Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 5: Chapter 5 – A Real Hero

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The city they went to was called Marnas. It was more of a trade city than anything else. Many merchants would come to offer their merchandise and the city was booming. Narias became excited even before reaching it. One reason was they were riding in a carriage. It was an adventure for the little boy in itself. However, there was another surprise waiting for Narias after they reached the city. They decided to get out of the carriage before passing the gate.

“WHAT?!” the little boy exclaimed as soon as he stepped out.

“What’s wrong, dear?” his mom became worried. “You look like you have seen a monster.”

A monster? Obviously. Can’t they see it?” – Narias was so scared, he couldn’t move.

“Hey now. Don’t tell me you’ve gotten sick all of a sudden?” Lorenard couldn’t understand what was going on.

What’s wrong with them? Can’t they see it? Oh no, it is coming here. – Narias panicked.

He wanted to run, to hide. But his legs wouldn’t move. A two-legged beast, with fur and claws was coming closer.

“Monster! Run!” he shouted, while pulling his mom’s hand.

“Huh? What?” Narias’ father reacted and jumped in closer to protect his wife and son. “Where?”

“B… behind you,” the little boy managed to shout out.

The ferocious beast was getting closer but Lorenard was ignoring him. Instead, Narias’ dad was looking everywhere around him but not at the approaching monster.

Nooo. We will get eaten. – Narias was really scared.

“What happened? I heard a scream about a monster,” the same ferocious beast spoke.

“Huh? It can speak?” Narias gasped.

“What? What do you mean, Narias?” his mom kneeled down, wanting to understand what he meant by it.

“Wait, you didn’t mean?” Lorenard noticed how fearful Narias was while looking at the person that came over.

“Huh?” the ‘monster’ shrugged.

Lorenard looked at Alvina. She looked back at him. Then they both looked at Narias.

“Sigh…” Lorenard sighed. “I’m sorry Nirza. False alarm.”

“Ah?” the beastlike person tilted his head. “Ok. Better not raise panic, you know.”

“Yeah. I think my son was confused,” Narias’ father added.

Huh? What? – Narias couldn’t understand what was going on.

As it turned out, the ‘monster’ Narias got scared of was actually a person. A bear beast-man, to be more precise. Narias saw only humans work at his father’s estate, so he couldn’t know. He never even thought there could be other races out there. Other than humans, that is.

This was a new world, with its own inhabitants. Being able to use magic was only one extraordinary thing Narias wouldn’t even dreamed he could do. Having other races live here was very much normal.

Not to say, it didn’t scare him. It doesn’t matter if you are three year old, or a sixteen year old, seeing a beast you had never seen before who had fur, claws and teeth, would scare anyone if they didn’t know better.

“Oh, so that’s what happened,” Nirza was talking to Narias’ father.

“Yeah. Apologies about what happened,” Lorenard apologized. “It seems that the incident during his birthday had an affect on the boy’s memory as well. My wife was especially worried about him.”

“Well, the important thing is that your boy is fine now,” said Nirza. “Just make sure he doesn’t cause a scene inside the city.”

“Of course,” said Lorenard.

“I’m sorry. I just…” Narias was apologizing.

“It’s ok, my dear. Nirza might look scary but he is certainly not a monster,” his mom was comforting him.

“How are you doing, son?” Lorenard came back.

“I’m fine. I just didn’t expect…” Narias tried to regain his composure.

“How about we buy something sweet to put this incident behind us?” his father suggested with a smile.

“Yes,” Narias agreed.

“And just so you know, there won’t be any monsters in there,” Alvina added.

“Hehe,” Narias laughed.

The city was buzzing with business. Lots of people were coming and going. Narias calmed down and accepted the fact that they might encounter more beastlike people, which now he was looking forward to. And he wasn’t disappointed.

Majority of the people inside the city were humans. But there were quite a few beast-humans, and even half beast-humans as well.

As the name implied, beast-humans resembled the real animals, or beasts. Most of them had fur and their faces were more of an animal, like Nirza, the guard they met near the city gates. He definitely looked like a bear, only he was wearing armor and walked on two, like all humans do.

The half beast-humans looked more like normal humans but had some traits of a certain beast or an animal. For example, a half-beast fox would look very much human, except they would have a tail and the ears, and/or a nose of a fox. Their eyes would be somewhat different from the normal humans as well.

Narias was excited beyond belief. He would gasp and stare at ever beast-human or half beast-human he could see. Especially, at the beautiful half-beast women who, for whatever reason, would draw his attention more so than anyone else. His parents would have to reprimand him not to stare too much because it was rude.

“Sorry,” Narias would make a silly smile in response.

“Heehee,” his mom would chuckle.

Narias’ family came to the city for sightseeing mostly. His dad didn’t plan to buy a whole lot. He only got some supplies for the workers at his estate. Talrone’s family spent most of the time enjoying themselves and showing Narias around. He certainly had a great time throughout the day.

“Ah, he’s so adorable,” Alvina gasped when Narias finally fell asleep.

“He was certainly active today,” Lorenard was carrying him. “We stayed longer than I expected we would but that’s ok. Let’s go home.”

They went to get their carriage and were on the way. Unfortunately, the road back home wasn’t as peaceful, and as exciting, as the trip to the city in the morning.

Loud noises and shouts made Narias wake up. When he opened his eyes, he saw he was all alone inside the carriage but he could hear people outside. They seemed to be arguing or even fighting. The boy peeked through the window to check.

Huh? What’s going in on?

It was almost dark but the stars and the moon provided enough light for him to see. Two bodies were lying right next to the carriage, with more people standing slightly further away. His mom and dad were among them as well.

“You nobleman scum! How dare you hurt my comrades?” one of the men yelled.

“You’re just a pack of thieves, stealing from people. You better turn around and leave,” Lorenard told him in a stern voice. “Unless you want to end up just like your ‘comrades’ here on the ground.”

“Who the hell do you think you are? Get him!” the man issued an order.

A couple of his buddies rushed at Lorenard with their weapons ready.

“Wind Blade!” he cut one down in an instant.

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“Fire Ball!” Alvina got another one.

“You damn spellcasters!” one of the men managed to get close to Lorenard.

“Haah! Humph,” but Narias’ dad instantly disarmed him and dropped the man on the ground.

Wow. So cool. – Narias was impressed.

Narias was already out of the carriage, hiding slightly behind one of the wheels. Because of the dark, and because he was only a small child, nobody noticed him standing there.

Unfortunately, there was someone else nobody noticed there as well. One of the thugs was sneaking from around the bushes to get close to Alvina.

Oh no. – Narias noticed him too late.

Before the boy could open his mouth to warn his mom, the man jumped at her.

“Haaa!” he was in a full swing.

“Mooom!” Narias shouted.

“Wha-“ she saw the bandit too late.

“Wind Bullet!” a spell was cast right before the thug reached Alvina.

“Aagh!” the bandit was hit and his attack was interrupted.

“Fire Ball!” that gave Alvina enough time to cast her spell.

“Aaaah!” the man was burned on the face.

“How? What?” the bandit in charge was flabbergasted the ambush failed.

“Wind Blade!” Lorenard didn’t wait for him to snap out of it.

“Aaargh! No… way…” the last bandit dropped on the ground.

“I think… that’s all of them,” Narias’ father looked around. “Are you ok, darling?”

“Yes, thank you my love. If not for the assistance of…” she suddenly gasped in surprise. “Narias?”

The little boy was still holding onto his hand, with his index finger pointing forward. Almost like holding a gun.

“Narias!” his mom rushed to him. “Are you ok? Are you hurt?”

“Mooom!” Narias burst into tears. “I was so afraid. – Sob, - I thought that man will hurt you.”

“It’s ok Narias. It’s over now,” his mother was comforting him.

“What do you know?” Lorenard, on the other hand, seemed happy. “Come on, let’s go.”

They had no time to linger around. There could’ve been more bandits lurking in the woods. Once everyone was inside the carriage, Lorenard ushered the horses to leave the area as fast as possible.

Saying Narias’ first trip to the city was exciting would be an understatement. Enjoying his time with his mom and dad was fun. He had his fair share of scary moments as well. Seeing the beast-humans was one thing, but being attacked by the bandits on their way home was something else. It was a real fantasy world indeed.

“Welcome back lady Alvina,” Layla greeted her but soon noticed something was wrong. “Are you ok? Did something happen?”

“The trip was very fun but…” Alvina tried to smile.

“On our way home we were attacked by some bandits,” Lorenard finished his wife’s sentence.

“Oh, no,” the young maid exclaimed. “Did someone get hurt?”

“Nah, we were lucky we had Narias with us,” his dad smirked.

“Huh?” Layla was confused.

“If not for Narias, one of the bandits would’ve jumped on me,” Alvina told what happened.

“He is the real hero here. He protected his mom, didn’t you Narias?” his dad patted him on the head.

“Well… that scary man wanted to hurt my mom,” Narias said quietly.

“Did you hear that, Layla?” Alvina sparkled. “Narias called me mom.”

“Heehee,” Layla chuckled.

“Still, why didn’t you tell us you were able to use magic. And the spell you used was something I had never seen before,” Lorenard wanted to know.

“I’m sorry. I mean…” Narias became slightly timid. “You said you didn’t want me to use magic, so…”

“Sigh…” his dad sighed. “I guess I need to be careful about what I say around you. When did you learn that spell anyway?”

“About a week ago. I practised after I read this one book at the library and…” Narias tried to explain.

“So that’s what happened!” Layla exclaimed suddenly. “That’s why there was such a mess at the library the other day. You said you fell from the chair and bumped at the book shelve. So, you lied to me about what happened, young Master.”

Layla made an upset face.

“I’m sorry Layla. I didn’t mean to. I simply…” Narias started to apologize.

“Aaah. How adorable,” Alvina couldn’t restrain herself. “My baby. I love you so much.”

“Ugh… wait,” Narias had no chance of escaping his mom’s wondrous hug.

“Ahaha! That’s my son for you,” Lorenard laughed wholeheartedly.




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