lupus devorator

Chapter 4: marcus (2)

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I looked around and the only thing there was was shelves full of books ranging from books with only a couple of pages to those with hundreds and hundreds of pages, I was amazed at how I had gotten here

"where are we eh... what's your name?" I just realized that I didn't know the name of the wolf that I had in front of me

"Just call me wolf since I don't have a name, and right now we're in D's library, a library that can only be accessed spiritually" the wolf seemed happy as he moved his huge tail from side to side.

I was shocked by what I just said, what was here was my... spirit? I looked at my body, I put my hand on my chest and I could feel my heart beating, all of this seemed too real to be true

"But that doesn't answer how we got here?" I asked again since I was curious about how I got here, if you can only enter spiritually, how have we entered

"This place is inside your soul, you just entered by accident when you died, but you can always go in and out wishing" I nodded to what the wolf said, I couldn't understand how this was in my soul but at the moment it wasn't my priority to find out that , I approached one of the shelves to pick up a book, when my hand touched the book it shot backwards

"Boy, relax, don't go too fast. I still haven't explained this place to you, nor your spirit, which was also going to explain it to you." head to look at me

"Let's start with this site, D's library, this library inhabits the souls of D's descendants, the library stores all the knowledge of those it inhabits, that ranges from history to magic, all knowledge is between these books, but there are requirements to be able to open the books, do you have any questions?"

"No, I have everything clear, thanks for answering my questions" I tilted my body a little as a sign of gratitude, thanks to this library I have a lot of knowledge, due to the number of books there have been, there have been many descendants of D.

"Well now your spirit first I have to tell you about the ranges of power"

"That would be very good for me, they didn't tell me anything" when I thought about them, rage flooded me, just mentioning something related to them makes my mind lose itself in anger

"Boy, calm down, I know what they've done to you, I see everything about D's descendants, but you should stay quiet despite your hatred" the wolf told me, patting my head with his paw, I managed to calm down even though my anger was still there

"Thanks for calming me down, please continue"

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"Well, let's continue, within each being there is the so-called mana core, the power ranges are the stages in which the core is, to increase the power you have to absorb the mana in the core, when it accumulates mana until it is full after it is full it expands increasing the range of the core, this increases the power of the being.

Although the mana is absorbed by the core, not all the mana is absorbed by the core, the mana that is not absorbed by the core is dispersed throughout the body, merging with it, increasing the strength of the body, this is only the explanation of how it is increase the strength

now the ranks, these go from F- to S+ in each rank the power increases, you have found out everything "the wolf saw me that I was a little lost, he had heard everything but it was too much information at once and he had not yet commented on his spirit

"Yes, I have found out everything but it has been a lot of information at once"

"Let's move on to the important thing, your spirit, your spirit before only made you a hybrid between a wolf and a human, right?"

"Indeed, I grew ears and tail of wolves, slightly increased power"

"well now you can completely transform into a wolf or a lycanthrope if you want to open up that if you think about it you will see a screen in which you will see the "status" in it will appear, skills, rank, talent... etc, there are more things about your spirit but that I will leave to you to learn about it" the wolf commented while winking at me

I got up, wanting to check if what the wolf said was true, I thought about what the wolf said about the "state" as he called it, suddenly something appeared in my sight

[Name: Marcus
Magic talent: ???
Physical talent: ???
Element: darkness,v***
Range: F+
Strength: F+
Dexterity: F
Vitality: F+
Magic: F-
Perception: E
Skill: devour
Traits: wolf]

Look what I had in front of me, these were my "stats" according to what the wolf said, I didn't know why my talents appeared with questions or my abilities, how could something like that be measured, apart from the fact that its elements had one that could not be read

"Boy, right now you won't have much power but I will grant you knowledge on how to absorb mana, you don't have much time left, since this consumes too much mana, since you had almost nothing I have been sharing my mana with you but I'm already at my limit so this It's all until we see each other again" the wolf put his paw on my head, which began to hurt as the information flowed in, when the pain disappeared, I found myself sitting lying against a tree

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