Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 1: What?!!

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A bearded  old man stood in front of what looked to be a ball of light that flicked like light a bulb that was about to go out. The old Man stroked his  beard before he spoke

"Alright that's everything, enjoy" 


Before the  ball of light could Even respond it was immediately  sucked in to what looked to be a black hole and  completely disappearing from the space leaving the  old man alone in the void.

"Time for the next one to enter and  make their  wish, though I wish these mortal could stay alive for more than a hundred years, it's tiring to grant wishes of billions of souls"

The old  man took out a rolled up piece of paper before looking at it's contents and  lamenting at the long list of names.

"Fuck I hate this job"

He grumbled before straightening himself out and  waited for the next soul to come in.


Pitch black eyes stared  at the fast paced animated  action scene on TV, one could see the fight between a blonde haired knight in what looked like blue and silver armor fighting something that look like   red demonic human with huge muscles reflecting on to the eyes of the observer that was sat on a pale beige couch, the man was bent forward with his elbows on his knees. The fight scene he was witnessing was spectacular the animation was splendid and he could clearly see that a lot of money was spent to create such a masterpiece.

However despite watching the master piece of animation in front of him, the  man was confused and  quite flabbergasted, the  first thing he remembered were the bright lights of a vehicle that was about to flatten him but yet for some reason now he is in a House watching anime? That didn't make any sense, what happened? Did he die? Was that a dream? Whose house is this?

The man who was currently watching anime and very confused about his current circumstances, he was on the comfort of his own home yet it felt like he was in a strangers house. Mikami Satorou  or Better known as Rimuru Tempest or at the very least that's what his memories are telling him. It was a bizarre feeling despite feeling like he just found out he was Rimuru from the  Tentsura series he was also feeling like he always knew he was  Rimuru quite the contradiction. 

"how am I Rimuru? Did I reincarnate as him? if so why am I not a slime, where's the Veldora cave?"

Memories started flooding in his head filling the gaps and answering his question, he wasn't exactly Rimuru not the original but he simply occupied his body and had all his powers and skills and  this wasn't the Tentsura world but Earth and  he was currently living in a one bedroom apartment.

All of this led him to believe that he indeed did die  and was reincarnated but why does he have Rimuru's powers? Did he  meet a R.O.B and  wish for this? If so why doesn't he Remember? 

[Welcome Master ]

He was broken out of his thoughts by a sweet melodic voice that caused his ears to perk up before realizing that the voice came from within his head

[Preparing body double for easier questioning]

The voice spoke again before a black fog shot out of his body and started taking shape of a human. The process was quick and in a split second  a female version of Rimuru  but taller with red eyes kneeled in front if him. The woman was beautiful, despite kneeling he could tell she was tall and had slender figure 

"welcome master I have anticipated your arrival"

She  looked up to him  and saw the look of befuddlement on his face, she could tell there were several questions he wanted to ask so she waited for him to collect his thoughts.

"what happened ? What's going on?"

He asked her, he got the memories of the body he was currently inhabiting he knew who this woman in front of was but if he was being honest  everything confused him. But he tried to compose himself and not let it show and will instead look for clarification. If he did die and  this was a wish given to him by  R.O.B then fine  the circumstances of how he died don't Matter so right now he's going To try and  figure stuff as he goes 

The woman then proceeded to explain some things to him, while she could not tell him whether or not it was a R.O.B that sent him here he surmised it was a being of similar power. According to the woman she has been sent here from beyond the void waiting for his soul to arrive and occupy the body while Also simultaneously building a an identity for him in this world and his current identity was Mikami Satorou a 37 year old salary man, doesn't have any significant others, his parents died when he was in his early 20s  and since then has hardly had any contact with anyone only going from and to work and had made no friends.

"why did you choose this background"

He asked, It seemed a little pathetic,  no girlfriend no parents a semi neet life and has worked the same position in his job without  promotions or anything, the way she explained it made it seem like he was pathetic waste of space that no one would miss.

"well I thought it would be best if I created a background that would cause less problems for when you arrive, this way you won't have to pretend with strangers"

She concluded and he accepted her explanation. Honestly it's  better than having to suddenly pretend to love strangers that you just recently met, to them they've known you for years but to you that's not the case so he won't complain about that though he couldn't help but feel like there was some hidden intentions as to why she choose that type of background but he decided to ignore that feeling so for now he'll accept this life 

He died of old age  at age 89 but he lived an unfulfilled life hardly any adventures  he was good man a law biding citizen and when he looked back he couldn't help but snicker at how boring his life was, accomplished nothing, never had a family because he feared relationships  and basically died a Virgin.

-I guess I can try and make it more exciting This time around-

He thought though given his power there's doubt there'd be a anything exciting for him  being Overpowered comes with that risk after all but meh he'll make the best of it.


After the explanation Rimuru proceed to name the  woman and named her Ciel  and thus she become a living entity that can be independent but also tied to his soul and  currently they were sat on the couch and Rimuru was Continuing the anime he was watching. While he has watched a ton of anime in his last life the only anime he remembered was Tensura he attributed this to R.O.B taking his memories.

While watching tv Rimuru reviewed the memories he has and found out that, while he has all of Rimuru's powers from the series with the exception of [Manas :Michael ] a lot things weren't here either, there's no cardinal world or anything of the sort, no Shuna, Shion, Benimaru or anyone. This caused him to be much more confident that he must have wished for these and that R.O.B did reincarnated/Transmigrate him in a different world  but which world be had no idea. Why was his memories erased though?


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Ciel spoke,  she was sitting rather quite close to him a little too close but he didn't mind so he just let her do whatever she wanted.


"You should stop releasing  your magicules into the atmosphere. The earth has enough of it now.

"I was doing that ?"

"Yes, I thought it would be most beneficial if the world had magic power instead of just you so I started releasing some magicules 5 years ago"

She explained, apparently she has been releasing his magicules to the world in an attempt to let the earth slowly heal itself and to prevent the fall of human civilization that she had predicted  would occur in 2 to 3 hundred years

At first she thought humanity had enough time to adapt and change but after a year or so Ciel Figured it wouldn't be ideal for her master to arrive in a post-apocalyptic world so she decide to help, due to pollution and  global warming the end date of human civilization was actually accelerating so with that in mind she thought  she should at least prolong human civilization for the arrival of her master  and so  she let out his magicules and allowed the earth to heal. Ciel was also curious and thought it would be much more interesting to see how humans would adapt and gain magical power to fight magical creatures but since earth had little magical power she would have to Generate it herself 

"well then I guess I should  stop" 

With that though Rimuru closed his eyes and focused on cutting off the  magicules that were leaking before he focused back on the television, the fight between Artoria and  Heracles (Berserker) was getting good, the red giant had twelve lives and Rimuru wonders if Artoria will be able to finish them all. Surprisingly he knew about this anime but since he was watching it before he got here then Ciel must be the one who was watching it.

As they watched the series Ciel seemed to be the touchy type because she was cuddled up to him like a girlfriend, he felt it was weird but decided to not say anything and attributed it to her happy that her master arrived after a long time.


[2 Years  later ]

It was high noon, the sun was shining high as it bestowed its light upon the streets of Tokyo Japan, the  streets  were bustling filled with people who were going on about their business and  carrying on with their day.

There was a small crowd that was forming as a people watched a rather heated interaction between two gentlemen who seem to have gotten into a bit of a traffic accident. It seems the two men lightly crashed their cars and both cars received some damage as their front bumpers were bent inwards, the damage isn't significant to cause the car to not function but it would still cost money to fix money neither of these  gentlemen had so it seems they had planned for the other to provide the insurance.

The argument was getting quite heated almost to the point  where the men were close to exchanging blows as neither wanted to back down. Most Japanese people are mild Mannered hardly violent but it seems the two exceptions that were not mild Mannered Managed meet and the result is a small scale argument close to being a fight.

A few teenagers had their phones out recording the whole event either planning to post it online or perhaps watching it later for their own amusement

"look buddy I ain't paying for shit"

"somebody is paying for my damaged bumper and it's going to be you"

 The two man exchanged words back and forth as they got close together ready to square up, it seemed somebody was losing a tooth today and probably leaving with a broken nose. 


A sound of a giant object landing on the ground echoed, at the exact time of the sound the earth shook causing every one to lose their balance at the sudden earth quake. Earthquakes are quite common in Japan so nobody questioned the cause as they all pretty much knew what it was so when the shaking stopped everyone was ready to move to nearest safety shelter, however before any man or woman could move a Roar  of an unknown creature thundered throughout the city breaking windows  and shaking buildings.

The  people looking towards its direction and once they laid eye of The creature they were stunned silent, eyes gradually opened to the size of saucers as the shock of such a creature registered in their brains.

 sharp, pointy and   white razors for teeth with obsidian eyes no pupils, a  long neck covered in black scales with a body that was 10 meters long and a wingspan that  looked to be 15 meters wide  a Giant bird like creatures that had the  makings of a lizard had landed on the streets of the capital city of Japan.

Chaos erupted as  the  people ran for their lives, it was every man for himself and the peaceful day turned deadly. The creature wasted no time, lunges forward and catching its prey with its razor like jaws and   gulping down in a single bite  before moving on to its next target and doing the same to them. The screams of women  and men alike as they watched in horror seeing many fellow humans  slide down the creatures gullet and into its stomach. 

None of them were safe, cars were ripped opened by its teeth before it proceeds to bite on whoever was inside, if the car Was too small it used its tongue and wrapped it around its victim before swallow hole clothes and  all, letting its stomach acid do its job as it continues to hunt. 

The creature was on a hunt and no one was safe even more so for those who had been outside with no where to hide, hiding in your car was useless and many had lost their sense of reasoning and abandoned their cars and choosing  to flee on foot instead driving away which was much faster.

The creature's rampage continued for a full 5 minutes, feasting on the abundance  of prey, like a whale feeding on a school of fish, gouging itself on the sweet taste of human blood if it chose to bite instead of swallow which it occasionally did, its white teeth had now been stained in blood,  child, woman or man nothing was spared as the creature satiated it's hunger.

The street cameras and traffic lights camera were the spectators of this massacre, recording every second watching the monster  show itself as an apex predator and letting humanity know it was no longer the dominant species.


A/N: Hope you like the chapter, please do comment any suggestions or thoughts 

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