Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 17: Chapter 17 – The Ice Princess

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It was already evening when Narias left the infirmary. Only when he was out of the building, his body reminded him how hungry he was.

Ugh… I’m starving. And it is so late already. I have no food in my room. Right, there’s a shop not far from here. I hope it is still open. – he was hoping it would be.

The shop was fortunately open. And since it was so late, not many students were inside.

Wow, this looks like a supermarket. I wonder if they have books for sale? – as hungry as Narias was, books were still a priority to him.

Narias would never pass an opportunity to read something. However, his stomach didn’t like the fact that its needs were put on the second plan, so it let out a loud, growling protest.

“Right, food. Hehe,” Narias spoke out loud.

But as soon as his basket was filled with the necessary rations for the night, he quickly switched his gear to look for books. His eyes had caught early on the shop had a book section at the far end of it. He almost flew through the shop floor to reach it as fast as possible.

- ‘Shift, Bump,’ – but because of his carelessness, he bumped into someone after turning at the end of the corner.

“Ouch,” a girl exclaimed after falling on her bum.

“Ach,” Narias lost his balance but managed to stay on his feet. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t watching where I…”

He started apologizing right away but suddenly gasped in awe after he saw the girl that he bumped into. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Light blue hair, with the tips reaching down her waist. Wide blue eyes, sparkling like the stars in the sky. In addition, the frosty white eyebrows gave her an extremely pretty look.

Not only that. Her cheeks had a frosty spark as well. And the girl’s lips were blueish with white frosty finish too. Narias had no clue whether it was because of her makeup, or if it was her natural look. Either way, his breath was taken away by her alluring beauty.

“Sigh… Excuse me,” the girl sighed after getting up and was about to turn away and leave.

“Ah… I… I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” Narias finally snapped out of his stone statue-like staring pose. “Are you hurt? Please forgive me.”

“I’m fine. Now, if you excuse me,” she wanted to leave.

“H… hey,” he noticed a book lying on the floor, which he quickly picked up. “You dropped a… book… ‘The Advanced Teachings of Mana Manipulation’. Woah! Such an awesome book. I’d love to read it too. Where can I… get one?”

As usual, Narias became overly excited upon seeing a book with the title he had never seen before. In addition, the real trigger was the word ‘Advanced’ in its title. Of course he would want to read it.

But his face suddenly changed to bright red when he finally looked at the girl, who was gazing at him with a rather strange look in her eyes. Their eyes met, which made Narias cheeks burn even more. Although, the girl’s cheeks remained of the same frosty, blueish glow.

“Oh, I… here you go,” Narias handed the book to the girl who, in his own mind, could’ve been an Ice Princess herself.

“Thank you,” she picked it up from him, and wanted to remove herself from the scene again.

“Excuse me,” he stopped her once again.

“Sigh…” the girl let out a deep sigh, before turning to face him. “Yes?”

“Do you mind telling me where you got that book from? I’d love to read it as well,” Narias asked politely with a smile.

“Uh?” the stunningly pretty girl exclaimed quietly, not expecting such a question. She quickly composed herself and straightened up, after giving the boy in front of her another puzzling look. “I… picked it up… in the book section over there.”

“Hey, thanks,” that’s all Narias needed to know. “I apologize again for bumping into you. I wish you a pleasant evening. Oh, my basket. Hehe.”

He almost left his shopping basket before rushing off. The mysterious, beautiful girl followed the boy with her eyes, until he turned around the corner.

“Hmph…” she was left both puzzled and surprised about what happened.


(after a short while)

Baaah… - Narias dropped his shoulders, while walking towards his dorm.

In the end, he couldn’t find the same book that the girl had. After that, he ran around the shop but couldn’t find her either. Narias wanted to ask if she could lend him the book to read.

That’s too bad. I will try to ask… Wait… - like a rock on the ground, he froze in a spot after realizing what a terrible blunder he had made.

“Nooo…” he fell to his knees. “I’m the worst…”

He could try to come up with any good sounding excuse, but if his parents were here, they’d scold him again. Especially his mom. Every time the topic about the books would come up, Narias would forget everything else. That included good manners too. All his mom’s teachings were thrown out of the window when the talks about books were involved.

How could I had been so rude? – he screamed in his mind.

The sad fact was, he neither introduced himself to the girl, nor asked for her name. Narias had no way of knowing who she was, nor where to find her. Once again, he vowed to remember how to behave from now on. And that included to make things right with the mysterious girl the next time he saw her.

The next morning started almost the same as the previous one. As soon as Narias stepped out of his dorm, Stefan was right there next to him.

“Hey!” he shouted. “Narias, wait up!”

“You don’t have to shout, Stefan,” Narias commented with a bit of a frown after his friend caught up with him.

“Oh, sorry about that. Haha,” Stefan threw his hands behind his head. “Wait, are you ok? You’re not injured?”

“I probably was but I’m fine now,” he stated.

“Phew, that’s good. I was worried about you big time,” Stefan looked relieved.

“Really? Well, thanks,” Narias didn’t expect to hear that.

“Of course. We’re the best buddies after all,” Stefan threw his arm around Narias shoulder. “Man, I didn’t know you could use Wind Magic in such a way. You were totally awesome yesterday.”

“I still failed to reach the end line,” Narias didn’t think it was such a big deal.

“Are you nuts?” Stefan exclaimed. “You did much better compared to everyone else out there. Every other student was stopped in an instant no matter how hard they tried. Most of them gave up after a few tries, though. Besides, Miss Alifur was by herself after you were carried away by instructor Dreknor.”

“Is that… eh? Stefan?” Narias stepped to the side after seeing his friend’s weird posture.

“Miss… Alifur… by herself…” his ‘best buddy’ was drooling with his mouth wide open.

“Ste… fan?” Narias carefully touched his friend’s shoulder with one finger.

“Wha… what happened?” Stefan jumped, almost like a startled rabbit.

“Nothing,” his friend sighed, not wanting to go into details. “Let’s go.”

“Right, right. Haha,” Stefan marched forward.

Sigh… Miss Alifur. I’ll have to apologize for what I have said to her. I’m such a mess. – Narias thought to himself, before rushing after his friend.

Communicating with other people wasn’t the same as reading books. Even with his mom’s teachings, putting what he learned into practice was harder than he thought. He kept messing up and embarrassing himself all the time.

“Oh, it’s… Miss Salroze’s class today?” Narias was somewhat surprised.

“What? You didn’t know? Oh, right. You had spent the whole day at the infirmary yesterday. We had her class in the afternoon after the lunch break. She told us we will have her class today in the morning as well,” Stefan explained.

“Welcome Mr. Talrone. Glad you could finally make it to my class,” the teacher greeted him as soon as he stepped through the door. “I was disappointed I didn’t see you in my class yesterday.”

“Oh, hi… I mean, good morning, Miss Salroze. I hope you are doing well,” Narias smiled somewhat awkwardly. “I’m sorry I… couldn’t attend your class yesterday. I was…”

“I know, you were knocked out cold by Ranga Dreknor during his class. I just have to wonder what have you done to make him so mad?” Belinda half smirked after crossing her arms in front of her.

“I didn’t do…” - ‘Gulp,’ – Narias’ eyes couldn’t ignore his teacher’s bust, which was pushed up by her arms under it.

Is she purposely trying to make me feel uncomfortable? Well, it’s working. – Narias was debating whether to be disrespectful and turn his eyes away, or be rude and keep staring.

“What’s with the face? Aren’t you going to take a…” suddenly the teacher realized what was happening and uncrossed her arms. “Ahem… why don’t you take a seat? The class is starting.”

“Y… yes. Apologies, Miss Salroze,” Narias quickly busted his ass to his seat.

“Hey, why does it sound like you two know each other? You weren’t in her class yesterday,” Stefan whispered once they were seated.

“Well, I took an entry exam and she was the examiner, so…” he tried to explain.

“An entry exam? But didn’t you say that you passed the tests in advance? Why did you take the entry exam?” his friend was puzzled.

“Aaah… I mean… It was…” Narias couldn’t come up with any good reason on the spot.

“It seems like you really like to talk, Mr. Talrone,” their chatter didn’t go unnoticed by the teacher. “Why don’t you share your knowledge with everyone? Please tell us what is the difference between the offensive and defensive spells? It shouldn’t be too hard since we were discussing it during the class yesterday.”

“Crap. Oops, sorry man,” Stefan covered his mouth with both hands to keep it shut. “Sorry man, can’t help you. I wasn’t paying attention yesterday.”

“With pleasure, Miss Salroze,” Narias stood up, full of confidence.


(later at the student cafeteria)

“Wow man. How did you know all those complex words? You nailed the answers perfectly. I mean, I couldn’t understand even half of what you said but it was totally awesome. The teacher kept interroga… ahem… asking you questions for almost entire time of the class. You saved everyone’s butts there,” Stefan was on a rollercoaster blabbering again.

“It was no big deal,” - Seriously, those were just basic questions.

“Hi Narias. Hello Stefan,” Vivia greeted them, after coming to their table. “Mind if I sit here?”

“Hello Vivia. Not at all. Please,” Narias stood up politely and waited until she sat down.

“Wow, such a gentleman,” Vivia smiled with a flush.

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“Hey Vivia, did you know? Narias here is a walking library. He answered every single question Miss Salroze threw at him during the class,” Stefan just had to tell her about it.

“Wow, really?” the blond-haired girl gasped. “She was so strict during the class today. She even looked happy when students couldn’t answer her questions.”

“Hah. To tell you the truth, I was happy Narias was the one being interroga- I mean, questioned. Hehe,” Stefan leaned back in his chair after laughing silly. “I honestly didn’t want to be called out.”

“That’s because you weren’t prepared,” Narias pointed point blank.

“Ah… hahaha,” his friend laughed silly. “Huh? What’s with the commotion?”

Suddenly a weird commotion started at the serving counter. Almost everyone at the cafeteria had their eyes on a single person.

“Hey, who’s that?” Stefan’s jaw dropped.

“That’s Emilia Frizz. She’s a first year from class A,” Vivia told him.

Hey, that’s the same girl I met at the shop yesterday. So her name is Emilia? – Narias thought to himself.

“Woah, I’m in love,” Stefan couldn’t keep his eyes off the girl with the blue hair.

“Heehee. Same as every other boy in the academy,” Vivia chuckled. “I must say, it is quite a big surprise to see her at Reina’s Magic Academy.”

“Why is that?” Narias asked.

“She comes from a high status noble family. Noble Rank Tier Two actually. I would’ve never thought someone from such a high Tier Rank family would want to study here,” the blond-haired girl explained.

“Wow, you know a lot,” Narias was impressed by Vivia’s knowledge.

“Oh, it’s nothing. It’s common knowledge. Everyone knows that,” the girl tried to brush it off as no big deal, but it came out a little superficial.

“Man, but why are the rich girls also so pretty? Life is so cruel,” Stefan slumped on the table, feeling completely defeated. “Huh? Narias? Where are you going?”

“I’ll go talk to her,” he answered calmly.

“What? Are you crazy? She’s out of our league. You’ll be crushed,” Stefan tried to talk him out of it.

“Crushed? I simply want to talk,” Narias ignored his friend’s remark.

“Poor Narias. He’ll be devastated,” Stefan burrowed his face inside his hands.

“Well…” Vivia, on the other hand, had a slightly different expression on her face.

“Excuse me, hi,” Narias raised his hand together with his greeting. “Remember me? I’m sorry about yesterday. And about my bad manners. My name is Narias Talrone.”

“My name is Emilia Frizz,” the girl introduced herself in a lady-like manner. “It’s ok. It’s in the past now.”

“Wow, you’re really nice,” Narias was impressed with her eloquent manners.

“Hu… thanks,” her white eyebrows sparkled as the blue-haired girl turned her slightly flushed face away.

“Oh, right. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find the same book that you had at the store yesterday. So, I was wondering… when you finish reading it if you could-“

- ‘Push! Bump! Slump!’ – Narias hadn’t finished his sentence when suddenly someone pushed him.

He bumped into the chair next to the table and fell on the ground.

“Wha… ugh,” he couldn’t understand what happened.

“How dare you talk to Lady Frizz so casually?” a boy student glared at him angrily.

“You have no manners. Don’t come near Miss Emilia like you’re friends or something,” another girl lashed out at him.

“What’s your problem? We were just talking,” Narias tried to explain after he stood up.

“Talking? Someone like you has no right to talk to our Miss Emilia,” the same girl student snapped at him.

“Your Miss Emilia? I don’t believe she is owned by anyone,” Narias quickly turned the snappy comment back at the rude girl student.

However, his comment didn’t go unnoticed.

“You have some nerves talking back to us, punk,” the boy student stepped forward with an intimidating look in his eyes. “You commoners need to be taught a lesson.”

“Teach us a lesson, you say?” Stefan came out from behind Narias. “I’m all ears, mister no name teacher. Please, share your unrivalled knowledge with us ‘commoners’.”

Stefan taunted the other boy, ready to pick a fight himself. The situation was about to become ugly.

“Excuse me,” suddenly Emilia interrupted the tense situation.

Everyone’s eyes were on her. The air froze around her for a brief moment but then instantly calmed down after the blue-haired girl took a deep sigh. Instead of saying, or doing, something, she stood up and turned to leave.

“Lady Emilia,” the previous girl, who was rude to Narias, exclaimed. “I’m really sorry that this rude boy ruined your lunch.”

“It was not so,” Emilia stopped just for a second. “Excuse me, I would like to be alone for now.”

After that, she walked off, leaving a mild frozen trail behind her.

“See? You made Miss Emilia upset. How dare you?” the same girl turned to Narias again.

“What are you talking about? You’re the one who had been rude all this time,” Narias responded calmly.

“Eh? You better watch your mouth or else,” the other boy threatened him.

“Or else what? Don’t think you can threaten my friend and get away with it,” Stefan intervened.

“Huuuh? Another cockroach crawled out of its hole, eh?” the mean bully wasn’t holding back with insults.

“What? Say that again, you blabbering tree trunk,” Stefan had his own arsenal of cuss words.

“What is going on here?” the soon to erupt fight was stopped by the calm, yet stinging teacher’s Zeanlor words.

“Oh, Professor Zeanlor. Ha… haha,” the rude girl started to studder.

“Aaah… Mr. Zeanlor… We were just… talking,” her rude friend made a step back, putting a fake smile on his face.

“Is that so?” Karl Zeanlor asked without a hint of emotions on his face, then he glanced at a chair lying sideways on the floor.

“Yeah, it’s nothing, Mr. Zeanlor,” Narias added. “It was… an accident. I tripped and fell down, knocking the chair on the floor.”

“Really?” the tall, slim teacher pierced him with his eyes. “Please, do be careful from now on, Mr. Talrone.”

Karl Zeanlor’s eyes ran through the cafeteria’s hall, almost like a warning to every student who was there. Then, without saying another word, the teacher left the cafeteria, briefly stopping at the entrance for a second.

“Tsk… Don’t think I will thank you for that,” the rude boy student snapped at Narias.

“I didn’t expect you to anyway,” Narias didn’t mind.

“Hmph. Just don’t get close to Lady Emilia ever again,” the rude girl added with a nasty glare.

“That’s not for you to decide,” Narias responded without a bit of concern.

“Why you…” the same boy student frowned, raising his fist up.

“Say what?” Stefan stepped forward again.

“Tsk… whatever,” the boy backed off, after throwing a quick glance towards cafeteria’s main entrance. “No point in wasting my time with the likes of you.”

Both the girl and the boy students, who caused the commotion, left the dinning hall.

“Wow, that was… quite tense,” Vivia came over after it was over.

“Heh, the chickens ran off. They better not think I’ll be scared of them,” Stefan stated in a loud voice.

“Actually, that was Rudolf and Annie. They are from high ranked families as well. In addition, they are regarded as being very capable students too,” Vivia informed.

“Huh? What? Aghem… That makes no difference. They just talk bit,” Stefan was trying to act cool.

Vivia really knows a lot about the students at the academy. She must be very knowledgeable or very good at gathering information. – Narias, on the other hand, was impressed with how much Vivia knew.




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