lupus devorator

Chapter 3: marcus (1)

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spirits, what are spirits? nobody knows, humanity has been trying for a long time to find the reason for the existence of these, so much is the curiosity that even with the bad relationship of humans with other races, they have come to the help of these, but they could not find much more than what what they got for themselves

Hundreds and hundreds of years passed without that answer, one day a theory emerged that is accepted today since it is the one that makes the most sense and the one that explains the qualities of the spirits that usually vary from user to user, although many times they appear identical spirits

The theory spoke that the spirits are the manifestation of the human soul, the talent, the personality, their elemental affinities and other things affect the spirit of the person, this theory is the one that is most believed, but still cannot explain why there are people who do not have spirits, this is a case that occurs very rarely but no answer has yet been given to this.

text belonging to the book "the spirits and their origin" by U.simon

A couple of kilometers from the capital of the kingdom of Ultrik there was a forest through which the road to the fortress city of Siuvak passed, forests were always dangerous places where monsters lived, monsters that no one with experience would like to fight or see, but there are always people who are willing to go through this dangerous place

the silence of the dangerous forest was broken by the sound of battle, monsters and humans were fighting, screams and roars, the noises of meat being cut and torn could be heard everywhere on the battlefield, this scenario lasted for a while, after for a while the noise ceased, neither humans nor beasts were heard, it had been in a tie, no one was victorious since they all died

The battlefield was full of both human and monster bodies, among the human bodies, there were some who wore shiny metal armor that was full of blood and holes and scratches, others only wore a piece of worn and torn clothing on their feet. and hands had chains and finally there were those who were wearing quality clothes

The monsters that lay next to the humans were giant wolves, two meters tall and three meters long, with thick, hard gray fur, in their mouths and legs there were teeth and claws so sharp that iron would easily go through them, this was a dire wolf a monster ranked E- rank

A heavy breathing could be heard in the middle of the battlefield, it seemed that someone had overdrinked, a 12-year-old boy who was lying on the grass looking up at the sky, his body was covered in scars with terrible wounds, it seemed that his death was close , the boy had hair as black as the night, long and messy, he looked with his black eyes like the abyss towards the sky

The boy with the last of his strength crawled towards a nearby tree, behind him he left a trail of crimson blood where he crawled, he reached the tree and sat down, pressing his back against the tree

"I'm going to die like this, I didn't think I was going to die like this" I clenched my fists so much that my nails tore my flesh letting out a trail of fresh blood, the blood fell drop by drop from my hands, I still couldn't believe how it ended like this I could not die without fulfilling my revenge, my eyes were closing, I did everything possible to keep them open, I knew that if I closed them I would never open them again

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My eyes closed my death had come faster than I wanted

"Open your eyes boy" A deep and emotionless voice resounded in my head, I tried to open my eyes, at first they felt heavy but little by little I opened them until I opened them completely, I couldn't believe what, a huge wolf so much so that I don't even know how big he was looking at me, I started to tremble as soon as I saw him

"Don't be afraid boy, I'm not going to hurt you, it's not like I could either" when I heard what the wolf said I started to think a little, he was right since such a great being would also have to be powerful and if he wanted to do something to him I couldn't help it either

After a time in which neither of us spoke, I got up since I was still lying on the ground, I looked down at my injuries that were so serious that they would cause death even to quite strong beings, the only thing that remained were the scars and The chain marks, I looked into the wolf's eyes

"thank you for saving me mighty being, I could know who you are and where we are" I looked into the wolf's eyes, his lips moved a little as if they were holding something, a few seconds later the great wolf began to laugh

"hahaha how powerful am I? hahahaha to save you hahahaha" I looked at the wolf in disbelief a gigantic and terrifying being laughing as if there was no tomorrow rolling everywhere laughing, this was not the aspect I had in mind of a powerful being

"That was the funniest thing I've heard in a long time, boy" said the wolf as he wiped the tears from his eyes with a paw

"I have not saved you nor rescued you, this is what happens when someone like you dies, your spirit evolved" I was speechless when I heard what the great wolf said, only being able to evolve my spirit when I died, it was useless, he big wolf looked at me and said as if reading my thoughts

"really you are not dead you have revived, I know what you think you are the only person with this condition to evolve your spirit, you are someone special, but you can not know more since you do not have enough strength" he looked at my face, suddenly he wolf howled the whole stage went from a dark room in which we were to a gigantic bookstore

"Welcome to the library of D"said the wolf with a happy voice

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