Luna System

Chapter 9: Chapter – 9

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Atticus was sitting on his bed his legs touching the floor, arms on his knees gazing at the waning moon. After staring at it for a few minutes he laid on his bed and was now looking at the roof mindlessly.

"Why didn't she came to return the phone?" asked Atticus looking at his roof, laying down with his arms behind his head. 

[She is busy for this week at least, she needs to figure out all the traitors among her ranks using her brother, clear the mess made at the dam and also need to get rid of everyone involved in her kidnapping as well. All this while remaining hideous.]

"It seems tough to be a gang leader" said Atticus nonchalantly. 

'You realize the value of things when you lose them. Now that I don't have my phone, I really want one' thought Atticus .

*sigh* 'Well I at least have my laptop with my email in it, if I had my email linked in my phone than I wouldn't have been able to even see my high school result'

On the table beside Atticus there was a laptop on which a mail was on display. The email was from Ambrosia exam committee and Atticus got selected in Norton public high school. 

'It's not a terrible school, but not among the top ones either. It lies in the middle and have stayed there for a long time' 

Having nothing to do without his phone Atticus decided to watch some TV to kill time. He Stood up and moved towards his living room, Sat on the sofa and turned the tv on.

"Allister Elverson and his family has seen a all time fall in there company causing it to become lose it's place in the top 10 on the Forbes list. Our experts say 'if the company's worth keep declining at this the public of Ambrosia will be affected. Lets ask Mr. Elverson's Manager what he has to say for this situation" The lady passed her mic to a middle ages man.

"It's true that our Company is facing some issues at the current time but the public need not to worry about it. As our company's first priority is to ensure the safety of public's money. We are pulling the utmost efforts in avoiding such situation and move forward i-"

'The Elverson family, they run most business in Ambrosia and is one of the top dogs in the world. They control Banking, Infrastructure and Education in majority of our country. There are rumors of them trying to step in other areas but they have no evidence to back them up.'

[A Target has been selected for the host]

[Initializing… .. Scanning The Target's consciousness]

[A mission has been Assigned to the host.]

[Description - Top The Elverson Family High School Entrance Exam.

Difficulty - F  (T\N - With {Intelligence} it is super easy.)

Reward - 0.3 points in looks ]

Atticus's eyes were reflecting the television screen in them, as it was the only source of light in his living room. But Atticus' focus was not on the television, In fact it was on a screen that only he can see in this whole world. 

'So, the second one is a normal high schooler eh.'

[I wouldn't call her normal]

Atticus squinted his eyes at these words

'It isn't some rich man's daughter no?'

You are reading story Luna System at

'Show me her status panel'

[Name - Serina Elverson

Age - 16

Looks - 9/10

Description - Daughter of Elverson Family head.

Special Talent- {Negotiation}{Management}{Marketing}{Intelligence}

Likeability  - 0%]

Looking at this display Atticus frowned and thought  'this is getting too dangerous at this point'

[Is it? didn't you went against a life and death situation this morning, and it is nowhere near dangerous than being the beloved of Lily Garcia.]

'Yes but Lily is master of herself, while this girl is definitely bound by her family.'

[That's the problem with your mentality. Her being bound by her family is our advantage instead! think about it, she can fall for you and still can't express her feelings, while Lily is free and can come knocking at your door at this very second. Besides it will be more fun to watch the treasured daughter of Elverson house to fight for freedom in order to marry a orphan no?]

After hearing those words Atticus' heart began to thump faster with a slight shiver in his spine.

'Yes, It will be so much fun!' thought Atticus while giggling like a maniac his face facing the room and body laid on the sofa.

'Daughter of one of World's richest man is now my plaything, hah now this is entertainment'

'I wonder if she will try to buy me... Or maybe I should sell myself and run to Lily saying how I was tricked! and to Serina I will appear kidnapped!'

'I can cause wars, chaos and so much bloodshed' 

' And Why not , this world never loved me no one, NO ONE  instead they trampled over my emotions and decided to use me as their plaything. Now its my time to have some fun with them.' thought Atticus whilst grinning and laughing the whole time with a cold evil glint in his eyes.

After a while Atticus pulled himself to reality again. His eyes emotionless and expressionless.

'I should apply for the entrance exam before it's the deadline. Also need to buy a phone' thought Atticus before getting up and moving at the direction of his room.



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