Magika no Kenshi to Shoukan Maou — Fix

Chapter 44: Book 2 – Chapter 14

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As the three of them advanced further into the Corruption, it’s atmosphere began changing -- along with the Monsters that appearing.


The dense foliage obscured the sunlight, making the surroundings more gloomy than before. Ivy wove through the entwined branches, hanging through gaps in the darkness above -- from within Monsters leapt down in surprise attacks.


These Monsters resembled mutated wild beasts such as monkeys with long, poisoned claws, and massive snakes that could spit acid.


However, Kazuki could foresee the ambushes, slashing the Monsters into pieces before they could get close enough to hit him. There were wild boars with a metallic exoskeleton that charged out of the under brush -- Lotte’s electricity easily countered them.


Mio could only stand back and watch -- using Fire Magic in such a cluttered forest would cause more damage than help.


This location was somewhere one couldn’t be careless, but the balance of this party was very good -- only missing a healer.



Progressing deeper into the forest, Kazuki and the rest suddenly saw a stone stairway that climbed a small hill. At the top of these mysterious stairs, there was an open space.


Situated at the edge of the opening was a shrine. Its normal scarlet colour had transformed because of the Corruption, becoming pitch black. Likely, it had originally enshrined a local Shinto Deity. A heavy, ominous atmosphere swirled throughout the entire clearing.


The moment that the three stepped off the top step, fox-like Monsters leaped out of the surrounding forest.


Kazuki intercepted the nearest golden-coloured fox with a slash, however--


The fox’s fur fluffed up and sparks scattered around.


A barrier that resembled Lotte’s Magic appeared, the electricity flowed back through Kazuki’s sword.


Luckily, Kazuki’s Defensive Magic negated the electric shock, but his swordsmanship was disturbed.


The fox used this and jumped at his throat with its teeth bared.


With a well-practiced sliding step, Kazuki twisted and evaded the attack.


“Prophet, Fire!”




The foxes were hit by the Magic bullets from Lotte’s gatling gun, and Mio’s flaming bullet. This was enough to kill most of them -- as Lotte unleashed a spread from her Magic.


“The atmosphere is strange.” Kazuki said as he walked back to the two girls, noting that the air seemed to ripple around the edges of the shrine -- appearing as though the building was engulfed in black flames.


“A place with especially thick Magic Power, even inside the Corruption…There might be a Sacred Treasure!” Mio excitedly exclaimed, pointing at the shrine.


“Let’s go~!” Lotte cheered with a wide grin.



“Is this…an enshrined sword?” Kazuki murmured quietly.


The inside of the shrine had lost its colour. On the altar set against the far wall, there was a sword. The hilt was wood, wrapped in a strange crimson leather, the sheath seemed to be made from a similar material. It was only this strange sword which hadn’t lost its colour, exuding an atmosphere of holiness.


After being enshrined in the middle of a Magic Dense area of Corruption, the simple sword had become a Sacred Treasure.


When he touched it, Kazuki noticed that it felt like the leather material was breathing -- his Magic Power was being absorbed into the weapon. This was how a Sacred Treasure gained power to exhibit its special ability.


“This Sacred Treasure has to be related to Japanese Mythology. Moreover, something like a sword is perfectly suited for you, right? Hey, Kazuki, come on, let’s test what kind of power it has!” Mio spoke in high spirits as she seemed to vibrate with excitement.


Kazuki couldn’t help but laugh at her antics as he began pushing his Magic Power into the Sacred Treasure. However, the sounds of footsteps rang out from the direction of the entrance of the shrine.


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“What the hell are you doing? It’s forbidden for an individual to pick up a Sacred Treasure. Hand it over to the Knight Order at once.”


Standing in the doorway was a two-man group consisting of a Summoner in his Magic Armour, and a Knight in enchanted Armour.


Judging by their age, they weren’t students -- but were true Knights.


Kazuki recognized the two, they were the agents from the Knight’s Order who monitored him and Mio, and now Lotte, when they left the Academy grounds.


“We plan to submit this in the report on our Quest.” Kazuki replied calmly.


But the Summoner ignored the words and approached Kazuki, holding his hand out. With a sigh, Kazuki handed the weapon over.


The Summoner nodded, and then turned his back, “Let’s go, Kondou.”. With those words, the two Knights left the Shrine.


“W, What? Damn it! If we had managed to present that Sacred Treasure at the Quest counter, it would have reflected well on our results!” Mio sputtered, her eyebrows raised and her eyes narrowed.


Lotte stood there, looking confused.


“Well, in any case, we won’t be able to bring it back; so, let’s ignore it and return to the Quest. Let’s restore this entire area today.” Kazuki said, calming the irritated Mio by stroking her silky hair.


I really did want to try that Sacred Treasure though…Kazuki thought with a sigh.


“I’m a bit tired -- my stamina isn’t so good.” Lotte, who had Muscular Dystrophy and was bedridden for most of her life, let out a fatigued smile.


“Sorry. It seems that we forced you too much, didn’t we? How about I carry you on my back on the way home?” Kazuki suggested.


“I’m happy if older brother does that!” Lotte replied, before looking a little awkward and embarrassed.


“Wait, Kazu, that’s not fair! If you carry Lotte on your back, then…I’ll be the one in the front. It’s unfair if you don’t princess carry me too!”


“Two people at the same time…That would be difficult without Enhancement Magic, you know.” Kazuki rolled his eyes.


With a harmonious atmosphere, the three people headed towards the center of the forest.





The last Monster was killed by a flame bullet launched by Mio.


At that moment, the surroundings began slowly reverting to normal, with the appearance of bright green leaves. The eerie atmosphere rapidly faded and a cool summer breeze blew, bringing a familiar scent.


As everyone stood and smiled -- Kazuki felt the chill that indicated that someone or something was nearby.


“What’s wrong? Suddenly, you look nervous?” Mio looked over at Kazuki -- instantly noticing his change, even though she appeared to be paying complete attention to the surroundings.


“Just then, I felt a huge Magic Power near here.” Kazuki murmured as he tensed.


“Eh, that Magic Power?!” Mio also tensed  when she sensed the Magic, identified the source.


A moment later, there were the sounds of someone stepping on fallen leaves coming from behind them.


“Hmm, I was a little late. The clearing of Corruption has already been completed. Doesn’t that mean that they only have a little strength let for fun?”


The woman’s voice was lower than normal, but contained steel.


Kazuki, Mio and Lotte all turned.

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