
Chapter 34: Chapter 33 – Did You Ask Her?

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Did You Ask Her?


Sabina was standing to the side in the hallway, waiting for the princess to emerge from her suite. The attendants were getting the girl ready for the day, and Sabina was happy that Gwyn had finally allowed them to help her over the past week. Although, it did continually make the knight smile at how fiercely independent that girl was. 

The first few days in Strathmore had kept Sabina and the others busy. They filled the time with meetings and interviews with the staff and then meetings with various agencies and influential individuals. Ser Taenya had placed her in charge of information gathering and control. The role suited her perfectly, and she dove in with enthusiasm. 

Sabina had been spending her evenings completing and updating files on personnel and key figures. The meeting that Taenya and Majordomo Siveril had mid-morning was with one such individual. The Majordomo had given Sabina the names of a couple of potential people that could be hired to work with Her Highness to prepare her properly for Aviran high society. While the young royal assuredly had class within her own culture, her knowledge needed to be refined for the Kingdom of Avira. Sabina had only been able to accomplish a cursory investigation thus far on the two academics that the majordomo had contacted. The brief information she gained pointed to two professors who were both highly accomplished and seemed to be fierce rivals. She wasn't sure what Siveril had planned. 

If the meeting went as expected, there would be a brief introduction and session with the princess in the afternoon. After which, Siveril would coordinate a future schedule that would accommodate Her Highness. Sabina could meet with Taenya during that meeting.

She sighed. Everything was much busier than she had imagined. Can’t say I don’t enjoy the challenge though. 

Sabina was in her element. She was an excellent judge of character, and being placed in a position that leveraged her skill set was incredibly fulfilling. It was almost as if undertaking this responsibility had honed her instincts. Her intuition had assisted them in pinpointing several of the staff that wanted to sell information on the princess and even Baron Iemes. She wasn’t sure how she knew, but Sabina swore she could tell what someone was feeling in the moment just by looking at them. It was almost like she could interpret their emotions, and if Sabina focused it felt like she could nearly read them.

It was as Baron Iemes said, many will try and take advantage of the young girl, just for her title. 

Sabina was broken from her thoughts, by the opening door and Gwyn emerging with Emma close behind. That woman is starting to prove her worth. I may have to train her in the use of a dagger soon. She was very attentive to the princess’ needs. 

Sabina felt sorry for scaring the handmaiden… almost.

The Knight of House Reinhart put on a smile as Princess Gwyn noticed her and beamed. 

“Good morning, Your Highness. How are you on this fine day?” Sabina asked with the appropriate amount of enthusiasm. Her speech was slightly forced, mainly because of how tired Sabina was, but the young girl’s optimism and kindness were infectious. 

“I’m great, Sabina. How are you?” Gwyn responded.

“I am well. Are you ready for the day? Majordomo Siveril wished to speak with you over breakfast.”

“Okay! Let’s go.”

Sabina smiled and led them to the dining hall.


* * *


Ser Siveril Norric sat and watched as the Princess conversed with the other… human as Gwyn called herself, in a language from their world.

 After inquiring around his various sources in the city, it seemed that the young girl was the only one to call them that. Others had taken to calling them terrans. It seemed they had appeared everywhere. Most by themselves, but there were even reports of small groups that materialized together. Siveril knew the duchy was taking a wait-and-see approach based on whatever the royal court decreed. 

He did know that they brought a wide range of knowledge and backgrounds with them and they were only scratching the surface of the implications. As far as he was aware, no one had encountered anyone that fit the description that Gwyn provided of her mother, let alone another royal. Other than the man speaking with the princess, he hadn’t even heard of another noble emerging. With Gwyn’s position as potentially the only terran of high peerage within Avira, she was going to become a key piece in the game.

The entire situation had made his job increasingly challenging since the princess had arrived at House… Reinhart. Siveril needed to ensure they firmly established the House before others attempted to take advantage of them and the princess. Luckily, there had only been one inquiry thus far. A disreputable baron dared to presume he would be a prospective match for a child. Avira wasn’t one of the uncivilized kingdoms that were situated in the southern portion of the continent. Siveril had shut down that attempt, hard, and then proceeded to pass along the contents of the request to various contacts he had within the ducal court.

They needed allies, which is why the first people he contacted were the guilds and a few Houses that owed him past favors. It certainly helped that while they desired influence, the family heads were simple hangers-on. He knew he could manipulate that to his and the House’s benefit and had set up a meeting between the princess and the three potential ladies-in-waiting, two days hence.  

If… Friedrich–Yes, that was his name–was indeed a knight, it would provide even more influence to the House. The princess could vouchsafe such a thing, and he would speak to Ser Sabina about meeting with the man more to determine his goals as he mastered the language. Siveril had to admit, the man was doing quite well. In seven days, he had progressed tremendously. Siveril focused back on the two as the terran man tried switching to Common to speak. 

“I want to thank… you for you–your… sacra nochma…” Friedrich paused to collect his thoughts. 

Siveril raised a brow at the obvious swear but didn’t wish to interrupt the moment the man was having.

The terran knight continued, “P–patience and help with me, my lady.” He finished with a bow of his head and his hand over his heart. 

The princess, however, gushed. “You’re welcome, Friedrich! You’re so nice. You’re doing really well too.” 

With a small smirk, Siveril watched as the man worked out what Gwyn said, then smiled big. “Dankeschön! Grazie!” 

Siveril politely laughed as Friedrich reverted to the other two languages in his excitement.

With a clearing of his throat, Siveril caught both of their attention. “Your Highness, with your leave, I must meet with a potential tutor that will work with you. Then, I will work with Ser Taenya to set up an appointment for you to meet with Mr. Fenren tomorrow–”

“Oh! I finally get to go see Onas’ family tomorrow?” The Princess quickly asked.

Siveril smiled. The relationship she had forged with the merchant would provide immense benefit to the House, just as it had Baron Iemes. 

“Yes, of course. All the various other necessities have been accomplished, and it was only proper to give Mr. Fenren time to reunite with his family,” he explained.

“I can’t wait!


* * *


Taenya was lost in thought while she waited in the room Ser Siveril had set aside for meeting with prospective members of the House. It was a small sitting area with four chairs oriented to allow for discussion, with small tables set between each pair. There was a small desk where a telv woman sat, ready to transcribe notes of the upcoming meeting. At another desk, Mr. Balfiel, the House esquire, was ready with contracts and other employment documents related to joining the House. The high elf was currently speaking with the majordomo, who had arrived a few minutes before.

Joining a House could be done in one of a few ways. The first was obviously being one of the family or being married into it. Another was to be a retainer of the family. The retainers were nobles that would lose any benefits or most lines of succession for their previous House and would become a member in truth. This act did not make them part of the main family, but it almost made them distant cousins. With this came all the various responsibilities and prestige of being within the House. Now, one may wield the family’s authority, but a retainer did not hold any of their own. This way of joining a House was mainly seen through knights sworn to a lord or even minor nobles who were within the service of one of a higher peerage. 

However, another use of this form of joining a House was for political alliances. While marriage was seen as the ultimate way to unite two Houses, others may commit a member of their family to cement a political bond. It was a binding of service rather than of matrimony or family; a prospective retainer pledging their fealty and service in return for prestige and support.

Siveril seemed to be a master of maneuvering the various political back-and-forth that went into this. Which made sense, considering what she had learned of the man from Sabina. 

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Ser Siveril was once an advisor for the Duke’s House and had joined Baron Iemes as part of a deal that had been made due to the Baron’s outsized rise in influence within the duchy. That the baron was so willing to let the man go spoke volumes about how much he was betting on the princess. 

There was a single knock on the door before it opened and one of the servants stepped in followed by an older sun elf. Taenya stood and watched as Siveril stepped forward and addressed the man, “Professor Branigan, it’s a pleasure. Please, come in.” He reached out and shook the elf’s hand.

“Thank you for having me, Ser Siveril. How have you been? It’s been a long time.” the professor replied. Taenya lifted a brow at yet another connection Siveril had utilized. 

“I am well! Allow me to introduce Knight-Captain Ser Taenya Shavyre, also of House Reinhart. She is here to sit in with us and ask questions regarding the position. Please,” the Majordomo gestured to the chairs. “Have a seat. We have some tea prepared. Hopefully, my memory of your tastes is correct!”

“It’s a pleasure, Ser Taenya. I’m sure you have the tea correct, Ser Siveril. We both know your memory hasn’t dulled.” He reached out and shook Taenya’s hand and then moved to the chair next to the servant waiting with his tea. 

Taenya heard him whisper appreciative comments to the servant as they all settled back into their seats. The sun elf took a sip of his tea, savored it a bit then smiled. 

“As expected. So, based on the presence of your House esquire, you’re expecting a lot, Siveril.” He commented with a smirk.

Taenya raised a brow at the familiarity.

“Of course, Quinn. I believe this is something you’d be interested in.” 

“Your message was enticingly… vague. Can you explain what it is you want?” Quinn Branigan asked. 

Siveril nodded to Taenya and made a gesture that she should speak. She lifted a brow, but asked, “What have you heard of recent events concerning the blue flash?”

The sun elf looked between the two of them and sat a bit straighter before responding, “I have heard of the new race of beings that look similar to telv but with round ears that appeared randomly all over the region and beyond. I… heard a rumor… that your new House, Siveril, was established by one.” 

Taenya glanced at Siveril, who was maintaining his characteristic look of being unphased. “Yes, the rumor is essentially correct and the reason we have requested you. We would like for you to join House Reinhart as a tutor for our lady, and to assist other humans–that is… terrans, in becoming acquainted with the customs of our kingdom, and, well, society at large.”

The old elf’s eyes widened, but Siveril spoke before Professor Branigan could interject. “We would also primarily like you to be the House researcher and compile information gained from these people, for the benefit of the House. There are wonders that you can only imagine. As the House grows, so too would your team.”

Taenya observed the man as he sat back and rubbed his chin. After a couple of minutes, in which they patiently waited for him to consider their request, he looked at the House Majordomo. “Did you ask her?”

Taenya was confused. Ask who? She focused on Siveril and watched a slight smile adorning his face. 

“I asked you first.”

Quinn’s smile grew a hair before he started laughing. “Serves her right! I suspect you will meet with her soon?”

Taenya looked between the two Loreni. “I’m sorry. Who?”

Siveril looked at her with a grin. “Quinn’s academic rival. We will want them both. She would focus on material research, while the professor here will focus on the people.” 

Branigan snorted. “I can most certainly perform ‘material research’ just as well as her.”

Taenya rubbed her head, “But… who is she?”

The elf professor laughed. “My wife.”

Taenya gave the two men a blank stare. “Seriously?”

Siveril laughed. “Yes. They long ago decided the only way they could ensure one would not sabotage the academic efforts of the other was to get married.”

Taenya looked between the two and shook her head. “I just… I can’t. Professor, would you like to discuss the position more in-depth, then we can get to the contract?”

He nodded his head. “Yes. That would be lovely. Would I be able to meet the Lady of the House today? I’d like to make some initial assessments to ensure I have adequate material for when we begin.”

“You’ve decided?” Siveril asked.

“This sounds like a splendid opportunity, especially if I can write on my findings. Now, what can you tell me about the lady?” Quinn asked.

Siveril looked as if he were about to respond, but Taenya lifted a hand to forestall him. She smiled at Quinn. “Allow me to tell you about Princess Gwyneth.”

The old elf froze. “Did you say, Princess? The girl is a royal?”

Siveril’s smirk returned, but Taenya continued. “She is. We need you to help prepare her for the Royal Academy and the inevitable meeting with the Royal Family. Oh, and meeting with the Duke and his family in the near future.”

Quinn looked up in thought and then turned to his friend. “Siveril, I am absolutely delighted you came to me first. I can’t wait to see Maya’s face.”

Taenya slowly shook her head. “That’s a meeting that I will not take part in. Now, Professor, let’s discuss the finer details. Ser Siveril?”

Siveril cleared his throat, “So…”

The three proceeded to discuss the terms of the professor’s joining of the House, and thirty minutes later, the contract had been signed. After, Taenya stepped out to fetch Gwyn. 

Things were starting to come together. The girl would meet with the professor, then they would get to go see her old friend Onas the next day. First, Taenya needed to go speak to Sabina about two more people the burgeoning spy mistress would have to look into. 






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