
Chapter 60: Chapter 59 – The Road Ahead

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The Road Ahead


“What’s the consensus?”

Taenya waited, feeling the tendrils of magic emanating from the woman next to her. She wasn’t sure when she had become so sensitive to it, but it was definitely beneficial when working with magic users. I need to get back to my training. I am so close.  This week.

“They’re angry. Angwin is scolding his son again for taking the decision away from him. Neither are worried about the fight with you, however. Just how it makes the House look.”

Taenya scoffed. “How much work do you think he’s done since the Flash?”

Sabina looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Not much. You think you’ve improved more?”

She nodded. “I do. I know I have changed. I just wish we had a way to gauge how much others have.”

Sabina tilted her head. “That would be a benefit.” The woman glanced to the side of the training grounds where Gwyn sat on some makeshift stands the duke had installed. “I should go sit with her. You better not get hurt. I do not want to see what she will do if you are.”

Taenya snorted. “I am about to have a duel to the death, and we’re more worried about the reaction of a ten-year-old.”

“When said ten-year-old is able to incinerate everyone here at a mere thought? I definitely would be. I don’t think that Angwin really thought his plan through. She would never allow it.”

“No. She would not. Stay closer to her, and keep an eye on that paladin. I am still unaware of the extent to which the church is interested in the two girls. There must be something they haven’t told us. Any word from the paladin with Roslyn or the one they have at the ready for Gwyn?”

“None. Only that Gwyn may call upon her if needed. As for the one shadowing Lady Roslyn, his thoughts are almost as locked as yours. Nothing leaks out.”

Taenya nodded sagely. “Don’t rely solely on your magic. Watch his body language, feel for emotional leaks, and his reactions to different stimuli.”

The elven knight gestured her understanding with a hand.

Taenya took one more look at the young girl who really should not be there. None of them had wanted the ten-year-old to attend such an affair, but her being the Head of House Reinhart required her presence as she was the aggrieved party.

“Sabina? Try to make sure she doesn’t see the result.”

Sabina glanced back at Gwyn before she reached out and clasped Taenya’s wrist. “I will. Fight well, Taenya.” 

“Thank you, Sabina.”

Taenya watched the elf walk back to where Gwyn sat and turned toward her opponent. The heir to House Angwin, and the only legitimate child that Marquess Angwin had, was tightening the straps of his gauntlets while a servant attended to his armor. Should have done that before arriving. Taenya put her helmet on and moved into position.

She stood patiently and waited, focusing on her breathing. Taenya was nervous, anyone who told you they wouldn’t be in such a situation was likely lying. Or fighting something that couldn’t fight back. Duels of Honor were a type of trial by combat. These duels would only be between the two of them, as representatives of their respective Houses. No one else would be permitted to intervene on the penalty of death. Still, even with that penalty, both sides must be wary. Each side was permitted a half circle of guards that surrounded the actual combat field. These guards were only able to act in defense of their House if the other House broke the rules of the duel first. 

This grey area was wide open to interpretation and was the main reason for the Ducal Guard being present around the outer perimeter of the grounds. Even still, many duels had ended with the opposing side killed by a guard. The duke was technically presiding over the duel, but as the two parties could not come to an agreement with words, once they were ready–which she was–the only permitted speech would come from the victor. 

When Lord Nicolas finally finished, he turned and strode toward her, coming to a stop a few meters away. Taenya pulled her longsword from its sheath and moved to the side, watching the elf in front of her as she did. His eyelid twitched as she did so, and she smirked. She pointed her left foot toward Nicolas and moved her right back and out. Lowering her blade and pointing it toward the ground, Taenya settled into her stance. 

With a primal roar, the man lunged into action. He swung wide, bringing his blade up and then down on the follow-through. Taenya easily parried the swing and swung with her own blade, connecting with the man’s breastplate in a loud collision of steel.

Nicolas rolled with the hit, swinging as he did and Taenya easily brought her sword up to block the attack. What is he doing? She knew that armor was difficult to truly get through, but it wasn’t invulnerable, and purposely taking hits caused other sorts of injuries underneath. 

They launched in a flurry of attacks with Nicolas only catching a glancing blow against Taenya’s bracer, but she managed to hit him three more times on the thigh, stomach, and back. He kept coming and didn’t seem to be fazed by any of her strikes. She knew from experience that the only way to truly injure her was to manage a hit against one of the weak points. 

So, she bid her time, parrying and avoiding his swings. They were almost comically overdone as the man practically told her what he was going to do before he did it. Nicolas avoided a strike to his leg and managed to hit her sword away, then brought his own blade up into an overhand strike that she only dodged by moving under and toward him, a move she had done numerous times against overconfident men. 

She punched him in the throat then grabbed her sword with both hands again and spun around, swinging hard. Taenya pulled at the magic flowing through her and used it as an Empowered Strike. The blade caught the man in his gut hard. He arched over but still didn’t fall. 

She pulled her blade, seeing the long horizontal dent in the man’s armor only to gasp in surprise as the man grabbed her with one hand and yanked her forward. Her sword was at an awkward angle, so she shifted so she could shove him away but then Nicolas did something that completely took her off guard. He slammed his helmeted head into her, causing her to wince in pain at both the sound and the shock as she staggered backward. 

She was nearly too slow as the man thrust his blade forward, directly at her chest, and she brought her sword up just in time to parry the blow. She then spun forward, causing the man to lose his footing as he overcompensated in his attack. Taenya swung her blade in another Empowered Strike against Nicolas’ back as he passed. The man cried out as he went crashing to the ground, his sword sliding away.

She didn’t waste any time and rushed toward him, drawing her leg back and kicking the man in the face with all her might, snapping his head backward. Nicolas groaned weakly as he rolled onto his side. Taenya brought her sword up and was about to swing down at his exposed neck when she heard movement behind her. 

Taenya pivoted and struck out with her blade, but was blocked by one of House Angwin’s guards. The man quickly shifted his blade around and swung back at her, catching her in her side. She grunted and tried to bring her sword up but was tackled before she could. 

As she fell, Taenya caught sight of her own guards rushing forward. She and the guard collapsed against the ground in a crash and she grunted in pain as the man landed on top of her. The guard pushed himself up, drawing his own blade as he did so. She quickly glanced around for something she could use as a weapon as her sword had gone flying and her dagger was stuck under the man, along with her short sword. Seeing nothing, her eyes widened. No! 

Gwyn shot through her mind, and she remembered what the girl had given her. Taenya slammed her hand against the pin, praying to all the gods it would be something that could help her. The pin quickly heated up until she screamed in pain as her armor scorched her skin, even through all the layers she wore. Suddenly, the heat disappeared. She felt a tug inside of her, followed by a rush of magic coming from her into the pin. The next moment, all she saw was fire as it erupted from every part of her body. 

She heard an inhuman scream from the man on top of her, and he suddenly started thrashing around. Taenya quickly shoved at him with all of her might, trying to get him away as the man screamed in pain. The metal of the man’s armor seemed almost malleable as her gauntlets made indentions in the steel before the man fell off of her with a thud. 

Rolling to her side and looking around, Taenya noticed that all of the guards had their blades drawn and were staring at her. None were moving, so she got to her feet and pulled out her short sword. Slowly, both House Angwin’s guards and her own backed away. 

She caught sight of Marquess Angwin yelling, but couldn’t hear him. Taenya shook her head, and suddenly heard nothing but ringing. She opened her mouth wide and closed it, causing the ringing to simply change tones. 

Taenya noticed movement at the corner of her eye so she turned her head, seeing Lord Nicolas crawling toward his sword. Ready to end this, she walked toward the man, every step causing pain as movement caused her clothing and armor to rub against her raw, burned skin. Seven painful steps and she stood above him. Taenya reached down and channeled more magic, needing a way to get past the pain. Arcane Capability flowed through her and she grabbed the scrambling man, shoving him onto his back and then yanking his head off the ground. 

She looked around, making sure no other guards approached, set her knee on his chest, dropped her sword out of his reach, and then punched him again, and again. She bashed her gauntlet five times against the man’s helmet right in the center of his face. Taenya reached down and yanked his helmet off, tossing it aside, showing a bloodied man with a broken nose.

Taenya shoved Lord Nicolas against the ground and started pummeling his face until he coughed up blood. With one last shove, she grabbed her blade and stood up, glancing around again. Seeing the resigned faces of Angwin’s guards. The loathing expression on Angwin himself. 

Looking down at the man in front of her, she wondered why he had been so quick to accept her challenge, for it was anything but. He showed no skill, no foresight, and he could barely fight. It’s almost as if he wanted to die. Did he really think it would be that easy?

She shook her head. Those thoughts were unnecessary, and she would likely never know the answer. She leaned forward and with a grunt, Taenya pulled the man up to his knees. She looked one more time at Marquess Angwin, seeing two of his guards by his side, and five Ducal Guards around them. 

Taenya focused on the man in front of her, drew her shortsword back, channeling magic, and used her Empowered Strike

She really hoped Gwyn didn’t see the man’s head fall away.

The act made her glance back at Marquess Angwin, who was yelling. Taenya shook her head and the ringing started pulsing faster. She pulled off her helmet and rubbed at her ears. The ringing died down slightly until she could finally hear again, even if it was muffled.

Taenya looked up and saw Sabina rushing toward her, her mouth moving and sounds coming out. I can’t hear for shit.


What!?” she replied in what was definitely too loud of a volume.

Sabina spoke again as she made it to her, “Are you okay?” Read the lips, Taenya.

Yes! Head is ringing!”

Sabina nodded and placed her hands on either side of Taenya’s head, leaned close, and peered into her eyes. ~I am only doing this so it looks like I am examining you. If you do not want me to speak this way, shake your head.~

Taenya tried to speak as quietly as possible. “It’s a good idea. Keep doing it.”

~Speak in your mind, focus on talking to me.~

It’s a good idea. Keep–

Taenya heard a sigh in her mind. ~I heard that, Taenya. Are you okay?~

Whatever Gwyn gave me saved my life but it burned me and everything is muffled and ringing. I hurt. Everywhere. Keeping my magic swirling inside me is helping me to keep moving.

~We need to get you home. Siveril is handling everything.~


~Has vowed revenge and stormed out. The Duke is already working on a suitable punishment for his guard’s transgression. He warns nothing will likely come of that because you burned him alive.~

Yeah… I didn’t know it would do that.

~Gwyn didn’t either.~


~Don’t tell her I told you. She’s just happy it worked.~

Taenya groaned. She was thankful for the girl’s aid, but a little forewarning would have been nice. They really needed to practice together more. 

Does this look weird? You staring at me?

~Yes. One hundred percent. We should probably move.~

Sabina helped Taenya move toward the rest of the group, a guard–Liam–moving to her other side to help her walk. She looked at Sabina as they made their way over.

What’s next?

~We get you home. We get you healthy.~


* * *


Taenya woke up to the early morning light peeking into her room. She sat up and stretched. Her injuries from the duel a few weeks prior had healed quicker than even the doctor’s best guess of several months. It was something that had surprised her since the burns were more severe than she had suspected. Yet it was her hearing that had taken the longest to return to normal. Sabina and she had quietly supposed that her recuperation had to do with the magic. 

Taenya got ready for the day and made her way downstairs to the dining hall. Finding Siveril sitting at the table with Sabina. 

“Good morning,” Taenya said as she sat down.

“Good morning, Taenya. You are well?” Siveril greeted her.

“I am. Thank you.”

Sabina nodded at her. ~Good morning. Rough night?~

Yes. Headaches, still. Don’t tell him though. I have things to do.

~Your secret’s safe with me.~ Sabina Spoke to her, then pinched her thumb and finger together, running them across her lips as Gwyn liked to do. Taenya chuckled when Sabina mimed locking and throwing away a key.

Siveril looked between them before shaking his head. “Taenya. It’s time to start getting things in order.”

She nodded. Finally. 

“I will talk to Guard Liam. He will lead the team going with Niles.” Taenya reached across the table to grab one of Sabina’s rolls.

“Good. I spoke to Niles last night. He is ready to go.”

“When should we expect to leave?” Sabina asked, casually trying to swat away Taenya’s hand. Unsuccessfully. ~Thief.~ 

Taenya smirked.

Siveril ignored their antics and replied, “A month. Two at the absolute most. I spoke with Her Highness this morning to inform her of what to expect.”

Taenya nodded as she bit into her pilfered roll.

“That reminds me–”

They were interrupted by the door opening and a servant entering. The sun elf walked to them and gave a respectful dip of his head. “Sers, apologies for the interruption. Mr. Fenren is here to see Ser Taenya. He said it was important.”

Taenya raised a brow. Did he finally hear back?

She looked between her two fellow Reinhart Knights.

You are reading story Manabound at

“I will go handle that. One last thing, send Friedrich with Niles. It would be safest to have a knight with him, and the man is quite good with that sword.”

Sabina snorted. I will not dignify that with a response. She thought so the woman would hear her. Sabina just smirked in reply.

Siveril nodded. “We can do that. Let me know if what Onas has to say is something I should be aware of.”

She smiled. “Don’t I always?”

The man just shook his head. 

Taenya followed the servant out of the hall to meet with her friend. She considered the House’s present circumstances as she walked. So many things are starting to come together. The road ahead actually seems to have a reachable destination now.


* * *


“So, Siveril says we will be leaving for Avira soon,” Gwyn said.

“Has it been confirmed who will join us?” Ilyana asked.


“Ser Siveril was telling me about–Oh, my apologies, Your Highness. I interrupted you,” Nora said.

“It’s okay, Nora. What I was going to say is, yes. Taenya, Sabina, and many of the guards are coming. Oh, Maya and Quinn are as well. Keston was going to come, but I convinced Siveril into helping him train to become a knight. He will join us after the first year,” Gwyn explained.

“My mother is pleased that we are going. She arranged for accommodations along the route for us.”

“Oh, yeah, Nora. Make sure to tell her thank you! Mr. Balfiel leaves today with a group of guards as well, they’re going to look for a house there. Have you two discussed what you will do when we arrive?”

Ilyana nodded. “I will be nearly sixteen at that point. The House tutors have agreed to finish my education. I will apply for the Academy after that.”

Nora looked surprised, and Gwyn tilted her head in confusion. “The Academy? I thought you could apply sooner. That’s why Lorrena and I are going, right?”

Ilyana shook her head. “That’s an easy misconception for those who do not know the way the Academy is separated. Once someone reaches sixteen, they are considered an adult and can make their own decisions–”

“To a certain extent, if you are a noble,” Nora clarified.

With a wave of her hand to concede the point, Ilyana continued, “Yes, yes. Well, after someone is sixteen, the Academy has an entirely separate campus for education that is meant for nobles, professionals, and the like. It is meant to produce higher quality citizenry for the kingdom.”

“Oh! Like a college or university! I understand now. We have those too. I wanted to go to the University of Milan with my friend.” She sighed. Not that I will now…

Gwyn glanced at Nora who looked like she was upset. “What about you, Nora?” 

“I–I am going to be taking classes at one of the schools in the city until I reach sixteen, as well. Mother hasn’t said anything about the Academy.”

Ilyana looked at Nora for a moment, then surprised Gwyn by reaching over and grabbing the other elf’s hand. “I can help you prepare. We will get you into the Academy. That is… If it is what you truly want.”

Nora looked from the hand and up at Ilyana’s face. “Please.”

After a quick squeeze, Gwyn’s oldest lady-in-waiting leaned back against her seat, looking out across the courtyard. “Ser Taenya is coming.”

Gwyn turned her head and searched for her knight, seeing the woman walking toward them with Onas. Oh! Haven’t seen him in a while.

She stood as they approached. “Hi, Onas! Hey, Taenya.”

Taenya gave her a look and put a hand over her heart. “Why are you so excited to see him and not me?”

“I see you every day, Taenya. Not him!” 

Onas chuckled, then bowed toward her. “How are you, Your Highness?” He nodded toward the crew. “Ladies.”

Gwyn walked over and hugged Onas. “I am doing alright.” She narrowed her eyes. “You are usually really busy. What are you doing here today?”

The merchant elf smiled as she stepped back. “I came for two reasons. One is quite serious, however. Can we sit down?”

Gwyn nodded.

She followed the two to the group of benches, Gwyn sat next to Ilyana while Taenya stood next to the merchant who occupied the bench across from her. Lorrena and Aleanora sat together on the last bench of the small area.

Onas took a deep breath and glanced at Taenya who gestured at him. He shifted to face Gwyn and took another breath, causing her to giggle. “Onas, what is it?”

“I have news from the agents I sent out.”

Her smile wavered as she processed what he said. “News? About what?”

“About your mother.”

Gwyn’s eyes shot open and she jumped up. “You found her?! Is she okay? Where is she? Is she–”

“Gwyn. Gwyn! Please,” Taenya called out.

She suddenly felt a pit in her stomach as her hopes were instantly dashed. Gwyn sat back down on the bench with a thud. She sucked in a breath of air, crossed her feet, and looked down at the ground, trying not to get upset. 

Onas waited a moment then continued, “Your mother, as far as we can tell, is not in Avira.”

Gwyn’s breath caught in her throat. She tried to say something but her mouth just opened wordlessly. She didn’t even know what to say. 

Onas reached out as if he wanted to pat her, but hesitated and pulled his hand back. “That is not all of it though. Terrans have been found all over the area of the Sovereign Cities. I have contacts there who will help us search further. We will find her, Gwyn. It may just take a while longer.”

Gwyn nodded. “We’ll find her. At least we have somewhere to look. These Sovereign Cities, Mr. Branigan has talked about them a bit. There are a lot of them, right?”

“Yes. The cities take up a large portion of this region. It will take time, but we will figure this out. The Guilds also have all of their Regional Headquarters within the Sovereign Cities. We will start with the merchant guild in Pyrlan. It will also be a good place for me to place someone long term as almost all of the merchant shipping travel through the Arros Strait.”

“Thank you, Onas.”

Onas bowed his head, then smiled. “I do have one other thing, this is just something I thought you would be interested in, because of your… magic.

Gwyn smiled, but her heart wasn’t in it after the news about her mom. 

His smile dipped. “I can come back another time?”

She shook her head. “No, no. Please. What is it? I do enjoy magic.”

He regarded her for a moment. “I heard rumors from some merchant sailors that I have connections with. There is apparently a small company in the west selling magical items. They’re a bit inland, but some have made it to the coast. I wanted to see if you would be interested in any?”

Gwyn squinted. “Magical… Items? What are those?”

Onas shrugged. “Evidently, a pair of dwarven inventors found a way to make different magical objects: Rings, necklaces, mugs, household goods, and the like. I am not sure how they work… or if they work… But, I can attempt to obtain something. Maybe you can even figure out how it works and we can make more?”

Gwyn perked up slightly. “That does sound interesting… Hmm… You know, mom really likes to make stuff. I think I told you she was making a watch.”

“Maybe you can get something magical for your mother to try? I imagine she would appreciate that when you locate her,” Ilyana suggested.

Gwyn turned toward the girl and smiled. “That is a great idea, Ilyana!” Focusing back on Onas, she said, “Can you get something nice that I can give to mom? She would love to try new things. Especially magical things!”

Mom is going to absolutely love tinkering with something magical.


* * *


A while later, Gwyn was walking through the garden with Taenya. So much had happened, and everyone in the House was busy. Especially with the aftermath of her knight’s duel. Gwyn tried not to think about that, or how the woman could have been killed. She was strong, and she showed everyone just how strong she was. Gwyn was just scared that it now made the woman even more of a target.


“Yes, Taenya?

“Are you excited to leave for the Academy?”

“Honestly? I am not sure. I am worried more people will try and hurt us. What about the people we leave behind?”

Taenya stopped and started looking around, which caused Gwyn to do so as well. There wasn’t anyone there.

“Gwyn? We’re going to be okay. Do you want to see how I know?” Taenya asked, still glancing as if she was telling her the biggest secret. What is so secret that she keeps making sure we’re alone?

Gwyn nodded a few times, feeling slightly confused but that was easily overwhelmed by a strong sense of curiosity.

Taenya smirked as she lifted her hand slightly and closed her eyes. Gwyn tilted her head as she tried to figure out what she was doing, but then she had an idea and looked at what the woman was doing with her … Sight. As her magic settled into her eyes, she observed a swirl of a red mist moving around the knight. After a few heartbeats, it rushed from Taenya to one point near the ground next to them. A pulse of red energy erupted from the mist and a flash of light caused Gwyn to let go of her spell and shield her eyes. When the light dissipated, she tried to peer into the cloud of red smoke that lingered next to Taenya. As she leaned forward to examine closer… 

Something moved.


* * * 

“Ms. Levings. Walk with me, dear.”

Amanda turned and noticed Lady Racine approaching her in the hall. She glanced at the knight that trailed behind the older telv noble, the man wore a helmet, which seemed odd. Amanda still wasn’t used to the sharp protrusions that protected an elf’s long ears. She smiled at him, only to be ignored. She dropped her smile and joined next to the Lady.

“What can I do for you?”

The woman narrowed her eyes slightly. “Has House Reinhart made any further overtures to you since you met with the princess?”

“They haven’t.”

“Have you heard of what occurred earlier this week?”

Amanda had. It was absolutely appalling. A duel to the death? “I did. Positively barbaric. I can’t believe that poor child had to witness such a thing.”

Lady Racine nodded her head slightly. “There is something… It seems that things will grow more exciting in the Polite War. We will need to obtain more terrans.”

Amanda’s looked at the woman in surprise. “We are going to find others?”

Yes. While I have my agents do that, you will attend to my grandson while he is in Avira. Until you depart, you will prepare with Ser Weylind for what is expected of you.

She felt her head spin. “O-Of course, My Lady.”

Amanda turned and looked at the knight behind them. She instinctively shivered as his green eyes seemed to bore into hers through the slit in his helmet.

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