Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 85: Chapter 85: Just the Two of Them

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Chapter 85:

Just the Two of Them

Jace laid on the bed of his room in the loft. His mind was racing a million miles an hour, yet wasn't thinking of anything in particular. It was a strange sense of nothing and everything at the same time. It took several steady breaths to focus his thoughts.

He was alone at the moment. Liana and Kiera were out shopping, and Selene was currently meeting with Rosalie's old friends and dealing with St.Claire Industry business. He was proud of her for choosing to reach out, and no matter what came of it, he would respect her decision.

Still, he hoped she would be able to befriend them again. He loved the attention she gave him, but wanted her to experience more in life. She deserved that.

His thoughts shifted, turning towards himself. Raising a hand above him, his arm outstretched. Staring at the ceiling and his hand, he could only recall his most recent job. "What was that?" He wondered, thinking about how easy it was to kill Yamato.

Ever since that day, he wasn't able to use that power. Kiera and Selene both warned him against trying, at least for now. They seemed to know something but didn't say. He would trust in them for now, but he couldn't say he wasn't curious.

He felt fine afterwards, even feeling lighter than usual. "Did I break through again?" It was a question he had, but he had yet to really ask about it. He didn't feel stronger, yet he couldn't deny he felt a lot

"I should do something..." Jace couldn't just lay around. Whatever had happened, it definitely caused a change in him. He just didn't know what. For now, he would do what he always did. Train.

Sitting up from the bed, he dressed himself in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. Putting on some shoes, he made his way to the terrace. The chill of the air filled his lungs and caressed his skin, yet it wasn't unpleasant. It was brisk, and the snow upon the terrace was light. It took short work to clean it off.

"It's kind of lonely..." Jace could feel himself becoming lost in such thoughts. It was much quieter than usual with the girls gone. He didn't mind being alone, but after so long being with them, it felt strange to suddenly be by himself.

Clearing a space near the small firepit, he gathered some wood and began a fire. The warmth filled the air as he took up his position. This time, he wasn't meditating by sitting still, but rather through movement.

Standing straight, he brough his hands palm up towards his abdomen, breathing deeply as he did. He continued to breath in until his hands reached his chest, upon which he moved his right hand slowly out to his side. At the same time, he slid his right foot in the same direction.

It was a slow, steady motion as he continued to breath. From there, he brought his left foot towards his right, turning and bringing his right hand back to his center as his left hand now flowed outward. It was a form of Qigong that Nadine had once taught him, expanded upon by Liana, and overseen by Kiera and Selene to tailor it to him.

There were many steps meant to help him feel the energy flow through his body. The mana which now pulsed with each movement, along with the small fire, kept him warm against the cold of winter. It was peaceful. The sounds of the city distant, though still prevalent.

Honking, yelling, and even slight music could be heard in the distance. As always, Neo City was alive. He channeled these feelings into his movements. The feeling of life. In this way, he lost himself to his movements and training, not realizing how long it had been, nor that someone was watching him rather closely.

"You're improving," Kiera's gentle voice called out as Jace came to a lull in his training.

"Kiera?" Jace turned his attention to her, his eyes wide, sweat covered his body and soaked into his clothes, "H-How long were you there for?"

"Maybe I spoke too soon," Kiera mused, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, "If you didn't notice me, you need more training."

"Come on," Jace groaned, rolling his eyes, "No matter how much I improve, if you don't want me to notice you, I won't."

"Heh, maybe," Kiera smiled, watching him with gentle eyes, "You should go take a shower. Get out of the cold before you catch one. The fire is already embers."

Glancing at the firepit, sure enough only a few embers burned. The wind blew against him, causing him to shiver. His sweat beginning to freeze in the cold. "She's right, I should go warm up..." He didn't really notice his sweat before, but now he was well aware, making his way towards the door inside.

As he passed Kiera, she placed a hand upon his arm. It wasn't rough, but rather light, and felt almost cautious. Turning to her curiously, he locked eyes with her. She seemed like she was about to say something, only for her to avert her gaze and drop her hand.

"Hurry inside and warm up," She spoke softly, her face hidden from him, though he thought he saw a slight blush upon her face, "I'll put out the embers and meet you inside. Liana's helping her father, so...we have the place to ourselves."

"Is that so?" Jace asked, smiling warmly, "Sounds good. I'll be glad to have your company then. It's been a while since it's been just the two of us."

"Heh, yeah..." Kiera's words were soft, almost too quiet to hear, "Go on now. Before I make you."

"Yes, Ma'am," Jace chuckled, making his way inside.

For some reason, his heart was beating rather quickly. He was alone with Kiera for the first time in a while. He always spent time with her, but it was usually with Liana or Selene. Sometimes all three of them together.

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Her touch upon his arm lingered, his thoughts wondering if she was okay. He had no idea just how okay she was.


Kiera's face was bright red, her thoughts complete mush. "How could Liana suggest that..." Kiera had never been one to shy away from anything, but this? It wasn't like she hadn't thought about it. It would be inevitable now that they were together, and it wasn't like she didn't want to.

"Jace is alone right now," Liana had told her, "I'll see if my father needs some help. You should take this opportunity. I've already talked to Selene. She's alright with it, since she isn't yet ready herself. She still has things to prepare."

"Liana?" Kiera had wondered, looking at her in confusion, "Are you suggesting..."

"Yes, Sunshine," Liana smiled mischievously, "It's about time you two bonded and became one. Not just in name, but truly."

"Shouldn't we tell him?" Kiera asked, "We should at least ask-"

"Sunshine..." Liana grabbed her firmly by the collar, pulling her in close and whispered sensually in her ear, "Go fuck him already. Stop procrastinating, isn't that what you told me?"

"Even if you say that..." Kiera muttered to herself back in the present, shaking her head as she stared into the embers, "To say it so boldly...What have I created?"

Kiera mused to herself, partly proud of how forward Liana had become, and partly terrified. Overall, it was a huge turn on. "Damn it..." Kiera took a breath, her mind turning towards Jace. He had looked so peaceful when he was training. Following through with all of their teachings.

She was reminded of the job she recently helped him with. It had been fun, but more than that, he trusted her enough to invite him into his systems. He didn't have a lot of cyberware, just the basics for telecommunication and file checking. Along with access to the internet.

Even as basic as it was, it still took a lot of trust on his part. To allow her into his systems was on a level of intimacy for a Technomancer far beyond that of mere sex and physical touch. "If I can do that...I can make love with him." It was flawless logic, but the vulgarity of Liana's words left her blushing and nervous.

"She definitely did that on purpose..." Kiera pouted. Putting out the embers of the fire, she psyched herself up. Lightly tapping her face with both of her hands, she turned to head back inside.

She could hear the water running from the bathroom. She stood before the door, wondering how she should do this. Taking a deep breath, Kiera steeled herself. This would be the first time they ever saw each other completely exposed.

Reaching a hand up to the door, it slid open with a soft woosh. Stepping in, a light steam misted up from the sudden mix of temperature from outside the room. As the door closed, she could see his form beyond the glass wall of the shower. His face turning towards her, his hands shooting to cover himself up.

"K-Kiera?" He exclaimed, glancing out of the door, "What...are you doing here?"

"How adorable..." She smiled, reaching behind her back, she unzipped her dress. It was a winter sheath dress. Made of synthetic beige wool. As the dress unzipped, his eyes never left her. She could feel his gaze, making her extremely self-conscious, but she didn't hate it.

She wanted him to see. He was so cute with how flustered he was, lost in this situation.

"Well, I was a little cold as well," She stated, letting the dress fall from her body.

Stepping out, she wore light pink underwear with slight frills along the edges. Synthetic wool leggings adorned her legs. Stepping towards him, she placed a hand upon his chest, looking up with eyes filled with desire. She was committed at this point.

"So...Mind if I join you?" She smiled deviously.

She could feel his heart beating beneath his chest. His skin slick from the water, her heartrate rose. Being this close to him was intoxicating. Her eyes passing over his body hungrily. His scars glistening in the light of the room, whose dark tiles shone with the mist of the water.

Feeling his hand upon her lower back, she jumped in surprise. He was no longer hiding himself, but instead stood there for all of her to see. It didn't take long for him to pull her into a kiss, and for the rest of her clothes to be tossed aside, pulled into the waters of the shower with him.


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