Magical Gaurdian

Magical Gaurdian

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Magical Gaurdian

Review: 9.4/10 from 14 ratings

It would be strange, to leave the 'Boy Who Lived' without proper protection... wouldn't it?

Meet Alexander DuMonde A wizard from a very, very old family, that is deep within old magic. When Lily Potter was casting ritualistic magic to protect her son from the dark lord, however, it was interrupted by Voldemort. The contract was only formed once Harry was 18 years old, the moment he first came in contact with the letter from Hogwarts, that letter holding just enough magic to finish the magic.

This called Alexander, the next in line for the DuMonde family to change his entire future plan, even going against his parents to answer the call.

This novel will include some dark and possible triggering context, giving 18-year-olds access to magic never goes well.

This novel is R-18 and will include sexual themes, not between a certain gender, as it will include Alexander sleeping with both males and females.

Alex is incredibly powerful, however, prefers to not use his abilities without reason, he wishes Harry to grow from the sad boy he was, into the prevalent and powerful man that he is destined to be.

Dumbledore is considered good in this fanfic. However, he and Alex will clash a few times, as Alexander finds out more and more about Harry's circumstances.

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