Love with Piano

Chapter 2: Chapter 2. He pronounced my name right

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At the front door of Science Class 1, year 2, a tall and thin boy raised his eyebrows.

His white skin was like the light of the first winter snow, and his dark eyes seemed to be able to see through the night. His black and white school uniform was spotless, the folds made by winds were also like ripples on a static pool. A light red lacrimal nevus quietly lay beneath his left eye, like a plain jade plate inadvertently fell a red bean.

“Xunge! I've called you thousands of times, but you didn't answer once!”

Not far away, a boy in a sports vest and a beret ran over, anxiously, and put a hand on his shoulder, said, “Miss Yu is expecting you now.”

“Miss Yu?”

“Ah, Xunge, what’s wrong with your memory? Didn't I tell you yesterday? The math teacher and the leading teacher of our class, Miss Yu!

“Yes, you did.”

Song Xunge turned his face slightly, smiled and said, “Sorry, Gao Ming.”

Gao Ming waved his hand and laughed, “Doesn’t matter, I know, I know, big busy man Song Xunge, aren’t you? Memorising everything on the second day after arrival, recognising all people, meeting the schedule, getting used to girls’ admirations, not to mention being suddenly appointed Minister of Arts…”

“Lead the way.” Song Xunge cut Gao Ming’s line.

They walked along the railing on the south side of the third floor, the afternoon sun shined brightly on the colourful bricks. Down the stairs, from time to time, many girls turned to peek, whispering that this newcomer was as handsome as a painting. If it weren't the red tear mole under his left eye, it would really be like a snowman.

“Well, here it is.”

Gao Ming pointed to the door sign of the office on the east of the second floor, “Bear this in your mind. Our leading teacher, also mathematics teacher Yu Ruyi, chemistry teacher Sheng Songbai, and physics teacher Zhang Xinyi are entrenched in this office, room number, 216.”

“Yes, I see.” Song Xunge nodded, slightly.

“Dinner tonight?” Gao Ming raised his eyebrows and asked.

Song Xunge shook his head.


“I have to go to the Academic Affairs Office.”

“You know the way to that place?” Gao Ming laughed.

“Don’t you worry.”

Song Xunge smiled gently, then opened the office door.

There was only a young female teacher in the 216 office, standing beside the desk and counting a stack of papers.

When she heard the door open, she looked up and saw him, smiling, “Song Xunge, come here!”

“Hello, Miss. Yu.”

“You've been here for two days. Why are you still so nervous? ” Yu Ruyi asked with a smile, “Besides Gao Ming, I don't see you with any other student.”

Song Xunge smiled faintly and replied, “I just came here and don’t adapt to the environment. Gao Ming, I’ve known him since we were children.”

“Oh really?” Yu Ruyi wondered, “Aren't you transferred from the high school in Suzhou? Gao Ming has always been studying in Yannan. How can you two meet in childhood?”

Song Xunge bowed his head and said nothing.

Yu Ruyi waved a hand, said: “Forget it. No matter what, you should communicate with other students more. As for Gao Ming, he is a nice boy and can study well. But after all, he is a sports talent, not same as your future.”

Song Xunge nodded.

Yu Ruyi went on to say, “It's no big deal to find you today. Look, here are two sets of papers, which I specially communicated with the teachers in Suzhou High School and combined with the teaching progress and difficulty in here and tailored for you. If you do it carefully, it will help you transition quickly.”

While saying, Yu Ruyi took out two folded papers from the drawer and put them in front of Song Xunge. “You can ask me for answers when you finish.”

“Thank you, ma’am.”

As the sun drifted west, the lights of the teaching building began to shine brightly. The evening glow was like burning flames, stretching from the west to the east, and the crimson had infected a corner of the sky.

In the early autumn of Yannan city, the atmosphere of summer was just half lost, but the cool breeze had occasionally stricken. The air was gradually diluted and became some dry and cracked, only by the patter of autumn rain in the twilight could add a sense of softy before the coming silence at night.

Yu Yue walked in the cold corridor of the administration building, looking around. He was clutching the math paper he had failed in last week's quiz. What was slung across his shoulder was a sky-blue schoolbag with a dirty little bear dangling from it.

“Academic Affairs Office, AAO…” He muttered to himself, “What? Where on earth is this bloody office!”

He took his cell phone out of his trouser pocket and dialled a number.

“Hello? Lingling? Do you know which floor is the AAO on the administration building? There's not even a ghost here.”

“AAO? It's in a corner of the first floor. Wait, what are you doing there?” Tang Lingling asked on the other end of the phone.

“You knew I’d been admitted to the art department. The bulletin board said to come to AAO this afternoon to collect the offer letter.” Yu Yue said.

“What? Hahahaha!” Tang Lingling laughed loud. “Look at what time it is. It's after school!”

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Yu Yue quickly turned his head to look at the big bell tower behind him, the red and green pointer silently pointing to 7:30.

He sighed and said, “Well, if I had been aware, I would have come to get the letter before I asked my math questions.”

Yu Yue hung up the phone, looked at the school motto “Civilian nature, Elite temperament” on one side of the wall, dejectedly. The dim light immersed half of his face into yellow.

When he was about to leave, he suddenly saw a corner of the corridor after a slight light.

“It seems not all are off duty after all.”

As he spoke, he crept over and saw an open door. Academic Affairs Office, the three characters was clearly hanging on the door.

“Ah! How lucky I am!” Yu Yue laughed in his heart.

However, when Yu Yue was about to open the door and say hello, the door opened from the inside first, and wend straight into his face.


He shouted, and fell backward a few steps. When he opened his eyes again, he saw an unknown face in front of him, also surprised.

“Is everything all right?”

What? It was you who hit me, and now you are asking me if I am okay? Heck! Yu Yue complained in his heart.

In a trance, Yu Yue saw that boy in front of him stretching out his hand to him. He rolled his eyes, neglected that hand and jumped up.

“Why are you so reckless! I don't wanna get so excited about getting an offer that I'll knock my nose out of shape!” Yu Yue angrily complained.

The boy withdrew his hand, nodding, "Sorry, classmate."

“Song, what's going on outside?” A male teacher's voice wafted from the office.

“It's all right, Director Liu.” The boy turned inward and shut the door behind him.

“Oh, don't close it, don't close it! I’m also coming to...”

“Here you are.” The boy smiled.

He took out a red book he was carrying under his arm and presented it to Yu Yue.

“You have come to get this?”

Yu Yue froze for a moment, took over the red book, and looked at it carefully.

“Oh, yeah, it's mine. But, how do you...”

“Director Liu said that this one was not taken away yet, and it happened to belong to a member of my department, so it was handed over to me.” The boy said.

“Oh, thanks... So, are you a new member of art department too?” Yu Yue was puzzled.

“Yes.” The boy smiled faintly, and turned to walk on.

He’s in the same department as me. Yu Yue thought to himself, and his displeasure was dissolved in half.

As the boy was going to go far, Yu Yue quickly ran over to catch up with, “Why do you come so late too? Is it for the same reason as mine? Failing the quiz?”

While Yu Yue was saying, he raised his paper to that boy’s face.

The boy did not look at Yu Yue’s paper, and slowly said no.

Together, they pushed the glass door of the administration building, and the flames in the sky had gone out.

“Then let's meet each other,” Yu Le stopped and said, “after all, in the future, we will work together in the same department. Like the saying, ‘no fight no acquaintance’, hope we can make good mates.”

Yu Yue grinned and said, “My name is...”

“Yu Yue.”

The boy also stood still, turned around and looked at Yu Yue, smiling.

A gust of wind blowed, a few pieces of ginkgo biloba silently fell, and gently brushed in Yu Yue’s bangs.

“How do you, how do you know...”

“I read your offer letter,” the boy smiled, “Yu Yue, welcome to the Department of Arts of Student Union.”

He bowed his head slightly, letting the dark golden sunset flowing down his hair, but not as clear as to let Yu Yue see his eyes.

He turned, left in silence.

“I meant to ask...” Yu Yue stood in place, recovered from his surprise, and said to himself, “how do you know my name, is pronounced yue...”

Yu Yue even forgot to ask that boy’s name.

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