Luna System

Chapter 14: Chapter – 14

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The Bugatti stopped in front of a mansion. This mansion was easily the biggest one Atticus had ever seen in his life. His little apartment was nothing in comparison to the one in front of his eyes. His brown eyes were reflecting a building covered in golden lights coming from old style lamps attached on the walls, glowing out of the blue in the pitch black night. There was an artificial pond right in front of the mansion, The mansion's golden light and medieval build was being reflected in the clear water.

'How does she justify all this earning in front of the government?' thought Atticus as he stood there with his mouth agape.

Lily saw his expression and chuckled lightly, her bodyguard came and opened the car door as he bowed slightly and made way for Lily. When Atticus saw Lily step out of the car he followed right behind her.

A few minutes passed and the two of them were now standing inside a very lavish room, this one room was half as big as Atticus' whole apartment. The walls were painted in artistic designing that seemed Roman, A king size bed covered in red sheets stood magnificently at the center of the room. there were two vintage looking wooden almirahs beside each other along the righthand side wall and the left hand had a window, in front of the window there were two vintage chair and a couch with a table at the center.

Overall, this room was giving the vibe of upper-class in medieval period of Europe. Everything here was luxurious, there were lamps all around the room instead of the modern LEDs.

"This'll be your room from now on little brother. If you need anything just ring the bell at your table and someone will come for your help." said Lily as she pointed towards a bell on the table.

"My room is right beside yours, so if you ever want to see me... you can come." she continued with a light blush on her face, eyes darting sideways.

"O-Okay... big sister" replied Atticus, his eyes wandering throughout the room, captured by the grandeur of  high class not paying attention to the women beside her.

Looking at this a frown appeared on Lily's face.

'He will need time to get accustomed to these things... *sigh* I also have a lot of work to do.' thought Lily as she decided to ignore it and part ways.

"Then....We will meet at the family dinner table tonight little brother." she said as she left the room.

Inside his new room Atticus was laying on the king size bed staring at the ceiling.

'Who did this room belonged to, Luna?' 

[This room belonged to the previous family head's official spouse host and the one right beside it to the now dead family head.]

'*sigh* How can I forget I am her husband now, legally at least.'

(A/N: In Ambrosia, you can sign marriage contracts and become fiancé at 16 but need to be 18 to get married.)

'but I never expected that 45% likeability will cause one to come knocking at a minor's door with a marriage contract in hand.'

[A good likeability between couples is 30 to 40 percent and most don't even exceed 35! given that it gets harder to increase it with each percentage, Her behavior is natural.]

"It's too early for me to get married *sigh*. Well I didn't had much choice either." thought Atticus as he lazily rolled on the comfortable bed, paying no heed to the fact that it belonged to a dead person. After a few rolls he got bored and began recalling the incident in the morning.

Lily was sitting on his living room couch eyeing down Atticus who was sitting right in front of her.

"First of all, I would like to thank you for saving my life, but I am not someone who lives indebt to a person. To repay you for what you have done, I looked into you and found out about your parents' tragic death."

"Your mother died of cancer at the age of seven and father martyred in the Ambrosian army."

"You live all alone, have no friends and survive on your father's war pension."

"And After careful consideration I have decided to provide you with what you lack the most... a family... with me"

hearing these words Atticus' eyes slowly darkened, his jaw clenched, he looked around left and right, took deep breaths in occasional period of times and said " I am sorr-"

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"I don't take no for an answer, Atticus" said Lily cutting him off mid-sentence.

"Here are the papers in front of you... sign them." said Lily as she placed a pen on top of a paper and started staring at Atticus again.

Atticus was staring at the pen and paper placed on the table but this whole time he was having a conversation with Luna.

[A marriage contract is about to be imposed on the host by the first target]

'Can I decline?'

[If you want to get reverse raped.]

'What if I sign it?'

[Congratulations on your marriage!]

'What to do then!? You're my guardian tell me something at least!.'

[Use your head. You don't really need me for this situation, you have {Intelligence}]

Hearing these words Atticus decided to calm down and think, after thinking for a while amidst Lily's talking he got it!

Lily slammed the pen and paper on the table, he looked straight into her eyes and smiled, picked up the pen and signed the paper with it.

Looking at Atticus sign the paper Lily's head tilted lightly, a strange smile on her face, it wasn't wide enough for a grin and wasn't as light as a regular smile. Her heart was beating wildly almost leaped out of her chest, her breathing ragged and uneven, blushing visible on her face.

After signing the document Atticus looked sideways , blushing,  and said with a smile "So... q-we are siblings now"

Hearing these words a frown appeared on Lily's face replacing seconds after with arched eyebrows and widened eyes.

'Don't Fuck with me!'

'He didn't read the document!'

'Fuck! He thinks these are adoption papers!' 

'What to do now? should I just tell him no way he'll feel cheated!'

After thinking about the situation for a while Lily came to a conclusion

'It doesn't matter... We are legally married anyways.'

'I can use this to get close to him and make him fall for me.'

'Than he himself will come running after me.'

"Alright then little brother, pack your things... I'll come pick you up tomorrow." said Lily to Atticus with a light smile.

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