Mafia Son!

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 ~ Friendzone

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Ten minutes before the lunch break, by this time I was in class C-1.

Fresh air and a pretty girl put a white handkerchief over the wound on my forehead. It looks like a perfect romantic scene.

But behind her, an army of angry young men, I don't know why I feel this tantrum directed at me.

The teacher just said her name is Hanako? She seems to be the representative of this class, that makes sense but I guess I'm lucky to have such an opportunity to explain the misunderstanding.

We got out of class and started walking towards the nurse's room, and as for the girl with the black hair, she's not here, maybe she's back to class?

I was holding the handkerchief and putting it on my wound, while that girl was walking calmly beside me.

Looking at her now up close she looks like a different person, because the last time I saw her she was afraid of me.

I gently put my hand on her shoulder and said;

"Excuse me_"

But her reaction was so strange that she moved three meters away from me and said as if I was someone about to assault her;

"W- What..."

As I expected, she was just pretending to be strong in front of the teacher and the students, but man, Her reaction was too harsh for me. I feel like an outcast beast.

Well, I have to admit that touching her shoulder was an obvious intrusion into her personal territory, but I just acted naturally...

"I think your name was Hanako-san right?"

She kept walking at my right, but about three meters away from me.

She was looking at the ground, and took a long time to answer me;


Hey hey, don't put the whole weight of the conversation on me, my experience in opening topics is almost non-existent!

No... Amano Menma! This is not the time to give up! I will never get this chance again. We are a minute away from reaching the nurse's room, I have to make the most of it!

Now remember the romance stories you read in middle school.

That's right, I used to read a lot of stories in order to understand girls' feelings. All in order to make Mahiko fall in love with me.

I may have fallen short of my goal, but the things I gain from novels and mangas won't fly away!

Before I noticed, I found myself excited to open the topics, but I was in front of the door of the nurse's room.

I used the whole minute in stimulating myself...

I can't believe I failed this much!

"Okay, I have to go now."

My eyes quickly moved towards her, then my hand moved of its own and I grabbed her arm.

No... I'd be lying if I said my body moved on its own, because I wanted it to do this from the bottom of my heart.

I know this will make her more scared, but it's better than just letting her go.

"Can you… come in with me?"

"I see no reason for me to enter"

The way she talks is getting better, is it because I'm just looking at her back? This means that she only gets nervous when she looks at my face.

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Hmm, my face? Wait, do I look like a gang boss so much?

Well, since things are so complicated, I'll tell her bluntly and briefly.

"Hanako-san, what happened before, I mean, that girl suddenly attacked me. That's why I had no choice but to defend myself."

"Don't worry, I didn't intend to tell anyone. After all, the last thing I want is to get close to someone who lives in a dark world like you."

Her words really shocked me, to the point where I let go of her arm.

It's like an old wound opened, like a black hole inside my chest.

I know, I know what she said is true.

Seriously, who would want to get close to someone like me?

I'm not talking about the emotional aspect only, but the social aspect as well.

Her white handkerchief, which became a little red because of my blood, fell to the ground, and I was looking at that handkerchief and knowing that the memories that started spinning in my head hurt more than the wound on my forehead.

I was about to add this scene to my sad memories, then I saw her hair coming close to my legs.


She carried the handkerchief, then stood up and put it on my forehead, saying with a smile;

"That day in the shop... A lot of customers usually come to our shop but I was able to easily remember you. Because you looked cool for me that day, though I think you would be even better if you were just a normal person. I'll assume what you told me about that girl is true, and I'll give you a try to be my first friend here. It's like a bet to me, but I'm going to put a little faith in you.

I'm Hanako Nonna, and I don't mind being your friend."

The smile on her face disappeared and she returned to her tense nature, saying;

"I... I mean, if you want to be friend with me... I don't mean to be arrogant, m- maybe I just misspelled it."


Not only that, her first high school friend!

Well I almost forgot that our day is the first, I guess it's normal to be her first friend.

No wait, that's normal for her and not for me.

As far as I can remember, I've never had a normal friend before.

Even Mahiko's phone number got because one of my men kidnapped her and released her after he got the number.

Thinking about, it's a good thing the men didn't know I was rejected, because I can't predict what they were going to do...

"Being a friend... is more than enough for me"

The sea-haired girl smiled and said: 

"Then I have to go back, bye."

What just happened is real right?

This girl, though she knows my truth, she put me in the friendzone by her own will!

Is life starting to smile?

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