
Chapter 32: Chapter 31 – I Will End You

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I Will End You


Lanthil Romaris sat at his desk, brooding over the strange meeting he just finished. While the content of what the baroness had proposed was new and potentially revolutionary, the method in which she delivered and the underlying goals were not. It was a typical pitch to try and take advantage of the Guild’s vast resources. If the baroness weren’t a terran, he would have given it barely a passing thought. She provided opportunities that he would not have otherwise.

Lanthil had been serious when he had told Baroness Reinhart that he didn’t need to know how her object worked. He would hire personnel whose sole focus would be to become experts in the new system. If it did as she suggested, it would bring vast profits to the Guild and further allow them to create a stranglehold on the region’s politics. He would have to continue the observation and information collection of the baroness and her House by the Blad–

His guard interrupted Lanthil’s thoughts. “Guildmaster, Stefan will be here shortly. However, Elodie will take another twenty to arrive.” 

“Thank you, Reji. That is fine. Please allow Stefan in as soon as he arrives.” 

Reji gave him a nod. “Will do, boss.” The orkun seemed to hesitate as he turned.

“Did you have anything else?” Lanthil pressed.

“If it’s alright with you. What do you think of the noble that was just here?”

Lanthil made it a habit to hire personnel who were able to read others. It was beneficial to have subordinates who understood what you needed when you needed it. However, it was equally helpful to have professionals that could read others and give potentially insightful information that he could utilize in dealing with them. Reji, in particular, was an excellent judge of character with but a single interaction. His input had always been welcome.

“What do you mean?” 

“There was something about her, boss. I can’t quite explain it, but I felt… something about her. Her presence was more than just the snobby or superior impression you get from other nobles.” Reji explained.

Lanthil slowly nodded, considering. 

After a minute, he responded to the guard, waiting patiently. “I’ll keep it in mind. Next time she meets with me, tell me if you feel anything different. I think I know what to try.”

“Understood, Guildmaster.”

There was a knock at the door and Reji opened it, allowing Stefan to enter while he stepped out. 

Lanthil examined the raithe that had just entered. The man was tall by raithe standards, nearly the Guildmaster’s own height. He was thin and had an aristocratic appearance to him. He had long white hair with a tinge of red toward the tips. The raithe and his coat would fit in any noble gathering. His red eyes almost seemed to glow as he stood there with a relaxed look to him. Lanthil knew the man wasn’t actually one of the nobility, but that didn’t seem to affect his demeanor. 

“Guildmaster, you requested my attendance?” Stefan inquired.

Lanthil stood and walked around his desk. “Stefan, thank you for coming. I have a job for you and your Guild. You will act as a guard for a baroness. One of interest to me and the Guilds.”

He spent the next fifteen minutes going over his plans and requirements for the man. They discussed what would be expected of his role and how he would relay any information to the Guilds. 

“I will inform the Guild and obtain a support team. I will meet with your niece before we meet with the Baroness tonight.” 

“Here, this will give you more insight into who you will be working for.” The Guildmaster said as he handed Stefan the dossier he had compiled on the terran. 


* * *


Reji knocked and opened the door and Lanthil looked over from the chair he had off to the side near his liquor cabinet. The orkun peeked in, “Guildmaster, your niece is here.”

“Good, good. Let her in”

His niece entered, and he noticed that she had taken the time to dress in a professional attire of pants and a tunic in the Guild colors. She had also redone her braids; he noted. She likely assumed he had business for her. He appreciated the foresight. It was one of the reasons he chose her. Her ability to manage finances would be sorely missed, but having a family member enter into a relationship with what would potentially be a rising House would have a longer-lasting benefit to him.

“Uncle, did you review the reports I filed? Is that what this is about?” 

“No, no. Can’t I just wish to meet with my favorite niece?” He chuckled as he gestured to the bar. 

Elodie walked over and poured herself a glass of his finest whisky, just a finger, and turned back toward him. “Uncle, no offense, but you haven’t asked to just meet with me since I was a young girl. We’re all business, and that’s fine. I enjoy business.”

“Alright, you’ve got me. I do have something for you, and no, it’s not your report. Though, your financial acumen displayed in the report has something to do with that. It’s your connection to the family that is equally important.”

She had a dry look as she responded. “Uncle Lanthil… You’re not marrying me off are you?”

Lanthil nearly choked out his drink, which would have been a waste of a good vintage. “What? Where did you..? Why would you think that? We’re not a noble family.”

“So you’re not going to tell me that it would be in the best interest of the family if you used me for a political marriage?” 

Lanthil gave his niece a long look. “That’s what you think I’d do?”

She tilted her head. “Isn’t it?”

“Of course not! However, I do have a job for you. That will be potentially highly political.”

Elodie narrowed her eyes as he spoke. “So, a job. Are you reassigning me?”

He considered how to present the position. “In a way. There is a new House–House Reinhart of Blightwych. You will join it and manage its finances. It will probably include a lot of traveling.”

“To what purpose?” She asked.

“The House wishes to do extensive business with the Guild. Further, it will allow certain other connections and information. You know my role for the Guilds here in Thirdghyll. This will further that.”

Elodie nodded in consideration. “I understand. When do I start? Do you have more information?”

“Immediately. You will meet with your bodyguard, who is also a member of the Guilds. He will report directly to you for any Guild matters, but he will also maintain an outside link to connect with us. Then you will meet with Baroness Reinhart at her inn. Her file is on my desk. Review it before you meet with her, please. Of note, she is one of the terrans.”

Her eyes widened. “A terran? She’s the second noble I’ve heard of from her people then. Does she have business with us? Instead of Count Kayser?”

“Thirdghyll is but a stop in her travels. You will accompany her to Marketbol if she proves herself and gains my recommendation. Otherwise, we will consider a resolution to the matter.”

Elodie nodded again, understanding his meaning. “I look forward to the assignment. Can you explain more of what you expect from my role within the House?”

“Yes, here’s what I want from you…”


* * *


Sloane and Cristole arrived back at the inn after her meeting and setting up an account with the Banking Guild.  The high elf knight was extremely helpful in navigating the minutiae of what was required, providing documentation where required, and explaining contracts and forms she needed to fill out. 

It completely surprised Sloane that the guild had the concept of standardized forms. It definitely didn’t seem to add up to the progression that she had attributed to society at large since arriving. However, she supposed that things would have some differences due to being an entirely different civilization. 

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She was currently sitting at a table looking through all the provided documents concerning her account and the badge with information that would act as a second form of identity for any branch location. It was a round coin that fit into the palm of her hand. The Banking Guild of West Ikios was written in a flowery script curved along the top edge. The badge had a ruby inset into the center of the base of a scale that filled the entire front side. Above the gemstone, it had a small crest of Thirdghyll engraved, while beneath was her name and title. Turning it over, she noted the other information that would denote her account identifier inscribed within a small area. One of the perks of being in the Ruby Tier was that they would engrave her House crest into it. If she wanted this option, Sloane just needed to drop the badge back off so that they could let their jeweler perform the job.

She placed the items back into her satchel and looked up and around. The inn was nearly empty, and Sloane made sure to examine each person that was there. She wasn’t sure who was a spy anymore. The Guild clearly had people tailing them for some time. Cristole was sitting across from her nursing an ale, he hadn’t talked much on the way back and she chose not to press at the time. Now seems as good as any, though. 

“So, Cristole. What’s on your mind?” She asked in a low voice.

He sighed and turned his attention to her. “I am surprised at the level of information the Guild had on you and, by extension, us. We need to be careful.”

“I agree, however–”

“Cristole, Sloane. Good to see you back.” Ser Gisele called out.

Sloane smiled and waved then refocused her attention on Cristole. “However, there’s only so much we can do except ensure we are speaking of important things privately. If I can get the guild on our side, then that only benefits us. We should inform Ser Gisele.” She finished as Gisele, Deryk, and Ernald walked up to the table. Cristole nodded, then also looked up.

“Good afternoon, you two. How did your business at the Banking Guild go?” Ser Gisele asked as they arrived.

“It went well,” Sloane said.

Cristole gave Gisele a slight shake of the head. “We can discuss more in-depth later. Privately.”

Ernald looked between them as he settled into the chair next to Sloane. Deryk pulled up a chair from another table and sat in between Sloane and Cristole. Gisele plopped down into the chair next to Cristole and regarded the two of them. “Why the dire looks? Do we need to speak privately now?”

Sloane gave Cristole a look, so he shook his head. “It’s not immediately pressing. I will say, anything important should only be spoken privately.”

Deryk nodded along. “Yes. My suspicions seem to have been correct. Thank you for confirming.”

Sloane quirked an eyebrow and looked at him. “If you’ve guessed what we are going to say, I’m going to be impressed.”

He gave her a slight smirk but only nodded.

Ernald sat back. “Sounds ominous. Did you at least open an account?”

Sloane reached into her satchel and pulled out the badge. Setting it down on the table, she replied. “I did. Ser Cristole was a huge help. The meeting was also beneficial. I think.”

Ernald and Gisele looked at the badge. Gisele’s eyes narrowed while Ernald let out a low whistle. “Ruby tier? How in Dylenia’s name did you manage that?”

Cristole looked at her and tilted his head. “She made a deal with the Guildmaster. One that is quite dangerous.”

Gisele refocused from the badge to Cristole, then rested on Sloane. “What did you do?”

“Nothing much. Just have two potential members for my House. One is the niece of the Guildmaster–”

“and the other is almost certainly a spy or worse… a blade.” Cristole finished.

Deryk’s head jerked toward Cristole and leaned forward. Speaking with a low voice, you asked, “You are certain?”

Cristole nodded. “I am not one hundred percent certain. However, this leads more to what I wish to speak privately on. We’ll discuss it.”

“Understood,” Deryk said, settling back into his chair.

Sloane looked between Ernald and Gisele. Both seemed to be lost in thought. “Cristole can explain a bit more later, but, for the time being, we will have two members joining us. This leads us to the next point. I would like to request you all to accompany me to Marketbol. Cristole and I discussed an idea that I have that will be revolutionary for the Banking Guild. I would like to ensure your Order can take advantage of it.”

She placed the Guild Badge back into her sachet and grabbed the card instead. “This would replace the badge. It will also hold information that would allow the guild to know exactly how much funds you have available no matter where you go.”

Ernald picked it up. “This uses mana and magic to do this function?”

Sloane nodded as Ernald passed it to Gisele. “Yes, it will save the Guild large sums of money that they spend to maintain their network.”

“This does have potential.” Gisele agreed.

Sloane explained her idea a bit more in-depth, leaving out any exact details in case they were being spied on. Luckily, Gisele seemed very interested. Ernald asked many technical and theory-related questions, but Sloane finally had to promise to speak more in private. 

She noticed Gisele give Cristole a long look. The Knight-Captain turned and faced Sloane and narrowed her eyes. Looking at her while thinking for a solid minute in which Sloane started to feel a bit awkward, she raised a brow and was about to ask when Gisele spoke up. 

“Fine. We’ll go with you to Marketbol.”

Sloane smiled, “Good! You won’t regret it.”

Gisele sighed. “I hope not.”

Sloane leaned forward and motioned Gisele closer. Whispering, “Now, we just need to help this guard spy on the Count, and get information on terrans that are supposedly in the city. Then, hope that the Guildmaster will give his recommendation when I meet with the Banking Guild’s leadership. Oh, and I have a few things I want to make! Easy peasy!”

Gisele scowled. “What do you mean, spy?”

Cristole placed a hand on her shoulder. “Later.”

The look didn’t leave the orkun’s face as she leaned back into her chair. Giving Sloane and Cristole a pointed look. “I do not like not having all the information before making a decision.”

Sloane frowned. “I’m sorry. It will be worth it. And you’ll understand after we tell you more. Later. I promise.”

Gisele nodded.

“Oh, Ser Gisele, can you please be here with me while I meet with the two people the Guildmaster is sending? I would appreciate your insight.” Sloane asked.

Gisele’s scowl deepened.

Ernald leaned forward and with a serious tone, added, “Ser Gisele, that scowl will be perfect to intimidate anyone Sloane meets with. Good job.”

The Knight-Captain turned toward the scholar and deadpanned. “I will end you, Ernald.”

The table went silent.

A silence broken by a snort to Sloane’s right.

Sloane looked at Deryk and her mouth dropped open as he just started laughing.

“End… you… Oh, that’s good, Ser Gisele.” He got out in between laughs.

Gisele just stared until she couldn’t hold it in anymore and joined in. Sloane looked at Ernald, who still had a fearful look on his face. She couldn’t help it. She started laughing as well.

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