Man Eater

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

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Tonight is a beautiful night. 

I looked out of the window in awe at the moon in the center of the red night sky. I wish I could stay here and gaze at the moon but my “guests” downstairs wouldn’t let me do that.

*knock, knock, knock* 

“Hm?” I turned my attention away from the outside and towards the door.

“Ms. Kasdeya, your guests are waiting for you.” Someone informed me from the other side of the door.

“Right, I’m coming out.” I answered in a false sweet tone. I walked away from my window and towards the door. Before I could open it, I dusted off my blouse and adjusted my buttons. God forbid if I look out of place in front of my people. I finally opened the door and Joseph stood by the door in an elegant manner.

“Are you ready to go ma’am?”

“Yes, of course,” I stepped out of the room. “Lead the way.”

The butler gave me a nod and we proceeded to walk down the dim lit hallway. Something about this hallway gave me the chills. Even though I made it that way it still gave me a weird feeling. Maybe it was the crimson colored walls with black vertical stripes that you could barely see. Or was it the narrow passageway that gets smaller when you get closer. And to top it all off, there are no windows so you couldn’t tell if it’s dusk or dawn if you go all the way downstairs or get told ahead of time.

“So, how is everything downstairs?” I asked.

“Everything is wonderful ma’am. We just started serving drinks and food is just waiting for your presence.” The old butler replied.

“Excellent.” I hummed. 

We ended up in a huge room. Inside there were people chatting and having a good time. 

I readjusted my button one more time as I walked inside. I really hate hosting these kinds of parties but I have to get myself out there somehow.

I pushed open the doors and made my grand entrance. Everyone stopped what they were doing and gave me their full attention.

Shit, I wanted to avoid this but oh well. Might as well go with it right?

I walked down the stairs with great confidence as my guests got closer to me. Before I could go down the last step, the regular routine played in my mind. The women would circle around me and praise my beauty and looks while the men would try to dance with me.

It was quite annoying to say the least but I did it for a loooong while now to the point that it doesn’t bother me. It just became mundane…like everything else.

When I reached the center of the floor, I basically ignored my guests and scanned the room for some vulnerable prey. My eyes spotted some guy in his late 20’s early 30’s with short black hair and a gray suit standing by the punch bowl all by himself. 

“Perfect,” I thought to myself. “Just what I needed.” 

I was in the midst of making my way over when some guy who I was uninterested in grabbed my shoulder. I had no choice but to look over and see his uptight smug grin. I gave him a forced smile while fighting the urge not to kick him in the crotch. 

“Good evening madam. Are you enjoying the party?” The man asked, taking a sip from his wine glass.

No. “Yes, I’m having a great time.” I lied, wanting this conversation to end.

“That’s good,” A sly grin appeared on his face. “Say, do you want to dance?”

Ugh, I knew this would happen. This always happens. A guy who I’m not interested in tries to ask me out for a dance or sex which results in me turning them down. I could care less about them being heartbroken. Those types of men mean nothing to me.

“Um, no thanks.” I said in the nicest tone I could muster, pushing his hand off of me. I left in such a rush that he couldn’t even utter a word.

I scanned my surroundings one more time and thankfully the guy is still at the punch bowl. He looked up and our eyes immediately locked. 

Bingo. Now’s the time for me tos slip in.

I slowly made my way towards the punch bowl without getting detected. I made it look like I was going to make myself a drink but in reality I was getting a better look at him. After I filled my cup, I leaned on the table and watched everyone waltz on the dancefloor. 

“So, I see that you’re not much of a people person.” I assumed, taking a sip from my drink. God this punch is awful. I knew I should’ve told that old butler to make it wine instead. Oh well.

“No, not really,” The man replied. “I could never go out there and have a good time. I blame my poor social skills.”

I let out a small chuckle. “Now how do you know that?”

“Just a hunch,” He took a swig from his drink and looked down at the floor. “You on the other hand, you were able to pull a few looks.”

A few? Ha, it was like the whole room had eyes on me when I made my presence.

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“Well I know how to make people come my way, dragul meu.” I gave the man a wink which made him blush a bit.

“Heh, I can see that,” He extended his hand to me. “The name’s William by the way.”

“Kasdeya. Pleasure to meet you,” I shook his hand. “You want to go somewhere quiet?”

“I…uh,” William glanced at the crowd and back at me. I would be lying if I say that I’m waiting  patiently for an answer. Even though I did this for a while, I still couldn’t keep myself under control. “Yeah sure. Why not?”

“Okay, let’s go.” The both of us left the ballroom without a trace which was good because I don’t know what I’ll do if I have to run into one of these douchebags again.

On the way back to my room, I got to know William a little bit better. Turns out that he likes to write and read stories from time to time. That makes sense since he works as a publisher for the local Romanian paper. He then started to drone on and on about his career and such. But I could care less. I always don’t give a fuck when someone brags about their life, pisses me off for some reason.

I opened up my bedroom door and stepped inside. I turned back and saw William giving me a look of doubt. I gave an inwardly sigh and forced a smile, “Are you coming in?”

“Um, yeah,” William stepped in the room, scratching the back of his head like a dumbass. “Sorry.”

“Don’t be.” 

When he walked in, I closed the door lightly and made sure that it was bolted shut. He looked around my room in awe? I don’t know, it was hard to tell. 

“Nice room.” He complimented, sitting on my bed.

“Thanks.” I said, sitting by him.

“By the way, you never told me what you do for a living.” 

Shit. I was trying to avoid this. Not because I do nothing for a living but I have many jobs I cycle around and it’s always hard to pick out a specific one.

“Well I’m in…real estate.” I lied. Ironically, real estate is not one of my occupations. A lot of people I ran into advised that I should take it up though.

“Real estate huh? That’s…interesting.” William pondered. From his tone, I could tell that he wasn’t impressed. That’s fine. I wasn’t impressed with his career either.

“Yeah, that’s how I was able to get this massive castle for free.” I lied again. I knew that got his attention because his eyes went wide.

“Wait really?”

“Yep. My boss decided to give it to me for a birthday gift. I cleaned it up and made it good as new. Took about a year but I pulled through.”

“That’s nice of your boss to do that.”

“I guess,” I shrugged. “But enough about me.”

I pushed William lightly on my bed, pinning him down. He was red as a tomato which I thought was adorable.

“Wh-what are you—”

“Shhh,” I shushed him with my index finger. “Just sit back and enjoy it okay?”

“But, wait! Mmh!”

I forcefully kissed him to cease the pointless talking. It was hard to tell if he was kissing back or was still in shock. Couldn’t blame him though, it must be his first time he ever kissed a woman.

We part our lips and stare into each other's eyes. I know he felt some type of affection but I felt nothing. I dived down and nibbled on his neck. He gave a soft moan, making me grin inwardly.

Now’s my chance~

I started to bite down harder on William’s neck, making him groan in pain. I sank my fangs into his neck so hard that I began to taste copper. I already knew what it was and bite down even harder.

At this point, I felt the poor guy, wait no, my prey struggling and gasping for air. Looks like the blood is filling up his lungs. In a moment’s time he will stop moving all together.

I bit off a huge chunk of flesh while watching that loser sputter around in his own blood. I chewed on the piece of flesh and savored it. Mmm! Tastes like chicken! I glanced down at William who had completely stopped moving like I predicted.

“Mmm. Tastes like chicken~” I cackled out loud before going back in and enjoying my meal.

Tonight was a beautiful night

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