Mafia Son!

Chapter 10: Chapter 10 ~ Too stupid, or maybe too kind.

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I feel heavy for some reason, as if I can barely walk.

Was moving the feet that difficult?

I raised my head and saw the blue sky and slow clouds. For some reason, the sun seems so far away today, I feel like a bug on the ground.

Sweat is almost drips from my forehead, but it doesn't show though.

My thoughts slowed down and I can't think of a word to say right now.

How long ago did this start? Since when was it so difficult to walk with a girl?

This is without talking about the atmosphere I am in, everyone is looking at us.

It might have been a bad idea to walk with her, even when I was walking with the gang people were not looking at us that way.

I slowly moved my eyes and looked at the beautiful girl walking beside me. She had a little sweat on her cheek, but it made her look even more beautiful.

Then I realized something, people weren't looking at me, but at Hanako.

I wonder how she can handle this heavy atmosphere and all these gazes on her.

Maybe I shouldn't worry about Hanako, but about myself. I mean, is it okay for someone like me to walk with her?

I feel like she's so far away from me, like she's the light and I'm the darkness.

I guess that's why I kept quiet the whole way, I just think I'm making her look worse in front of people.

It's true that normal people don't know me as a bad person, but I know myself. That's why I feel like I'm doing something wrong when I see myself getting so close to her that I walk home with her.

Of course at first I didn't want to go all the way with her, but I couldn't find a chance to leave.

I mean, it's been ten minutes of us walking and not talking, am I going to simply say I have to go now?

I didn't even utter a word, and she also didn't bother to open up threads.

While I was drowning in my thoughts that I don't know if they were true or just illusions that I invented, Hanako suddenly stopped walking.

I turned my head to look at her and found her smiling for a few seconds, then she said after that calmness;

"This is my home, I'm living here."

I raised my head to see that house, but it seems that it is not a separate house, but rather it is divided into apartments.

which means this girl lives in one of the apartments.

Does she live alone or with her family? This is a question I can't ask her now.

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But aside from what this girl said, I'm now thinking about myself. I mean the idiot who walked with a girl until she told him she had to end the silent conversation here.

Of course she didn't do this on purpose, I know this is her real house. But I really looked like someone who had nothing else to do.

I was supposed to be the one who will end this short encounter, probably.

I opened my mouth and uttered random words;

"Really? Oh well, I guess I'll go home now."

I started walking back from the way I came with her like a fool, but this girl said when she saw me coming back from the same way;

"Amano-kun, thanks for walkimg with me to my home, and also for the silent conversation. No need for words to understand each other." Then she turned to me and added smiling while raising her fingers a little; "I will add three points to the balance of my confidence in you."

"Should you really use points to calculate the trust? I can simply deceive you with my nice demeanor. Now that I know your house, what would you do if I sent my men to kidnap you without anyone knowing I'm the reason?"

Hanako started walking towards her door, saying;

"I have seen it clearly this time, I mean, the relation between you and the men who surround you. That's why I am sure of my decision. The one who can make his men love him that much, is one who will never do what you just said."

She put the key in the door lock, and I said to her while she was opening it;

"Hanako, why are you letting your guard down so much? You know that I am not an ordinary high school student like you."

"And who told you that I am a normal high school student? Amano-kun, you and your men are nice people compared to the world I used to live in. That's why you don't have to talk to me about this again. If you don't want my friendship, tell me honestly. because if you ask me again such a question, I will really put an end to this new friendship."

After this she slammed the door shut, her words were a little slurred, but I don't know why I feel like she said something real about her feelings for the first time since we met.



'That girl slammed the door in Amano's face hardly, and he wasn't able to see the next scene.

The blue-haired girl Lean against the door, then slowly collapsed onto the floor.

"Amano, if you think you're the bad person here then you're wrong. At least I know who you really are, so you don't have to worry about anything else. The bad person here is me who's been keeping a lot of secrets from you. Compared to those bastards, you're a really good person.

I mean, who would pay for a bottle of liquor that was crushed by the person responsible for selling it.

I am not a person who trusts easily. Rather, you are the person who trusts without even suspecting.

Haven't you even thought a little, what a girl like me is doing in that shop

I don't know if you are so kind or you are so stupid. But one thing I'm sure of, is that you're the good person here."

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