Love & Obsession: A Neo City Story

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Rising Storm

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Chapter 88:

Rising Storm

Neo City Medical Center. The hospital where Jace's mother, Delilah, was a patient. The only hospital equipped and financed to care for and treat Mana Degeneration. Situated near Pendleton, it was a large complex consisting of three different buildings.

The main building where normal patients were seen. It was a ten-story building with ambulance access. The two auxiliary buildings used for emergency patients and long-term care. These were both twenty stories tall and consisted of landing pads for air vehicles and ambulances.

It was in the long-term care facility that Delilah was in. Within a VIP room on the 17th floor. She was lost in a coma for the past seven years, going on eight. Through his hard work, Sir Jace ensured that she always had her treatment. No matter the cost.

Arthur stood watch valiantly over this frail woman. He was ordered to ensure her safety, because those in power wished to vacate her from the premises. Permanently. "What barbaric people..." Arthur thought to himself as he cleaned his glasses carefully with a cloth.

Arthur wasn't naive to think the world was all roses and sunshine. He knew that the world was a dark place. It was festering with villains of all shapes and sizes. Even so, to think that the director would try to kill one of their own patients. For Arthur, that was unforgiveable.

"Why won't Lady Selene let me kill them?" It would be better to get rid of such a director, but Lady Selene had ordered him to simply watch. So far, no moves had been made. Arthur's agents were situated at various places within this wing of the hospital, and he had eyes on the director at all times.

He would not fail this mission. By his side was the Doctor, Gerard Forester. A dwarf with quite the moral values. In his time at the hospital, Arthur had inquired about him a few times. Speaking with him on occasion. Through this, he learned that Doctor Gerard was a man with high morals and good sense of loyalty.

He was a good doctor who diligently took care of Sir Jace's mother, Lady Delilah. From what Arthur heard, she was a kind, caring, and warm person when she was awake. Despite the state of her body now, Arthur could tell that these words about her were not fabricated.

There was a certain aura to her that he felt. He couldn't quite place it, but it was there. As if just being in her presence was soothing. He found himself looking forward to the day she would awake, and he could see for himself that which other people said about her.

"Sir, the Lady and Sir Jace have arrived," One of his agents informed him, "The Director has been notified that Sir Jace has broken his ban from the hospital and is currently moving this way with heavy guard."

Arthur placed his glasses upon his nose, looking towards Doctor Gerard. He was glancing up from his treatment of Lady Delilah, his eyes full of concern.

"Do not worry, good Doctor," Arthur reassured with a smile, "We will ensure you and Lady Delilah are safe. Marcus, prepare a room for the Lady and Sir Jace. Lead the Director there."

Marcus was an agent of the Mercer Family. A young Elven man with short cropped brown hair and fair skin. He wore the typical sleek, black suit with the crest of the Mercer Family upon his left lapel. His eyes were a keen sky blue.

"Yes, sir," Marcus bowed, "I will see it done. Also, they seem to have brought three others. Two women and a rather large man. I believe the two ladies to be Lady Liana and Lady Kiera, Sir Jace's other lovers. The man we believe to be Sir Balek, Lady Liana's father and Sir Jace's surrogate Father."

"Is that so..." Arthur contemplated.

He had made a mistake before when confronting Sir Jace. Since then, he made sure to do proper research. This time, with Lady Selene's permission. He was informed of their relationships and knew that these were now important people within the family. He couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

"Ensure they receive the best treatment," Arthur ordered, "Consider them to be St.Claires."

"Understood," Marcus saluted and got to work.

Arthur left Doctor Gerard behind as he left the room. Making his way through the hallway of the VIP floor. Mercer Agents moved around quickly as his orders were passed down. This hospital was going to go through some changes very quickly. After all, St.Claire Industries just bought them out.


Jace's mind was focused on several different things. When Selene returned from meeting her friends and work, they spent time discussing his mother's treatment. One of the main topics was moving her to St.Claire Industries personal hospital within New Eden. He couldn't believe it, even though he knew it was a possibility.

It was all thanks to Selene. Jace had dreams of making it big and earning enough to move himself and his mother to New Eden, where he would be able to seek treatment in one of the two facilities there. Empyrean Hospital and St.Claire Hospital. Now, that was becoming reality.

Jace thought back to his first interaction with her. She was disguised as the High Elf, Marian. He blushed at his foolishness back then. He only cared about his mother's wellbeing, and so when he first saw and heard her clinical words, he had grown hostile. It was a foolish first reaction.

He saw beyond that quickly enough. Asking her to care for his mother while he gained the proper funds. Then, after returning and he had his tantrum, it was her who tried to comfort him. She had tried so hard, which was quite adorable. His heart still fluttered thinking about it. Ever since, their lives changed forever.

Things moved quickly, but in the best possible direction. There were many things that could have gone wrong, and many factors that made sure they didn't. His Angels. Liana, Selene, and Kiera. It was because of them.

From his breakdown to the aftercare they gave him. The more he thought about it, the deeper he fell in love with each of them. He admitted that at times, it was a bit stifling, but they meant well. Just like now, with Selene transferring his mother to a better facility.

"Lady Selene, Sir Jace," An Elven Mercer agent with a light, feminine voice bowed as they approached the hospital, "We have prepared a room for you and your guests. If you'll allow me to guide you."

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Selene's hand wrapped around his, standing next to him on his left. Looking over at her, she gave him a small, encouraging smile. "What she said was true, then?" Jace thought as he noticed all the Mercer Agents everywhere.

It was like they had taken over the place. Jace could see, just from the entrance, at least ten agents. They were disguised as patients, visitors, and even nurses. The only one who wasn't, was the one who greeted them. They wore the uniform of a Mercer Agent.

This was the final thing that Jace's mind was preoccupied with. His mother had been attacked. Selene protected her and ordered her people to look after her. This kind of security was reassuring, yet Jace's blood still boiled. When he first found out, he was overcome with bloodlust.

His aura had gone out of control, but thanks to his angels, he was able to calm down enough to start thinking rationally. Almost as if summoned by the thought, Liana stepped up next to him on the right. Wrapping her arm around his, she smiled that beautiful smile. A smile that told him, "Don't worry, we're here for you." It was a smile that eased his heart.

"Thank you," Jace spoke softly, "Let's head inside."

Kiera placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, nodding to him. He returned it appreciatively. At this moment, his eye caught Balek's. He smiled encouragingly. It was the first time all of them got together like this, and Jace knew he had questions. Despite that, he went along with everything admirably.

"Don't worry about me, lad," Balek assured him, "I'll ask my questions later."

"Alright," Jace nodded, and the five of them followed the Mercer Agent inside.

It was quieter than normal. The hospital felt almost abandoned, if not for the patients and medical staff roaming around, Jace would have truly thought it was. There was a heavy atmosphere hanging over everyone's heads.

Selene had told him about the attack on his mother, but there seemed to be more going on. It was as if everyone was on edge and chaos could erupt at even the slightest provocation. "What is going on?" He didn't know if he was being too paranoid or not.

"Selene..." Jace asked as they made their way to the second auxiliary building, "What's with this atmosphere?"

Glancing at him, she was silent for a moment. Her hand tightened around his.

"So, you've noticed?" Selene spoke quietly, sighing as they walked, "Honestly, they all need more training. I asked them to act naturally..."

"Selene, what did you do?" Jace narrowed his eyes at her.

"If you look at me like that..." Selene's ears turned red, a smile curling at her lips, "You know you have a very intense glare. I like it."

"Y-You..." Jace flustered, the tables turned on him, "Damn it...Selene, come on."

"Heh, so cute..." Selene laughed lightly, stopping for a moment in the courtyard between the main building and the second auxiliary building, "Jace, look around."

She motioned around the courtyard and the three hospital buildings. From the top of the buildings to the cement planters filled with flowered bushes.

"After the attack on your mother," Selene explained, "I bought everything. Once that information is known by the Director...we're expecting a fight."

Jace's blood grew cold at the mention of the attack on his mother, but the soothing presence of his angels tempered him. There would be retribution. The news of Selene buying everything was a shock as well. It was almost comical. To say such a thing so casually. Being one of the world's richest was like a different world.

"I see..." Jace gazed up at the sky between the buildings.

The light blue hues of the sky poked through the white clouds. Breathing in, he could smell it. Rain. He liked the rain. A sense of clarity entered him.

He felt a sense of calm come over him. Selene could have handled this alone, but she invited him and everyone else. She had set the stage for him to handle those who dared harm his mother. "She's amazing..." As he watched the sky, the clouds began to turn grey. A single droplet fell upon his face. He smiled.

"Thank you for telling me," Jace turned to everyone, "Let's hurry inside. It's going to rain."


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