Luna System

Chapter 3: Chapter – 3

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The Highway of Norton city is one of the busiest highway in Ambrosia Country. Amidst the many cars on this highway one was being used for a kidnapping.

The person driving this car was a man dressed in black with black sunglasses on him. From a normal person's perspective he would appear to be the perfect example of a 'Bodyguard'.

On the back seat of the car sat a woman, The woman had her hands and legs tied up and mouth gagged. She had perfect curves, fair skin, Blue eyes, Long dark eyelashes, Glossy lips and long beautiful black hair. The woman had a calm expression on her face and was pondering for a way to escape from this predicament.

"There's no need to waste your energy on useless thoughts, you're not going to escape" said the Driver before injecting her with anesthesia.


I woke up in a Dark place barely lit tied up to a bed. After waking up the first thing I saw was a familiar face. It was the leader of second biggest Gangs in Ambrosia, First one being mine. How can I forget his ugly face. He was looking at me with lust in eyes with his ugly drooling mouth. It makes me wonder how can a lecherous bastard like him who has no qualities can lead a gang without facing a coup.

"I can finally have you 'The Underground Queen' Lily Garcia all for myself." said the man with a ecstatic expression on his face.

Hearing his words my expression turned worse, I truly hated myself for being caught in such a situation, 'Where did it all went wrong and how did he got to me?' I couldn't help but wonder.

"For, how long I had to wait, Countless schemes and conspiracies which lead to no result, after all you were so cautious in everything you did."

'Yes I was cautious in everything I did, everything was under my control, so how? when?… who?' Such thoughts were running through my mind

"But, The one mistake you made was trusting you own little brother! Yes he was the one who caused all this, in fact we had a deal in which your brother will let me run the illegal drugs market of Norton city and in return I will have you killed. After that your is death becomes known all you subordinates will naturally turn to him as there new leader, Since he was the one you had most trust in, Oh. poor you!"

Hearing his words I felt a string of emotions run through my body. In which there was wrath, guilt, grief and regret. I felt wrath at my brother for betraying my love, guilt that I couldn't educate him well enough, regret at my self for letting this happen and grief at myself that I Lily Garcia will die such a meaningless death after being assaulted by a ugly lecherous bastard.

"This is indeed a perfect plan, all we needed was you with your guard down, which you had in front of your brother" said that bastard as he started to come close to me.

"Now I shall enjoy your body myself first no, after all it was truly a waste for someone as beautiful as you running the Underground world. Women like you should leave such positions to men like myself and just stay beneath our foot for scrapes and leftovers" Said the man as he kept closing with a malicious grin on his face.

With each step he took, each word he spoke my face distorted, anger and bloodthirst were the only emotions in my heart right now, So much I wanted to tear him apart and rip him to pieces.

"You know, there are many more opportunities you can have with me as your ally than your enemy, I can give you much more than just the drug market" I said trying my luck.

"To think one day Lily Garcia 'the underground queen' will come as low as my level to offer a degenerate like me a deal" said the man with sarcasm in his words and mockery in his eyes

"But, It isn't about the business, you see it's much more PERSONAL now, after all the disgrace and humiliation I suffered because of you!. But, today I will take my revenge with your body, Not just me there are many ugly old men waiting in line to ravish your body." said the man with an angry expression turning to a wide grin.

" A pity I can't keep you forever and will have to kill you after breaking you thoroughly."

Hearing his words I felt my body going numb and hatred spewing in my heart. 'Is there anything I can possibly do to get out of this situation? I will be ravished before death losing my Chasity to these demons. Hah, could there be a sadder ending to this story mine, maybe there could'. I said as last bit of hope left in my eyes vanquished and what was left was lifeless empty eyes with no emotions in them.

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The risen sun shone softly on the city streets, bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity. I was running just like many others, with a mask on my face because I don't like to get noticed. It was just like any other morning, me running just my way to escape reality, although it stopped working after some time. So, I started running faster and faster and faster and till I collapsed.

After just a few minutes I was gasping for air beneath an Old Oak tree when I heard Luna speak

[A Target's been selected for Host]

[Initializing… .. Scanning The Target's consciousness]

[Would you like to see Target's description?}

"Yes" I said nonchalantly

[Name - Lily Garcia

Age - 26

Looks - 9/10

Description - Underground Queen of Ambrosia

Special Talent - {Leadership}{Planning}{Execution}{Manipulation}

Infatuation - 0%]

[A Mission's been assigned to the Host]

[ Description - Save Lily Garcia from her predicament.

Attitude - Innocent Meek Boy.

Difficulty - C

Rewards - {Charm LV 2}{Close-Combat LV 1}{Intelligence LV1}]

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