Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 87: Chapter 87: Breakfast and Work

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Chapter 87:

Breakfast and Work

Liana came home the next day. She had given time for Kiera to finally cement her relationship with Jace. Selene wanted to prepare more, so she gave her permission as well. It was all set up so that they could finally relax around each other, and not be so shy.

Kiera had constantly tried to get Jace to be less anxious and nervous around her, but Liana could see it in Kiera's face. She was also nervous and anxious around him. The time she spent with Jace was always with Liana. He slept in his own room instead of with any of them.

This was his way to give them their own space, since Kiera and Liana were together before he was in the picture. This, of course, was ridiculous to Liana. She, herself, was frustrated as well. She wanted to be able to share a bed with the both of them, and one day, with Selene as well.

Of course, it was probably more comfortable for everyone not to be in the same bed. "How big of a bed would we even need?" Liana pondered, amused at the thought. She looked forward to that day. Until then, she had to do something about the tension between Kiera and Jace. Even Selene had noticed it.

They cuddled together, sure, but that only worsened the issue. Thinking back to the movie nights, they would always tease him, but never went anywhere with it. Liana held the belief that each of them should have their own first time with him alone. After that, well, Jace would have his hands full.

Smiling mischievously, she entered the apartment to the silence of sleep. Upon the couch were Jace and Kiera, snuggled together in comfortable robes and a blanket. Her keen eyes noticed their exposed skin underneath the robes, and knew they were wearing nothing except the robe.

"Heh, look at them...So cute." Liana smiled knowingly, a smug look upon her face. She didn't wish to wake them right away; it looked like they were exhausted. Her thoughts turned to what they may have possibly done, only for her to blush and dismiss the thoughts with a shake of her head.

Pushing up her sleeves, she began to prepare them a breakfast. A simple egg over toast with a side of bacon and their choice of drink, once they were awake. The frustration Liana had been feeling was finally dissipating. The way they slept together told her the tension had been dispersed.

As the smell of eggs and bacon filled the room, Liana felt arms wrap around her from behind. From the light smell of rain, she knew who it was even before he spoke. However, as Jace held her, his mouth found her ear, biting down on it teasingly.

Letting out a yelp, Jace covered her mouth and whispered in her ear.

"Shhh, Kiera's still sleeping," He told her quietly, "Food smells delicious as always."

"If you didn't want me to make a sound..." Liana glanced up at him in playful indignance, "You shouldn't have bit my ear."

"Consider it payback," Jace responded nonchalantly, "For setting up yesterday."

"Oh?" Liana smiled, musing to herself as she flipped the bacon, "Is that why she's still sleeping? Tired her out, did you?"

"Well, she did tell me to fuck her at the end," Jace boldly claimed, a blush entering Liana's face, "Was that your doing as well? To have her say that?"

"...Maybe," Liana could feel her own body heating up, his words arousing, "Maybe later, you can show me just what you did."

He pulled her close, Liana feeling his hands run along the front of her body, cupping her breast playfully. Letting out a soft moan, she smiled sensually.

"Maybe I'll do just that," He teased as she pushed herself back against him, teasing with her ass, "C-Come on now..."

He responded flustered, just like she wanted. Giggling to herself, she pushed him gently away.

"Go set the plates," Liana ordered with a smile, "The food's almost ready, then wake up Kiera."

"Yes, ma'am," Jace chuckled softly, grabbing the plates and glasses for the three of them.

Liana took several breaths to control herself. She had to focus on breakfast, but later she would have some dessert. Glancing in Jace's direction, she eyed him hungrily. He had already set the table and was now leaning over Kiera.

Tucking his hair behind his ear, she watched him speak quietly into Kiera's ear. The next thing she saw amused her. Kiera stretched, reaching up and wrapping her arms around him. She pulled him down for a kiss, staring lovingly into his eyes as she pulled away.

"Morning, lover boy," Kiera teased, not quite aware that Liana was there yet, "Ready for another round?"

Jace's face grew red as his eyes darted towards Liana. "How adorable..." Scratching his cheek, he raised an intrigued eyebrow.

"As much fun as that sounds..." He spoke as he ran a hand along her cheek, down her neck, and to the exposed skin of her chest underneath the robe, "Liana has made breakfast and it's time to eat. I'm sure I can eat later as well."

His inflection of the word "eat" was well known and heard by the both of them. "Th-That boy..." Liana almost fumbled the food from how bold he has gotten. "We may be making a monster..." Liana was glad to see him get over his shyness with them, but this was too much for early morning.

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Kiera shivered under his touch, noticing Liana as they locked eyes. A silent exchange of agreement was made between them. They definitely made him dangerous. A fact neither necessarily hated, but a fact that quickly became apparent.


Selene lamented the work she had to perform. Her battery was running low from lack of seeing Jace. The only consolation was that the work she was doing would create a better life for the both of them. She had planned on seeing Jace immediately after meeting with Briana, Gloria, and Gabriel, but some unexpected work crossed her desk.

She had informed Jace, who said it was okay and to do her best, but she couldn't help but feel impatient. With him growing closer with Kiera, she was now the last to be with him. She wanted to make it special, but things just weren't ready yet.

She had been holding herself back a lot and she wasn't sure how much longer she could wait. However, they say that the fruit is sweeter the riper it grows. As long as she didn't let it rot, everything would be fine.

"Ma'am," A Mercer Agent spoke up, passing over a digital document, "This is the last one. A list of all expenditures for this coming year. I'd like to thank you for all your hard work."

Selene nodded in their direction, scrolling through the document. The agent was a young human woman with dark hair cut short, tan skin, and green eyes. Dressed in a sleek, dark suit as all the agents were. Upon their left lapel was the symbol of the Mercer Family. It was the tree of life with the letter M over it.

"I just want to get to Jace as quickly as possible..." She sighed, thinking of all the work that was still left. Even though this was the last document, there was still something much more important to handle.

"Has Arthur sent any updates?" Selene inquired, making some changes to the budget, continue to scroll through.

"Yes," They responded, "The patient is safe. The hospital has made no moves as of yet."

"And those who attacked her?" Selene continued her questions, squinting at some discrepancies in the budget, "Send an email to the head of Facility Five. Their budget is wrong, and I want answers."

"Yes, Ma'am," They bowed, a screen appearing from their wrist, and with a flick of her wrist, the email was sent, "Email sent. As for the attackers, they were found and dealt with swiftly."

"Good," Selene finished the document and turned towards the woman, "Inform Arthur to ensure Delilah's safety. Nothing is to happen to her, do you understand?"

The agent grew a bit nervous, but nodded.

"How are the preparations going at our hospital?" She asked the agent who pulled up a holographic screen from her arm.

"With the personnel changes, the facility is at sixty-three percent operational," They explained, scrolling down in the document, "We believe that by this time next week, we should be completely operational."

"Hmm..." Selene tapped her fingers upon her desk, contemplating, "I'm already rushing you, but I'd like everything to be done by the end of this week if possible."

"I'm afraid that won't be possible," The agent shifted nervously as Selene looked in her direction, "I'm sorry, I-"

"Don't be," Selene dismissed with a wave of her hand, "I'm not my father. You've done nothing wrong. Is it the regulations I put in place?"

"Yes," They nodded, swiping across the holographic screen to pull up another document, "With the background checks being more in-depth, the process is going to take longer. I will see what we can do. At the very least, we will ensure the patients room is ready before next week."

"That's good news," Selene closed her eyes, leaning back in her chair, "See that it's done as soon as possible. She shouldn't be in that hospital any longer than necessary."

"Sir Arthur will make sure she's kept safe, and treatment is continued," The agent stated confidently, "Please rest assured, we'll get it done."

"Please do," Selene stood, striding towards the door, "If anything happens to her..."

Selene paused by the door, glancing back at the agent. Her eyes flashing purple.

"We understand," The agent bowed deeply, "Thank you for your hard work. Please get some rest."

Selene nodded, leaving the office behind. It was finally time for her to see Jace. It was long overdue, but with the important work out of the way, she had some free time.


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