Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 10: Test 2

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Her eyes stared at the laptop screen with great interest, she watched as the golden eyed and blue haired man  used various types of skills and magic to defend the citizens from giant monsters and immediately   destroyed them in one attack, black flames scorching wyverns, black lightning  destroying monsters of various kinds and leaving not a trace. She was watching the first instance of a human utilizing magic and skills, well first instance in the modern Era.

Her light red hair swayed due to the wind coming in from the open window in her office, it was a cool breeze she’d learn to enjoy during her time here in the human world, she much preferred it over the stifling environment of the devil realm.

The man she seemed interested in was Rimuru and currently she was watching old clips of him saving various cities from monster attacks, this was before the world had adjusted to the existence of fantasy creatures and He was the only one who wielded magic.

While she could give him some praise for his actions, she cared  little for the masses not unless they somehow contributed to her plans and her plans right now involved the Saisho no hanta As he would make For a great ally, Her hands were intertwined  as she thought of ways of how to get into contact  with him or rather find him.

*knock knock*

A knock brought her out of her thoughts and caused her to shift her attention from the laptop to the door, she was already aware who it was as only one agent was allowed in the directors office.


So she spoke and gave permission to the one who knocked, her voice was sweet and soothing like one would expect of a beautiful Woman.

Kyoichiro entered the office and closed the door behind him, he had an unreadable smile on his face, one could never tell if he was happy or just faking it, the mastery of it was that the smile was not always on his face he frowned sometimes as well thus making the smile seem genuine, to the untrained he would be a very readable spy but that wasn’t the case at all.

“Director, good afternoon”

“same to you Kyoichiro”

“I see you’re watching the same thing as last time”

“he knows a lot of secrets pertaining the existence of magic so yes he interests me. Any news on Yujiro.”

“He seems to be doing the same thing we’re doing, searching for the Saisho no hunta.”


 Was her response, Yujiro Hanma was also a human that was very capable and would make for a good soldier, she also wanted to have him under her control, though she wonders if she being a little bit Greedy here, perhaps maybe having lost her powers for a good while has made her greedy, perhaps she has the urge to test her limits. It has been a couple of thousand years since she was trapped in the human world though now that she could go back to her own realm she was reluctant and didn’t want to, after all the  human realm was Much more pleasant though it had some problems , problems she planned to fix.

“anything else?” 

“yes, our leading researcher, the one that was at the school has gone rogue and we currently are unaware of his whereabouts”

“Humph, crafty isn’t he”

She gave a comment seemingly to not caring though Kyoichiro was aware that she cared a lot  the director was a bit of a control freak as such she didn’t tolerate anyone not doing as they’re told.


Sparks of lightning flew in the air as three blurs danced around the room, it seemed two blurs,  one green and one orange were Chasing a blue blur that seem to avoid them at every turn,  Shockwave of fists clashing generated a rather strong breeze blowing away anything that wasn’t nailed down to the floor.

Mikami narrowly dodged an axe kick coming from above by simply moving to side  however at the same time he had to block  a fist that came from his left, while also still minding that, the axe kick had reached the ground and now was a sweeping  kick that aimed to trip him, the woman who threw the fist had maneuvered and raised her leg Going for a knee kick at his stomach, he quickly jumped up evading the sweeping kick but at the same time used his own knee to block the knee kick from the woman, due to the force of the kick Mikami allowed himself to get propelled backwards  distancing himself from his attackers.

“I must say you’re quite skilled”

A comment came from the woman as she was fixed back into a fighting stance, she planned to close the gab between them on an instance but she had to offer her praise first.

“Why thank you Miss…?”

“the name is Yoruichi”

Mikami gave her a nod and let his eyes darted around the room, aside from some training gear that have been spread out across the floor, the room has been mostly intact with no visible signs of damage, he pretty much guessed that everyone was holding back. At first he had thought to Overpower them but he realized that this was a test, what they’re looking for is not strength but his brain.

The outcome that will get him to probably pass this test is if he retreats or finds  a way to immobilize them, though the only skills he can use are his unique skills and Ultimate skills but he doesn’t want to reveal those having  them guess he only has one unique  is a good  thing.

“you can call me Might Guy”

The man gave a thumps  up with a smile as he introduced himself, the smile was quite wide showing his perfectly white teeth that had shining glint to them.

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“then my Name is Mikami Satorou and I must say I’m at a disadvantage here, with my skills being restricted there’s not much I can do aside from retreat”

“Don’t act so coy, the fact that you were able to dodge our initial attack  means with your unique skill you still have  chance, I’m guessing your unique skill must be Teleportation”

Yoruichi stated, giving her analysis of him, in terms of speed she is confident that she’s fast as such the only way he could have dodged is if he teleported away at the last second, she was quite impressed by his reaction speed to be able to react and  teleport away  despite having been ambushed.

“I guess I couldn’t hide it, what gave me away”

He sighed and hung up his hands as if to surrender however he had already won, Aizawa was still restricting his skills as such in order to win he needs to get rid of Aizawa's sight or knock him out then he can wrap this up.

“Nothing really I just guessed based on what happened during our first attack, I have confidence in my speed you know”

Yoruichi responded to his question, it wasn’t arrogance when she said she was confident in her speed after all no one has ever bested her in terms of speed so her confidence is Warranted.

“True I could tell you were holding back, Aizawa I didn’t think you a masochist so why torture yourself?”

His eyes Focused on Aizawa, he could tell the strain on his eyes was getting worse and that was because Rimuru was actively trying to use his skills all at once and  thus causing more strain on Aizawa, it was tactic to try and get the man to close his eyes.

“Come on! Enough talking and let’s get  to it, let this youthful battle commence”

Guy having been tired of the sudden stop of the fight spoke with great enthusiasm and vigor before he charged at Mikami, however  Mikami suddenly disappeared from his spot causing Guy to quickly look around for him, Yoruichi having already deduced where Rimuru would  be had sprung into action  and quickly appeared near  Aizawa  and blocked a kick from Mikami that was aimed to take our Aizawa.

“It seems I was transparent”

“Yes you were”

She said full of confidence as she tried to push his leg away with her left arm, but it proved to be difficult as Mikami put more strength in to the kick trying to over power her.

“No I wasn’t”

Yoruichi’s brows were raised by his words, she was confused by what he meant  but before she could figure anything out there was a sudden Thud noise coming from behind prompting her turn her head, confusion once again was written on her face as she saw that Aizawa was down and he was wrapped from head to toe in what looked to be string.

“thanks for blocking his vision for me”

Was all he could say before Guy came in from the side with a flying kick but with the usage of  his skill [universal thread] Guy found himself suddenly suspended in the air, held by some type of thread that came from multiple directions.

“What the- what’s happening?”

The man asked in confusion as he tried to wiggle himself free from the thread but that was futile, he was trapped like fly caught in a spider’s web. Yoruichi seeing this quickly Jumped away and  gained some distance from Mikami.


She uttered while not understanding how manages to use his skill that were blocked, The confusion quickly cleared as she realized that when she blocked his attack on Aizawa she was the one to get in front of him blocking his vision and this allowing for an opening. A small smile showed it self on her face, she was quite impressed.

“well I guess this concludes the initiation”

With a smile on her face Yoruichi raised her arms in surrender nit Seeing the need to continue the fight, plus the requirement was that Mikami knock out at least one of them.

“You’re still able bodied, fight till the end and all that”

Mikami relaxed his posture and let his arms drop to his sides as he spoke

“Yeah sure I could but that wasn’t the purpose of this so maybe later, also could you free them?”

She was definitely going to request a spar from him one of these days, her speed vs his teleportation  that seemed like a good match up.

“Yeah sure”

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