Magical Anime adventures on Earth

Chapter 9: Test

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After having answered the student questions Mikami sat down on his chair  and  simply watched his class go about their day, he hadn’t planned on teaching today but instead to simply observe them, though there is something bothering him a little and that would be the little prickling sensation he was feeling on his mental defenses.

He could tell that the blonde girl with starry eyes was responsible for it,  it seems the girl was trying to probe his mind for some information, which was odd considering she was the one who asked the most questions, it seems she wasn’t satisfied with his answers.

He decided to Ignore the girl for now she’ll give up eventually and if she persist  he’ll talk to her about it. His eyes swept across the classroom Taking the sight of each of his students. aside from the blonde girl the were also 2 other students that he took notice of, the first was the a girl with short brown hair and was currently sleeping on her desk, he could see she was in deep sleep which meant that she was exhausted to some extent 

‘perhaps maybe she spent all night training’

He guessed but if that was the case then why was she in the general studies class, if she was training then she would be better suited for combat class. With the green haired kid, it was clear as day that he was doing grip strength exercises  under his desk, it was obvious that the kid was doing muscle training on a daily basis meaning that at the very least he had a goal to become a  hunter so why was he in this class?

Mikami’s  observation of his class was cut short as the bell rung indicating that it was time for lunch break

‘Hopefully this teaching job will be satisfying’   

He thought before standing to exit the class, on his way to the door he saw Aizawa leaning on it.

“Hey, since you’re a new teacher and all, an initiation is in order”


“don’t worry it’s just a mandatory thing we do to test the abilities of a teacher”

Aizawa explained, though it wasn’t mandatory  it was simply a combat test to see the abilities of  new teachers, while Mikami is a general studies teacher it is still necessary that he know the basics of combat in case of emergencies, However he was already tested on that so why a second time?

“alright, where will this initiation take place?”

“follow me”

Was all Aizawa said before turning his back and beckoned Mikami to follow, Mikami was aware of initiation usually meant and knew that it wasn’t mandatory but he wasn’t opposed to getting to know others teachers as well.

Mikami followed Aizawa  in silence letting the man lead him toward wherever they were going, while walking in silence it occurred to Mikami that it would have been better to tell the students to introduce themselves by name, rather than simply answering their questions, not only that but it would have been better to engage the students in a conversation involving the whole class to get an overall idea if their likes and dislikes  so currently the students know him but he doesn’t know them.

A sigh came from his mouth and he shook his head  this was typical of him, his loner persona has made him passive as such he will to answer questions from a stranger but will not ask anything from the stranger, this is mostly because his primary goal in a conversation  with a stranger was to end the interaction as quickly as possible because of that he never cared to ask a return questions.

‘Nah its fine I’ll build it up’

He thought, after all he still had a lot of time to get to know the students, in order for something to be emotionally satisfying one needs to be emotionally invested in it as such for him to derive fulfillment from this job he needs to care for his students.

Another sigh came from his mouth, this was  first for him, he has never been put in a situation where he has to actively seek emotional satisfaction.

“Is something the matter you’re sighing quite a lot”

“I only sighed twice”

“that’s a lot”

With eye roll  at Aizawa he then proceeded to answer his question.

“Nothing’s wrong, just worried about being  a good teacher”

Aizawa let out a chuckle at Mikami’s  statement, he supposes any new teacher worries about something like that, though a worry like that is something that all teachers worry about.

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“don’t worry about it”

Was all Aizawa said, to him what ultimately mattered was whether or not the students gain something from his lessons as long as that happens he did not worry about his methods.

After having  turned a few corners  the two teachers finally arrived at their location, the door slid open  and they entered a rather huge  room, filled with equipment for combat and training, this includes training dummies, various training weapons hung on a wall, two open areas for spars which were about half the size of a football field. It was quite easy to guess that they must have used some form of spatial manipulation not to mention  Mikami could literally feel the warped space, it was quite impressive by human standards.

“Alright  this is where we’ll do the initiation, try to survive”

With those words the doors closed and the first thing Mikami noticed was that Aizawa’s eyes glowed red followed by the sudden breaking of his multi-layer barrier and a both his extra and his intrinsic skills suddenly being restricted.


However before he could form coherent thought, there was a flash of lightning that took his attention away from the situation causing him to shift his eyes away from Aizawa and towards the flash,  his eyes were met with the heel of a boot that aimed right his head and  was an inch away from making contact. 

The attack  was a second away from landing and within that second Mikami had already activated thought acceleration and  has already gotten the basic idea of what was happening.  The  woman’s  foot that  was covered in what seemed like lightning made Contact with the door creating a shockwave that shook the room but the door remained intact.

“what? He dodged that? How?!

She exclaimed in Surprised as she landed and cast her gaze towards Aizawa, the woman wore an orange top with black tights along with white shin guards that also doubled as part of her shoes, she had long  purple hair tied into  a ponytail.

“If he still dodged the attack despite having both his extra and intrinsic skills restricted that must mean he has a unique skill.”

Currently the world has knowledge of 3 type of skills That exist  the first being intrinsic skill, a skill which is inherent to a person’s physiology or race, the second being extra skills these are skills that can be learned overtime through either practice or mastery over an intrinsic skill. The third skill is a unique skill, unique skill are as the  name suggests  unique to an individual, currently it is unknown how unique skills come about just that they are very powerful skills with a  lot of potential 

“HAHAHA then I guess there’s no holding back 

Mikami who was currently  Standing upside down on the ceiling and was looking down on  Aizawa and the woman heard a third voice, the voice was cheerful  and it belonged to a  man that had  a bowl cut and  bushy eyebrows, the man wore a cheerful smile on his face not betraying his cheerful tone of voice. The man wore a green jumpsuit along with  a shoulder less flack jacket. 

“You know I’m a general studies teacher, while all of you are combat teachers seems a bit unfair don’t you think”

Mikami offered his thoughts while also sensing multiple eyes on him, he has already went through the evaluation to be a teacher here so the only guess he could come up with was that rather than an initiation this was the a secondary test to see how he would act in a  situation where he was at a disadvantage, he also guessed that he probably lost  a point for immediately revealing he has a unique skill.

“Well it would be but I can tell by the strain in my eyes you got a lot of extra skills so it should be fine, plus you called me a hobo so…”

Aizawa responded with a smile on his face, a little bit of Revenge for that insult was in order, one might call it petty but he happens to like his unshaven appearance as such is very protective of it 

“well he wasn’t wrong, wear something other than that messy scarf and shave”

This time the woman was the one who spoke agreeing with Mikami, Aizawa frowned slightly though he decided to shrug it off and get back to the Matter at hand.

“I don’t need any advice on the way I dress, let’s carry on with the thing we’re supposed to do. Guy!”


Guy leaped into the and went for flying spin kick aiming to get Mikami off the ceiling and back down.

‘Since this is a test and all why not show a case a little bit of skill’

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