Mafia Son!

Chapter 4: Chapter 4 ~ this look, not for me right?

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In my first year of high school, and exactly on my first day, I made sure that I was the most unlucky person on the planet.

Because when I tried to pick up the unknown girl who was trying to kill me, a beautiful girl with hair as blue as the ocean appeared in front of me.

Of all the people who can see me now, why exactly did you appear…

That beautiful girl's body shivered and she took a step back and then said in a faint voice;

"I didn't see anything"

I raised my hand trying to explain this misunderstanding, but that girl started running away.

Wait... Do I look so scary?

Anyway, she's a slow runner and I can easily catch up with her.

The first thing I did was retrieve my knife and put it in my secret pocket, secondly I picked up the sword and quickly went to the short wall near me.

Unfortunately, there is nowhere for me to hide the sword. Even if I throw it down, it will still be visible on the ground. I need a safer place, and that place is the roof of the school.

Since I'm now on the second floor, throwing the sword to the roof won't be easy…

Because there is a third floor that separates me from the roof, the distance is at least eleven meters.

No! I have to do it without hesitation and without any mistake, because that girl is really starting to get away.

One, two...


I closed my eyes and was waiting for the sword to reach the surface safely, but that's not really what happened.


I heard shattering glass coming from the third floor.

In this school, the classes are located on the first and second floor. As for the third floor, it is for clubs. Which means people who have nothing else to do will follow me now!

No, they won't be able to find me, but what about this ferocious cat who passed out.

Huff, my pride, I'm sorry again!

I walked over to her and then apologized to her for what I'm going to do, then slapped her.





When I was about to slap her for the fifth time, she grabbed my hand and was looking at me angrily.

Well, I have to admit that I exaggerated a bit, but this was my revenge on her.

"You didn't stop hitting me even after I passed out, as expected of the successor of the Menma clan, the rumors about you were true."

Who cares about you and your rumors, I have to go after that girl quickly.

"I'll go now. There's been a bit of trouble with your sword. That's why I think you should escape from here too."

"Run away? A shinobi does not back down until he completes his duty!"

Huh? Did the last butting affect her to this degree?

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Ignoring her words, I stood up and looked at the direction in which the blue-haired girl was running, but the corridor was empty.

This is bad, I have to go!

When I tried to run, that girl grabbed my hand and then said;

"Where do you think you're going? I hope you don't think I'm weak just because I passed out. Amano Menma, this is not a gam_"

Before she finishes speaking, I add the fifth slap to her face.

"Oops, my hand slipped."

Wait, no one has to blame me, I don't have any other solution...

I started to run after the Sea-haired girl, but I felt a huge angry aura behind me. It feels like a volcano about to erupt, but I didn't pay attention to the volcano and headed towards the sea.

Yes, her eyes and hair are like the ocean blue, I feel like I can swim in her eyes.

I didn't expect us to be in the same school, but I definitely won't let it end here.

While I was drowning in my romantic thoughts, the black-haired girl appeared next to me and said angrily before kicking me;

"Stop putting that perverted smile on your ugly face."


That girl kicked my head near one of the classroom doors on the second floor, and I flew inside that classroom.

After my headache went away and my vision became clear, I found all the students in that class as well as the teacher looking at me.

I looked at the door to see the girl who hit me, but she wasn't there.

bastard! She put me in this embarrassing situation and then ran away!

What happened to your shinobi pride about running away?

No, This is not the time to think about her, I have to be cool.

I stood up and started cleaning the dust on my clothes, I felt warmth on my face, but I quickly realized that that warmth was the blood that came out of my head as a result of my hitting the door.

But despite that, I put serious features on my face, put my hands behind my back and then said in a calm tone;

"I'm Amano Menma, a B-1 student. I'm sorry for what just happened, it's a small part of the activities of the club I'm a member of. Now I beg your pardon, because I have to go. farewell!"

My speech was fine and proper, though, when I tried to walk towards the door, the teacher grabbed my shirt from behind and said in an angry tone;

"Then? who said you can just leave?"

I swallowed hard as I waited for the stern punishment that the C-1 teacher would give me. But he said;

"Hanako, escort this young man to the nurse's room."

I did not expect such an answer, I slowly turned my head to see the person called Hanako, Then I wondered if the fate chose this meeting.

She approached me slowly and also put a tissue on the wound in my forehead, and this was the first time when I saw her so close to me.

I thought I'd be able to swim in her eyes, but apparently I'd drown easily.

I can know this, because this girl didn't looking at me, but rather she is looking at something behind or even inside me, as if she was seeing through me.

That's why I'm sure this look, not for me...

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