lupus devorator

Chapter 5: marcus (3)

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I looked around observing the environment, it seemed that time passed differently in the library than in reality, because several minutes had passed inside but here, the blood that was on my hand was still fresh, but there was no trace of wound on my palms, it seems that my open wounds have healed but the scars are still there

I got up from where I was sitting, it seems that my strength also returned when my wounds healed, once I sat up I moved to where the bodies were, this was a caravan of merchants who traded slaves and other goods, I and five others were slaves with those who went to the capital to trade with us, but for good or bad luck did not arrive

this forest is known for its dangers a monster attacked us and we all ended up dying, well not me at least, I approached the bodies that belonged to the merchants, I searched for money, no matter what I did from now on the money will be necessary I searched for all the bodies and caravans, I did not find much money but I would even give it for a few months, in total there was 1 gold coin, 78 silver coins, 97 copper coins

apart from the money, see if there was any clothing that was worth to me, since I was only wearing a shirt and torn pants, I found at least new clothes, also a hooded cape, right now I was 12 years and six months old, in ultrik age The minimum to become an adventurer was 12, but many people took advantage of innocence or tried to abuse children since they are the weakest

after looting everything I needed it was getting dark it seemed that night was falling, luckily all this happened a couple of kilometers from the capital, I looked to where the bodies were and then to the monsters, seeing them something in I began to grow, an insatiable hunger arose from my entrails, with all the willpower that I had apart from my eyes, when I did, the hunger gradually decreased

After that mini incident, I walked away in the direction of the capital, I will have to rethink my course of action, six months have passed since that happened, now I have nothing.

The first thing is to get a source of income, the solution for money was to be an adventurer, it was a well-paid job but you risked your life every day, it is what it takes to fight monsters

the second, a way to strengthen myself and learn skills, the best way of this for my age is the academies, the academies were institutions in each kingdom to educate and strengthen the younger generations, the best in the ultrik kingdom was the royal academy , located in Monseri to the north of the kingdom that borders the kingdom of the dwarves and the kingdom of the elves

and finally carry out my revenge, that will be difficult, the people I want to kill are in the kingdom of Siven and he protects them very well after all they are important, while I was thinking about my goals, at a distance it appeared in my range of vision an imposing stone wall with a height of tens of meters, in the middle of this wall a huge door was embedded in the wall

Although I already saw the door, it was still a while before I arrived, because the wall was so big that it could be seen from afar, when I arrived there were only a few people, it was already almost night, most of the people who wanted to enter the capital, they do it in the afternoon

At the door there was a short line guarded by several guards with raised spears.I got to the short queue, after a few minutes, it was my turn to pass, a guard with armor that had a dragon design inscribed on it,the guard looked at me and stopped

"you must pay 5 copper to enter and take off your hood" the guard held out his hand, waiting for him to leave the 5 copper coins, I took off my hood and gave him the 5 copper, the guard looked surprised for a moment

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"Can you tell me where the cheapest inn is, I would appreciate it"

"Go straight until you reach a square and turn right there you will find an inn called The Moon, boy I don't know why you have come here but surviving in the capital is hard" after finishing talking to the guard I followed his instructions and continued right

Along the way you could see people everywhere, many were wearing worn clothes, on the sides there were people selling things that had an old look, all these people were commoners, even in the capital the life of commoners was not much better than in the villages

the capital is divided into three sectors that are separated by two walls within the city, the outer wall divided the lower area that was where the commoners lived, this area was full of misery and poverty, and the upper area here is where the shops and where the merchants with money and the nobles lived

the inner wall existed to protect the royal area, in this as could be intuited by the name that the king and his family lived here as well as those nobles of the highest rank

"APART" shouted a driver of a carriage, during the way I saw a carriage adorned with gems and quality silks, the carriage that surely belonged to a noble uba at a high speed through the streets without caring that someone was ahead

this was common, the nobles did not care about the life of the commoners, after a while I arrived at the inn The moon, I opened the door and entered, inside there were many people drinking and eating, I approached where the reception was

"I'd like a room" I took out a silver coin, attracting the receptionist's attention

"It will be 10 copper per night" I took out two silver coins and threw them at her, implying that I would stay 20 days, the receptionist turned around and took a key, after passing it to me

"Go up the stairs to the far right" I went up the stairs, I went to the last door, it was already night and I wanted to rest, I opened the door and saw a bed in very bad condition, there was nothing else, just the bed I took off my cloak and fell asleep instantly


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