Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 46: Chapter 046: Tears at the Bars

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West Blue, Kingdom of Eatfield.

The slightly wealthy middle-aged man sat at the top in the supremely luxurious hall. Beside him was the short man in a straight-striped suit reporting the situation.

"Godfather, some time ago, in the nearby Kingdom of Kaya, we found an abandoned passenger ship, the people on board was robbed by pirates and all of them died."

"The weird thing is that those same pirates died on the ship, one with a smile on their face before they died, and were assumed by the local fishermen that they were attacked by a ghost ship."

"Ghost ship?" The middle-aged man sneered disdainfully, "Something that only an idiot would believe!"

"According to my analysis, those pirates may have been killed by Apophis. Rumors were circulating on the Grand Line that he had the ability to send the evil beings of hell, and could make his enemies die in despair and pain, or he could make them die in peace and tranquility, not even realizing their own death!"

"Are they reaching the West Blue so soon? That fellow really can't wait for my life!" The middle-aged man snorted coldly, obviously trusting his subordinate's ability.

"Godfather, I have already set up as you instructed, as long as Apophis appears in the area of our influence, there will be a constant fire poured on him, even if he is a monster formed by steel, he will be turned into a pile of scrap metal in an instant!"

"Very well, Bege, see? This is the power of force, no matter how strong he is, he is only one person, how can he possibly compete with my thousand people? Want my life? Why don't we see if he has the ability to do that?"

"The disparity between the enemy and us is too great, he is dead!" The short man said motionlessly, "Only, our way of identifying Apophis is limited to his ghostly mask, in case he takes off his mask and sneaks in, I'm afraid......"

"Apophis is the kind of arrogant monster who cannot make the move which actively shows weakness." The middle-aged man said hesitantly,

"But your concern is correct, it is too foolish to put our hopes in the hands of the enemy, it is good that I have also made our backup plans, I think...... they should also be arriving soon!"

"They?" The short man asked in confusion, "Godfather, who are they you referring to?"

"Who else can it be? Of course, I invited Happō Suigun (Happosui Army) from the Kano Country, it's a pity that their leader Chinjao has retired, originally, that kind of pirates with a reward of more than 500 million is really considered a monster from hell!"

"But it doesn't matter, the son of Don Chinjao, the future 13th leader of the Happō Suigun (Happosui Army), Kashō, has already agreed to my invitation."

"His own strength has been extremely powerful, while even if he was defeated, there is also the great pirate Chinjao behind him, it is hard impossible for an Apophis, it would really dare to risk offending such a great pirate to fight with me to the death?"

"The Happō Suigun (Happosui Army) from the Kano Country? A very powerful help indeed."

'I thought I could finish this guy with the power of Apophis, and then I would take over his power, but it is a pity that this old man has lost his ferocity when he was a pirate, and yet he still retains that caution?'

Capone Bege secretly lost his luck by lifting the state of martial law in the castle inside his body, 'Since Apophis is bound to die, there is no need for me to leave a passage to let him in on purpose, heh, just think of it as watching a bright flame ceremony!'

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Terrific explosion in the ground, shaking, even the ground where Bege and Buffett are also cracked a lot of narrow gaps because of the violent shaking.

"Hmm? What's going on here? Has Apophis already hit us?" Buffett asked in a slight panic as he steadied himself in time.

Looking at Buffett's scared and cowardly looks, Bege despised in his mind. This guy had already lost ten years ago when he returned from the Grand Line with a bounty of more than 100 million when he was a pirate in mind, 'Sure enough, the mafia or something is not a children's game that can not become a trend, only the pirates and the sea is where men should belong!'

"Godfather, this should be our first line of defense. I planted a dozen tons of explosives in his path, and when he thinks those men surrounding him are all the firepower, the power of those explosives will tear him to pieces!"

Bege's tone was cold, and the implication in his words was clearly intended to kill even the mafia laid out on the first line of defense, but Buffett was thrilled, "Hahahaha! Bege, you really did not let me down, you actually planted so many explosives, after blowing up that bastard, I can finally sleep well!"

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"I didn't expect it to be so easy. It seems that as the godfather said, that Apophis is nothing more than an arrogant monster."

Purururu, Purururu~~~

Capone Bege slightly frowned as he took the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail), which very subtly reflected the other person's horrified expression on his face.

"Second leader, they are dead, everyone is dead!"

Capone Bege pulled the corner of his mouth. He wanted to say 'I'm not dead', but he thought about it and gave up this boring move,

"Apophis is also dead?"

"No, he's not dead!" The voice from the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) was trembling endlessly.

"What are you talking about? How could he have survived an explosion that ranged one kilometer across and lasted half a minute? Or did you losers simply not wait for him to enter the bombing circle before you did?" Capone Bege said in an unpleasant tone.

"No, all of us watched him walk in with our own eyes. It took the lives of thousands of brothers to bring him in!"

"But...... everyone died, and he survived, that man is simply a monster!" The voice coming from the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) is frustrated, like there is no life, and then steeply roared hysterically, "All will die, all of us will die, against that kind of demon out of hell, whether it is me, is you, or the Godfather, is dead, are dead for sure...... "


Capone Bege looked cold and gripped it hard, the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail) was crushed along with the communication settings, and the disgusting fluid splattered in all directions.

"Are you kidding? With thousands of people surrounded by firepower, and enough explosives to blow up a street, and still he survived, is he really not human?" Buffett said soullessly, obviously frightened by the harsh demon-like curse in the Den Den Mushi (Transponder Snail).

"Godfather, that guy has gone crazy, we don't need to listen to a crazy person." Although he despised him in his mind, Capone Bege still maintained superficial respect.

"You're right, that guy has gone crazy!" Buffett emphasized as if to cheer himself up, then looked to his side with a hopeful gaze, "Bege, since there's a first line of defense, that means there's a second line of defense, right?"

"Of course, this second line of defense is a toxic gas bomb I bought on the black market, as long as you inhale a bit, even if it is a large sea king is definitely no longer possible to live!"

"Hahahaha! Bege, you are really reliable, no less than......" Buffett's laughter came to an abrupt halt halfway through because from the corner of his eye had seen the shadow of death standing in the doorway.

"What kind of joke? I have carefully laid out a defense line, but I can't even buy three minutes of time, or...... he simply walked over like a walk?" When he saw Apophis's gaze that looked like blood on his face, Capone Bege's heart beat violently without argument, and sweat seeped out of his forehead.

"Bege, come on...... take out your third line of defense!"

"Yes! Now there is only a third line of defense that can be activated as well!" Capone Bege took a cold step back and pressed the remote control in his hand, and a steel and iron fence fell, separating him and Buffett instantly.

"What...... is this?"

"My beloved Lord Godfather, don't you understand? This third line of defense...... is you!"

Buffett gripped the bars and looked at Capone Bege, who was separated from him by his arms, and Apophis, who kept closing in behind him and could not help but shed tears of remorse!

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