Man Eater

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

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In the early light of April dawn this is what my master bedroom looks like: Over the hard metal fireplace hangs a decapitated bear head. It was lended by a friend I used to know. I’m not really fond of animals personally but after hanging on my wall for a few months, it grew on me so I kept it. The animal head overlooks a 50 inch flatscreen tv sitting on my dresser. Got that beauty from a Black Friday sale. Someone else had their hands on it but I made sure that it was mine. That’s all you need to know. A gothic lamp is placed in each corner of the room to bring the warmest to it. Maroon curtains cover all eight windows in the room. Topped with a glass-top coffee table with oak legs by Turchin sits in front of the sofa.

I could go on and on about my room as a whole but we’ll be here all day if that’s the case.

I let out a loud yawn, stretching out my arms. 

“Mmm! What a good rest,” I mumbled. “Time to start my day.”

I pushed the covers off the bed and walked to the bathroom to start my day. I urinate while trying to make out the puffiness of my reflection in the hand mirror. Next I place an ice pack around my face and do a few morning stretches. Afterward I remove the ice pack and do a thorough cleaning of my face with facial scrub. I let it sit for a few minutes, giving me the perfect time to brush my teeth and sharpen my fangs. I squeezed some Dr. Bronner’s on my toothbrush and began to brush my teeth(I would floss but I’m too lazy for that) and rinse with mouthwash. Then I grab a nail filer and slowly sharpen my fangs. One wrong move could cut my gums, infecting them. After that I rinse off the facial scrub and apply some lotion on the rest of my body to make the skin soft. I then get in the shower for a few minutes. I could wash my hair but I already did that last week and I don’t like it when wet hair touches my back. After that I would dry myself off and put on a red velvet robe. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and dried my face with a black towel. I walked over towards my bed, glancing down at the dried liquid on the sheets. My eyes lingered down towards the corpse that was sprawled out on the top of the bed. 

What was his name again? William, right? The writer? It looks like him.

“Oh, I forgot you were there.” I mumbled to myself.

I approached the body and gave it a few pokes to make sure he was dead. I already knew it was the case but I wanted to make sure. Can’t afford to get arrested now.

“Excuse me Ms. Kasdeya?”

I turned my head and saw my favorite butler with a tray of food in one hand.

“Ah, good morning Bruce.” I greeted him in Romanian.

“Good morning to you too ma’am,” Bruce bowed his head. “See that you’re up and well.”

“You know it,” I gave him a small wink. “So what did you make for breakfast?"

“I made some beans on toast with strawberries on the side.” Bruce removed the lid and the aroma immediately hit my nose. It had a sweet but pleasant smell to it. I had my fair share of having pleasantries like this but they don’t keep my energy up in the long run. It’s more of a substitute in that scenario. 

“That sounds lovely.” I purred, taking the plate of food off the tray.

“Oh, and do you want me to discard that body right there?”

“Yes please.”

Bruce nodded silently as he picked up the corpse and made his way out of the room.

When the door closed shut, I rummaged through my drawer and picked out my outfit for the day. I was able to find a black and red blouse with the same color sheer skirt. I think I have some sort of fetish for those two colors. I guess they resonate with me well.

I slid those on and took a quick glance at my breakfast, deciding if I should trash it or eat it. I mean, Bruce made it and he has to deal with my shit enough already, it would be a “fuck you” gesture if I toss it in the trash. So I might as well eat it.

I placed the plate on my lap and chowed down. While I was eating the tv was on some kind of talk show. The people on the show were discussing if people with mental illnesses should date outside of their comfort zone. I have to admit that the topic was quite interesting. Ironically I haven’t met any men who had any mental disabilities and I call that a win-win. I heard one of the guests say, “I don’t know about you but I always wanted to lay a mental bitch.”

“Really?” The woman on the tv sounded flabbergasted. “I could never. You have to think about how they will react around your family and friends.”

“So? Does that really matter? If anything it would be a very sexy experience,” The man chuckled. “You know what they say, if they’re crazy in the head then they’re crazy in bed.”

I snickered at this even though I could never relate to it.

“Jeez Tom, you’re always such a pervert.” The woman rolled her eyes.

“Oh quiet Trace. You’re just mad that your man left you for a hot bod.” Tom sneered with a shit eating grin.

There was a short pause that ended with her saying, “Go to hell Tom” before cutting to commercial break which I thought was the icing on the shit sundae.

I placed my clean plate on my nightstand and grabbed my purse on the way out. I’ll have enough time to do my makeup in the car…or maybe not…I’ll decide when I get there.

“So then I told him that he can kiss my ass.” A woman spat.

“Wow Jan, with that kind of attitude you’ll never be able to find a good man.” Another woman responded.

“Yeah what she said.” One more woman added.

I mentally cringed as I listened to the conversation that was happening behind me. Why did they sit me here out of all places? I don’t care about this petty back and forth trash talk with these bitches.  

It also doesn’t help that the music in this place is loud and annoying to the point I want to claw my throat out and spill my blood all over the floor while everyone watches in horror.

Heh, yeah. That actually sounds pretty fun. 

“Kate?” A voice called out.

I grit my teeth, knowing that pathetic voice anywhere. I slowly turned around and mentally cursed myself when the source of the voice was correct. “Hi Rebecca.”

This is Rebecca. She is one of my “friends” from my many occupations, which was an office job  if I remember correctly. She’s the type of person who would try to hold herself in a high regard but fails miserably. Me and some other coworkers like to talk about her all the time. That’s probably the only time that I would converse with these people besides the subject of murder and violence.

“What brings you here?” 

“Oh you know, meeting a client.”

“That’s super! I’m here to have fun with a friend but I think I lost them in the crowd somewhere.” Rebecca looked behind her. Maybe that friend of hers wanted to get away from her as much as possible.

Even though she’s a dufus, Rebecca is an interesting specimen. It’s pretty fascinating that she ended up in a high position. Must’ve fucked her way to the top to get such a promotion. I wish I could tell her that her so-called “friends” say about her but what fun would that be? Besides, “interesting” doesn’t always mean good.

“I’m pretty sure that they’ll find their way back.” I reassured her.

“I hope so,” Rsbecca replied. “Hey, do you wanna get a drink with me?"

“I don’t know, I already had one before and…AH!” I couldn’t even finish what I was about to say before getting dragged to the nearby bar.

I hear Rebecca tell the bartender her order as I took out my drink tickets. I really don’t want to get drunk in a place like this but if I could pick up a guy or forget about this tomorrow then I’ll be good. My dufus coworker held up her drink profoundly and I gave her a forced smile.

God I hate her. 

I placed my twenty on the counter, ordering  two margaritas on the rocks since that was the only recognizable drink on the menu above. He pours the drink in front of me. I have to admit, this bartender is kinda cute. I wonder how many women attempted to ask him out.

“So, do you go to a college or something?” I shouted at him.

He shakes his head.

“Really? You look a little young~” I shout.

He nods his head. Must be a high school dropout or only got his diploma.

I wanted to say something else but he was too busy concentrating on my drinks so I dropped my attempt. I slapped my drink tickets down as he placed my drinks in front of me. But he shakes his head and shouts. “It’s past happy hour. These aren’t good anymore. That’ll be 20 dollars.” Playing it cool, I pulled out a twenty dollar bill out of my pouch which he eyes.

When he turned his back to place my money into the cash register, I say, staring at him, “You fucking ugly pig! I want to break your neck and gouge your eyes out.” I felt like he didn’t hear what I said due to the music blaring from the speakers on the ceiling. Though I wish he did so he could beg for forgiveness and do any vile thing I order him to. 

I snatched the drinks off the counter and left him no tip and found Rebecca standing off to the side, talking to some guy that must be the “friend” that she mentioned earlier. 

“Hey you two.” I said coolly. 

“Oh there you are,” Rebecca recognized me even though I wish she didn’t. “What took you so long?” 

“Ah, the bartender was a little slow to make my drink,” I lied. “I’m not complaining though.”

Rebecca hummed in approval and made a quick glance towards her friend. “By the way, have you met Terrance? He’s a really good friend of mine.”

“Hello there.” Terrance said in a nervous tone.

“Hi, my name is Kate. Nice to meet you.” I shook his hand. Just like the guy at the bar, Terrance was pretty cute. I might have to steal him away from my friend which wouldn’t be hard of a task due to his nervous nature.

“Kate is a good friend of mine.” Rebecca said profoundly to Terrance who I’m pretty sure didn’t care.

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Coworker,” I corrected her and then mumbled, “We’re not that close.”

“Aw come on. After all the things we’ve been through, I think that we’re friends now.”

“Yeah sure, whatever.” I rolled my eyes. From the looks of it

There was a short pause when Terrance spoke up and said, “So, what do you do for a living?”

I cocked my head to the side in confusion even though I try not to make it look that way. Didn’t Rebbeca tell him where I work? I guess it doesn’t matter now does it?

“I work in corporate.” I spoke up.

“Nice,” He smiled gently. Something tells me that he was kidding about that. “So what’s it called?”

“That’s a good question Terrance, why don’t you ask your lame ass friend over there to give you the answer?” Is what I wanted to say but instead, nothing came out of my mouth but an “Um.”

“Well it’s called—”

“East Stone,” Rebbeca interrupted me. “I told you, remember?”

“Oh right,” Terrance chuckled nervously. “I forgot, I guess.”

No you didn’t but okay.

I want to get out of here. The music is pounding into my skull, the alcohol isn’t helping, my coworker is getting on my nerves, and I think Terrance glanced at my rack at least twice as his friend went on and on about something we don’t care about. I need to make my escape.

I looked at my non-existent watch and said, “Well would you look at the time. Gotta go!”

“Wait!” I heard Rebecca call out but it fell on deaf ears as I dashed through the crowd and out of the club.

When I reached the entrance of the club, I breathed heavily. 

“Man, I need to work out more.” I said between breaths.

I started to walk down the empty crosswalk with my hands at my side. I could’ve halled a taxi to take me home but I wanted to roam around the city for a bit to clear myself from anxiety.

I stopped at an alleyway and turned to face its entrance. Many people say that you shouldn’t enter dark and scary alleyways for shortcuts but I’m not scared of anyone or anything.

On the way in, I passed by a bum and her dog. It was hard to tell what kind it was though, a bully or a golden retriever? Well, whatever it was, it must've picked up my scent. I mentally cursed at this, knowing that their owner is going to beg me for money. But then again, who could resist a dog with its cute puppy eyes…

The bum on the other hand was muttering something that was barely audible. She looked like shit. Her clothes were tattered and ripped and her cheek bones were visible. And to top it all off, she smells horrible. It doesn’t help that her dog smells the same way.

“Good evening,” I spoke up, making the woman look up in confusion. “Kasdeya.”

She still stared at me in awe but had the common decency to sit up and stop talking to herself.

“You look kinda hungry,” I said softly. “You want some food? Some clothes?”

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a 5 dollar bill. This made the woman’s eyes light up in joy. As if I was her saving grace or something. 

“Thank you miss, I am so hungry.” She sputtered out. 

“It’s cold tonight too.” I replied, giving a fake shiver.

“I’m so hungry.” The woman repeated herself. This chick is crazy.

“Why don’t you get a job?” I asked out of curiosity. 

“I lost my job.” She choked out.

“How?” I asked, interestly. “Were you taking drugs? Drinking on the job? Having an affair with your boss?”

I laughed at my last suggestion, knowing that it wasn’t true. Though, some people do get pretty desperate nowadays.

“I’m just kidding,” I waved her off. “But you did have sex with them right?”

The bum hugs her knees close to her. “My boss laid me off.”

“Well that sucks,” I clicked my teeth. “Why don’t you get another one?”

“I’m hungry.” The bum repeated once again.

“You said that. Jeez, you sound like a broken record. I’m trying to help you.”


I swear, if this woman mentions anything about being hungry or food one more time I will show her what true hunger really means.

I gave a loud sigh, rubbing my temples. “Look, don't you think it’s fair that you take money from people who actually get up and go to their shitty deadend jobs everyday? I mean, you were just like them too awhile ago, so why should you beg for their hard earned money?”

She starts to crumble and sob. “What am I going to do?”

“Hey, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Jane.” The woman mumbled.

“Come on, speak up.” I told her.

“Jane.” She repeated herself louder this time.

“Get a goddamn grip, Jane,” I smiled. “You’re too depressing. That’s why you lost your job.”

“You're kind ma’am. You are very kind.” The woman stuttered.

“I wouldn’t say that. Really,” I replied coolly, petting the dog. Now looking at it, I think it’s a pitbull. “I’m a walking man-eater in the flesh. I have the ability to kill you right now.”

“Miss, you gotta help me,” She grabbed my wrist. “I’m so cold and—”

“You smell like shit!” I interrupted her, pinching my nose. “You know that right? I mean, Christ in heaven.”

I turned my head to get a sniff of fresh air but was greeted with the stench of piss and rotten trash. 

“Man, I really need to get out of this alleyway.” I mumbled to myself.

This made the bum cry even harder. I was about to say something else but dropped it since she’s probably not going to listen to me and repeat the same thing over and over so what’s the point?

I faced her again, and pulled out that 5 dollar bill I had at bay. And as I suspected, that made her really happy.

“Bless your heart ma’am, bless your heart.” She cried to me. 

Heh, “bless your heart.” Give me a break.

“People like you are truly gullible.” I cackled. The bum nods helplessly as I extend my finger nails, turning them into claws.

Ironically enough, I’m not trying to kill her, even though she pissed me off. Maybe I’ll shove one nail in her eye and another in her stomach. I slid it in the eye and flicked it up, popping the retina. The homeless woman couldn’t do or say anything but open her mouth in horror. I tore off her shirt, exposing her sickly body. The BO makes me gag even more. I pierced my whole hand into her stomach and pulled out her intestines. I fondled them in my hands before letting them go in complete boredom. I would eat her but she smells and I don’t want to taste that when I do.

I looked up at the bum who looked at me, coughing up blood. I held my bloody hand to the side and made a quick slash, slitting the woman’s throat, instantly killing her. 

All the while, her dog was barking. I looked down at it in pity. Since it’s owner was disposed of, they need a new owner and who else would that be but me. I gave the dog a few head pats to calm it down. When it was completely quiet, I picked it up and walked out of the alley like nothing happened.

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