Man Eater

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

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I lay lifeless in an empty field with a man standing over me. It was hard to give a good description because the moon shone behind him. But his build was all too familiar.

I donned a black long sleeve shirt with a cloak and a tattered skirt. My hair was messy but a way longer than my usual length. 

"...Man eater, cannibal, bloodsucker." He gave me all sorts of names.

"Ugh…aaah…" I moaned, opening my eyes.

"You have been bested by the thing you hate and fear the most…a mortal."


"Of course. We destroyed your castles, dominions, servants, and anyone else who worshiped you. All of those things are lost to you forever! What do you have to say to this, Kasdeya?"

I remained silent. I was too weak to open my mouth and say anything to rebuke him. 

Even if I wasn’t in this condition, what could I say?

"Don't get quiet now you monster!" He grabbed me by the collar. "You have to answer to the sins you committed. Just like all of us. You tore down kingdoms, killed a lot of innocent people, and struck fear into the hearts of others. So I will ask you again, what do you have to say about this Kasdeya? WHAT THE HELL DO YOU SAY?!"

There was a window of silence when I finally came up with his answer. "I-I love you."

"Bah!" The man growled, striking me in the chest with a wooden stake.

"GAH!" I hopped off my bed as fast as I could with my nails at the ready. It didn’t take that long for me to figure out that it was all a dream. 

I wiped the sweat away from my forehead as the dog I picked up from the alleyway a few nights ago ran into my room followed by Bruce who was wielding a loaded shotgun.

“Are you alright Ms. Kasdeya?” He asked in a hurry.

“Yes, I’m fine.” I caught my breath. “I just had a bad dream, that’s all.”

“Oh.” Bruce lowered his gun, looking to the side in embarrassment. 

My dog, Thorn, hopped on the bed and jumped all over me to make sure I’m okay. I picked her up and sat back down on my bed. 

Bruce slowly put the gun to the side and approached me with caution. “Are you sure that you’re alright?”

“Yes, I’m sure,” I responded in a somber tone. “Just a silly nightmare. Nothing serious.”

“If you say so.” Bruce mumbled, looking to the side. Something tells me that he’s still in doubt of what I said. Was I exposed? 

“Is something the matter?” I asked in pure curiosity.

“You’re crying…blood.” 

I touched my cheek, it felt a little wet. I examined the red liquid on my head.

Tears of blood? It’s been awhile since I cried bloody tears before. 

A long while.

I wiped away the tears, the dream didn’t mean nothing to me anymore. Just a figment of my imagination. 

But why?

Why did I decide to dream about that memory? And why do I feel so…nervous? Scared? I can’t really pinpoint the emotion. My mind’s all over the place.

Then again, it’s just a silly dream right? Dreams aren’t real. Especially to a monster like me. 

I glanced at the clock and it read 8:23 am. There’s no way that I’m going back to sleep after experiencing that.

“Um, are you hungry Miss?” Bruce asked nervously. 

I shook my head. “No…not really.”

“Okay,” His face was neutral. “Come on, Thorn.”

The dog hopped off my lap and followed the butler as he left the room.

I let out a sigh as I dragged myself off the bed and into the bathroom. I might as well get ready for the day. I’m already late for “work” for fuck’s sake.

Come on, come on. Almost there.

I tapped the buttons furiously as I took a swing from my wine bottle. It’s a good substitute for blood but it doesn’t give that thick, slimy texture.

I got another combo to my enemy on my computer screen. The game I’m playing is called Doom. It’s a first person shooter where you’re going around killing demons and what not. It’s a pretty rad concept but I like Wolfenstien better since it’s human on human murder. Though it wasn’t on the pirated site so I went with the next best thing.

Footsteps approached my desk. “Hey Kate, did you do those reports I asked you about?”

“No.” I replied bluntly, not taking my eyes off of the computer screen.

“Ah. Okay…uh,” The worker looked around nervously. His eyes darted at the wine bottle on his desk. He picked it up and put on his confidant tone. “I-I see that you got some more of that red wine from that liquor store from across the-”

“What do you want?” I cut into his charade like a hot knife through a piece of meat. 

I always see him pull this kind of technique to guilt trip or rush people into doing their work. They either a) do their work so he could shut the fuck up or b) they just sipmly ignore him and go on with their life. And you already know what option I choose.

“Well, I was wondering when you’re gonna be done with those reports.” He tapped his fingers on the top of the border which was quite annoying.

“Reports, reports. Jeez Tom, you need to learn how not to pester your coworkers to do some paperwork.” 

Tom muttered something under his breath before scattering away.

The two coworkers watched him leave and turned their attention back to me.

“You alright Kate?”

“Yep,” I smiled. “Never better. Thanks Jim, I don't know what I’ll do without you.”

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“Heh, don’t mention it.” Jim gave me a cocky grin as he walked away which made me roll my eyes.

Jim, who I’ll probably date and kill later, is one of my coworkers in this dead end job. He tried to pick me up once but I turned him down because I wasn’t in the mood that day. Kinda wish I was though. Now he just hangs around me and makes conversation when he’s supposed to do his work. I guess that’s one thing we have in common besides flirting with our fellow coworkers.

Sometimes I wonder why I have odd, boring jobs like these. 

Is it because of the money? I don’t think so. This job couldn’t satisfy my living arrangements if I paid taxes for my castle.

Is it because of the people? I mean, there are some attractive men here but if that was the case then everyone in this place would be dead.

The real reason why I choose boring jobs like these is to hide my identity and get to know humans better. Yeah, sure I may look like a people person from a glance but I’m still trying to figure them out for all these years and I still can’t wrap my head around it.

It’s not like Im forgein to their tactics or anything, it’s just…interesting to watch them react to certain situations. Like when I rip someone’s intestines  out and watch them flail about as I hold them with desire. They never try to take it back. Instead they look at me in complete shock, not knowing what to do next. It’s quite fun actually. I really expect them to put up a fight but no…they just heave in air like goldfish gulping water. But what can I expect? None of them will ever be like…him.

No, there’s someone out there that’s like him there has to be. A family member, friend, student, someone must be out there that is just as strong as that man. 

Speaking of which, I haven’t had too much fun since then and that dream sorta “revived” my totally-not-fucked-up fantasies envolving “innocent people” or as I like to call them “food” again. But time has passed since then and these humans might have gotten a little stronger and braver from the looks of it. I could care less though, none of them can beat me. They can never defeat me. 

I continued to shoot at the demons that were on my screen with even more passion than before. Just thinking about it makes me a little turned on. I would do anything to get some action right now.

Well, I guess someone answered my prayers because a very loud noise was heard from my left. I didn’t flinch per say but I did tense up a bit. I turned my head to the left and saw many people scramble to their feet and run all over the place like ants.

I continued to play my game without a care in the world. This must be a bank robbery so I don’t pay much attention to it. Just let them get the money and leave, no need to put up a fight for a company that wouldn’t even give you a dime if you fight for them. 

What I said about the robber thing would’ve been true if I didn’t see someone get thrown to the side from the corner of my eye. 

Now that’s strange. I knew that humans had grown this stronger but this is...strange. So strange in fact that I got up and decided to see what all the commotion was all about. I peeked my head around the corner and saw something that wasn’t human at all. Instead, a huge monster with fur covered all over its body, sprouting horns was around that corner, holding some poor bastard by the head.

This is interesting. I never in my years of existence have seen a creature like this before. Wonder what it’s doing here. From the looks of it, its claws are covered in blood so it must be on the prowl for flesh.

The beast turned its head slightly and growled. “I know you’re there, human.”

Damn, busted. But I’m not mad though. It was bound to find me anyway.

“Haha, you have some good senses there. Looks like I need to get better at hiding.” I chuckled, walking away from the corner and towards the monster.

“You’re a brave one, woman. I’m going to enjoy tearing you apart.” It tossed the corpse to the side and licked its claws.

“You wanna bet?” I smirked, whipping out my talons. 

Being in this situation would scare the hell out of any person because… well… it’s a man-eating monster that could slice you to bits with one swipe with their claws. 

But of course it doesn’t scare me. In fact, I find it quite adorable. I wonder what it tastes like.

“Let’s see who dines on whose bones!”

With no time to waste, the both of us rush towards each other. I made the first attack by swinging my talons at the monster which made it dodge.

I have to admit, this thing is really fast for its size, even though it couldn’t match my speed. With every swipe or slash the monster threw out, I avoided them with ease, trying to find the right time to get a good hit in. It was so easy in fact that I started to mimic their movements. 

Eventually I got tired of this game. After a few strikes I held still, placing a nail on its chest, puncturing it slightly as it slashed me in the face. The cuts aren't deep enough to be life threatening so I was able to regenerate quickly.

I took a few steps back to catch my breath. “Hah, you’re strong.”

“And you’re pretty weak!” The monster mocked, licking the blood from its mouth.

Before I could give a retort, a stapler hit the monster on the side of the head. Both of us turned our attention towards some cowardly worker who was shaking in his shoes of the sight of the monster.

“G-get away from it, Kate!” He cried out. 

“Whu—Ah!” I got swatted to the side by the beast, who was pretty agitated that someone interrupted our fight.

Can’t really blame ‘em. Was about to tear into him too…

The monster was running towards him at full speed. With no sign of stopping. Within his reach, the monster picked him up and slammed him on the ground a couple of times. So much so that the ground started to get a new shade of red. Even I heard a couple of bones break in the poor soul's body. I would've felt guilty but that's what he gets for playing the hero.

Speaking of which, this thing had its back turned so that gave me the perfect opportunity to get my kill. So while that thing was playing with its “flesh toy,” I approached the hairy monster with caution.

That’s right, keep playing with your food. I thought, as I stepped closer and closer towards my prey.

When the time was right, I struck my claws into the beast’s back which resulted in a loud distorted roar. It twisted and turned violently as I held on for dear life. When my grip was firm, I was able to slit its throat quickly, which made it roar some more.

I hopped off and watched as the monster tried to cover its neck as blood spilled out. And I mean, a lot of blood spilled out. So much to the point that the furry brute slipped on its own puddle and wailed in pain some more.

Eventually, the monster stopped twitching, signifying that it died. 

My claws reverted back to normal while breathing heavily from the fight. I have to admit, that was a close one. I wasn’t expecting for a creature like that to be so strong. That’s what I get for slacking off for all these years. Letting my prey come to me rather than going to fetch it.

Speaking of prey…

I looked down at the creature, licking my lips in hunger. I did say, “Let’s see who dines on whose bones'' a little while back and I skipped breakfast so what’s the worst that could happen. 

I already knew that no one was around to see this so I chowed down at the monster, savoring every bite of it all. I could feel new found power surging through my whole body.

“Mmh! Doesn’t taste that bad.” I wiped my mouth, going in for another bite.

But before I could, the monster reverted back to human form?

Wait…is that…

I leaned in on the body closer to get a better look and was shocked when I knew that face. 

The person who was behind the slaughter was no other than…Terrance, Rebecca’s friend? Boyfriend? I don’t know, it was either of those two.

I knew something wasn’t right about that thing. Monsters like those don’t attack normally, they usually plan things out. Were they waiting for me? Or this wasn’t a setup and I just fucked up and should be worried for the rest to come after me?

Well whatever it is, I can’t wait. Taking on otherworldly creatures gets me a little nostalgic. Oh those were the times. 

I continued to consume Terrance’s in the quiet building without being interrupted.

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