Luna System

Chapter 13: Chapter – 13

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'I will miss this place.' thought Atticus. 

A suitcase in his hands with his belongings packed inside of it. his shoulders were drooping and eyes were lifeless. He was standing in front of his apartment door with his back facing the exit gazing the apartment inside out.

'Atticus! did you touch mommy's pocket watch again!?' the voice was of a women, she had brown hair, blue eyes,  olive skin.

'Mom... I was just playing with it!' replied a boy, he had brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin.

'How many times have I told you to not touch my collections dear.'

'I saw it in the Sherlock Holmes movies mom, Dr. Watson looked cool with this pocket watch. So, I wanted to use it....I-I am sorry mom. I didn't mean to make you angry.'

'It's alright dear, I am sorry instead, I yelled at you, Ahh~ I am behaving like a little girl. '

'You never said sorry to me' the voice came from the dining room table. A man was sitting on it. Face hidden behind the newspaper that he was reading.


'N-nothing' stuttered the man and dropped the newspaper, he had black hair, brown eyes and fair skin.

Atticus was smiling faintly, his his shoulder leaning on the door sill, arms crossed, one leg straight and other slightly bent. His heart felt warm for first time in god knows how many days. 

after a few minutes staying like this he closed his eyes and stayed like that for a while after which he opened them up and thought.

'What do we love?'

'Is it people?'

'Or is it memories?'

'A person can smile in the darkest of his times if he has enough heartwarming memories, if he can than why do they we say we love people?'

Atticus pondered about the mysteries of people and love till a slender hand approached his shoulder. This bought him out of his trance and he turned his head sideways, he saw Lily, eyes glossy and a slight smile on her face. 

"I know it's hard to leave your house behind, You don't only leave a building but you leave behind the memories. The remainders of your parents, your childhood, everything. " said Lily after which she added

"But believe me Attics, We will make such or even better memories together. Now that... now that.... we are a family" said Lily, blushing, s strange smile on her face, her right hand holding a document in her hands on which one could see Atticus's signature.

Hearing Lily's words Atticus' eyes drooped and rose up with a strange light it. His slight smile turned into a wide genuine one coming straight out of his heart. He head turned up, eyes met Lily's and he said

"We will, We will make better ones. Now that we are family of course... Big Sister"

When Lily heard him call her 'Big Sister' she flinched, the grip around the document she was holding tightened, eyes wandering away trying to break eye contact, an awkward smile covering her face and a drop of sweat visible on her forehead.

"Y-Yes, N-Now that you have packed your bag let's move to the Garcia mansion." replied Lily.

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"Okay " said Atticus as he took a deep breath, gave one last look to home and locked the door.

When Atticus came down he saw a lavish black Bugatti in front of him. A man wearing black glasses and a black suit opened up the door for Lily and he got in behind her. 

The inside of the car were nothing short of his expectations. Now he understood why rich people like to spend so much on cars. The inside of this car was just magnificent. Lily's eyes didn't missed these details and she said

"Do you like this car? I can gift it to you if you want."

Hearing these words Atticus shifted his focus to the women in front of him, his eyes darted up, his body moved back slightly after which he swallowed his saliva and said

"N-No, I don't need it."

Looking at his reaction Lily's upper body moved closer to Atticus' , her chin resting on her hands as she scanned Atticus upside down and said in a teasing tone

"Really but looking at you It doesn't seem like you don't want it."

hearing these words Atticus' eyes darted sideways and his jaw clenched.

"Is this why you marr- *Hum* excuse me please. Is this why you became my little brother. " said lily as her hand caressed Atticus' face starting up from his temple down to his chin as she forced him to look straight into her eyes.

Pearls of tears formed in Atticus' eyes as he  bit his lower lip and said

"I-I *sob* I really did not. I-I just.. *sob*. just"

Looking at the scene in front of him Lily's heart bled. The elegance she was showing till now all gone, her eyebrows waggling, pupils dilated as she let go of Atticus' chin.

'Shit! I took it too far! What to do now?! I just wanted to tease him a little bit!'

Streams of shiny tears were gushing out of Atticus' eyes, the tears were rolling from his chins dropping on the cars' seat. he wasn't crying, just sobbing waves of tears.

'Toughen it up Lily, this is the time to be bold and get close to him or else he might just be your brother forever!'

saying this to herself Lily moved, sat beside Atticus and hugged him lightly. Atticus' head was on her chest as whispered lightly said "I am sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you, I was just teasing you a little."

Atticus on the other hand was completely caught off guard by this stunt she just pulled. After she said those things his hands subconsciously moved in front of him to push her aside and create some distance between them. He was blushing down to his neck so much that he looked like a human tomato. After pushing her aside he looked away and said

"I-I-Its a-alright"

Looking at his behavior Lily's eyes flicked with a strange light, a wide grin plastered on her face. her right hand moved forward in Atticus' direction but stopped midways as she thought

'No Not now lily. The right time will come and it will come very soon.'  

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