Magic Dungeon Academy

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – Growing Up

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“Happy birthday, Narias!” everyone cheered.

Twelve years had passed since the day Anthony got reincarnated into a new world. Today was the day when Narias’ was celebrating his fifteenth birthday. Yet he still felt uncomfortable with all the attention.

“Congratulations son. You’re basically an adult now,” his father had a cheesy smile on his face.

“I’m only fifteen, dad,” Narias frowned.

“Aah, don’t say that sweety. Fifteen is an important age for kids. It is an age when children can join the Magic Dungeon Academy, among some other things. Heehee,” his mom had a similar cheeky smile on her face.

“Mooom,” Narias made ‘oh, come on’ face again.

“Hahaha,” Lorenard laughed. “Just think about how many pretty girls you will be able to meet at your chosen school. They will be head over heels for you.”

“Daaad!” Narias couldn’t make them to stop teasing him.

A lot of time had passed since the day he arrived at this incredible, fantasy world. And a lot had happened since then too. Narias grew into a handsome, young man.

During the twelve years he had been living in here, Narias had learned a lot. A whole lot. Yet the time had come to learn even more. But let’s backtrack a little bit.

For starters, Narias basically devoured the whole Talrone’s library. He was learning rapidly during his early years. But this time, he didn’t limit himself with only reading books.

The desire to learn how to use magic had overpowered his previous obsession with books. He immersed himself in studying, and practising magic. And the main focus was to practise, not simply read about it. That’s where the real learning began.

Narias loved to experiment with what kind of new spells he could learn. His results surpassed his parents’ expectations many times over. He even surprised himself a couple of times by achieving something that hasn’t been written in any of the books he had read.

Magic was as common as any other skill people would have in this world. However, not everyone could use magic effectively. There were many types of magic and many more restrictions on who, and what type of magic, people could use.

There were five basic magic types: Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water and Earth. Those were the most common types of magic. However in most cases, one person could use only one type of magic. It was extremely rare that somebody would be able to use two types of magic. Even rarer were people who could use three, or more, different types of magic.

One important detail was that the magic you could use was almost always predetermined by your lineage. Which meant, if you were born into a family who could use only Earth Magic, you would be born with an innate Earth Magic ability. If, however, your parents were Earth and Water Magic users each, you would gain either Earth or Water Magic ability as their child.

Apart from the five basic types of magic there were Destro and Nature Magic as well. These two magic types were on a completely different scale compared to the others. People who could use Destro or Nature magic were considered Geniuses. There were very few people born with the gift of one of them.

In addition, and it was one huge distinction regarding Destro and Nature Magic, these two magic types could not be gained from your family’s lineage. If one of your parents could use either one, that didn’t mean their child would be born with it as well.

Destro and Nature magic were random gifts to random people. Meaning, a basic magic user could have a child who would be gifted with either Nature or Destro Magic ability.

Now, regarding what Destro and Nature Magic could do.

Destro Magic did what the name implied. It was a pure destruction magic. But it went far beyond simple destruction spells. It was so varied it could either destroy everything it touched or could be used to manipulate or overpower someone’s mind from within. It was a very scary magic indeed.

Nature Magic was the opposite of Destro. It could heal and restore everything it touched. But again, it was very varied as well. A person who could use Nature Magic, could learn how to heal physical wounds or recover the person’s sanity.

Also, the Nature Magic didn’t limit the user to only healing or restorative spells. It could be used offensively as well. The magic could manipulate and grow living things, like plants for example. Somebody who was adept at using this type of magic could command the whole forest to fight for them. In reality, Nature’s Magic was as scary as Destro Magic, if not more.

As powerful as Destro and Nature Magic was, learning how to use it effectively was easier said than done. Even if you could use either one, that didn’t mean you could master it. It was much more difficult to learn how to use the said magic effectively. Much more difficult than the basic magic types. That’s why if the person could heal basic wounds, they were already considered a genius.

Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Wind, Destro and Nature weren’t the only magic types people could use here. There was Ani-Beast Magic as well. It was called so due to it being an animal, or beast, specific magic. And could only be used by beast-humans or half beast-humans. Although, some of the half-beast humans could use some form of a basic magic as well but it was rare.

As the name implied, Ani-Beast Magic was a physical abilities enhancing magic. Whether it was to enhance strength, speed, prowess, size or any combination of each. Where beast-humans lacked in mana pool to cast spells, they overcame it by boosting their physical combat abilities.

Learning about magic was only a small part of Narias’ daily life. And reading wasn’t the only thing he did. Narias was putting to practise everything he learned.

Visiting the Training Grounds became his daily routine, where Narias would practise casting spells. Or learning new ones for that matter. And once he was strong enough to hold his own, his dad helped him to train.

Lorenard was teaching him well. He was a harsh teacher too. Narias would fall on his face more than a few times during the training sessions. His father wouldn’t hold back in the least. Narias dad was sweet and loving at home. But when it came to training, he was as strict as a teacher could be.

“It is a harsh world out there, Narias. You better train harder now. Because once you leave our house, you will have to rely on your own strength,” Mr. Talrone would say.

Narias understood his words perfectly no matter how hard, or painful, the training that day was. The incident with the bandits never left his mind since that day when they were returning from Marnas. It was the reality of this world, and Narias was already mature enough to take it seriously.

Of course, that didn’t mean Narias enjoyed being beaten up by his father all the time. He was frustrated more than when he failed to learn a new spell. But at the same time, he had to accept the fact that there was a big gap between them. More so physically than by how adept each one of them was at using magic.

In reality, Narias was much more proficient at casting spells. In a few short years, his ability to use magic and control mana had grown exponentially. By the age of seven, Narias was already able to cast stronger and more complex magic spells than his father. Casting the spells effectively was a different matter, however.

Even though his dad used less and more basic spells, he was very creative and could manipulate his magic better in order to confuse Narias during the fight. Lorenard would use Wind Magic not only for attacking but for moving around faster, or creating opportunities by exploiting the terrain.

That’s when Narias clearly saw the real value of physical training. Having a huge pool of mana, and being able to cast variety of spells meant very little if you get tired fast. Therefore, Narias pushed himself far and beyond in order to train his stamina, something he would’ve never done in his previous life. Being able to beat his dad one day just added extra motivation to his training.

While Narias’ dad was busy training him how to fight, his mom was helping him to learn how to deal with people. She was very respected and lovable person. On many occasions Mrs. Talrone would be invited to parties, or gatherings, by her friends, or even important people in the society. And when Narias became old enough, she would take him with her.

At first, Narias was quick to withdraw and keep a low profile. He wasn’t very sociable in his previous life and didn’t know how to talk to people.

“But I don’t know what to say to them,“ Narias would protest when his mom would suggest to go talk to the other kids.

“Narias, sweety, the secret to talking to people is being a good listener,” she would say.

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“Huh?” Narias would simply shrug it off.

It was very awkward for him, at the beginning at least. But with the help of his mom, Narias grasped the meaning behind his mother’s words eventually.

Because he didn’t want to talk to anyone, Narias would stand there and listen to his mom’s conversations with other people. More often than not, his mother wasn’t the one who was talking all the time. Quite the opposite. The other people would talk much more than her.

That realization had opened Narias’ eyes about how people operate. Instinctively, he knew people loved to talk. While he was still Anthony, he could hear his classmates yap about nothing at school all the time. He never wanted to listen to them. So, after a while nobody would approach him.

But watching his mom, and the other people communicate, he finally understood why it was so. The popular girls in his class where not the ones who loved to talk most but the ones who listened to the other classmates talking. It only took Narias a new life to realize that.

Now what about Layla? What happened to the cute, young maid who was teaching Narias to read? Well, she grew up as well. Above all, going from fifteen to twenty seven really made an impact. In Narias eyes especially.

Layla was still working as a maid but now she was an adult. A very attractive adult at that. If twelve years ago Narias was a teenager in his mind only, then now he was a full-fledged teenager in mind and body alike. And he could feel it inside and out.

Layla was still the same, sweet maid as she was before. Only now she was more refined, elegant, and more beautiful. Narias and Layla weren’t spending as much time together as before. He didn’t need help with reading anymore. But that didn’t mean he didn’t enjoy her being around.

Layla would bring drinks or watch over Narias when he was training. Her presence motivated him to try harder. But very often it would backfire on him as well. In time, Narias became so eager to learn, he would forget about his own safety, and overexert his body. This almost always happened when Narias tried to master, or learn, a new spell.

“Ok, one more time,” he would say and would go at it again.

Which, after one too many tries, would end up with Narias collapsing from exhaustion. When his father wasn’t there, it wasn’t very difficult for Layla to carry the little boy back home. But when he grew up, Layla wasn’t able to do so. She would sit down, rest Narias’ head on her lap, and wait until he wakes up.

Needless to say, when the first time Layla did that, Narias got himself into trouble again. When he opened his eyes, and found himself laying down on her lap, Narias thought he was dreaming. Like, really dreaming. Layla’s wonderful breasts were looking down right back at him. Narias was already thirteen at the time.

Since he thought he was dreaming, and because his manly hormones had started to become active, he thought he was having another of his puberty dreams again. So, he lifted his hand and did the next best thing any man would do in the given situation. He groped Layla’s now fully developed breasts. His body shivered with excitement when his hand gently fondled one of them.

“Oh, you are up already, Young Master. Hmph,” Layla smiled at him from above.

“Huh? What?” Narias was yet to realize her comment had more than one meaning behind it. “Wait, this is not a dream?”

“A dream? No. But it makes me happy to know you dream about touching me like that, young Master,” Narias’ hand was still caressing one of Layla’s breasts.

“Eeek! Sorry. I’m so sorry. Ugh- Aaargh…” Narias tried to get up but his body was still too weak, and in too much pain, to do so.

“Be careful, young Master. You collapsed during the training again,” Layla warned him. “You will have to rest for a day or two to recover.”

“Oh no,” Narias placed his palm on his face, covering his eyes. “I was so close too.”

“So close to do what?” Layla wanted to know.

“I was trying to learn this new spell but I just couldn’t handle it,” Narias complained.

“Oh, that. Heehee,” she chuckled with a slight surprise.

“Huh? Why do you laugh?” Narias was confused.

“I’m sorry. I thought you were close to do something in your dream, young Master,” Layla’s words sounded unexpectedly seductive.

Hah? – that was one embarrassing moment he wished he’d forget.

In a sense, Narias and Layla grew up together. They could’ve been brother and sister for all they knew. But neither of them thought about each other that way. Narias was the son of Mr. Talrone, the head of the household, and Layla was a maid. As far as Narias knew, she started working right before the baby was born. Which meant she was working for three years before Anthony ‘arrived’.

The very first time Narias saw Layla, at the time she was fifteen, he instantly thought how cute she was. He could’ve never thought about her being his own sister.

Now, when Narias was old enough, and was considered an adult by the local standards, he couldn’t ignore his manly urges tormenting him more often than he would’ve wished. To battle them, he would spend as much time training as he could. Which led to him collapsing more often than not as well.

He was trying to avoid Layla for days after that incident. When he grabbed Layla’s breasts for the very first time, right after Anthony was reincarnated into a three year old’s body, it could’ve been brushed off as an innocent child’s prank. But now, when he was a teenager, it couldn’t had been misunderstood in any other way. Besides, Narias admitted he wanted to touch Layla’s breasts in his dream, so there was no way out of it.

The biggest surprise was that Layla was totally ok with it. From her suggestive comment Narias even speculated she’d let him grope her for real. But then he convinced himself it was because off his puberty hormones going wild. The thought was too preposterous to actually believe it would be true. He was very careful with what he was doing when Layla was around from then on.




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