Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 16: Chapter 16 – Meeting Miss Pervert

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Ugh… Where am I? – Narias opened his eyes.

“Why hello there, you’re finally awake,” he heard a pleasant, somewhat seductive, woman’s voice.

“Huh?” Narias tried to sit up. “Ouch… tss…”

“Take it easy, darling. I had healed you but your head might still feel dizzy,” the woman, who Narias was yet to see, said.

Instead of trying to sit up, he simply moved his head to the side, so he could see the person who was talking to him.

“Who…” Narias wanted to ask who she was but after he saw her, there was no need for that.

Apart from being extremely attractive, the woman wore a white, long suit dress, similar to the type a nurse would wear at the hospital. The woman was sitting on the chair next to an office table, with her long legs crossed one on top of each other. Her skirt was just barely reaching her tights, and if not for her white suit dress, the nurse’s legs would’ve been exposed right up to her hips.

Narias’ eyes went up slowly, climbing up her body, until they reached the top grey shirt, with the top few buttons unbuttoned. His gaze stopped at the small, yet profound cleavage of her shirt, showing off the woman’s skin right where her breasts were trying to pop out of the seemingly tight bra.

- ‘Gulp,’- Narias became a little too flustered.

“I’m glad to see you’re feeling so much better,” the woman’s words made Narias look up, noticing the cheeky smile of her voluptuous lips.

He stared at her red lips for a brief moment, before looking up, until their eyes connected. The nurse’s eyes were dead on locked on his, with a hint of dazzling invitation to stay a while longer. Her slightly curled pink hair was falling down by the sides of her cheeks, slightly covering her eyebrows on the top. She lowered her head a little, and pretended to bite on her finger, with a somewhat cheeky smile on her face.

“Eeeh… I… Aaah…” despite his head still being fuzzy, Narias almost jumped in bed after realizing he became rather ‘excited’. “Oh, ahm… I’m sorry… I…”

“No need to be sorry, Narias. They say men are healthy when they are horny,” the dazzling nurse said in a very casual tone.

What? Did she just say what I heard she had said? – Narias couldn’t believe his ears.

He didn’t know how to react or which way to turn his eyes. Even if he did, the image of the sexy nurse, and the echo of her words, were beating his young, teenage hormones to a pulp.

“Will you cut it out, Milenna? You’re making the boy feel embarrassed,” another woman’s voice said from behind the curtain, which separated Narias bed from the rest of the room.

“But I haven’t done anything wrong, Estella,” like a little, innocent girl the nurse pouted her voluptuous lips. “Besides, I was simply stating the obvious.”

She bit her bottom lip, with her index finger pointing at Narias’ crotch.

“Wha…” he noticed her gaze and quickly sat up to somewhat cover his embarrassment.

“Will you stop it?” Estella pulled on Milenna’s cheek with her fingers.

“Ou… ou… ou… That hurts…” the hot nurse cried out. “Booo. You’re so mean, Estella. I was simply having some fun. And as you saw, it obviously made him feel much better.”

“Sigh… I apologize for that, Narias. My name is Estella Alifur. And Miss pervert here is our academy’s healer. Despite her perverted nature, she is responsible for keeping everyone in good health. So, how do you feel?” the woman with the beautiful black hair, and cat ears, asked.

“I fell… fine,” Narias said after a moment of thought.

“Do you remember what happened?” the same woman asked.

“I believe I was at the arena, and I was trying to…” the boy tried to remember. “I was trying to reach the goal line but someone was constantly stopping me from doing so. In the end, I was punched by instructor Dreknor and… I don’t remember what happened after that.”

“Yes, that’s right. Ranga Dreknor went overboard with his attack. I apologize for that,” Estella felt a little uneasy about it.

“But wait, the other person who was smacking me… was it…” Narias looked at the woman with the cat ears and tail.

“Yes, you are correct. I was the one who tried to stop you from reaching the other side of the arena. I must admit, I was surprised you were able to keep up with me,” Estella complimented him.

“That’s right. You’re the catwoman I saw at the last second before I was knocked out. You were so amazing. I couldn’t see or hear you at all. I thought the image I saw was just an illusion. I can’t believe… you… were… Uh?” Narias exciting recollection of what happened turned into a confusion, and worry, when he saw the teacher’s smile changed to a frown, with a burning rage in her eyes.

“What… did you call me?” she was clenching her fist, with her eyes full of anger.

“I said… you were… amazing?” Narias couldn’t understand why she looked upset.

“Oh my, I better prepare another bed,” Milenna touched one of her cheeks with her hand.

“Huh? Wha- Cough…” before Narias could grasp what could’ve happened that made Miss Alifur so angry, he felt a stinging pain in his stomach, and then passed out.

“My, my. What would instructor Dreknor say about that?” the nurse asked playfully with a smile.

“Ah? I…” it was almost like Estella only now realized what had happened. “Well… I mean… Tsk… At least I didn’t break the bed this time,” the woman with the cat ears frowned with a smirk.

“You have such a short temper, despite being such a cute kitty,” Milenna said in a teasing way.

“Hmph… He had it coming,” Estella crossed her arms under her chest.

“And how could’ve he known, my dear Estella?” the nurse inquired, with an interrogative look in her eyes.

“Tsk…,” the black-haired woman’s ears flickered. “Just… heal him. I will pay for it this time.”

“There’s no need for that, sweetheart. It would be my pleasure,” Milenna smiled cheekily, after placing her clipboard on the table. “Taking care of people’s health is what I am here for after all. Now, if you excuse me.”

“I was leaving already,” Miss Alifur half snapped at her, right before closing the doors behind her.

“Heehee,” Estella could still hear Milenna’s chuckle behind the closed doors.

“Sigh… What am I doing, getting mad at the student who had nothing to do with it? Sigh… I’ll get scolded by Jean again…” the woman with the cat ears leaned at the door with her back. “Damn, I’m such a baby…”


(after some time)

“Ugh… what happened? Wait, is this ‘Déjà vu’?” Narias felt like he had been in the exact same situation before.

“I don’t know what the ‘de… ja… vu…’ means, but it sounds extremely sexy,” the same nurse said seductively, which made Narias turn his her towards her.

“Huh? I’m sorry, I…” he was confused. “Oh, Miss Alifur? Is she ok?”

“Oh my, you are still worried about her after what she did to you?” Milenna asked, full of surprise.

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“What she did to me? I mean, I remember we were talking but then suddenly I blacked out for some reason,” Narias tried to remember.

“Is that so? Well, maybe that is for the better,” the school’s nurse smiled. “But I probably should warn you about something. It would be very… hmm… unhealthy for you to call, or rather, to refer to any of the teachers at the academy by animal names, if you can grasp what I am trying to say?”

“Animal names?” he wondered.

Wait, does she mean… Before I passed out, I saw Miss Alifur become really angry. Was it something I said. Oh right, I called her a catwoman. But the other beast-humans I met seemed to be ok with me using animal references when I spoke to them. Maybe it is inappropriate to call them like that here at the academy? I will have to remember that. – Narias thought to himself.

“Excuse me, does that mean Miss Alifur became angry because I called her a catwo- I mean, the animal name?” Narias corrected himself mid-sentence.

“As harsh as it may sound, yes,” the nurse told him with a smile. “I hope you can forgive her for such brute rudeness.”

“Incredible,” he expressed his amazement.

“Ah? Incredible?” Milenna didn’t expect to hear that.

“I mean, I couldn’t see, or react, to when she hit me. Same with the instructor Ranga Dreknor. He was absolutely amazing. Reina’s Magic Academy is so awesome. It has so many great teachers. Mr. Zeanlor, who can use Destro Magic, Mrs. Orienta, who is extremely kind. And they have such huge library full of books too. I can’t wait to learn from everyone,” Narias jumped out of the bed, extremely excited.

“Oh my, what an unexpected thing to say,” the nurse was amazed to hear so many compliments about the school from him but then made a sad face. “Hmm… I feel a little sad for being left out, though.”

“Wait,” suddenly Narias started to inspect himself. “I was hit really hard, I even passed out. But I feel totally fine. Does that mean…”

“Aaah, I am so glad you caught on, cutie,” Milenna’s face brightened

“You… you healed me, Miss…” he finally realized it.

“Miss Milenna Veila. Very pleased to meet you, Narias Talrone. You are correct, I was the one who healed your injuries,” the nurse adjusted her position in her chair to make herself more comfortable, or to slightly expose her wonderful assets, to be more precise.

“Woah… You can use Nature’s Magic, Miss Veila?” Narias’ eyes were aflame.

“Yes, indeed I can. And please, call me Milenna,” she was rather pleased to see how impressed the boy was.

“This is unreal. I knew enrolling into Reina’s Magic Academy was the right choice. Will you be teaching classes, Miss Milenna? When is your first lesson? I can’t wait to learn from you,” he was so looking forward to it.

“Oh my, such passion. You made me blush,” Milenna flushed, touching her cheek with one hand. “I am quite surprised. Nobody had ever asked me to teach them Nature’s Magic before.”

“What do you mean ‘never asked’?” Narias was puzzled. “They must’ve been crazy if they didn’t want to learn from you.”

“Aaah… stop it. You will make me blush,” the nurse had both of her hands on her cheeks. “But on a more serious note, I’m sorry but I don’t do lectures at the academy.”

“Ah? Why not?” Narias excitement was cut in half.

“Why not indeed?” the gorgeous nurse asked the question herself. “I only work as a healer here at the academy. Nothing more, nothing less.”

“That’s… well…” he wanted to understand why but it wouldn’t had made any difference. “But then, could you teach me anyway? I will do anything you want.”

“Anything I want?” Milenna’s eyes sparkled. “That is such a tempting offer.”

“Huh?” Narias suddenly felt an intense, passionate Milenna’s stare, stuck somewhere below his belly. “I mean… eeer…”

“You’re just so cute, I can’t help it,” the nurse stuck her tongue out for a brief moment, but it was more like she was licking her voluptuous, red lips. “However, I have to ask you something. Can you use Nature’s Magic?”

“Aahm… no… I can’t,” Narias lowered his head.

“Then I’m afraid I can’t. Nature’s Magic is not something you can teach someone. I am sure you are aware of that,” Milenna looked at Narias with calm, passionate, smiling eyes.

“Yes, I know,” as sad as he was, Narias had to admit it.

“Now then, I wish I could say ‘stay a little longer’, or ‘come see me again’, but I’d rather you would not get injured too much. This is an infirmary, after all. I simply take care of people’s health,” she added with a seductive, teasing smile.

“Right…” he said almost in a whisper, but then suddenly remembered he was missing classes. “Oh no, I still have to attend the classes today.”

“Not today I’m afraid,” the hot nurse told him. “You had spent most of the day in my office. You had been… injured twice, remember?”

“The classes are over? Is it that late already?” he couldn’t believe it.

“I can heal the injuries but the body still needs to rest and recover. You had spent the whole day in this bed I’m afraid,” Milenna explained.

“No…” Narias let out a disappointing sigh.

“Hmph…” Miss Veila followed with a sweet smile. “In any case, I wish you a pleasant evening.”

“Yeah, well… Thank you, Miss Veila,” Narias was ready to leave.

“Please, call me Milenna, cutie,” she insisted.

“Ah… Miss Milenna,” he said with a silly smile.


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