
Chapter 61: Chapter 60 – Under the Cover of Darkness

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Under the Cover of Darkness


There is silence and then there is… absence.

You know something bad is about to happen when cats don't fight in the alleys, the birds don't flap a single wing, or when even the rats do not scurry in the night. 

When  Captain Anton Jorin walked through the city to the fort that evening, the lack of any sound except the people was eerie. Everyone moved as if nothing were going to happen, as if it were just a normal night. The worst part was that as he remembered walking past them all, he hadn’t even considered telling them. 

The only noises Anton heard as he paced on the battlements of the East Fort were the silent mutterings of his men and women as they prepared. The usual sounds of the night were missing. Even the insects quieted themselves in the face of what was to come. It was nearly time. He could feel it, as clear as he felt the crisp night wind lick his graying hair.

The terran baroness, Lady Reinhart, had sent word through one of the Brightwych knights of the beast swarm that was fast approaching the city. He hadn’t believed the knight at first, but once they mentioned the Academy, he knew he had to prepare. An entire city condemned but for one noble. The Sovereign Cities and the Empire were on the verge of war, and the Crown was more focused on dissidents in his kingdom. 

“Captain,” a voice said behind him. He turned and saw Senior Guardswoman Nemura approaching him.

“What is it Nemura?” He asked in a low voice.

The large telv tilted her head slightly but then replied quietly. “Captain Lars and his men have moved against the terran. The knights and the baroness completely wiped out the first wave of men. Lars is moving more forces to capture the terran woman.”

Anton sighed. This kingdom is filled with shortsighted, power-hungry idiots. 

“This came from Senior Guardsman Viktor?” Nemura nodded. Anton looked up in thought, there had to be something he could do. Refocusing on the telv he asked, “Has there been any word from Captain Gheata about the walls or his scouts?” 

Nemura shook her head. “No, Captain. I haven’t heard from anyone except our own garrison.”

“Our status?”

“East Fort is secure, Captain,” she said.

Anton nodded. His role within the Thirdghyll Guard had him in command of the Eastern Fortress that protected the city from the lands outside the kingdom. It was also where he suspected he and his men would be required to fall back to once things turned grim. See, Anton was not nearly as confident in the city’s ability to stand now that he knew that the Academy expected the city to fall. He just needed to be sure it didn’t come from his side of the city.

Captain Lars’ role, on the other hand, placed him in command of the garrison within the central district. The garrison that was both coincidentally and thankfully filled with the most corruption.

“Grab a squad. Head to the inn the noble is staying at. Be careful. Any sign of an attack, you stop whatever you’re doing and get your people back here.” he said.

“We’ll get them back to the fort.” The big telv Senior Guardswoman saluted and then turned after he returned it. He watched as Nemura made her way to the courtyard, calling out to a squad of guardsmen. The group armed up, then walked out of his line of sight toward the gate. Anton sighed. It’s going to be a long night.

Captain Jorin made his rounds among the men and women under his command, ensuring they were ready to enact his plans. As soon as the city was hit, everything would be shut down and locked. Squads would quickly rally at preplanned locations, including four squads whose purposes were to exit the fort and escort the families of everyone there back. Those families knew to immediately gather at the four points the squads would set out to. The squads knew that time would be of the essence. Anton only hoped it would be enough. 

He was walking back to his office when he heard them. 

One of his men on the walls yelled out, “The bells! Thirdghyll is under attack!” 

Captain Anton Jorin quickly scanned the men and women around him. “It’s begun. Enact the plans. Lock the fort down. No one gets in except pre-designated squads and Senior Guardswoman Nemura’s squad when she returns.”

One of his lieutenants saluted. “As you command, Captain.”

Anton looked around another time then made for the wall, grabbing a quiver of arrows from a nearby stash as he walked. Everyone knew their part, he wouldn’t sit back and let his men fight alone. Others were grabbing spears, bows, and quivers of arrows. Others retrieved supplies and the large bolts for the ballistae–that even now were being repositioned to target into the city. Barricades were moved into place at the two gates. They would not be caught off guard by an attack coming from inside the city. Tenera willing, they would survive the night. He prayed it would be enough.


* * *


He had heard the bells sound, but as Rayko stood on the western wall, leaning over the parapet, there was nothing to see in the darkness below. He heard nothing except the bells, not even the sounds of fighting that one would expect. He kept peering into the darkness, hoping to see something… anything that would warrant the bells being rung. 

After a while of seeing absolutely nothing, Rayko sighed and pushed himself back up. He grabbed his spear, hefting it up as he was turning around. His eyes narrowed once he noticed there was no one around. 

He looked back and forth, then called out into the torchlit night, “Ander? Mila?” There was no response. He started breathing quickly. “Imelan? Loran? Anyone?” he tried again. There were supposed to be four others from his squad in this short section of the wall between two towers. He looked up at the tower closest to him. “Hey! Down here!” he yelled.

A head peaked over the edge of the tower. “What?! We’re busy up here!”

Is my squad in there?” Rayko called back.

The man from above yelled out, “What?”

“My squad! I’m alone!”

The head jerked away from the edge. Rayko tilted his head. That’s odd.

He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled, “Hey!”

There was no reply.

Rayko walked to the door and banged on it. In the case of the bells, all doors would be bolted shut and a drawbar put into place. He banged a few times, but no response came. At least someone should be in there. What is going on?

He turned back and quickly moved toward the other tower. Rayko was on edge, panic was settling in. Where is everyone?

Rayko was halfway there when he heard it. He gripped his spear tightly and slowly turned. There was nothing there, but then he stopped, held his breath, and listened. A low growl cut through the silence. His eyes widened and he fumbled to get his spear in front of him. He didn’t see anything. I need to get to the tower. 

He kept his eyes wide and searched for the source of the noise. He heard it but as he got closer to the tower, it was like it was all around him. It didn’t get quieter nor did it grow louder. It was just a constant presence of terror. A reminder he was prey.

He banged on the door. Come on. Come on. Come on.

There was no reply. 

He was shaking. He turned around, keeping his back to the door. The growl was still there. Taunting him. No one was responding. He was alone.

He steeled his nerves. “Well? Come on then! Come on you beast!”

Nothing. He looked left and right. Then suddenly, the deep rumbling got louder. Closer. “Where are you?!” Rayko yelled.

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His spear was firm in his grip. Rayko was ready. His head twitched as he felt a drop of water. He wiped it off of his forehead. Odd. It’s red. Rayko looked up… into the eyes of a feline monster. Its fangs dripped with blood. Two…  tentacles… with what looked like hooks on the end unfurled from its back and pointed down at him.

It lept.

The walls were breached all across the western and southern districts, the monsters spreading out as they entered the city. Then they started hunting. Screams and more bells rang across the walls as the roars of monsters could be heard throughout the city. Men and women called out as they were attacked. 

Rayko did not respond.


* * *


Sloane sat there as Gisele and the knights debated going out and searching for Cristole and Ernald. There were still bodies on the ground and except for one of the servers who came out of a room and screamed at the sight, none of the staff of the inn had returned. 

They had quickly loaded all of the gear from the fight inside the inn into the wagons. It took a little more time, but they also collected and stored all of the piled equipment from the fight outside. One of the knights had helpfully made a separate pile dedicated to spent grenades that she should be able to recharge. They had even gathered some of the damaged items as Koren would likely be able to repair them in his spare time. All told, the spoils of the two fights would be a positive addition to the caravan. 

When they first reached outside, Sloane was surprised at how many bodies were there from the knights’ fight. She had counted fifteen bodies in various states. Clearly, whoever had targeted that group had thought themselves prepared. Considering Gisele’s shields and Maud’s heals, she expected the group was able to handle even more. 

The members of her House were sitting with her, their bags ready to go. Simply awaiting word to make for the East Gate. 

Ismeld had finally awoken and had attempted to join in, but was shut down almost immediately by the fiery redhead who demanded she sit and rest. 

Then there was a bang on the back door and Sloane had three Mana Bolts channeled and ready to launch. A second bang and the door burst open, showing Cristole holding up a bloody Ernald.

“Maud!” Cristole called out, and the telv woman instantly ran over.

Sloane stood back and let her work. Luckily the elf had mostly just superficial wounds, and nothing too serious. Maud was able to finish quickly, the injured sun elf able to get back onto his feet without much effort.

Her head jerked as she heard bells ringing in the distance. They’re here.

She looked at Gisele, the other woman caught her notice and gave her a subtle nod before focusing on the others. 

“It’s time. We need to move. All of us should have been gone already. We’re behind schedule,” Gisele said.

Sloane looked at Ismeld and then around at the people that would make their way with her. “Okay, get to the wagons. We need to move, now. The bells are ringing.”

Ismeld groaned as she got up. “I am ready,” she said.

Kemmy glanced at Rel before looking around. “Is there anything we can do?”

Gisele shook her head. “Just get into the wagons, and stay calm. Keep the doors locked.” She looked at Deryk. “You ready?” she asked. 

Deryk placed a hand on Cristole’s shoulder, giving a nod to the elf, before focusing on Gisele. “We are ready.” 

Sloane felt her eyes well up. “Be careful. All of you,” she said.

Maud smiled. “Don’t worry, Sloane. They have me. I’ll bring them back in one piece.”

“You better or we shall have words, Ser Maud,” Ismeld said stepping over to her fellow knights.

Sloane watched the group of knights huddle close before each of them embraced Ismeld and then made their way out the back door. 

Stefan addressed the group after they left. “As sentimental as that was… Let’s load up. We need to move.”

Ismeld nodded. “He is right. Let us depart.”


* * *


The wagons trekked along in the night slowly, simultaneously trying to remain quiet, yet purposeful in their movement along the cobbled streets. Ismeld sat to Sloane’s left, scanning the side streets,  as she drove one of the wagons Elodie and Koren had purchased. Even though Sloane heard the bells, the screams and the sounds of fighting in the distance, the center of the city was calm. It almost seemed too good to be true, and had her constantly glancing down at her watch as it also scanned their surroundings, but for mana use.

As Sloane had a moment to think about it, she wasn’t even sure they would make it out of the gate from the central district. Surely it would be locked down by now due to the attack. If it was, they would need to open it. Which could prove difficult. 

Rel was driving the knight’s wagon with Elodie and Kemmy inside with both doors locked and a wood bar in place. She had nothing more than a gambeson on and an iron helm, but she kept a shield to her side as well. Stefan and Koren were bringing up the rear behind them with the last wagon. 

The plan in case of any attack would have Stefan covering the rear, or if there was nothing, he would move to support Ismeld and Sloane. Rel had her big crossbow with her, but seeing as how she was driving the wagon with the other two women inside, she was supposed to remain there. 

Sloane shivered, and a strong gust of crisp wind biting at her skin snatched her from her thoughts. She pulled her cloak tight around her and checked the clasp. The night was cold and windy. The streets were dark, but luckily the district was illuminated by one of the moons in its full phase, and the other, a shining crescent high in the sky.

She was surprised at the complete lack of people, even guards. It was a good thing that people remained indoors, but other than a dearth of activity there was nothing to give the impression of a city under attack… that is, if one looked at the current district alone and ignored the distant sounds in other districts of Thirdghyll.

As they slowly made their way closer to the gate, she finally started to see people. Guardsmen and women in ones and twos walked confidently around some of the streets, torches in hand. The main street had a gentle curve that went through a large arch between two buildings, then straightened out into a stretch of street that ended where the gatehouse sat, large and imposing with all the extravagance denoting the district it belonged to. However, what she saw made her jerk her head in surprise. She quickly leaned closer to Ismeld. “The gate is still open? Why?”

Ismeld tilted her head. “I am unsure,” she said hesitantly. “The gate should be down during an active attack on the city.”

“Something isn’t right. I’ve had a bad feeling this whole time. It’s too quiet.”

The high elf turned her head and stared at Sloane. 

“And you are just telling me this now?”

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