
Chapter 33: Chapter 32 – Spy Games

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Spy Games


“So, you were told in no uncertain terms that we are being spied on.” Ser Gisele asked again after Cristole and Sloane explained everything that had happened during the meeting. 

They were currently in Sloane’s room, as it was the largest. Instead of sitting in the sitting area that her room had, they were in the bedroom. Deryk and Maud had opted to remain outside to keep watch for anyone trying to listen in. Sloane was sitting on her bed while Gisele and Cristole spoke. Ismeld was sitting in the corner where she had pulled the small desk chair. 

“They didn’t blatantly say, ‘Oh, we’re spying on you and we’re going to continue.’ The Guildmaster directly read from a report that explained broadly everything we’ve done in and since Vilstaf,” Cristole explained with exasperation.

Sloane sighed. “Are we really surprised? You all literally told me this was basically the City of Secrets. Of course, we’re going to be spied on. We just need to turn this to an advantage.”

Ismeld coughed. “She’s not incorrect. The Guildmaster thinks that you and, by extension, we could be of use to him. We can utilize this. We still need to gain a meeting at the Academy. Perhaps the Guildmaster can assist with that as well.”

Ernald nodded from where he leaned against the wall. “He will probably be the only option. Sloane is aiding the Guilds in spying on the Count. We need to figure out where the Order of Secrets stands and who they support in this shadow war. There’s the ‘Mr. Rowe’ that the thugs that Sloane met mentioned, the Guildmaster, and the Count. All are trying to gain information and access to terrans. The Guild seems to be the one playing catch up.”

“Which works for us, and is likely why the Guildmaster is so inclined to work with Lady Sloane,” Gisele added. She looked over at Sloane and continued, “I will join you in meeting with your two prospective House members. We need to present a united front. Even if they know we plan to depart eventually, there is a lot of time until that point.”

“I can join as well and give any insight or assistance,” Ismeld offered.

Gisele looked around and then nodded before addressing the group. “Let’s do that. Cristole, take Maud and subtly try to figure out who is spying on us. Check our things in the wagon and ensure nothing has been stolen or tampered with. The inn should have it secured, but we can’t be sure. Ernald, work with Deryk and look into the Academy. If you can secure a meeting without any outside help, do so. If you can meet immediately, you know what we need. Do it quietly. We do not need any further parties knowing our interest in finding Gwyn. In the past, we may have been too aggressive. We need to ensure we do not give any groups leverage over us.”

Sloane looked up at Gisele. “I know this goes without saying, but even if these two do end up working with us, we have to have the conversations in private. We cannot expect anything we say to stay private if they hear. There’s a saying in my world, ‘loose lips sink ships.’ It means that careless talk can be pieced together and make up enough information that an enemy can learn what you are planning. We need to treat them as spies until they prove otherwise.”

“Well said, Sloane. I agree. Now, do you know when to expect them?” Gisele asked.

“Yes, an attendant slipped me a note before we had left the Banking Guild. It said to expect them at the eighth bell.”

Cristole gestured to gain Gisele’s attention. “I will also speak with Deryk about the potential origins of our spy. We’ll look into more after we meet him”

Gisele nodded. “Then let’s get to it. We have a few hours to prepare.”


* * *


Sloane, Ser Gisele, and Ser Ismeld all sat at a table in the back of the inn. The eighth bell had just rung, and they were ready to meet with whoever showed. 

“So, how long do you think they’ll make us wait?” Sloane asked the other two. 

Ismeld shook her head. “They’ll be here shortly. The guard–if we can call him that–is likely checking the area before they approach.” 

Gisele nudged Sloane, “Look, I believe this is them.”

Sloane looked up and noticed the entrance of a male raithe and female sun elf. The elf was looking all around and not even trying to be subtle about it. The raithe was dressed impeccably and looked as if he was more suited in high society than as a personal guard. He slowed and whispered to the elf, who instantly stopped looking around and just focused straight ahead. Sloane chuckled softly at the scene. She suspected she didn’t have to worry overmuch about the elf spying on them, except for maybe on their finances. However, it could just be an act. Gotta be vigilant.

Ismeld stood up and stepped forward slightly, and Sloane watched as the Raithe noticed her. A slight look of recognition crossed his face and he whispered to the elf and walked toward them. 

As they approached, the raithe spoke first, “Lady Reinhart of House Reinhart accompanied by Knight-Captain Gisele, and Lady d’Argin of the Order of Haven’s Hope, I presume?”

Ismeld didn’t miss a beat. “Guildmaster’s niece and the guild’s spy? Yes, please sit.” She gestured to the empty chairs across from Sloane and Gisele before pulling her own chair back.

The elf sat first, followed by the raithe and Ismeld. The Guildmaster’s niece spoke up once everyone was seated. “Thank you for your willingness to meet with us, Lady Reinhart. I am Elodie Romaris, and this is Stefan Stranca.” she gestured to the man next to her who inclined his head.

“You may call me ‘guild spy’, as the lady so eloquently identified. However, that is not my sole function.” Stefan acknowledged.

“Whether it is or not, it is how we shall treat you. You are with us due to the Lady’s need to work with the Guildmaster. You are a part of that deal, one that we will discuss here.” Gisele stated plainly.

Sloane looked at the elf. “First, let us go over what you expect to provide to the House. Ms. Romaris.” 

The elf girl perked up. “Elodie, please, milady. I can assist with managing House finances and ensuring you and your interests are protected in any investments you wish to do. Please excuse my presumptuousness, but with my access as part of the Banking Guild, I have reviewed the contract and the state of your account. Your contract with the Farum siblings will supply you with a decent income. For the time being, however, I understand and respect the desire to expand your holdings. The projections for the Farum Merchant Company are still in the infant stages, yet I believe with your contributions, their business will expand dramatically.”

Ser Ismeld held a hand up to stop Elodie from continuing. “You utilized your prior position to gain confidential information on the Lady’s accounts before she confirmed that you would join the House?”

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Elodie sputtered, “b-but, Uncle Lan–I mean, Guildmaster Lanthil assured me that I already had the position within the House. Was he mistaken?”

Sloane’s gaze narrowed, and she ignored Stefan’s eye roll. “While I appreciate the assistance the Guildmaster is providing, it does not mean that I will just accept anyone into my employ. You must show competence in your role. Your presumption is the first strike against you. That is your first failure. I will not tolerate another of those within my employ, especially from ones that are essentially being forced upon me.”

She looked at Stefan. “And you.” The raithe looked back at her, amused. “You are here in the role of a guard. You will perform that function under the instruction and observation of Ser Gisele or whomever she appoints to manage you. You are also here to gain information for the Guilds. You and I both know you will be collecting information on my House in addition to your primary target. If I find out that any information you pass along will cause harm to myself or my interests, no matter what they are,” Sloane leaned forward toward the man and spoke quietly but firmly, “I will end you. Do not fuck with me. I do not care if you are a Blade or not.” Stefan’s eyes widened, and she knew she had guessed right. Good instincts, Cristole. That could have been embarrassing otherwise.

She sat back and waited for his response. Stefan took a moment, finally looking around. He quickly caught sight of Deryk, who was off standing next to a pillar, then turned and saw Cristole standing near the stairs. He gave Ismeld and Gisele another once over and came to the conclusion they wanted him to. Stefan placed his hands on the table and leaned back. 

“Well played, Lady Reinhart. Well played.” He looked at the elf next to him for a few breaths before turning back to Sloane and bowing his head respectfully. “It seems I was not as prepared to act as a guard as I had thought. I let my charge distract me from what I know. Allow me to explain my current assignment, and please, let’s not bring up my origins again. This is already not good for business.”

Sloane inclined her head and gestured for him to continue. 

“I am here to gain information on Count Kayser and his operations. After that, I am to join you and provide assistance. If your House aligns itself with the Guilds, I will be but one of the guarantees provided to secure the investment. The Guilds protect their own.” Stefan explained. What he left unspoken was what his purpose would be if the House and the Guild’s interests did not align.

“Then your job, from now on, is to be the best damn spy in the entire city. That includes the Order of Secrets. You will pass on any information that will allow me to further the interests of the Guild. Which, for the time being, means absolutely everything that you know, you will tell me. I will need information so that I can get you close enough for you to get what you need from the Count. His ball is at the end of the week. You need to get me up to speed on everything beforehand. Everything you know and what I should expect.”

Stefan nodded. “I will tell you what you need to know.”

Sloane narrowed her eyes but, after a long moment, chose to refocus on the elf. “You. We need to discuss the finer points of what I plan to introduce to the Banking Guild in Marketbol. I presume you know enough that we can build a strategy for implementation?”

Elodie quickly nodded. “Yes, milady. My being a Romaris was, of course, important, but my uncle valued my ability and effectiveness within the Guild more. The Guildmaster wants you to succeed. If only because it will bring more lasting influence for our family within the Guilds and secure his position.”

“As expected. Stefan, please join Ser Gisele to go over more about your role within our group. I wish to speak alone with Elodie.” Sloane said as planned. Gisele and Ismeld stood up and Sloane noted that the raithe was slightly shorter than both women. 

Stefan looked between them one last time before he nodded to Sloane. “Milady, perhaps we can also speak later in a more private setting.” 

“Of course, I look forward to working with you, Mr. Stranca.”

As the others walked away, Sloane refocused on the fidgeting woman in front of her. She examined her new manager of finance. Or something. The sun elf was about Ernald’s height, which had Sloane thinking about the other sun elves she had met. Maybe that’s the average height for them. Elodie had curly, dark brown hair that was pulled back into a tight braid that fell to just below her shoulder blades. Her eyes were a bright yellow-orange color inside a ring of brown around the edge of her irises. She looked nervous and as if anywhere but where she was currently was ideal.

Sloane spoke up to break the silence, “Elodie, I hope you can understand my hesitance in just trusting you. Especially now that the origins of your companion are in the open.”

If she was a six on a scale of nervousness before, now she was a solid nine. “M-Milady, I swear, I had no idea that…” her voice lowered to a whisper, “he was a Blade. My uncle just said he would be there to protect me.”

“I believe you. Now, what do you know of my designs?” Sloane asked.

“Nothing, just that it was potentially revolutionary.” 

“The Guildmaster said this? Interesting. Correct, of course, but still interesting. Yes. We will go more in-depth later, but it has the potential to completely change the financial sector of the entire region. However, until then, we have other things to accomplish. Since you have already taken the liberty of accessing my private accounts, with your understanding of the finances I have now, what exactly can we support, House-wise?”

Elodie looked up as she recalled. “The Guild is currently paying the cost of employment for myself and Mr. Stranca. The House will need to take on this expense after leaving the city. Beyond that, you don’t have enough to purchase any land or domicile befitting your station. You can support yourself and us for at least seven months with what you currently have. This will assuredly rise as the source of your income expands and develops. Are there any other necessities that you require? Perhaps I can assist in the purchase of these. The Guild receives discounts due to membership that I can take advantage of.” 

Sloane considered as she grabbed her satchel and placed it on the table. She pulled out the nonfunctional flashbang prototype and the card. Elodie’s eyes instantly zeroed in on the one that concerned her position. “There are a few purchases I need to make. Primarily, I need to purchase some light armor and clothing for a ball. A larger variety of clothing, in general, would be nice, but not necessary. Supplies for my crafting…”

“Milady, may I see that before we speak about your needs?”

Sloane slid the card to her, and let the elf look it over. Taking several minutes to thoroughly examine every bit of it. Sloane was starting to get concerned when Elodie looked back up at her with an almost awed expression. 

“This small thing will revolutionize the Banking Guild?” She asked.

“Yes, it will hold information about a person’s account and allow you to update the status and balance of it no matter where you go. Securely. It will have a double security feature. One by the Banking Guild to ensure the balance is not tampered with, and one by the user to ensure that only the authorized member may utilize it.”

The woman’s eyes widened, “Fascinating. Thank you for showing me. We can go into further detail later, as you said. Now, about your needs, the House can support the purchase of these. I would like to accompany you when you need to purchase anything, if that is acceptable. It will allow me to ensure that not only are you getting the best prices but the finest quality of items as a Ruby Tier member of the Banking Guild.”

Sloane nodded. “I would appreciate that. Thank you.”

Their conversation proceeded into a lightly detailed discussion of the state of the House’s finances and how Sloane could utilize them effectively. Elodie seemed to calm down noticeably when she spoke about economics and trade, and soon it was as if the sun elf had worked with Sloane for months, rather than minutes.

Sloane smirked. Get people talking about the things they love and they open up.

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