Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 2: Australia

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High up in the air far Higher than the monstrosity below a man was free falling straight down, his light blue hair floated up in the air. The man had a frown on his face as he looked down on the creature feeding on human, his golden eyes  filled with regret for his actions, he hadn't expected  shit to hit the fan so quickly.

"Too late for regrets now" 

He said with a sigh, he had hoped that by the time magical creatures Roamed the world humanity would be ready  but his hopes were dashed and now he must correct his mistakes or at least show the humans they can fight against monsters.

"Think of it this way darling, after this humans will grow stronger  think of it as their awakening" 

The sweet voice of his companion resounded in his head, Rimuru was having a difficult time placing the blame on himself or Ciel, it was his magicules that brought this on, but  it was her that released the magicules because she wanted to  prolong human civilization because she had predicted that in a few hundred years it would fall, so  she can't really blame her but her good intentions are the direct cause of this.

"I suppose  but one must always clean up their own messes" 

He said before he rolled in to a ball and spinning himself in high speeds as he fell towards the beast, once he determined he was close enough he raised one of his legs up in an axe kick before  bringing it down like a sledgehammer on to the cranium of the beast.

"wind blade kick" 

Successfully landing the heel of his foot on top of the creatures head, he splattered the beast on to the floor turning its head into bloody paste on the road, the kick was accompanied by a thundering Shockwave that generated a small earthquake. It's blood splattered all over the road and building  and cars.

After having given  the death blow to the monster he turned to look around for any sign of other monsters, an action completely unnecessary as his universal sense would have notified him of any danger, However the action However did allow for  the street camera to get a clean view of his handsome face and golden eyes, something that would prove troublesome later.

"so Where to next?"

He questioned his eternal companion asking for the next location that needed monster extermination, he plans to go  around the killing any monsters that show up and demonstrating that humans have the power to fight against monsters.

"Australia is currently dealing with an arachnid infestation"  

The woman said, there was a notable crunch at the end of her sentence making Rimuru slightly pissed.

"Oi are you eating chips right now?" 

He questioned as he bent his knees slightly before jumping high in the air out of sight of any spectators.

"Yes, and I'm currently starting up Fate Apocrypha"

"what! Wait don't watch it without me,  come on!!"

"I'm not the one who feels responsible for the appearance of monsters thus needs to deal with them and besides multiple servants will be summoned I'm curious how this will go"

Ciel had told him to simply let humane adapt by themselves but he insisted on helping them out partly because he feels guilty about the existence of monsters.

"goddammit Ciel don't watch it till I get there"

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"uh huh"

Ciel Sarcastically responded clearly not going to follow that order, Rimuru realized that Ciel wasn't going to listen to him and he didn't argue any further.

'fucking hell' 

He cursed before he teleported to Australia directly without  delay, if multiple servants will be summoned in Apocrypha then the battles must be Hella good and Ciel doesn't care about spoilers  not too mention they shared a brain he'd be far too curious not to check her memories, so he needs to deal with the Australia problem pretty quickly. Plus he never got into the series in his past life and only watched fate/zero so had to hurry.


Contrary to what she made her darling master believe she was not going to watch fate apocrypha but instead had planned to finally crack the password to file  labeled "work stuff" on Rimuru's computer, Rimuru was unemployed as he resigned from his salary man job so there should be no work stuff on his computer. Ciel Figured with [thought acceleration] it should be fairly easy heck even without it she would easily be able to figure out his password but unfortunately Rimuru did something to make it rather difficult to crack the code, she knows very well the password is set to be the last thing she would think of but she's not really sure what's the last thing she'd think of

She sat in front of the computer, her red pupils staring at the screen that demanded a password, the thought of using the skill [all of creation] occurred to her as the skill would allow her to comprehend any unconcealed physical phenomenon  but the file Isn't exactly physical but no matter she'll crack it eventually, with her speed and combined with thought acceleration it shouldn't take more than a second.

"thought acceleration" 

She uttered once she got her self comfortable in the chair and readied herself for the task at hand, she  began her quest to find out what her darling master was hiding and was going to find out today.


Ronald was not happy man by nature well not by nature its just simply that life has been giving him the business since early adulthood leading to hid rather aggressive disposition, having lost his parents just at as he began to his journey of being an adult at 21, he was left to take care of his sister who was at the time in high school being the sole adult in the family he had underestimated the amount of work required to  provide for a family not mention having a teenager in the house was a constant headache with no pain killers, he had to take charge and of everything and watch our for everything provide everything so it was no surprise that he  developed a somewhat aggressive personality as being passive didn't really ensured that his highschooler sister didn't whore herself  out to every boy in the neighborhood so he had to get in shape and show those punks that his sister wasn't something to be played with.

If you asked him, he say he did a pretty good job, well technically he did do a good job, he was a barely passable parent but at least his sister graduated high school and that was all that was needed but of course his efforts were unappreciated as his sister just went and  fucked off to Australia for some  goddamn reason and now he was here in the hell scape of a land filled freakishly large spiders. 

The screams of people around him were secondary concern, his primary was his sister on his arms as he abused his legs to flee as fast they possibly could, the girl was deathly pale and her Breathing was shallow no doubt if he doesn't hurry and get to some medical facility she'll die, but currently Australian society was falling into pieces as a swarm of Giant fire Breathing spiders torn the country apart. The creatures were at least half his size with speed to match.

He swore the hellscape could never get any worse than it already had, it just had to bring out a new breed of monstrosity couldn't it.

The sequence of events happened in a random manner there was no build up or any fore warning, the girl Left a note last month saying she was off to Australia because he was too controlling and some spiel about her living her own life, he only recently gathered enough money to both hire a private investigator to find her and money for the plane tickets, he had planned to retrieve her and go as he had no plans to stay in  Australia but the damn girl had to be stubborn.

His eyes darted around looking at the  people  there were plenty of people in front and behind him who  were running for their lives, those at the  back were probably being picked off by the spiders slowly, with that realization he picked up the pace, there were a few who had tripped and fall and got stepped on  poor bastards at least they weren't eaten alive, the screams at his back followed by hissing and  crunching – no doubt spiders feasting on the skull of the slow- didn't bother him, he care for no one but his sister.

His legs  were not willing to go any longer but they had no say, he will live to see his sister have a family of her own  so that he can die and  face his parents with pride showing them he didn't disappoint. 

Sounds of helicopter were heard as it's spinning blades made it pretty obvious, the government  had finally put something together in order to face these monstrosities, he saw the barricade  that had been out of concrete  a possibly attempt to hold of the spiders, Ronald heaved a sigh of relief  completely unaware that his slow down his pace. He had long since drowned out the sound of screaming people who were dying due to this he failed to notice that the spider were on his tail, the creature with eight legs and 6 eyes along with giant black fangs hopped on his back and before  he could panic the spider crushed his skull killing him instantly his sister soon followed  as she was devoured by the multitude of spiders  that swarmed her each of them picking apart a piece of flesh from both siblings before moving on.

However the creature had eaten their last meal as  the military tanks  rolled in, soldiers  arrived  as they began to let loose their  modern weaponry  upon the hell spawns  the soldiers had allowed plenty of civilians to enter the  barricade whoever was behind was a  lost cause. The tanks let  loose their smoothbore  letting the armor piercing fin-stabilized Discarding Sabot (APFSDS) on the spiders  in hope of reducing their numbers and it certainly gave the  illusion that they were doing damage ae a single shot pierced through multiple dozens of spiders ripping them to shred before exploding in to the distance, there were some ground troops who each fitting with a flame thrower as a way to keep the spider from getting closer, of course they had to fry the Civilians who hadn't made it past the barricade. 

Unfortunately each time the tanks massacre a dozen or so spiders  a swarm would quickly  fill up increasing numbers easily replacing the lost dozens, the swarm seems endless each spiders killed was replaced easily. it was a dark day for Australia today 


A/N: Hope you like the chapter, plz share thoughts

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