Marine’s Dark Admiral

Chapter 47: Chapter 047: The Rusty Three-Headed Flail

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'Hoo! Calm, you have to be calm!' In this life-and-death situation, Buffett found a trace of his previous senses, and his brain began running at breakneck speed.

'This bar is built with the latest technology of metal and it is impossible to destroy it within a short period of time, which means that escape is not an option and there is no choice but to fight against him?'

'However, I have not had a battle at the same level for almost ten years, and this guy in front of me is obviously slaughtered from a mountain of corpses and blood, and there is no way...... I will be his opponent in a duel to the death!'

'But I do not have to fight him to the death, first delay for a while, as long as Don Kashō has come to support, it is hard to say who lost and who won.'

Thinking of this, Buffett took a deep breath and turned around with a smile on his face, "Haha! Is you the Crimson Swordsman Apophis? I am the owner of this place, Benjamin Buffett, welcome to the Mafia Paradise!"

However, Apophis continued to approach unfazed.

"Perhaps there are certain misunderstandings between...... Lord Apophis and me, but as long as things are made clear, I think we can still be friends."

Seeing that the other party still had no response, Buffett was a bit panicked and asked eagerly, "Who exactly is trying to kill me? No matter what price the other party gives, I am willing to pay double......, no, triple the pay!"
"Is there really no room for negotiation? I'm at least a pirate with a bounty of 120 million berries, and it won't do anyone any good if we really have to kill each other!" Buffett threatened in a stern voice, quietly moving his feet to the side.

His three-headed flail that once was a testament to his strength was hanging on the side wall, only with the passage of time, they had been stained with quite a bit of dust and even rust.

"I'll give you the chance to pick up your weapon." Under the ghost face mask's deadly silence, Apophis's apathetic voice finally came out.

Buffett was stunned and did not expect his intentions were utterly seen through. The other party did not intend to take advantage of his lack of weapons to launch a sneak attack, is that kind of stereotypical mediocre Bushido, or purely despise him?

"Hehehe! This attitude of looking down on people is really irritating, I hope you won't regret your choice now later, the reputation of me, Buffett the Skull Crusher is......"

Buffett was going to continue talking trash but found the stalled footsteps of Apophis and began to move forward, so he was afraid to continue to taunt, with a step ahead to take off his weapon.

It was two meters of iron rod, with chains tied to the top of three spiky spherical maces. Three sharp spikes flashed in the sunlight. In short, three maces are tied to an iron rod to form a special weapon.

With the weapon in hand, Buffett seemed to have regained his lost confidence, raising his hands above his head and swinging the three-headed flail, sending out a shocking sonic boom as his three maces spun at breakneck speed.

If this is smashed on the human body, it will only instantly make the enemy a mush.

"I have used it to crush the skulls of countless enemies, Apophis, you are not the first, and you will never be the last!"

Apophis walked silently, with an ancient longsword slipping from the palm of his right hand, illuminated by a dark red flame, with an aura of terror and severity, as if he had turned from a wandering demon into a life-threatening demon god.

"How is it possible for your sword to come out of your body? What's with this dark and evil flame? Are you a human or a demon or some kind of monster?"

The oldest and strongest human emotion is fear, and the oldest and strongest fear is the unknown.

Buffett couldn't help but back up with the situation clearly beyond his perception and soon leaned against the cold bars.

There's nowhere to run!

Fear was so extreme that it filled it with complete rage, and Buffett waved his three-headed flail and roared hysterically, "You damned monster, get back to where you belong!"

In the One Piece World, a strong power can destroy everything.

For example, Edward Weevil, who calls himself Shirohige Junia (Whitebeard Jr.) in the future time, became one of the Ōka Shichibukai (Seven Warlords of the Sea) who controlled the Grand Line simply because he had the same power as the young Shirohige (Whitebeard).

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The strength of Buffett is naturally not as strong as that monster, but the description of him in intelligence is not mistaken. He does have a punch to blast down a small hill with terrifying monstrous strength. Under his control, the three-headed flail smashed into the ground, and cracks like spider webs quickly spread everywhere.

With just one blow, the hall crumbled in half.

However, it is this strength. He is comparable to the giant race. When Apophis stepped on his three maces, he was flushed and could not pull it out.

"Are you kidding, when comparing strength, how could I possibly lose to a swordsman?" Buffett's mind had been completely taken over by fear, his pride in his strength turned out to be outclassed by a swordsman.

Indeed, the most powerful swordsman must have the ultimate speed and power.

Without power, there is no attack, and without speed, there is no hit.

On the contrary, this aspect of physical strength, a swordsman who pursues the ultimate attack, is generally fragile.

But relatively speaking, the average swordsman wins with speed, and as for the attack, it can ultimately be left to the weapon to make up for it.

Because of this, when Buffett found that the other party's power was still above him, only that fear appalled him. Has this guy simply not had a weakness?

At this point, Apophis steeply raised his toes, and Buffett had no time to withdraw his strength and was caught off guard by slamming on his body as the maces flew backward, making him scream.

"Apophis, what do you want?" Buffett gritted his teeth. Then, the apathetic voice was heard again coming from under the mask.

"Let the game end here, I'm not interested in continuing to play with a loser like you."

"Playing? You say you're playing?" Buffett was irritated to the point that his anger and blood surged upward, his eyes were red, surprisingly, he roared, his whole body muscles were like old trees curled up, and an explosive source of power gushed out from his body.

"There's a limit to how much you can despise people! Go to hell!"

The extremely fast rotating maces fell with the blast, faintly with the sound of wind and lightning surge.

Apophis's right hand, which holds the Nanahoshi, is lifted upwards without any fancy techniques, only extreme speed and power.

Maces were instantly destroyed as if eroded by time, dissipated without a trace in the blink of an eye.

Buffett was blown away by an overwhelming force, and it instantly crushed even the fence made of some kind of metal.

"If it was ten years ago, I would never be in such a mess......" Buffett fell to the ground and tilted his head to look at the ghost-faced mask.

"When you choose to withdraw from the Grand Line, you are destined to be a loser!" Apophis' cold voice shattered his last illusion.

"Did it doom me to failure today as early as ten years ago?" Buffett muttered to himself, lost in thought.

"What a joke, just one blow, make the underground ruler of the Kingdom of Eatfield, once a sea pirate who has a bounty of 120 million bellies Skull Crusher Buffett lost the ability to resist!" Capone Bege watched with binoculars from afar and had a cold mind. Although he had the idea of overthrowing Buffet himself to the top, in terms of strength, he was much weaker than Buffett. Otherwise, he would not have been at peace with this kind of people for so long.

"If it were me instead, it would only be worse." Capone Bege only felt that his back had been thoroughly soaked with cold sweat, and for the first time, he thought that the lackey around him could not give him any sense of security, "No, this place is still too close, I must quickly withdraw to the opposite side of the island to do so."

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