Mafia Son!

Chapter 9: Chapter 9 ~ Amanu-Kun?

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"Seriously guys, this is the third time this year!"

"Young Maaaster!!"

I began to cut the ropes on their hands and feet and they were very happy to see me.

"Well, as usual, hugging me is forbidden. Also, There are two people waiting for us downstairs. So all of you have to be wary of all possibilities."

"Don't worry young master, you can leave the rest to us!"

"No I can't, just follow me quietly. I mean, you guys had guns in the beginning right? I still can't believe you lost to people who use swords when you had bullets. Anyway, let's move."

The men looked down dejectedly after I criticized them, and I don't know why this scene is kinda funny.

The Men are supposed to protect the leader, but in my clan, the opposite is true.

I got out of the room and headed towards the second floor quickly, with the men behind me. Everyone on the second floor was still unable to move. So we went downstairs.

And when we put our feet in it, we found one of the two men I had scratched trying to help his friend who was still unable to move.

Although he saw us, he could do nothing but drag his friend's body into the bathroom and shut the door so that we wouldn't touch them badly.

Seriously, these guys are lucky that I'm the one who came here today, if my stupid dad was here, the walls of this place would be full of blood.

The men and I finally got out of the house, and I saw the blue sky and the sunbeams again, as if it had been a long time since this scene.

But for some reason people looked at me- I mean at us, with contempt.

As if we were something that smelled bad or so, in short, as something undesirable.

But this was a little strange behaviour, usually when people see the men in the black suits they shiver with fear. So what's different this time?

I turned around and looked at the men and saw their naked bodies, all they were wearing was their underwear.

I put my hand on my forehead, feeling sorry for the embarrassing situations these idiots always put me in.

Well, I have to admit it was kind of my fault because I was so focused on the task and I didn't notice.

I shifted my sight to the yellow car, and the two men pretended they don't know me and the car moved.

Bastards! You will abandon me in this situation!

"What's wrong, young master, does your head hurt you?"

As usual, everything is normal for the men, please have mercy on me.

I didn't have the money to take a taxi, so I had to walk home with them. And these are some of the phrases people said;

"Is this a bodybuilding show?"

"Look at the boy in front, he has a emaciated body, he can't even strip naked."

Huh? Am I the one who should be blamed for not getting naked?

"Mama, Why don't they wear clothes?"

"Don't look at them, you'll get the infection of undressing."

Wait, how long has there been an infection with this name?

We kept walking for a few minutes until I got used to the way people looking at us.

But at least we're now only a quarter of an hour away from getting home

"Ito... Amano-kun?"


My body trembled when I heard that voice, I wish my ears had lied to me.

But when I turn my head to the right, I saw the sea-haired girl in her school uniform and carrying her bag.

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I knew I might meet someone from school, but why would it have to be you.

No wait, I'm barely in the friend zone, and if she sees me hanging out with the mafia guys she might kick me out of that zone!

"Hello... Hanako-san"

"A-Are these your buddies?"

What an expected question, that's I have the right answer.

"They are some refugees who did not find food so I will try to feed them in my house."

The men got angry and said at once;

"Wait, this is an insult"

"Yes, that was harsh, how can you deny our love to you."

I looked at the men like an angry dog, So they became like cats that pretend not to see me.

Suddenly, I found Hanako smiling, I thought this would make her move away from me. And I took a moment to think.

She could have pretended not to see me from the start.

I mean, I look like an idiot because I walk with naked people. That's what all the girls think of when they see me.

No one of sound mind would think of approaching someone like me. But this girl, she still penetrates my personal zone.

Even when I lied a while ago... She knew those were probably my men.

For the first time in my life, I feel I don't have to hide my true identity to maintain this relationship.

While I was looking at her smile that made me drown in thoughts, one of the men came forward saying;

"Guys wait! you don't understand the Young Master's feelings."

He passed me and reached Hanako, who felt nervous because he was naked, and added;

"This girl is not an ordinary girl. She is… the Young Master's GirlFriend!"

The men were surprised and started shouting, which drew people's attention to us.

No, actually people have been looking at these idiots since the beginning.

The men formed a circle around her, and she was unable to say a sound word out of her mouth.

"Hmm, she has a skinny body."

"But her face is beautiful."

"Yes, you're right, but the face isn't everything, you know at night_"


I kicked the ass of the man who was going to say useless words, then I grabbed her hand and then pulled her out of the circle, saying;

"Guys, you can go home before me."

After my words, Romantic looks appeared on their faces, they seemed to be happy and some of them even started crying;

"Young Master has finally become a man."

"Time has passed quickly"

"I am so proud of you for having such a beautiful girl!"

I started trying to walk away from them with her, but seriously guys, stop crying.

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