Luna System

Chapter 15: Chapter – 15

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'How did I perform back there? Luna?' asked Atticus laying on the big bed covered in red sheets,  body half inch shoved into the mattress , hands behind his head, eyes fixed on the ceiling.

[It was... Alright for the first time I guess.]

Hearing this his eyebrows frowned, eyes squinted, he got up and asked

'what do you mean?'

[If you want my rating... it will be a solid 7 out of 10]

'7!? didn't I handle the situation pretty well though? I managed to escape from both getting married, and from getting captured.'

[You think you handled it 'Pretty well'?. Well than tell me... how do you plan on going to Elverson high school? or do you not want the next girl?]

Atticus flipped over, and fell from the bed, one question was enough to leave him flabbergasted.

'Will she let me go? No way! The moment I signed that paper my freedom was gone! Now I have a guardian! Although it was a marriage agreement... I am not supposed to know that. If I don't ask for her permission and she finds out I knew it was a marriage contract... NO! I can't let that happen, god knows what she'll do to me!!'

[You're thinking way too far ahead. You really think you can leave this place? You are literally a 'caged canary'. You think just because you tricked her into having a temporary sibling relationship instead of a married one it's safe for you? You can't leave this place without her knowing it, that's a fact. She already has more than a dozen people specially for keeping an eye on you.]

'Fuck I underestimated the 56% percent likeability... Than what? you have a plan?'

[Nope. use your head, I will step in when needed.]

'Damn it! Should I just ask her?... There were cases of likeability in between 50 and 60 percent before no?... She might let me go.' thought Atticus as his eyes brightened up before being interrupted by Luna.

[Again your thinking is wrong. In the previous cases the likeability was in between family members, that too with close family members. And it grew up slowly for many years. They had to endure multiple hardships like financial crisis, wars, and situation you won't believe someone could be in , but at the end they all still put there loved ones above them, they were more than willing to risk there everything for them. On the other hand In Lily's case it was like she woke up one day and Bang! I am in love~]

'*sigh* Y-you're right, loving someone at 56% overnight is just insane, and we are not even family members. Most of the likeability I got was from {Charm}. She must be thinking I am her soulmate or something... Aargh! what do I do! There's no way she is letting me, the sole person she cares for leave.'

[Your thinking is wrong again *sigh* let me give you an advice then , you are taking her love for you as a liability instead think of it as an asset.]

'her love as an Asset...' thought Atticus holding his chin with his right hand, head slightly down, eyes closed.

After staying like this for couple of minutes his eyes opened up with a new light in them his hand clenched into a fist and a light smile on his face.

'I got it! I have a perfect plan! All I need to do is make her know that I am trying my hardest to get into Elverson high school, no I will show her that I am! And then I'll fail that damn exam!!!,  Yes I will fail it! The moment she will look at her depressed and heartbroken 'little brother' she will try her best to get me what I want and get close to me after all how can she miss a chance to gain my love. She will use the Garcia family's influence and money to get me in that high school. All willingly!'

[ …That might work. But what about the mission I gave you?]

You are reading story Luna System at

'Show me the active missions' thought Atticus while frowning

[Following are the Active missions assigned to the host.]

[Description - Top The Elverson Family High School Entrance Exam.

Difficulty - F

Reward - 0.3 points in looks ]

'*Ugh* if I fail the exam I will fail the mission. maybe if I can show that I topped yet couldn't be admitted... No that will require a lot of planning. The Elverson family won't do that without a reason, So I'll need to give them one...' Atticus kept thinking like this for some time after which he made up his mind and decided.

'*sigh* It's too dangerous... I already am hanging by a string I can't afford to take a risk. There's no other choice... I'll have to give up on the mission.'

*Knock* *Knock*

Someone knocked at Atticus' room causing his head to turn in that direction. Atticus stood up, adjusted his clothes and walked towards the door. He opened the door and in front of him was an old man in a butler's uniform.

'He must be the butler assigned to me, and her spy as well.' thought Atticus the moment he laid his eyes upon the old man.

The old man had groomed white hair, properly trimmed white beard  and a face full of wrinkles. He was standing there with a straight spine that bowed down the moment Atticus came and said "I welcome Young master Atticus into out family, I am Ryan, Your personal butler."

"O-Okay, You don't really need to bow sir"

"Thank you young master for your generosity but it is my duty as a butler, I just came to inform you that the family dinner will be at 8:00 PM daily"

"O-Okay I will be there and... Um W-who else will be there Uncle Ryan?"

Hearing this question Ryan raised an eyebrow and looked at Atticus for a few seconds before replying "U-Um Except you Lady Garcia will be there young sir."

Hearing this Atticus' eyes widened and eyebrows arched and he said "What about the other family members?"

"T-There are no other family members sir... m-may I leave now?" asked Ryan not wanting to continue this conversation.

"Y-Yes" replied Atticus

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