Luna System

Chapter 12: Chapter – 12

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The warm and soothing sun rays were peeking threw different house's various windows. In one such window, one can a see a boy... probably 16 or 17 years old. His eyes were still, his hands on a grinder *creak* *creak* . The boy glanced at the old school clock behind him. 'It takes so long to just grind the beans can't I just use the readymade ones? '

[You can. Who is stopping you? For all I know you can even use shit instead.] 

' *huh* I get it... But I never expected mom's hobby of collecting antiques will one day be beneficial to me. ' said the boy looking at the grinder as his hands stopped and he took the coffee powder from the tray and placed it in a plate besides two others with more coffee powder in them. If one looked closely they can see that all three powders had different textures. 

After placing the powder in the tray he proceeded to turn of the electric stove on which there was kettle filled with water. He glanced at the clock and placed the kettle water in the glass to preheat it... Waves of steam gushed out of the water as soon as the boy opened the kettle's lid . As minutes passed Atticus glanced at the clock beside him and drained all the water from the jar. 

After pre-heating the glass, he started adding coffee powder into the jar. He added different amount of all three coffee powders. Next he poured in hot water , placed the strainer on and gently pressed it. A visible layer of coffee powder could be seen getting separated from the strainer slowly. After all this he filtered the coffee and beautifully presented it in a cup.

'How is it?'

[Not my job to tell.]

On the living room sofa in Atticus' apartment was sitting a women, her spine straight,  right leg crossed on top of the left one , head held high , chin resting on her right hand, half-open eyes looking in front with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw.

'What's taking him so long!'

'I Hope He is not scared of me.'

'Should I go there and check on him, I.. It won't seem weird if I show care for him will it?'

'Ahh! What do youngsters like these days! maybe I should have bought a gift. Damn it, why didn't I thought of it before!'

Lily stood up, walked towards the kitchen,  stopped midways, turned back and sat down again. 

10 minutes passed....

 *tap* tap* Lily was sitting, fidgeting her legs. She turned her head towards the kitchen's direction and then looked back at front her again. She was constantly licking her lips, left hand massaging her forehead.

'I need to check on him now!'

Lily was about to stand up again when she heard light footsteps. *thump* *thump*In the silence these footsteps can be clearly heard. Hearing the footsteps she sat down again and positioned herself.

Atticus came out of the kitchen, a tray with a cup in his hand. Pure White steam could clearly be seen gushing out of the cup dispersing slowly in the air spreading the aroma throughout.

As the aroma peeked it's way into Lily's nostril, her eyes slightly widened. Head turned, her gaze fixed on the cup. She had that coffee before and was dying to have it again. Old memories flushed her head as the cup started to come closer. 

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"W-What happened?"

"W-Why are you crying Big Sister? Do you not like this coffee"

"N-No I-I.... It's nothing " replied Lily as she wiped the slight tear drop that escaped from her right eye.

"If you don't like it I will go make something else." Said Atticus as he stopped midway, his gaze fixed on Lily. Awaiting an answer.

"N-NO!" exploded Lily as she stood up before composing herself and adding  with a smile "I like it very much instead. Please excuse my rude behavior"

"O-Okay." said Atticus.

He placed the cup on the table in front of lily, making as little noise as possible and sat down in right in front of her.

Lily's eyes were fixed on cup in front of her. She could smell the aroma clearly at this moment. It was the same, no doubt about it. She picked up the cup ready to taste it. Her heart was unstable, what if it tastes different, it wasn't made by her so it should taste different No?.

For you and me it was just a cup of coffee, maybe with a unique taste which some like and some don't but for Lily it was an emotion. The nostalgia she had the moment she took a sip was inexplicable. She was back at the mansion of Garcia family, the kitchen alone can fit few dozens of people. She saw her mother with the same silly smile on her face. She was , cheated, mistreated, abused, faced torment of official wives and envy of maids every day yet was always smiling. She had two children that weren't hers alone, yet she took care of both of them by herself. That silly smile on that beautiful face! How can I forget it! How can I forget it!

Atticus saw how Lily was lost in her own world at this moment. Streams of tears flowing down those beautiful eyes. Her posture as graceful as before but her mind was in her own turmoil of thoughts.

Atticus stood up took a handkerchief out of his pocket, and started walking slowly towards Lily. Tears were continuously flowing down her eyes creating a visible path from her cheek down to her neck. She didn't notice Atticus' movement. Nor the change in his expression, she was lost, lost in her past and she wanted to stay there.

Atticus sat beside her, his right hand made contact with her face. The contact broke Lily out, She turned her head with wide eyes and arched and looked at the boy beside her. The boys eyes were soft, breathing stable and hands gently wiping her tears.

"I know how it feels"

"To live all alone in this world"

"You live but there's no life in it. You breathe yet you have no one to breathe for. You possess yet you have no one to give. You always have to be someone else, someone who you aren't." said the boy with a smile on his face.

"You can be yourself to me.

You don't have to fake it anymore "

[11% likeability gained from target 1]

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