many memories as possible with them.

For Jace, this was especially important when it came to Selene. In the beginning, he went on two dates with her, but because of her own life and the things she had to do, their time together wasn't as much as either of them had hoped. Jace had spent a lot of time with Liana, the two of them bonding even more than they ever had. He loved every single moment of it.

The same could be said about Kiera. While Selene had been away, Jace had spent a lot of time with Kiera. Even though this time was shared with Liana for the most part, it was still more than Jace had ever spent with Selene. This fact was obvious to everyone.

Ever since Liana had been feeling like she had been lagging behind everyone, Jace realized just how important it was to include everyone. To ensure that each one of them felt as special as they were. It would be hard, but it was something Jace had to at least give his best at.

Which was why Jace found himself on his third date with Selene. Something a little bit less extravagant than the restaurants she had taken him to before. No, this time it was his idea. His gaze passing over Selene a little way off, ordering from a street vendor in Westview.

She wore a black, cloak like jacket with the hood up. Two beautiful braids poked out from under the hood, falling delicately down the front of her shoulders. She looked absolutely gorgeous.

A warm smile curled his lips. She had been so excited about this that she herself had wanted to order. It was a small festival held for winter that had been a tradition in Westview for years. One of the parks in Westview was strung up with lights and street vendors set up their stalls and carts all over. Games, street performers, and more were also available for entertainment.

It was an atmosphere free from corporate influence. Where people could just be people. For this reason, it attracted a lot of attention from many people. This made the entire place crowded and loud. Which would be very overwhelming for Jace without his music to block it out, if not for Selene who noticed his unease.

"Hey," She smiled, making her way up to him, a concerned look in her eyes as she scanned his face, "Here, hold these for a moment."

She handed him the two cups of hot chocolate she had ordered, along with the bag of warm buns with filling inside of them. Taking them tentatively, he watched in confusion as she made her way behind him. Pressing herself close to him, he could feel her body against him, which was more than enough to get him to blush.

Jace could feel her move, the connection between them felt extremely warm. Even so, he was suddenly nervous. Her hands placed themselves over his ears, and all sound ceased to exist save the beating of his heart. "Her hands...are surprisingly warm..." He leaned back against her, feeling her intentions and presence.

"It's alright. Just focus on me," Selene reassured as she leaned down close to his ear, making the smallest of gaps in her hand so he could hear her, teasing him as she continued, "Though, it is amusing how you work in a club and are a runner, yet are easily overstimulated."

"Heh, yeah. I've been this way for as long as I can remember," Jace explained, feeling his blush deepen for several reasons, "Did I ever tell you about it?"

"...Never had the time," She sounded almost sad, which wasn't Jace's intention, "I didn't mean to tease you about something you're sensitive to."

"It's alright, you didn't. I know you were teasing," Jace told her with a smile, closing his eyes to focus in on the beating of his heart, along with her own heartbeat through the pulse in her hands, "Also, we have time now. So..."

As the two of them stood there, with Selene holding him to her, he explained that ever since he was a child, he would get overstimulated. It got harder for him as he grew older. With the chaotic environment his father provided, he was always on edge. The yelling and fighting would cause him to become frozen, not just because of the fear.

It was his mother and the Vesela's who pitched in to get him the tactile implants for his music. It was one of the many things she did for him. What they all did for him. He had never truly appreciated the gift until now, but always cherished it. With Nadine's training as well, he was able to not always have to use them.

He wasn't sure if he was born this way, or if it was due to the anxiety he developed due to the environment he had grown up in. Either way, his music helped him tone it all out. To focus his thoughts as he listened. As he explained, they had made their way over to a quieter area to sit upon a bench to drink and eat their food.

"However," Jace explained as he took a sip of his coco, "I didn't want to use them tonight."

"Why?" Selene asked, genuinely curious as she had been listening intently this entire time, "If it helps you then you should do that."

"Well..." Jace glanced at her, smiling rather sheepishly, "I don't want anything to distract me from you. Though, I guess that sort of backfired a bit."

Selene's ears turned a bit red, and a small smile crept across her lips.

"Well, not entirely," She told him, placing a hand on his leg, "I'll just have to make sure you're focused, won't I?"

As she said this, she leaned in real close to him. His heart pounding in his chest, as she drew closer. Her lips a mere hairsbreadth away.

"No matter what," She told him with a deep tenderness to her tone, "I will always help you."

"Th-Thank you..." Jace could feel his sudden embarrassment, his words having trouble forming.

He could smell upon the winter air the soft scent of lavender from her. It was intoxicating and he wanted to get closer to her. Locking eyes with each other, they both held a desire within themselves. Their lips slowly growing closer together.

"You're him, yeah?" A woman spoke up, stopping Selene and Jace mere centimeters from kissing, "That dude from the club?"

Jace groaned inwardly, glancing towards the one who interrupted. "Damn it. Please don't be someone looking for revenge..." Though as he saw them, his eyes widened in slight surprise and a little bit of anxiety ran over him.

Standing before him in a dark red and gold winter poncho was Gabriel. A dark red beanie covered her head, with only her ears poking out as her brown eyes locked onto him.

She was one of the girls who was with Selene's glamour persona, Rosalie. A Half-Elf with brown hair and a pixie cut, though it hid under her hat. Her light brown skin still sported the heart tattoos upon her cheek. However, the rest of her tattoos were currently covered by her winterwear.

He could feel Selene tense a bit, the two of them exchanging a look. Through their connection, he could feel a bit of her own anxiety. It was like an uncertain spikiness. Selene's hand upon his thigh tightened slightly.

"...You're Gabriel, right?" Jace asked, trying to keep it casual, "What's up?"

"What's up?" Gabriel repeat, her expression and tone getting annoyed, "What's up? Is that all you have to say?"

"I...don't know what you mean?" Jace asked, genuinely confused, "Is something wrong?"

At this point, Gabriel seemed to be growing more annoyed, which only furthered Jace's confusion. It wasn't until two more familiar faces appeared that Gabriel began to calm down. Coming up behind her was Gloria and Briana.

"Damn it, Gab," Gloria exclaimed, exasperated as she appeared, her blue eyes glancing in her direction, "I told you not to just run off...he probably doesn't even know anything."

Gloria was the goth, human girl from that time. Like her previous appearance, she sported a lot of black. Wearing a long, form fitting winter coat and gloves, including leggings and boots. Her dark hair was currently tied back in a loose ponytail.

"Gloria," Briana intoned, catching up, "We hear you, but it's been, like, a couple months since we last saw her...he was the last to speak to her. You know that."

Briana was the bubblier of the three girls with light blue eyes. Her blonde hair was free of the pink tinge it once held, now simply all blonde. Tied back in pigtails, she wore a powder blue winter dress jacket with a mantle attached to it. A fluffy hem lined its sleeves, neckline, and bottom. Her hands covered in similar colored mittens.

"...I know, but still," Gloria sighed, shaking her head, "You shouldn't just yell at someone. You won't get answers that way."

Jace finally realized just what they were after. Rosalie. Exchanging another glance with Selene, she had a slight guilty look to her eyes. "...She hasn't kept in contact." Jace didn't want this to escalate any further than it had to. These were supposed to be Rosalie's friends, and that meant they were Selene's a way.

"You're talking about Rosalie, right?" Jace inquired.

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"No shit," Gabriel snapped at him, "You were the last one who saw her. After she went back with you in the club, she just disappeared. No one at the club will say anything either."

She simply glared at him, maybe in a vain attempt that it would magically make him give her answers. However, there was only one person who could do that, and she was currently sitting next to him. Which left him no choice but to shoot her a message quickly while they talked.

>To Selene: Did Rosalie really never contact them?

>From Selene: ...I forgot. I had more important things to do.

>To Selene: They're your friends.

>From Selene: They're Rosalie's friends. I only used them. You know that.

>To Selene: Well, I don't want to fight them, and I don't want you fighting them.

>To Selene: Also, even if they are Rosalie's friends. You're the one who still made connections with them.

>From Selene: ...I see your point. I'm sorry.

>To Selene: Don't be. I'm not mad. I actually find it a bit amusing.

At the sending of the last message, Selene gave him a cheeky side glance before looking away while rolling her eyes. At the same time, the three others weren't quite done.

"Like, hello?" Briana asked as she waved her hand in front of them, "I know we like, interrupted and all, but our friend is missing."

"Right, sorry..." Jace apologized, smiling awkwardly, "I was just trying to think. I know you think I probably did something to her, but I didn't. The last time I saw her was also at Radiance. She left just as well as she came. I don't know why she didn't let you know she left."

"Bullshit," Gabriel stepped forward aggressively, "I know you-"

With her sudden movement, Gloria grabbed her and pulled her back. Almost at the same time, Jace sensed Selene making a move. Placing a hand on her forearm, he gave Selene a stern look, and she backed down quickly with a huff. He was beginning to understand the protective nature of his angels, but this wasn't one of the times it was needed.

"Gab," Gloria stated sternly, her entire demeanor changing, "Don't."

"But-" Gabriel began to protest, but it seemed she knew better as Gloria tilted her head in warning, "Fine, but this is some bullshit. I know he did something. I don't care if this is Noble's territory. We aren't in Radiance."

"Look, I know you're worried and upset," Jace told them with a smile, moving his arm around Selene to hold her to him, "But, I really haven't seen Rosalie since then. You've messaged her, yeah?"

Gloria's eyes passed over the two of them, going between Selene and Jace. She seemed a bit keener than the other two. It made him wonder if she could tell something was going on, but after a moment her gaze wavered, and she returned to normal. Pulling Gabriel to her, she held her just as he held Selene. "Perhaps that's what she noticed..." Jace mused about how they both were holding their girls back.

"We have," Briana explained, placing her hands on her hips, "It's not like I don't believe you, but is a bit suspicious. All the messages haven't even been read yet."

"Maybe she's busy?" Jace suggested, "Life happens sometimes."

"Like, I guess," Briana exhaled deeply, shaking her head, "If you don't know anything, then...Oh. My. God!"

Her eyes widened as she stared at something Jace couldn't see. The other two followed, their eyes widening in surprise as well. Smiling to himself, he eyed Selene who relaxed against him, knowing she must have done something.

"You're shitting me..." Gabriel glanced towards Selene, "You..."

Narrowing her eyes, there was a look of disbelief.

"Like, totally crazy," Briana seemed almost thrilled, "We just received a message from...Rosalie."

She said her name with a slight inflection, quickly glancing at Selene as she did. It was obvious now what Selene had done. Even Gloria was quite shocked, her eyebrow raised in disbelief.

"It seems she'll explain things to us later..." Gloria began to turn away from them, pulling Gabriel along with her, "We'll leave you two to your date. I'm sorry we interrupted. Come on, Gab, let's leave them alone now. You too, Bri."

"But I...Yeah, sure," Gabriel simply looked on in confusion, seemingly unsure how to feel.

Briana was the complete opposite of Gabriel. She practically beamed as she smiled at Jace and Selene, a sudden knowing look in her eye.

"You two have fun!" She exclaimed with glee, trying her best to hide her giddiness with her mitten gloved hand, "I don't really know what's going on, but if it's true-"

"Hurry up, or we'll leave you behind!" Gloria yelled for Briana.

"Alright, I'm like, coming!" She called to them, practically skipping away, but not before turning around and waving happily at Jace and Selene, "Bye! Nice seeing you again! Sorry about Gabriel!"

"Don't worry," Jace told her, calling after her, "You three be safe!"

He watched as they disappeared into the crowds further away. Suddenly, it felt like everything was ten times quieter. Looking towards Selene, he raised a curious eyebrow.

"What did you tell them?" He asked.

"Nothing much," Selene mused, resting her head on his shoulder, "Just that I was Rosalie and would explain everything later, but right now I'm on a date with you. So, if they didn't leave...I'd be really mad."

Gazing up at him, there was a twinkle in her eye. As if she wanted to be praised for what she did. "...How cute." He mused, chuckling softly. He didn't fully believe that's all she said, but knew better than to push it. Holding her close, he patted her on the head, much to her delight.

"Honestly..." Jace muttered, shaking his head, "Well, thank you for not making it a big deal."

"If you didn't hold me back..." Selene's calm, almost serene voice took on quite the chill, "I don't care who they are. If they try to harm you, insult you, or otherwise try to impede you in any way...I will end them."

Jace felt an odd mix of emotions at her words. They were heartwarming, yet terrifying.

"Just...try not to kill anyone who simply looks at me wrong," Jace joked, laughing lightly.

"Depends on the look," Selene responded back nonchalantly, "However, even promises."

He couldn't tell if she was joking or not. Her genuine smile as she looked at him gave him no indication. The connection between them also gave him no hint. It was something he was unsure of, but he didn't hate it. After all, he was falling harder for her. He would ensure the rest of the festival would be memories they could cherish.


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