making the best of my new life as a kitsune

Chapter 1: meeting and reincarnation

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 In a hospital room a middle-aged girl was laying in a hospital bed with several cords and tubes connected to her, unmoving staring at the white ceiling with seemingly emotionless eyes, wondering why she even existed, this girls name was Elness. 
Ever since she was born, she has been in constant pain and hasn’t been able to move freely or even think properly due to an incurable disease that caused her own cells to slowly deteriorate and eventually cause her to die. The doctors speculated that she wouldn’t even be able to make it past the age of 13, yet here she was at 20 years old still somehow living at the cost of her barely being able to think and unable to move on her own, relying on a machine to breathe and tubes to eat. All she wanted was to be free from the damned white cage disguised as a hospital room to be with her dad, make some friends and maybe something more.  Yes, despite all of this there was still some light in this dark world, her father. he still cared for her and loved her despite Elness being unable to move or think, he regularly visited and talked to her, telling her what's going on in the world and what his days were like. he is her only light left and the only thing that kept her from truly wanting to die. She desperately wished she could get better but she knew that eventually her life would come to an end and there was no avoiding It, she just hoped that when she died that her dad wouldn’t be too sad about it and have a good life 
Elness ‘sigh I wonder when my dad will visit me today. He said he would come and visit me after work but who knows if I will get to see my mom again, she died a few years ago in a bank heist after being used as a toy for some robber, I will never forget that day when I was forced to watch a man use my mom like that only then to shoot her in the head.’ 
She looks at a clock directly across from her, its says 7:00 P.M 
Elness ‘looks like it's going to be another long night’ 
*flicker flicker* 
Elness “the power went out, why aren't the backup generators turning on?” 
Elness “if the generators don’t come on then, I am doomed! “ 
I started struggling to breathe and suddenly begin feeling very drowsy and start inwardly cursing ‘fuck, really, I can't see my dad before I die huh. Well at least he won't be burdened by me anymore and can hopefully move on and have a better life no matter how unlikely it is’ those were my last thoughts as the darkness took me 

after what seemed like a long time, I opened my ‘eyes’ and there was just nothing. 
Elness ‘so I can only assume I'm dead but where is this place’ currently I was in a vast space of nothingness, it was just black, but I could still see and think much to my surprise. as I was just a floating ball of light 
Elness ‘well this is a bit dull I expected being dead to be a bit different, it's already getting old what am I meant to do? just wallow in my own thoughts?.’ suddenly the black space around me started to warp and turned into a large range of mountains and standing Infront of me was a woman who, I can only describe as absolutely stunning, especially since I like girls, not boys. She was wearing a white yukata with gold trimming and blue insides, had fox ears, 9 very fluffy looking tails, deep blue eyes, a very large chest area, and pure snow-white hair. 
??? “Hello Elness.” 
Elness “...” 
??? “rightttt, you can't speak because your still in soul form, here let me fix that.” saying that she snaps her fingers and my soul morphs into my past appearance which, slightly freaked me out, but oh well. 
Elness “h-hello? Um who are you?” I say still slightly confused about my current situation  
Aroa “fufufu I am Aroa, the god of time.” 
Elness “u-umm, hello Aroa?” 
Aroa “stop being so stiff just because I'm a god doesn’t mean I can't be friendly you know.” she said smiling which caused my heart to skip a beat. 
Elness “w-well that’s reassuring but what will happen to me now” I said looking away while slightly blushing 
Aroa “fufu your adorable. Well, when I found out about your situation, I looked at your soul to see if you were eligible to reincarnate, and you were, so I chose to reincarnate you. But I also figured out something rather nice that I wasn’t expecting.” 
Elness “what did you find out that was so nice?” 
Aroa “I figured out that you are fated to marry a certain goddess which is incredibly rare in any world especially the one you will be going to, to the point it has only happened once in the world's existence.”  
Elness “wait? Really? Which goddess and why me? I don’t think I ever did good things, well not like I could even if I wanted to, but still.” 
Aroa “fufufu the goddess you are fated to be with is me, Elness.” she had an even brighter smile then before while saying so. Which made me go wide eyed. 

Elness “Wait, What.” I said while staring blankly at her as if she had gone crazy 
Aroa “what, do you not like me?” while saying this her ears and tail drooped and she looked down with had a sad look in her eyes. 

Elness “tha-that's not it! I simply didn’t believe what I just heard, I mean, who would in my position? Not to mention that you are absolutely stunning.” she blushed a bit hearing my words but quickly regained composure 
Aroa “so do you want to be with me?” looking up she asked while tilting her head with a hopeful expression, which was absolutely adorable. 
Elness “s-sure” I answered while looking away  
Aroa “great!" she then hugged me which made me invent a new shade of red but I eventually hugged her back “I will reincarnate you now and give you my divine protection and fated one titles we will talk again soon, until then i will be watching over you.” 
Elness “bye Aroa” 
Aroa "ah! right, i almost forgot, the world you will be visiting has magic and skills so if you want to know what certain skills do just use the appraisal skill." after she said that, i was felt like i was pulled by something then everything went black. 

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{time skip 4 years}  
(A/N, i don't feel like writing the mcs childhood where she just soils herself and can't really do anything, sue me) 
----Talia (Elness) Pov---  
Talia “this view is really something” it has been a few years since my reincarnation at this point, my new name is Talia and currently I was at my new favorite spot to relax which was a hill overlooking a small forest. 
Talia “but did I really have to reincarnate as a kitsune, sigh I mean getting used to these new senses and having to learn how walk with a tail Is very annoying. not like I could really walk in my past life anyway, although.” I look carefully into a small puddle next to me. Looking back at me was a short, fairly slim looking girl with foxlike ears, a tail, very light blonde hair that’s almost white, and a pair of heterochromatic eyes with one being blue and the other a goldish color. “I don’t think I'll ever mind if I'm this cute.”  
Talia “also, i wonder just how different this world is compared to my old one though, I mean right away the huge difference. is the existence of magic, There is also the system that everyone in this world has, which i think is pretty cool.” 
Talia ‘system’ 

Name: Talia 
Age: 4 
Race: kitsune-1 tail
Stats and level 
INT: B  
Titles and Skills 
Titles: Reincarnator, blessed by mana, fated one of the time goddess, divine protection of the time goddess, one favored by the gods, 

Skills: Basic element manipulation (1), time manipulation (1), appraisal (1)  
Racial skills: Fox Fire, Fox Transformation (Sealed), Enhanced Senses, Night Vision, Enhanced Physical Strength 
Unique skills: weather manipulation (1) 

Talia “i really am happy that I got this second chance. But what do these skills and titles do. uhm aroa said if i wanted to know what certain skills do to use appraisal so, [appraisal].” 

A title given to one who has crossed between worlds with the help of a god. 
Effect: prevents anyone from appraising the title holder no matter the level difference. 
[blessed by mana] 
a title given to someone who has manas blessing 
Effect 1: title holder will have an easier time manipulating mana to an extent 
Effect 2: amount of mana used for spells will be decreased 
[fated one of the time goddess] 
a title given to one person who is eternally bound to Aroa the goddess of time 
Effect 1: grants title holder the affinity for time magic 
Effect 2: increases title holders mana (INT) by 1 rank 

[divine protection of the time goddess] 
Effect 1: allows for communication between individual and granter of divine protection(Sealed) 
Effect 2: Once certain requirements are met increases number of tails (10 max), boosts power in accordance with number of tails
Effect 4: grants immortality, 
Effect 3: grants the ability to ascend to godhood. 
[One favored by the gods] 
a title given to a person who has been blessed by multiple low tier gods 
Effect 1: title holder is capable of manipulating every basic element (fire, water, earth, air)
Effect 2: increases title holders total mana pool (INT) by 1 rank   
Effect 3: increases the amount of exp the title holder gains for killing monsters 
Effect 4: increases the speed the title holder can learn/master skills by a small amount 
[Basic element manipulation (1)] 
Effect: skill holder can manipulate all basic elements (fire, water, earth, air: scale depends on level)
[time manipulation (1)] 
Effect: skill holder has the affinity for time magic and can manipulate time (scale depends on the skills level) 
[Weather manipulation (1)] 
Effect: skill holder is able to manipulate the surrounding weather (blizzards, hurricanes, tornadoes, thunderstorms, temperature, etc: severity depends on skill level.)
[appraise (1)] 
Effect: allows you to see the info of the target you are looking at (amount of given info depends on skills level.) 
[fox fire] 
Effect: Exclusive skill for kitsunes.  A special type of flame that holds the power of purification and capability to curse. 
[Fox Transformation (sealed)] 
Effect: allows a kitsune to transform into a fox form. Sealed due to age limitations. 
Talia “ Okay, seriously? what the hell are these skills and titles! im literally a walking cheat code, sure im not op right off the bat but in the long run these will all help immensely. The rest of my racial skills are pretty self-explanatory though, I'm also definitely going to give my thanks to Aroa for wanting to be with me too, Although I think it’s a bit one sided, I mean shes a god and absolutely stunning on top of that, though she does act a bit childish.” I said to myself, thinking about my girlfriend which made me lightly smile. 
Talia “I should start training my magic, but due to my [blessed by mana] title I don’t think it will be too much of a hassle.” I thought as I made a white fox flame appear on my hand and dance around me.  

(A/N and that’s all for chapter one folks, the update schedule is going to be a bit random but there should always be at least 2 too 3 chapters a week. ps: Expect another chapter on tuesday.) 

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