Married A Fox, Wat Do?

Chapter 1: 1

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Yasaka was beautiful and someone everyone wanted. It got to the point where Amatseru, the sun goddess. Had to come and put her foot down as the number of marriage proposals was beginning to affect her daily routine as the facet leader of the Yokai Faction.


It was obvious to see why many would propose a marriage to her. Not only was she beautiful but she was also a woman who exudes an aura of ses and was a sight to behold. Her breasts were plump and huge, which was enough to rival all of the matron goddesses in the world. In fact, some say that she was number one much to the dismay of Hastor. Hell, she was considered as the 4th hottest supernatural woman today. Many rumors surrounded her like having out sex a High-class Succubus and so on. But the greatest rumor of them all in the current was that she already has a fiance.


In everybody’s mind, it should have been obvious who to marry. Someone powerful. A man that should be equal or close in strength to Yasaka should be the best candidate. Be it from the same nation/faction or a different one. If it was a different one, it would allow them to become Allies with their Faction due to her position in power.


Then one day, out of the blue. There was a photo of her leaked on the internet with a large belly as an unknown man leaned his head onto her belly, softly massaging it. It was obvious to everyone that she became pregnant and it was rumored that in a month or so would give birth. This pretty much shocked the nation as to who could have finally done the deed with the queen of Kyoto.


Even Azazel, who was known to be the one aiming for her, cried in madness as he screamed into the world. A video of him going berserk and knowing the Internet, converted it into a popular meme.


But what didn’t go through their minds was that the man in the picture was in fact, a human. A human who was able to woo one of the most beautiful women in the world. A woman that many tried to romance but failed. It was simply the greatest news of the century. That a regular human man was able to impregnate her.


It caused such a ruckus due to the fact that many groups investigated and through their findings, the two were dating for almost a year and a month. When they tried to contact the man in question, they were met with an order from Amatsaru to not contact him. Certain theories popped up, many suggesting that the individual in question doesn’t know about the supernatural as it might connect to the order given by the sun goddess. All still asked for interviews but were again denied.


But that didn’t stop the world from wanting to find out the absolute man who successfully wooed the most beautiful woman in Japan. Thus, they waited patiently for further news.

What do you do when you know that you’re going to become a father in just a few minutes?


This was the passing thought going through my mind as I stood by the side of the love of my life as she lay on the hospital bed. So many things are going through my head all at once. Like would I be a good father? Is my fiance fine with the fact that she’s okay with being married to someone like me? Would she be okay? Would the baby be okay? Did the doctors miss anything and be born different? Will I be able to become a breadwinner as my wife becomes a housewife? Will I have enough money to take care of the two?


So many things went through my mind, but the main topic was the birth of my daughter.


Even then, I assured myself that all would be fine as I took the hand of my fiance. She smiled at me, sweating in labored pain, knowing that I was here to witness. I couldn’t help but find her beautiful, even as haggard as she appears to be right now. She was about to become a mother and something she wanted to be. It was simply a wonder on how I was able to score such a beautiful woman like her.


I should probably get something for mom once I come to visit her with my wife and daughter. It was just simple confidence.” I thought to myself.


Suddenly pain was felt through the hand holding her and looking down I could see her pained face.


“Honey, I think I’m about to give birth right now!” She said with a loud voice.


And with that, the doctors rushed to prepare for delivery. I won't say the details on how it went but I was secretly glad that I was born a guy. As I saw my daughter, the only thought that went through my mind was confusion.


“Yasaka? Is this normal?” Carrying my daughter, I saw something on her that shouldn’t possibly exist.


“Oh …. Surprise?” She huffed her response.


I was currently holding my daughter, who was given to me first instead of Yasaka. She was adorable, like all the other babies in the world, except she was the cutest. And yet, his daughter had 9 tails stretching her back and a set of fox ears on top of her head. My hands touched her adorable fox ears as it twitched and moved to my touch. It was real and not fake.


I gave her to Yasaka, much to my dismay. I huddled closer to Yasaka and my recently born daughter, giving glances to the doctors that helped deliver her. Fear seeping into my being and my eyes sweeping for anything suspicious.


“Honey.” Yasaka muttered weakly as tugged my hand.




“Stop glaring at the doctors, Alphonse.” She muttered a bit weakly.


“No, because this is pretty much going to be reported and then we'll have everybody upon us. Then I’ll have to deal with my daughter becoming a doctor’s science investigation with her being different.” I whispered quietly, my body getting ready to rush out.


“No, they won’t because they are like us.” That stopped me.


“Us?” I couldn't help but ask.


“Yokai.” And this time, fox ears popped out of my wife's head.


“... Que?” Now, as I stared at the love of my life. Finally processing the fact that it wasn’t just his daughter that was different, but everybody else in the room. Some of the doctors have inhuman features and others look completely human except for some minor differences like having horns or animal ears. I found out that I seemed to be the only human in the room.


“I'm a Kitsune, Alphonse.” She smiled.


“... Que?”

Days go by and the family of three are now at the doorsteps of their house. It was surprisingly big, as the regular houses in Japan were small and compact. I was staring off to space, even when entering the house and dropping off our things.


“~Welcome to your new home, Kunou~” Yasaka was carrying her while showing the house of the couple, ignoring me as I plopped myself onto the couch. Kunou was just babbling like all the other babies and taking in the sights.


Yasaka put Kunou down in her crib to sleep near us as my daughter began to doze off. I can see her fidgeting when she sat down next to me, her inhuman features now out and displayed. It felt like we were about to have a serious conversation, as the silence was palpable.


Then and there she laid herself on the couch facing the television with her head on my lap. The two of us stayed there, enjoying each other’s company for a while. For some reason, I couldn’t help but run my hands on top of her head, feeling the soft texture of her animalistic ears and hair as I lightly massaged her head.


“Is it just you guys, or does everything else exist too?” I asked. Yasaka hummed with content.


“Just about everything. From gods, angels, devils, and other mythological creatures that have ever been written has or does exist.” Now she turned herself away from the television to put her full face on his stomach while reaching to hug him. In a bit, I changed positions so that she lay on top of me with her face staring at me as I stared back into her loving eyes.


“Yasaka … I’m sorry for asking this, but do you love me?” I couldn’t help blurt it out.


“W-why wouldn’t I love you?! Of course, I do!” I felt a bit of pain as her grip on me became tighter. Because after the birth of Kunou. I took the time to somehow have an existential crisis and ask some questions. Kitsunes lived a long life from what he found out from what little information he could glean during the stay in the hospital. I bitterly accept the fact that I wouldn’t always be with her. To think that growing old together wouldn’t happen as he would wither away into dust while she stayed like how she is forever. Would she leave him once he grew old and ugly? Would she be fine with staying with him? Would it be okay to cancel the wedding?


The fact that she was literally his first everything and yet he couldn’t help but feel like it was true love. Only to deal with the bitter fact she was different and inhuman. It wasn’t about her features but what came with it. She’ll live, he’ll grow old and die. Let’s not forget about his daughter.


Yasaka showed a worried face as she looked back into my eyes. For some reason, it feels as if she could read my mind as her hug tightened with a sad look on her face. It was as if she could tell that he was having certain thoughts in regard to such life-changing news. He wasn’t super handsome in truth as the men he saw working for her were as if they belonged in fairy tales, so much better looking than him. But, he was the one for her in the end.


“Sorry, it’s because I’ve been having certain epiphanies and was having some existential crisis. You know, with you and the two of us. But … Thank you. I love you Yasaka.” I smiled.


“I love you too, Alphonse.” She reached up to kiss me on the lips. I think in the end, it didn’t matter as her soft lips touched mine.

“Amaterasu-sama! Amaterasu-sama! Is it true that the Queen of Kyoto is getting married soon?”


“What about the daughter? What’s her name? Also, who is the man that is going to marry Yasaka-sama?”


There were many supernatural reporters in the conference hall. Amaterasu only accepted this because she thought it would have been a good idea to make a PR event and finally get the “old” elder Yokai clan heads to stop constantly bothering her for info. Sadly, she forgot how annoying these reporters can be, as she can see a few beginning to fight. Be it physically or magically. Curse these inhuman traits.


Thankfully there were guards and the few fights happening were immediately stopped.


“Since the majority of the questions are about Yasaka and her Fiance. I will inform you once more that the man in question is not to be bothered after this interview except for his consent which will be done through the official channels. Am I clear?” Seeing the scathing stare of the goddess. Everybody instinctively nodded.


“Good.” She nodded at their confirmed nods. “The man in question that is to marry Yasaka is named Alphonse Torres. He is a 23-year-old human, and their newborn daughter’s name is Kunou. In fact, here’s a photo of the three after she was born.” She pointed upwards towards a floating screen that displayed the picture of Yasaka and Alphonse smiling down at their daughters with their fingers being held by Kunou.


Cue the series of 'awws' at the sight of the family.


"You can find that Kunou is born with 9 tails. They will marry in a month or so and it will be a private wedding. Any trespassers will be captured and punished. I will be answering a few questions and that is it.” She said.


Immediately, several hands went up. She thinks for a moment before choosing randomly.


“You, with the red hat. What is your question?”

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Immediately, the person in question stood up. She was a tengu, as her get-up was mostly Japanese and black wings behind her back. The female tengu was given a microphone by one of the guards.


“Will Alphonse be in charge of some responsibilities of lady Yasaka? Either if she steps down or something else happens?” She asked as she readied her pencil and paper.


“He will only be responsible for some minor jobs as a spouse to Yasaka. In case she is in need of some days off, he will only have a minor role but nothing major as there will be a group of people that will carry on with her duties. But in the end, Yasaka will continue on with her duties. Next.”


Pointing to the next one. A very handsome male kitsune in a suit stood up to face the goddess. Looking closer, they could see a small symbol on his chest that told Amatseru that he was an employee of Yasaka’s office.


“How come we have never heard of this man? Does he happen to have certain qualities that make him the perfect spouse for Yasaka-sama?” He asked out loud into the microphone. A few people nodded at his question, many consisting of males.


I knew they would be jealous.” She thought to herself.


“The reason why you have not heard of him is that Yasaka has asked me to keep their relationship private. Alphonse himself is a very interesting individual, for sure and I will say that he is the perfect man for him. They are in a committed relationship and hold each other dearly with love. That is all.”


It would have been weird seeing a bodybuilder in a conference hall. But a very muscular red Oni in modern clothes was a normal thing for the everyday supernatural society that is Japan. It looked funny seeing the huge Oni in a suit stand up and hold the microphone with his fingers.


“We would very much like to know if Alphonse has any special qualities that can help Japan. We have no knowledge of him belonging to any faction, but it would be best to know if this will affect Japan in any way.” This time, the older and more ancient Yokai and people in the room nodded.


“Do not worry about him as he does not belong to any factions. Both hidden and known. Do not worry because I can personally confirm this. As for his qualities, he will be considered as an outside perspective in certain events.” She said.


The next person was someone from another faction outside Japan’s political and national sphere. It was unsurprisingly a devil. Devils are stunning, but make no mistake as many are prone to sin and lie. They are usually not invited in private meetings except for this one. Especially with the recent news of Kuroka, The Black Cat is still fresh in their minds. It’s no wonder that a majority of the yokai’s present are glaring at the devil, and one or two even outright flaring their killing intent. Many did not like them due to their meddling with the Japanese political sphere, be it mundane and supernatural. Especially with how they use humans and convert them away. Yet, it didn’t deter the Devil from asking his questions.


“Hello, Amaterasu-sama. I am from the Nightly Times, and we would like to know that can it be possible for Alphonse to become a physical representation for the United States? There are rumors of his foreign appearance originating from America. We would also like to know if this marriage would open more relations with the United States or not.”


Amaterasu was sighing and cursed inwardly, but didn’t show it outside. She can already tell that if she answers in a way that might entail a yes, then these Devil’s will do everything in their power to exploit these relations they might have with the United States. Damn those Devils and their meddling. She couldn’t help but wonder slightly on how he came across this information as she censored Alphonse’s background.


“I am not sure how you’ve come across this particular set of information. But yes, he is from the United States and no, Alphonse will not be representing the full United States nor any political aspect when it comes to our trades and agreements with the United States. Okay, final question.” She said in order to prevent anything like what the Devil did again.


Finally, an attractive female human representing the United Nations with the symbol seen on her left chest. Stood up and asked next as she was given the microphone.


“Now that we know that Alphonse is human. How would this affect the Human and Yokai relationship as a whole? From what we know, this is the first time a Human has married a Yokai leader.”


“Hmmm …..” She thought for a moment before answering, “I think it would allow us to have a more proper relationship. I’m surprised to see the UN interested.”


“That is because of him. It’s very rare to see the Supernatural and ‘Mundane’ intertwine.” Said the representative.


“Either way, I think they are happy with one another. I’m satisfied that Yasaka was able to be happy.” She smiled. “I’ll take a few more questions before I finish.”


For the next few hours, many questions were asked and some were answered and many weren’t. Most pertaining to Yasaka which were asked by many of the males in the room. They all left that day satisfied with the men particularly saddened.


Amaterasu was done for today and hopefully, there wouldn’t be any paperwork once she goes back to her office.


She was wrong.

“Mi Amor?” Very rarely, I would talk Spanish to Yasaka. She surprisingly understood Spanish and even spoke it natively.


“Yes?” She asked as she sat down next to me, cleaning off her breasts from the milk she gave Kunou a few moments ago. I could see her wonderful breasts and as my arms wrapped around her, I couldn’t help but reach for a squeeze. Even after grabbing a handful, it was simply huge and a delight.


“Why the fuck is our baby flying.” I asked without a filter as my mind was focused on the feeling of her soft tits.




“Ouch!” I cried out in pain.


I winced from the pain inflicted on my hand. Still staring in awe and surprise of my daughter floating out of the crib. Initially, I thought that there was some paranormal stuff happening around the house and stood ready to defend my daughter and fiance. Yet, the only paranormal thing that made her float was herself. Luckily that it happened inside and not outside as it would have scared me to death if she floated away.


“Language Alphy. I don’t want you to teach her bad words right now.” She muttered as she continued wiping her breasts.


“Yasaka. She’s only 2 months old. How is she going to know it.” I said while giving her a raised eyebrow.


“Alphy, here’s the thing about the supernatural. We have been able to come up with ways to see memories and erase them. Sometimes, we get people who remember everything naturally as if it was one of those who remember every memory they’ve had.”


“That sounds bad.”


Yasaka perked up at the response.


“How so?”


“Let’s just say I saw my parents do something that I wished I could forget.”


She couldn’t help but snort. Yasaka knew exactly what he meant.


“Alphy, having sex is fine. Do remember that we fucked last night … oops.”


“Language.” Now giving her a deadpanned look.


“Anyway, Yasaka. I want you to meet my parents and I-I was hoping if you can come with me to California to see them.” I muttered shyly.


Yasaka and I were dating each other for more than a year and didn’t bring up the topic of my parents that entire year. And once we’ve confirmed our love for each other. I finally found it best for them to meet. Especially when I was going to marry Yasaka in a month or so.


“I uh … I’m not sure if I can, Alphy.” She said with a small wince.


“Why?” I can tell that there was a reason for it, but I wanted to know why she can’t go. It might be because of some mystical jargon that might prevent her from leaving Japan. But it never hurts to know.


“I guess I haven’t told you this but uhm … I’m the leader of the Yokai faction.” She said as if she said the sky was blue.


“Wait … Does. Does that mean you’re some kind of Queen or something? Because the sound of it just makes it seem that you’re the supernatural version of the emperor of Japan.” I said. “Did I just marry royalty?”


“Kind of. In a sense. But, yeah. Now you know one reason why I can’t go visit.”


“There’s more?” I whispered in surprise. “Well. Que putaria-”


Only to be cut off by a bigger sense of pain hit the back of my head. The force of the hit was so much that I fell forward from my seat hitting the floor.


“Language Alphy. Alphy? Oh no.”


The rest of the day was Yasaka trying to apologize to me for smacking me a bit too hard than she intended to. Luckily for me that at the end of the day, the bed was the one to help make up for the hit.


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