Mafia Son!

Chapter 3: Chapter 3 ~ Sensei, She’s Trying To kill Me!

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Quiet and calm in the classroom, all I can hear is the teacher's voice explaining the lesson, holding a book in his hand, and warm words about history and civilizations coming out of his mouth. He has an orange beard with brass glasses on his face, looks like he's in his thirties. Seriously, this teacher is so neat.

The voices of the students’ pens dancing over the paper. Just peace and no one knows me.

I am Amano Menma, and today, after a two-month vacation, I came to study normally in high school.

I chose a one that was an hour's walk from my home, which means that no one would know me here. Even the people who used to study with me in middle school wouldn't be here.

Everything went as planned, new environment, new atmosphere, everything perfect.

But there is one small thing that bothers me. I feel like the right half of my face is going to burn because of someone's gazes.

Well, I managed to get the last seat by the window, now I look like the main character of a story, the only thing I'm missing is a pretty girl whose seat is next to mine.

But... this happens in the manga and not in reality, because now I can't look at the girl sitting on my right.

She is a girl with black hair and I think her eyes are the same color. As for her features, I couldn't look at her well because she stared at me a lot.

I pretend I'm looking at the sky from the window, but in reality I'm shivering.

Two hours have passed since the beginning of the first lesson, and this girl is looking at me with a sharp look on her face.

Teacher teacher!

I feel like I'm going to get bullied here, save me, This girl is not paying attention to your lesson! Shouldn't you scold her or something?

As I was sweating and looking out the window, the neat teacher smacked my forehead with a chalk.

"Amano-kun, This is your name right? Then? do you think birdwatching is more important than my lesson?"

That's not fair, I'm sure you can see her staring at me.

No wait, everyone is looking at me now, so it would be normal for this girl to look at me now too.

I stood up and raised my hand and asked the teacher to let me go to the bathroom, and unexpectedly he agreed immediately.

But after I started walking towards the door, that girl stood up and started walking behind me.

Why do I feel like the teacher is ignoring this on purpose?

I opened the door and then closed it in her face and started walking towards the bathroom.

Of course, that wasn't enough to stop her and she started walking behind me.

Our steps accelerated until I found myself running away from her.

"Amano Menma! Stop running from me!"

"I'll stop when you stop!"

"So since you're running away from me like this, it means you're really from the Menma clan!"

That girl became running faster than expected, and when she reached me she kicked my feet until I was about to fall.

I put my hands on the ground and did a light somersault to avoid falling. When I raised my head, I found dark features on that girl's face as her sword was about to slash my head.

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I quickly lowered my head and a few hairs of mine flew into the air.

Wait... where did this sword come from?

I didn't have a good time to ask such a question, I had to deal with this crazy girl seriously, because I was about to lose my head.

The first thing I did was move about three meters away from her while keeping my eyes on her.

I can't run away because she's faster than me, and the way she holds the sword shows that she's not an ordinary girl.

No wait, an ordinary girl doesn't even have a sword.

Why does my school romance story have to be so dangerous on my first day!

"As expected from the successor of the Menma clan, defeating you won't be so easy."

First I have to make her lose that sword from her hands, and then I can treat her as a girl after that.


I lunged towards her quickly, and she placed her sword next to her left shoulder, looking like she was ready to finish this with one attack.

The situation is a little dangerous, this girl will never hesitate to cut my flesh, but based on her position, her attack will be horizontal, so all I have to do is lower down.

No wait, what if her position is to make me fall into her trap?

Damn! I didn't want to use this...

As I was approaching her, I took out a small knife from my secret pocket, and then...


Our weapons collided and of course my knife couldn't defeat her long sword, that's why the knife flew away.

But I managed to reach her and grab her.

Excuse me my pride, but I have to hit a female now...


I butted that girl with all my strength until blood came out of her forehead. She didn't say a word after that hit, because she slowly opened her mouth and fell to the ground.

Huff, finally! I think this will render her unconscious for a few minutes.

It would be easy to hide the knife and take her to the nurse's room, but what about the sword, I don't even understand where she was putting it...

No no, this is not the time to think, I have to act__

In my first year of high school, and exactly on my first day, I made sure that I was the most unlucky person on the planet.

Because when I tried to pick up the unknown girl who was trying to kill me, a beautiful girl with hair as blue as the ocean appeared in front of me.

Of all the people who can see me now, why exactly did you appear…

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