Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 84: Chapter 84: A Friendly Offer

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Chapter 84:

A Friendly Offer

Selene understood their doubt, deciding to do her best to alleviate it. She would prove it to them who she was, and from there, try to persuade them. That is what she decided, and so tapped into her vast power to don the glamour of Rosalie.

"I understand," Selene nodded, and before their eyes her form began to shift and change.

The image of Selene before them disappeared and in its place was Rosalie. Complete with fiery red hair, fair skin, and green eyes. Gabriel sat forward suddenly in shock, Gloria stared in disbelief, and Briana seemed fascinated.

"S-Sure, you look like her, but-" Gabriel began to protest.

"You were always hotheaded and stubborn," Selene told her in Rosalie's voice, "That's like, so like you. Even when it's before your eyes, you still can't believe it. I still remember how mad you got when Gloria forgot your birthday. You came crying to me when like, I totally had to study. Only for it to, like, be you who forgot, and your birthday wasn't for a few days. You two had a picnic on the roof of the dorms."

Selene adopted Rosalie's way of talking a little bit. It followed a bit of Briana's speech. Perhaps it was a way for her to have fit in, but she locked onto the speech pattern of most of the girls her age at college. With this, coupled with her appearance and telling of a story not many outside of themselves knew, they were taken aback.

"It's...really you?" Gabriel began to shake slightly, and for a brief moment there was a flash of relief before she quickly recovered into an angry glare, "Why the hell didn't you say anything? You're really a corpo?"

"...It's more complicated than that," Selene stated, dropping the glamour and returning to her normal self, "This is who I am. My real name is Selene St.Claire. I had my reasons for hiding it. I am sorry I didn't contact any of you after the club."

They were silent, as if processing all this information. It was Gloria who spoke up first. Raising a hand up as if to put a hold on the thoughts going through her head.

"So, let me get this straight," Gloria seemed to be rather exhausted, "You're Selene St.Claire who disguised herself as Rosalie and became our friend. All for reasons you won't say. Rosalie was our friend, and you're saying it was all a lie?"

Selene didn't quite know how to answer. She didn't feel guilty about her choice of focusing on Jace and everything she's done since. When it came to him, she felt guilty in nothing she did as long as it made him happy. "Though, I've definitely changed since meeting him..." This thought was an undeniable fact.

She felt a sense of responsibility to the three before her. She was slowly realizing that, perhaps, she had indeed made connections with them. While she would throw anything away for Jace, but Jace had asked her to reach out. Perhaps, that wasn't such a bad idea.

"Well?" Gloria asked, furrowing her brow, "Do you have anything to say? We were your friends when you were Rosalie."

"...Were?" Selene muttered the word, a curious thing that caused a slight twinge in her heart, "I hid who I was, yes. I lied about who I was, yes. It's not that I won't tell you, it's that it's a long story. Are you willing to hear it?"

The three of them looked to each other, with Briana giving them an encouraging smile. "She was always the kind one, wanting people to get along..." Selene smiled slightly, feeling a warmth light in her heart.

"I will make one thing clear, however," Selene took a breath, closing her eyes to center herself before opening them once more, "Jace is all that matters to me. At least, he is my priority. Anything else is expendable. You may not like who I am, but if you accept it...I will gladly remain your friend."

"Well..." Briana spoke up softly, looking down at the floor with a warm smile, "I'm sure you had your reasons, and I can only speak for myself, but I want to hear your story. I'm only happy to know that Rosalie isn't dead, but instead is you, Selene."

Looking up, she gave the brightest, warmest smile. Selene's eye twitched, as if parts of her armor were cracking under such a dazzling display. She was taken aback by just how pure Briana was. "I might need to keep an eye on her around Jace..." Selene mused, looking her up and down, though she wasn't worried.

"Thank you for your kind words, Bri," Selene smiled, causing a blush from the girl.

"I hate to admit it, but Bri's right," Gabriel surprisingly spoke up, "I'll hear you out. Gloria?"

Gloria was watching Selene closely. It surprised Selene that out of the three of them, it would be Gloria that would be the most apprehensive. After a moment of thought, however, Gloria nodded.

"I'm hurt," Gloria stated, admitting her inner feelings as Gabriel put a comforting around her this time, "Rosalie was our friend, and now I'm hearing that she's someone else completely...But I'm not willing to throw all of that way just yet. We'll hear you out."

A part of Selene was relieved to hear those words. Jace had been right, she had cared about these three in some aspect. Grateful for their words, she began her story. They listened intently, Briana the most expressive of them.

She didn't tell them everything, choosing to keep it simple, but told them enough. Her father was abusive, using her for his own purposes. She learned to be the same way. Not being able to live like that, she ran away to try and find a life of her own. As a way to feel something or learn what it truly meant to be a person.

She became Rosalie as a way to experience a wilder side to life. She met the three of them and thought she could learn something. Even as she grew closer with them, she still had a hard time feeling anything. She just couldn't connect.

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Then, she met Jace as Marian. He was the first person she ever felt anything from. The first time she saw a light in this world. He became her obsession and anyone or anything that would get in her way, she would destroy. Which led to her war with her father, and now to them.

"Now, you know the truth," Selen finished, folding her hands in her lap as she gazed upon each of them, "A truth that not many know outside of those involved. I tell you this, because I'd like to make you three an offer. You were my friends as Rosalie, and I want to make good on that. Come work for me. I'll ensure you're taken care of, and-"

"Let me stop you there," Gloria interrupted, holding up a hand to pause, "If what you said is true...were we nothing but tools to you?"

That word hurt her heart, due to her own experience as a tool herself, but she couldn't deny the truth of it.

"Yes, at least at first," Selene answered truthfully, "That's who I am. I'm slowly learning, thanks to Jace, but if it is for him or my own satisfaction, I will do anything. Even using those close to me. I tell you this in confidence, so you may decide how to proceed for yourselves."

"Do we have a choice?" Gloria narrowed her eyes in contempt, "It's not like you'd let us go if we don't accept."

"Of course, I will," Selene tilted her head, offended at the notion, "I may have been raised by my father to be how I am, but I am not my father. You are being given a choice. That is more than I ever had until now. I'm finally tasting my own freedom."

They shifted in their seat, with Gabriel looking at Gloria with concern. It wasn't as if Selene didn't understand. She had used the three of them for her own purposes. It would be surprising if they weren't upset, if even just a little.

"That is why I told you about my priorities in advance," Selene looked between them slowly, "It was his idea for me to reach out to you. I can't help but agree with him now that I'm here. I used people, but that doesn't mean I'm cruel or don't care."

She made sure each word hit home with each of them.

"However, do not mistake me," Selene continued, warning them, "If it endangers Jace or my own happiness, I will throw away anything. I will also do anything for them. That is why I am talking to you. Why I offer you to come work for me. You were Rosalie's friends, and so if you wish it...You can still be mine."

"I see..." Briana whispered, once more looking down in thought, "I can't imagine how that was for you, but now that I know the truth...what kind of friend would I be if I abandoned you now?"

Looking up, she smiled that bright smile of hers.

"I can't say, like, I don't know how that is," Briana continued, her eyes unfocusing as if in thought, "I force myself to talk this way, but's exhausting. It's not on the same level as a whole person, but like...Now it's a part of me. Just like Rosalie is a part of you, even if she isn't who you are."

Her words resonated with Selene. She had always felt like Briana was trying too hard. That her bubbly personality had to be exhausting, and it seemed she was correct. However, that didn't change who Briana was. Even now, she was looking on the brighter side of things.

"Thank you, Bri," Selene nodded in her direction.

Smiling sheepishly, Briana hid her face in embarrassment. The other two seemed to be deliberating silently. They weren't hostile, their faces simply expression confusion and uncertainty.

"I can't say I don't agree with Bri," Gabriel spoke up, surprising Gloria as her eyes widened, "It's a lot to take in. You know Gloria and I are a part of the Vixens, right?"

"I do," Selene nodded.

"Then, you know we can't just leave," Gloria stated, sighing, "They took us in when no one else cared. They're our friends. Our family. We can't just abandon them."

"If that is your decision, then I will respect it," Selene told them, though couldn't help but feel a little bit disappointed, "I've been learning the value of family and friends lately. What they mean. If you come work for me, your loyalties would have to change. You wouldn't have to stop talking to them, but you'd have to put my interests and that of the company ahead of them. I can understand that being difficult."

"Let us think on it," Gloria said, exchanging a look with Gabriel who nodded in silent understanding, "As Rosalie, you were on of us. To choose between you and the Vixens is not a decision to be made lightly. We know next to nothing about who you are as Selene."

"I understand," Selene told them, "Take your time. If you choose to do so, I will not mind for you to learn more about who I am as Selene."

With everyone in agreement, it was time for the three of them to leave. Gloria and Gabriel agreed to think on it. They were, of course, sworn to secrecy about what they heard of her father and the war she had with him. She didn't tell them everything, but what little she did tell them, they knew she told them as way to broker trust.

Before they left, Briana was a complete mess. Hugging Selene out of nowhere, she whispered in her ear that she was glad she was alive. It was touching to hear, even as Selene didn't know how to react at the sudden contact. With Briana onboard, Selene could only wait for the others. She would send details to her later about the work and what would be required of her, but for now, she was currently low on her Jace battery.


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