Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 45: Chapter 045: Requiem for Pirates

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"Where is that little girl?"

"It seems to have run to the first-class cabin at the front part."

"Idiot, then why don't you go up and catch her?"

"Boss, I don't dare, what if what that dead fat guy said is true? I've read from the newspaper and that guy named Apophis is simply a monster!"

"Rubbish! If there's really some powerful person, how could he hide in his room and not dare to come out? Go, bring out some of your pirate spirit, kick the door down in the most savage way, and drag that little girl out to death in the most ferocious way!"

"Kick the crap out of...... to death......"

"That's right, that's the way to be, you have to remember that you are the most vicious and brutal pirate!"

Hearing the commotion coming from the outside world, Robin couldn't think much about it and bit her little teeth to get under the bed.

Ta! Ta! Ta!

The pirate with unrecognizable steps went to the door and was about to kick it open as the captain said when suddenly there was an unexplained panic that made him instinctively suspend his right foot in mid-air, 'Wait, isn't this a bit rude of me? Perhaps, I should change to a more gentle way?'

"Cough cough!" He straightened his collar, withdrew his right foot, cleared his throat, and knocked on the door rather gentlemanly, "Excuse me, is anyone there?"

One second, two seconds, three seconds......

"Oh! Excuse me!"

Seeing this pirate turn away without delay, the pirate captain asked with a confused look on his face, "Why did you come back?"

"The owner of the room doesn't seem to be here, so I'd better come back another time."

Hearing his answer, the pirate captain felt his chest explode and kicked the idiot who was on the way to the ground, "Rookie, get out of my way and let me show you how I kill people!"

"It is bad luck, it seems that next time when I recruit people I have to pay more attention, I can not pull all kinds of waste to the ship." The captain of the pirates went to the door and was about to kick the door down when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from the room, heavy, solemn, imposing, but with a kind of unspeakable sorrow.

Surprisingly, when listening to this strange tone, the memories of the past come to the captain's mind as if they were traveling.

There were older people, children, and women, and the melodic wails can still echo in his ears at this moment.

Those who died at his hands, their souls of the dead seemed to fly out of hell. They tell of the pain of their souls that could not be saved. Whether familiar or unfamiliar faces, with tears of blood in their eyes, pounced on his body, constantly gnawing at his soul and his flesh and blood, pulling him down together into the bottomless abyss.

"No, don't......"

"Captain, Captain......"

Hearing the panic of his men called, the captain of the pirates only abruptly awakened but, seeing no dead flying around him, took a sigh of relief, 'Hoo! Is the problem too much pressure to hallucinate?'

"Captain, your gun......"

"What the hell with your gun with my gun...... holy shit!" The captain of the pirates was horrified to find that, somehow, he had turned the pitch-black gun on himself!

"Really bloody evil!" The captain of the pirates, startled with a cold sweat, quickly put the pistol away, looking at the door which is near at hand is also a little hesitant.

"Captain, we'd better go, I've already said, that Apophis is simply a monster!"

"What a joke, you think I don't dare to open the door?" Hearing his men's advice, the captain of the pirates retorted with a stern thought.


"Damn, what the hell have I done?" When hearing the music become peaceful and serene come into his ears, the captain was abruptly alarmed, but the matter had come to this. He could only continue to walk inside.

Hiding under the bed, Robin saw they rudely pushed the room door open. Her mind tightened while simultaneously wondering, 'Why did it take so long for someone to come in?'

The captain of the pirates, who walked into the room, saw a man wearing a mask with a ghost face, who seemed to be leaning back in a chair quietly sleeping, and his chest suddenly came alive.

'This guy is the Demon Sword Apophis? It doesn't look like any powerful person, and I don't see any items like swords, so it really seems that I am scaring myself?' When he saw Apophis leaning back in his chair without any response, the captain of pirates relaxed even more in his mind, 'No matter if he is the Demon Sword Apophis, as long as I take advantage of now to give him a shot. He can only go back to hell even if he is powerful!'

"Hehehe! I now rather hope that you are the Demon Sword Apophis, if I can kill such a big man, I think I will instantly become the greatest pirate in the whole West Blue!"

Just as he was preparing to pull the trigger with ecstatic joy in his mind, the eyes under that mask opened abruptly.

It was a pair of handsome eyes, with scarlet pupils reflecting the infinite color of blood, cold and dead. Even if the man said he was the god of death from the underworld, he would not hesitate to believe.

"Shh! Would you please keep quiet, the fourth movement is about to start soon!"

The captain of the pirates numbly nodded, knowing that his finger was already on the trigger, but he did not dare to make any movement.

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The room was frighteningly quiet!

Robin poked her head out of the bed as if she were a bunny. She was also startled by the bizarre scene. The pirate holding the pistol did not move, his face was pale, and his eyes were vacant, just like the dead man who crawled out of the grave.

Robin tightly covered her small mouth and quietly hid back under the bed. Her mind could not contain the fear that began, 'Will I die? Will it be like what the newspaper said, become a grieving spirit that can never break free?'

As time goes by, the tune becomes elegant and graceful again, as if it is the sunshine shed from heaven. Under the soothing of this music, Robin also temporarily forgets the pain and hatred. She seems to return to the warm embrace of her mother.

The captain of the pirates, whose hands are full of blood, is actually blossoming with a holy glow at this moment.

The final movement is solemn, heavy, and mournful!

Darkness falls on the earth, gloom envelops the mind, and in a world of nothingness, only death and silence are the eternal home!


The captain of the pirates eventually pulled the trigger. He aimed only the gun at himself, his face wearing a serene smile as if to atone for his sinful past.

The sound of gunfire awakened Robin, then realized that she was unaware that she was strangling her own neck. If not awakened at the last moment by the sound of gunfire, she may have become a corpse now.

"Here's the Requiem for you, I hope you'll like it!"

The steep sound made Robin's soul almost freeze, and her limbs stiffened as she huddled under the bed.

Ta-da! Ta-da! Ta-da!

It was only when the footsteps were completely far away that Robin's anxious mind relaxed a little, 'Requiem? Is this a ritual or sacrifice before he kills?'

Loneliness is the greatest enemy of humanity!

In this cramped space, Robin's thoughts were difficult to restrain from dispersing.

"Why would that pirate and I both want to kill ourselves? Was it because of his ability? But it was never reported that he was an ability user!"

"Or is...... this his aura?"

"Wait, why is there no sound outside, it can't be that...... they are all dead, right?"

Robin, who was fearful, did not dare to go out at all and could only prostrate herself at the bottom of the bed without moving.

With the passage of time, exhaustion, hunger, and thirst keep coming, and Robin is finally asleep in a sluggish way.



"It's too weird, are they running into a ghost ship?"

"They should have met the pirates first, and then those pirates were punished by the ghosts on the sea!"

"We...... we better leave quickly, I always feel that those dead people are smiling at me like, look creepy."

"Yeah! This ship must have been cursed!"

When she heard the crowd call out faintly, Robin rubbed her eyes and dragged her hungry and cold body out from under the bed.

"It's risen, it's risen, the dead are risen!"

"It must be a ghost, run!"

After noticing the movement from Robin, a group of fishermen fled in tears.

"Am I the only one left again? However, not even the slightest sound, that man called Apophis is really terribly strong...... No, it's hard to say whether he is human or not!" Robin whispered with a bitter little face.

"Is it because I broke free from my suicide and he didn't bother to do it a second time?"

"In any case, I'd like to thank him for saving me." Robin knew very well that hiding under the bed from that kind of strong person was impossible.

"Kuzan, Longinus, Apophis......" Robin stood in the middle of a site of dead people, looking out to the sea in the distance, " is it only by growing strong like them that I can truly control my own destiny?"

"Mom, Saúlo, is that what you all mean when you say that one should not give up hope for the future......"

"Let's go!"

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