
Chapter 31: Chapter 30 – The Cost of Progress

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The Cost of Progress


The sun elf across from her had a contemplative expression on his face. The big man looked more like a modern CEO than some banker image she had in her mind. He had clearly maintained his fitness, though his age was belied by hair that was more salt than pepper. He had brown eyes that seemed to pierce right through her. Though the man wasn’t a noble–which Cristole had explained was deliberate for such positions–yet he held an aura of authority. He knew his role and domain, and she could tell from the short interaction thus far that he knew exactly how much influence he could exert within that domain. 

Sloane had just finished telling her story about how she had arrived in Thirdghyll and about magic and mana. There was some obfuscation of her origins, but Guildmaster Lanthil Romaris noticed that she was a terran almost immediately and asked questions. I really need to figure out where that naming came from and why.

She continued to look over at the man as he spoke. “So, please, allow me to express what I have understood so far. You are a noble in your world. Which isn’t interesting in itself. There has been another noble terran or two in the city within the last few weeks. I believe one is advising Count Kayser as we speak. However, your connection to Blightwych is far more interesting and provides you with a bit more credibility. Frankly, if it weren’t for that, I wouldn’t have nearly enough time to entertain whatever business you feel you have with the Guild. 

“But to the crux of the matter, this mana business is disconcerting. I haven’t experienced anything like it at all. There have been whispers amongst the higher society of Thirdghyll, and I am aware that the count has opened an investigation into the matter. Yet, that is neither here nor there. You say this mana can benefit the Banking Guild. You will need to elaborate a bit more I think.” 

Sloane nodded her head in acknowledgment. “Of course! So, at its core, from what I’ve gathered, mana wants to be used. In this, I have discovered that mana has an underlying logic to it. It can be used in the transfer of knowledge and information if done correctly.”

“And you’ve discovered this ‘correct’ way, yes?” The Guildmaster replied as if he had heard it all before.

She was a bit taken aback. Many people she had interacted with in business in the past preferred some background. Not too much mind you, but enough so that they could frame things. It seemed Sloane would need to take a different tack. 

“Yes.” Sloane reached into her satchel and pulled out the card and the papers she drew on. She placed them on the desk in front of her and explained. “This is a card that connects to mana and allows you to store information on it. More, specifically, information concerning the person who owns it and their balance. This card will connect to a terminal that the Banking Guild will maintain that will synchronize information with the user’s card. They can then use that card to withdraw or transfer funds. In time, the Guild can set up a network of merchants who will make transactions using your card system. The Banking Guild could even charge fees for such use.”

The man reached out and grabbed the card, “This card can allow for all this?” He grabbed the design with his other hand and Sloane observed as he compared the image with the real one. 

“Yes. This version is a prototype that can accept information and transfer it. It will save the guild—”

“Yes, yes. The guild will save tons of money. Look, you don’t have to give me the spiel, Lady Reinhart. I know the game. I can understand the implications of what you’re suggesting. I don’t even need to know how it works. What I want to know is thus, why should the Guild work with you in particular? I’m sure others can figure this out eventually, especially now that we know it exists. That would give us far more control than what I suspect you will ask our leadership in Marketbol. That is why you want this meeting? A recommendation? Exactly.”

Sloane took a breath and a sip of the water she had been provided when she first entered the office. “The Guild will want to work with me because I can provide what your guild cannot. I can provide knowledge of how such a system works and how to best implement it based on case history from an entire world of use and experience.”

Lanthil’s eyes seemed to glint as a hint of a smile made the corners crinkle. “That… That is what I was looking for. I’m sure we could find other terrans that had the same knowledge as you, but that is neither here nor there. You’re here now with a product. One that seems, on the surface, to be beneficial enough to be of use. You don’t need to convince me of how effective it is. Frankly, I don’t really care. I will make money either way. So you want my recommendation? How can you and House Reinhart benefit me?”

Her eyes widened. Did he just ask for a damn bribe?

“Are you–What are you asking for?”

He smiled. “I suspect I know what you’re thinking. ‘Oh my! Did he ask me for a bribe?’ No. I do not want money. I don’t need your money. Milady, if you’re here pitching this idea to me, it’s because you don’t have money and you need it.”

“I see…” and she did. Sloane realized then what he wanted. It was the intangibles: favors, influence, backroom deals. He wanted a piece of the pie.

“How would you rate the quality of your staff, Lanthil?” 

The Guildmaster of Thirdghyll smiled. “Now, that is an interesting question. I have a very professional and efficient staff. Even better, they are loyal. They are very good at what they do, despite the region’s overall lack of profitability.”

“I believe we may be able to come to an arrangement then. House Reinhart currently is looking to expand its influence on the financial market. However, we are lacking key personnel to effectuate this practically. Perhaps, if you were able to provide recommendations for experts in the field, this would allow the House to better work with the Guild. Further, House Reinhart remembers its friends and those that have helped them.” Sloane went all in. 

This would either make or break her, and she knew it would come with lasting consequences. She just had to ensure his desire continued to concern money and outweighed any desire to screw her over. 

“You know, I have some excellent prospects. Actually, I have a niece that would be perfect for such a role. Since you will be traveling, I couldn’t just let a member of my family go without providing her with some way to ensure her protection. I have a man who I believe would be an excellent member of your house guard.” He pushed his deal, clearly trying to tie himself to her with a family member, but not one of any prime position within his family. The man would clearly just be there to spy or act as a minder. Probably both.

“Mr. Romaris, I do believe the Order that is accompanying me would provide ample security for another person. They are exceptionally trained Blightwych Knights, after all.” 

“Of course, of course. However…” He picked up a stack of papers that had been on his desk and started reading, “Several conversations between the Order of Haven’s Hope and Baroness Reinhart have indicated that the two groups will soon part. Baroness Reinhart is currently searching for a daughter that was separated from her. Observation has not indicated any clues as to where or why this occurred. The Knights are also split on the matter. Continued observation will be required to ascertain the future goals of the Order and the desires of individual members. Baroness Sloane has entered into a profitable contract with the siblings of Farum Merchant Co. As of this entry, the Baroness’s share of the profits is considerable due to the sibling’s rapid rising in Vilstaf. Indications are that the dwarven siblings will be expanding soon. In one short month, they have had to hire ten additional staff to keep up with sales and an increase in business based on the designs provided by the baroness. There are clear indications that the objects sold are slightly magical in functionality. Further observations will be required. As yet, these objects have not spread to Thirdghyll, and we have not observed sightings of magic use amongst anyone other than terrans. The siblings in Vilstaf are suspected to be able to utilize this new phenomenon. Recommend increased observation into the baroness to ascertain whether she can provide access to magic.”

He paused for a moment, gauging her reaction. “Shall I continue?”

Sloane’s voice caught in her throat before she could respond. How had he gotten that much information about me so fast? Are they looking for Gwyn?

She started to try to speak before she felt a hand on her shoulder. Sloane looked up to see Cristole… No, Ser Cristole standing beside her with his hand on the hilt of his sword. “Guildmaster, you should explain yourself and your intentions. Right now.

There was a click, and Sloane turned her head to see two men behind them at the door. The orkun with his hand on the knob, spoke up, “Guildmaster, is everything alright?”

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He’s the first orkun I’ve seen in Thirdghyll. His tusks look fierce.

The Guildmaster raised a hand. “Yes, everything is perfectly alright, Reji. Please, allow me to explain.”

Sloane turned and observed the elf that had evidently known who she was for some time now. 

“I don’t believe I need to express that whatever I tell you from now on is in confidence. You will not repeat it.” He pointedly looked at Ser Cristole, who hadn’t relaxed yet. “Not to Ser Gisele nor Lady d’Argin. If you do, I will not be pleased.”

Before Cristole could speak, Sloane placed a hand on his forearm. He looked down at her, and she spoke up. “Understood. We won’t tell anyone. Now, tell us how you know so much about us.”

Lanthil Romaris stared at the two of them for what seemed like minutes. Sloane wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but she started to feel uncomfortable under his gaze. She started to get some vibes she had not been expecting from what she had originally thought was a regional manager at a bank.

“Baroness Reinhart, I believe before I get to that, I should explain a bit about the Guilds at large. Perhaps it will illuminate things for you.” 

Sloane looked at him, then tilted her head as she realized he was waiting for her reply. 

She lazily waved him on, as if what he had to say was the most boring topic for one such as she, but metaphorically slid to the edge of her seat. “Go on…”

He smirked a bit before continuing. “First, let me preface my explanation that the Guilds are relatively neutral in this region of Ikios. We do not interfere in the politics of the governments unless it will particularly affect the guilds as a whole. The Sovereign Cities and their unique political situation lend to this stance. The guilds have realized that the continent is far too large to maintain an effective system over all of it. So, we have partitioned the continent into sub-regions, such as West Ikios. Each region has a guild council that is chaired by the head of each guild. The Guilds hold considerable influence due to how we remain neutral, how unified we are in purpose, and of course to what lengths we will go to maintain that influence.” He ended chillingly.

Sloane narrowed her eyes. Two can play at that game. “There’s no need for threats, Lanthil. I know the spiel: you’re part of a powerful organization that crosses borders and has the resources and the will to maintain your position in society. Such games are not new to me. You subdivide a single continent because you can’t easily maintain control over the whole of it. Organizations in my world are global. Corporations with influence over billions. I get it. Now, please. Get to the point of your explanation.”

In the corner of her eye, she saw Ser Cristole looking down at her in open shock. She smirked, and the Guildmaster caught it. He started laughing heartily. “Well said. I hope you don’t mind that your freely given information will probably end up spreading to appropriate ears.”

Sloane shrugged. Knowledge would eventually get out, anyway. I just need to control the release on my own initiative.

“Very well. To the point, each major city, and area of influence, has a single guild coordinating things for all the other guilds. This is usually the Banking Guild, mainly due to our resources and available personnel. That is not always the case. It is the case here. If anything of note happens, the other guilds ensure that information is disseminated to the proper people. That is me. A new people coming to our world? This fantastical new mythical phenomenon that before had only existed in legend as the acts of gods or their agents? That warrants our attention and our reaction. 

“We would have approached you, had you not approached us. The count is gathering up almost every terran he can find, and I do not know why. The Empire is moving against the Sovereign Cities, and I do not know why. Many things are happening that we are still collecting information on. You provide me with potential answers to one, plus you also potentially increase the influence of the Guilds as a whole. You will have my recommendation if you take my niece as a member of your House, and if you hire the guard, I have suggested. A guard who will be with you as you eventually meet with Count Kayser, and you will provide him with whatever opportunity he needs to gain information for me. Do this, and you will get my recommendation before you leave, and some advice on how to proceed.”

Sloane nodded. She noted that the man was highly pragmatic. This could work. It’s not like I have to do much else. “Your man will not endanger my interests or any of the people close to me. If he does… well, that will be the last thing he does. I’m sure your spies know what happens to those who wish to harm me.” Ugh… smooth, Sloane. Smooth.

The narrowing of his eyes told her all she needed to know about the subject. He did nod his head, however, “He will listen to your orders, so long as they provide what I need. When you leave Thirdghyll, he will protect my niece and you because that is in my interest. You have much to prove before we get to that point, however.”

“Of course. Also, I wish for my account to have the highest tier of access the Banking Guild provides.”

The Guildmaster stood up and quirked his brow. He looked back down at the design she had given him. “You know, the Ruby Tier is actually our second-highest tier, and typically for dukes or the like. We reserve the higher for royalty. I will see that you are granted the tier you so eloquently painted in your example.” He looked up at the two guards that had remained by the door. One nodded and slipped out.

Sloane stood and held out her hand with a sly smile. “I look forward to our future business.”

He gripped her hand with surprising gentleness. “A pleasure, Lady Reinhart. I will send for my niece and my man. They will meet you at your inn tonight.”

Sloane acknowledged him and then looked at Cristole. “Shall we go open my account?”

Ser Cristole looked conflicted at first but quickly straightened after he peered into her eyes. With an incline of the head, he agreed. “Let’s.”

Sloane walked to the door to exit, but not before the Guildmaster called out. She turned back toward him. “Milady, next time someone seeks to take advantage of you, try not to leave remains behind. It's in poor form. Luckily, you will not have to worry about anything now. Further, the parties involved haven’t seen, let alone obtained any terran children. That would also be poor form, and they know the Guilds would frown upon this. Consider the information a gesture of the Guild’s goodwill. ”

Sloane simply nodded before heading back to open an account. Sighing in relief at the news–or lack of news about Gwyn.

It seems that a House Reinhart is finally being established. One step closer to securing the means needed to maintain a search, no matter how distant I must go.

As the door closed behind her and Ser Cristole, Sloane noted that the Guildmaster had never actually said how the Guild or guilds obtained the information they had on the group, let alone the thugs.

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