Luna System

Chapter 10: Chapter – 10

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'It was last week when my world crumbled upside down and I changed. Before this I was a depressed teenage boy who had lost too much in my life, hanging  barely by a string from the chains of society to pull me in the pit of absolute despair and loneliness.' thought Atticus whilst sitting in the church room on the desk. His eyes set upon 'God'.

'It was last Sunday when I killed those vermin to save another one of there kind, I was asking Luna about the likeability of everyone I thought had loved me.' thought Atticus as his eyes darted away from god and he faced the ceiling. 

'It was then, when I asked her about my so called 'grandmother'. I found out that her love for me was at... *gulp* a-at  -12%. Yeah she hated me, she was using me as a means to acquire wealth and support in her old age. She was apparently very good at putting up a front, and faking her love for me.' thought Atticus with darkened eyes, his chin up high and back leaned upon the church's chair. A drop of tear fell from his right eye, went through his cheek down to the neckline. His shoulders were drooping and arms on his seat.

"You fucked me didn't you? You took my mom away and she loved me... You took my dad away cause he loved me. And the only hope you gave me... the sole string I was hanging by was fake." mumbled Atticus for first time since he entered the church, his voice soft but clear.

Atticus stood up, wiped his eye, licked his lips turned around and left an empty church behind.

Atticus was standing still with his hands in his jeans staring straight ahead while he waiter for his floor to arrive in the lift. 

*Yawn* 'didn't get a lot of sleep last night' thought Atticus when the lift stopped at the '7th' floor and he went to room number '704'. He stood in front of his door, stared straight ahead for a few minutes after which he took out his keys and 'chunk' the door was unlocked. 

*Gulp* 'She is here ahead of time. I need to act properly again if I really want any love.' thought Atticus as his heart almost jumped out of his chest and his legs shaking wildly in his boots. His shaking hands grabbed the door handle with a weak grip so much that it took him both hands to open the door.

The door opened ever so slightly but every moment of it seemed like hell for Atticus. Every second passed like a minute each moment slowly unraveling itself and what awaited him was nothing but silence. Silence of an empty room with no sound, not even the winds were hearable in this place. Yet Atticus was able to hear it clearly. The sound of his heart beating wildly like a drum, *Thump!* *Thump!* His chest going up and down steadily.

He went in with heavy steps that he didn't wished to take and went straight to his room not having the courage to even turn around and close the door to the apartment.

If he would have turned around he would have seen a gorgeous women in a ladylike black dress, the women stood tall, naturally revealing the aura of authority and prestige around her. Her sword like eyes watching every move of Atticus attentively while her covered by a veil. 

This women was Lily Garcia, also known popularly as 'The Underground Queen of Ambrosia'. Her name was notorious in the criminal world for rising from a position of  a bastard in the Garcia family to that of it's Head killing everyone in the way with carefully planned schemes and conspiracy.

Yet at this moment Lily's eyes were tense and if one could see behind the veil they would see a clenched jaw, slight frown in her eyebrows. her right hand tightened in a fist as she watched every moment of Atticus since he came out of the elevator.

'I really shouldn't have killed in front of him...

Why did I gave myself to wrath!?

You are reading story Luna System at


Why ?

WHY!!? '

She questioned herself repeatedly and kept questioning herself for a good 3 minutes till she came back to herself. In this 3 minutes her facial expression changed multiple times. 

Right now what stood there was a beautiful women with her hands covering a blushing face and waist bent do slightly. She was blushing down to her neck. The graceful image of a women displayed few minutes ago displaying dominance and control was nowhere to be seen and now it looked more like a teenage girl in first love .

'How should I approach him, he will definitely freak out! Should I just use dominance or should I try to be sympathizing with him instead' thought Lily.

'What if he rejects my offer?

What if he started to cry?

What if he faints?'

'Should I just force it upon him' 

After pondering about her approach for another good amount of time she gritted her and bit her fingernails.

'I really really shouldn't have killed in front of him. It was a huge blunder on my part'

'Ahh why did I do it should have taken the slow approach... I am lucky he is an orphan otherwise it would have been so much more difficult. I would have had to get them killed in a car accident or something' thought Lily after which there was a confident look in her eyes, her hands returned to normal position, his figure straightened again.

'I will first be peaceful and if that doesn't work... I will force it upon him' thought Lily as she proceeded to knock at Atticus' door.

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