Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 83: Chapter 83: Fireworks and Friends

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Chapter 83:

Fireworks and Friends

The sound of a bottle falling, balloon being popped, and a ring being tossed, followed by the disgruntled mumblings of the vendors were some of the few sounds Jace and Selene heard as they made their way around the festival. Each stop they made, he made sure to get every single prize he could for Selene. From a stuffed panda to silly little trinkets. It didn't matter to Jace, as long as it made her smile.

He quickly realized that Selene never experienced anything like this, and he was even quicker to realize that neither had he. It wasn't that he never been to a festival before. He lived in the Barrens, there were plenty of things people celebrated and many jobs that found him in such places. No, it was that he never enjoyed them like this.

Making his way through the park with Selene's hand in his. Seeing her smile and look around with wonder in her eyes. It was like the life was returning to her. As if her inner child was being revived. It was a wonder to see.

"She was never able to be a child..." Jace made this realization, and though it slightly applied to him, it was even worse for her. His mother at least tried to let him be a kid. He also had the Vesela's who did their best to ensure he could be a child. Selene never had that.

His heart broke at the thought, something that Selene picked up on as she hugged him from behind. Kissing him upon the cheek as a way to raise his spirits. In truth, he was having the time of his life. Good food and even greater company. The chill of the night had never felt so warm.

"Thank you," Selene's voice whispered softly in his ear, her head resting upon his shoulder, "I've had an amazing time tonight."

They were currently sitting upon a nearby rooftop. A place Jace suggested as the closing act of the festival was about to begin. Situated a little bit away from the park, it provided a breathtaking view of the area below. The lights strung from tree to lamppost, with the people beginning to slow down and settle in for closing time.

"It's my pleasure," Jace responded quietly, "I had a lovely time as well. This was long overdue."

She didn't say anything, simply pushed herself closer to him in response. There wasn't much that needed to be said. They could each feel the other through their connection. Each one knew just how happy they were. This moment would live on in both of their memories for a long time.

For now, they lived in this moment. The lights in the area began to turn off one by one. Leaving only the essential lighting necessary for safety. "This is it..." Jace thought, wrapping an arm around Selene, holding her tightly.

The sound of whistling could be heard rising into the air. Their gazes turned upwards towards the sound as an explosion of color erupted in front of their eyes. One after another, each firework went off in a cascade of beautiful smoke. Shimmering in the night sky, their lights illuminated the area brightly.

However, even as his gaze was fascinated with the celebration, his attention soon turned to a more dazzling sight. Selene, who had been leaning against him, was now suddenly enthralled. Sitting up, she held the panda plushie close to her chest, completely overcome by the spectacle before her. There was such a childish delight in her gaze that Jace's heart couldn't help but melt as he watched her.

Red, green, blue, purple. All different colors bathed the area in their light, and in turn lit up her face. Each color dancing across her skin, mirrored in her eyes. Overcome by emotion, Jace pulled her tightly to him. With a look of surprise, she turned towards him, a loving smile soon replacing her surprise.

Reaching his hand up to her face, he pulled her in. Their lips meeting in the luminous glow of the colors bursting around them. Placing her hand upon his chest, she leaned deeply into the kiss. He didn't know how long they stayed like that, but it didn't matter. It would never be long enough.

Even so, as they reluctantly pulled away from each other, they were both content. Her ears were completely red, and his face was flushed. It was her turn to pull him to her, holding his head to her shoulder, he felt safe in her embrace. "A beautiful memory..." Jace breathed softly, relaxing and committing this moment to memory.

They say that memories are tied strongly to smells. For Jace, the mix of lavender and gunpowder would continually bring him back to this moment. It was unfortunate, but the night soon came to an end.


Selene basked in the love that Jace showed her on the night of the festival. She had learned more about him, which only furthered her love and desire to protect him. She had never truly experienced something like it before.

It was true that as Rosalie, she had partied. Gone out and tried to live a life she was denied, but it just never clicked for her. She never felt anything for it, faking her enthusiasm towards the friends Rosalie had created. Using them for her own desires as she had always been taught.

So, when she had chosen to walk the path as Selene St.Claire, and decided that Jace would be hers, she had completely thrown everything else away. Rosalie and Marian were now no more. The last task Marian had was accomplished. She had no need for either persona.

However, Jace had been correct when he had told her that even though Rosalie had made friends, it was still her who made those connections. In truth, she did care a little bit about Briana, Gabriel, and Gloria. She shared a part of her life with them. A small part, but a part, nonetheless.

Now, a few days after her encounter with them, she was meeting with them once more after not talking for a while. It would be on her terms, however. They would be meeting at The Medallion. She had purchased it after gaining access to the company's funds.

It was a place of memory for her with Jace. Something she wanted to keep. This made it a perfect place to meet with the three girls secretly. All the staff were her people, so no one should say anything. The reason for all this secrecy was simple.

There were many enemies in the world that St.Claire Industries had. They would pounce on any opportunity to weaken them, and that meant weakening her. They'd use the information of who she associated with as leverage, and possibly even go after them. While she could easily toss them away, she knew that Jace wouldn't like that.

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"He's softhearted, despite the fact he's killed before," She mused, thinking to the look upon his face when he killed those Highrisers, "...It was kind of hot, though." She could feel her desire for him rising. She didn't mind that softhearted nature of his.

It tempered the rage she saw inside of him. Reaching out, calling for her to embrace him. To stem the flow of pain. All the while, he cherished and cared for her. His presence soothed her.

At least, that's how she saw it. That's how she wanted it. Neither of their hands were clean. They were the same, yet different. Jace still had his morals. Selene only had one. No children. Anything else was on the table.

Torture, murder, bribery. It didn't matter as long as the job got done. Everything else was expendable. It was for this reason that Jace was even more important to her. She never really liked how she was, but it was who she was. He, however, kept her grounded. He was her light. If anything were to happen to him, so help the world and the sorry bastard who behind it.

For that reason, and that reason alone, she was giving these three a chance. It was what he would want and a part of her wanted it as well. As always, he was uncannily perceptive sometimes. The sound of them approaching broke her from her inner thoughts.

"Lady St.Claire, your guests have arrived," A Mercer Agent announced, bowing before the open door.

The room Selene was in was The Medallion's office. With a window overlooking the river dividing New Eden from the rest of Neo City, it was where Selene's attention had been while she lost herself to thought. It was from this window that she turned to greet her guests.

Walking to the edge of the desk, she rested a hand lightly upon its surface. Her fingertips barely touching it. The three of them, dressed in their winterwear, walked awkwardly inside.

"I'm glad you could make it," Selene smiled, though her eyes were cold and calculating, "I'm sure you have your questions and a lot of doubt."

The three of them glanced back at the Mercer Agent nervously. With a wave of the hand, Selene dismissed them. With a bow, they exited the room, the door closing behind them. This left only the four of them alone in the room.

"...Yeah, you could say that," Gloria was the first to speak, shifting her weight a bit, "They called you Lady St.Claire.'re corporate?"

The other two shifted uncomfortably, obviously not used to such environments. "I should make them comfortable..." Motioning to the small sitting couch, the three of them took the hint and sat upon it. It was a simple, lion-clawed couch with red upholstery and gilded gold trim.

"You could say that," Selene answered, making her way to the chair across from them; it was of similar design as the couch, and upon sitting down, she continued speaking, "I am the heir to St.Claire Industries and head of the St.Claire Family. I'm sure you've seen the news."

As expected, it was Briana who showed emotion first. "She had always been a sympathetic person..." Selene thought to herself, seeing the tears appear in her eyes, holding her hands to her mouth.

"That's right! Your father, he-" Briana began, full of sympathy.

"Died, Yes." Selene interrupted, holding up a hold to reassure her, "Do not be sorry. He was not a good man. Though, that is not why you came here, right?"

"No," Gabriel finally spoke up, her tone full of temper and suspicion, "That message we it true? How the hell can you be Rosalie? Is this some kind of joke you corpos play when you're bored?"

Selene knew she was frustrated. That's how she had always been. Such a hotheaded woman. "I never understood what Gloria saw in her, but..." Her gaze passed to Gloria, who seemed exasperated by the whole ordeal. "They're not bad people, I know that."

"Well?" Gabriel demanded, "Where is our friend? What did you do to her? I know you're not her, so stop-"

"Gabriel," Selene interrupted softly, a small, nostalgic smile upon her lips, "I know it's hard to believe. You're not a huge fan of corporations, and I was hiding who I was for a reason."

"Bullshit," Gabriel shot back, crossing her arms and throwing herself back against the couch, "Fine, if you're really Rosalie. Prove it."

"Gab..." Gloria reached a hand out to her, placing it gently upon her shoulder, "I'm just as confused as you are."

Gabriel glanced towards Gloria, and it was as if she simply deflated. The fire in her dimming as she leaned against Gloria. "They were...worried, weren't they?" Selene began to understand just why Jace had asked her to see them, and to not fight them. They didn't mean harm, they were only worried.


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