Married A Fox, Wat Do?

Chapter 2: 2

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Three days afterward was enough to ease Alphonse into the world of Supernatural. He had time to process all the possible information he received from Yasaka. The world was much bigger than he expected, especially when you add dimensional planes into the mix. There was the Underworld, Heaven, also closed pocket dimensions that existed and in between everything that was the known universe. All centered on, in, and around earth.

In all his life, he thought he would have never been more than just a regular guy living a regular life. Someone that was born after the total exploration of the world and before the true physical exploration of the universe and space.

But as he learned more and more about the supernatural society in Japan. He could tell that the political aspect of his marriage with Yasaka was a shit-show and half. For one, they both can't take each other's last name. Something he deeply felt saddened as it felt like he wouldn't be considered family to his fiancé's relatives.

So in the end, he's going to be Alphonse Torres and Yasaka Fukunaga. Kunou on the other hand is up for debate but the idea was to have Kunou Torres Fukunaga on paper but Kunou Fukunaga as an everyday title.

The next thing he dreaded was learning how to deal with supernatural politics. Something that he genuinely tried to avoid for most of his life as he was never great at a debate. And when you add the immortal beings and actual gods in it, then that's a whole different story.

Yasaka tried to ease him through it the best she could but from what he could theorize, humans in the supernatural world have it rough.

Luckily for everyone, magic exists and when he found out that he can learn magic. He was very fucking ecstatic to say the least. It was all fine and dandy until Yasaka brought out an advanced physics textbook and quantum mechanics. That was the day he learned that the majority of magic is basically math.

Mental Abuse To Humans. No truer words were said than that.

Speaking of gods, the Christian god was real. It was such a shock that he had to stop and take a good solid hour to remember the things he did during his youth. Especially when it came to his Christian family background.

Going about the three great factions of Christian faith, Sacred Gears. Items and Powers bonded to the soul in what he considered to be the greatest California lottery in existence. It was basically a 1:800,000 or so chance of obtaining one.

It took a few days for him to process everything. But it did help to know that bad things wouldn't happen to Yasaka or Kunou. Especially when the love of his life decided to show off and have a yokai ninja of all people be ordered to go get a box of diapers from a store.

It's safe to say that he really got lucky.

Currently, Yasaka and I are in our backyard having dinner and watching the sunset. Yasaka was wearing a simple turtleneck sweater with very tight yoga pants. It reminded me of those stereotypical milfs in hentai. On the other hand, I was wearing a simple T-shirt that said "Shirt" in English with sporting shorts. The two of us just finished a plate of Katsudon. Our daughter on the other hand was asleep in her crib back upstairs in her parents' room.

"I have a question." Speaking about one of many questions in my head.

"What is it?" She asked softly.

"So now that I learned these mind blowing facts that is the world. You now tell me that I have a Sacred Gear? How did that even happen?" I asked with a hint of skepticism

"Well, you should thank a god for that, Alphy. They took a little peak in your soul and found one."

"That … sounds like a complete disrespect of privacy. And who did it?" A bit worried.

"Yes, but know that I am also a leader and chief in power. The representative of the Yokai Faction. Be it in Japan or outside of the land. So I should tell you this beforehand. Don't get nervous when gods come to snoop around to satisfy their curiosity or when our guards do their routine walks around the neighborhood." She said after taking the final bite of the food.

"Wait, guards? Do we have guards? Since when did we get them?" I asked while looking around the backyard of our house.

To emphasize her point, she snapped her fingers and he heard the sound of clothes fluttering. Suddenly, two armored individuals appeared in front of them carrying weapons. From this point, I felt like my lover is fucking around with me to see my reactions.

"Holy Shit!" I yelled due to how close they appeared besides me.

""We are here, Yasaka-sama. What do you need from us?"" The two spoke in unison. Upon closer looks. The two were wearing a suit of armor similar to the drawings of old Samurais. All red with oni masks covering their faces They were tall. Taller than him even to the point he strained his neck to look at them.

"I called just to introduce you two to my fiance and the love of my life. Alphonse will be learning more about the political sphere from the two of you whenever I am not here. If he has questions the two of you will answer. Also dear," Turning to face me, "The two of them will give you their contact information so whenever you have questions. Please don't hesitate to ask them."

The three of us silently nodded.

As we exchanged contact information. I found out that their names were Akio, the wolf yokai and Daichi, the oni. Once it was done, the two yokai said their goodbyes and left with a bow and a vanishing act. Seeing them jump from roof to roof was pretty cool in my opinion.

"God, I wish I could do that." I thought to myself.

"Anyways, are you ready to activate your Sacred Gear?" Said Yasaka as she pushed the plate away.

"Sure. Might as well find out what I got." Shrugging, "But, why are we doing this now?"

"Well, I have time so I need to know what kind of Sacred Gear it is. That way I can help you figure out how to use whatever abilities appear the best way possible. Secondly, I need you to be able to have a way to defend yourself dear Especially since we have Kunou and due to her … status, I might have to ask you to protect her." She said.

"No shit. Kunou's my daughter and I'm not going to let anyone hurt her." Frowning at the thought of someone trying to harm her.

Yasaka smiled at this, "Thank you love, I know what you mean but you have to learn that you're weak. It will suck but I'm going to need you to become strong for her. I'm not going to be always there as my job as the facet of the Yokai Faction will take my time away from the two of you. I don't want to lose the two of you if I can prevent it. I hope you understand that."

Yasaka grabbed my hands with her fingers entwined with mine. Looking into my eyes with a loving gaze.

"Alphonse, I love you but you're human. And a normal human in the supernatural world is very dangerous. It doesn't have to be something ridiculous like trying to become stronger than me but enough to consider yourself as a natural member of our world. Can you do that for me?" Now cupping my face to force myself to look her straight in the eyes in order to see the intense emotion that she was showing.

"Yes, Yasaka." I sighed. "Don't worry, I'll work on it."

"Good, now don't be alarmed with what you are going to feel." Something about her glowed.

In a second, I shivered. It was a weird feeling and yet it was kind of relaxing. As if something entered him and was trying to find something. And yet, there was a gut-wrenching feeling of fear as he felt that tug coming inside him, reaching towards something personal.

I didn't know what it was but when I felt that the feeling was reaching close to its destination.

"Ah, I think I found it, Alphy. I'm going to activate it and whatever happens. I'm here for you. Don't worry, I'll keep you safe." The loving stare of his fiance was enough to let her do whatever she needed to do.

Finally, I felt it. Overwhelming emotions were poured into the very depths of my mind. I didn't know how but I could feel something within myself. Maybe see it. It was-

A boy. The world he lived in was a glass bubble as he felt small but large. Stories to read and yet none to live. It was boring. And so when it came did it seem like an abrupt final chapter at the end. One that he still remembers, feeling, and seeing. A terrifying epilogue. And yet, a tiny hope came along that started it all. It was beautiful.

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A man at the summit of a hill. Swinging his axe, mountains fell, the lands ravaged, a sky broken and the stars applauding. A rage so great that dragons felt envy and respect. A warrior in life but a family man at heart. His roar heard by the world. Emotions filled with passion as his body moved and the world shook with his steps. Even though he failed her, his promise, his will shall never break.


She was a devoted woman of sound. With each strum of the string, tyrants fell, those suffering a piece of relief, and the weak strength. The mind was willing but the flesh was limiting. But her spirit sang and her soul an orchestra. Gods and Spirits listened as the world echoed her final symphony.


A man of commerce. Born from nothing and grew with great potential. The world he saw in such uniqueness, filled with nothing but numbers. Finally had a small chance at a life of wanton pleasure he promised to his brothers one day. But a single mistake can cost everything. A holy crusade against an innocent elder brother.


A mother of 3. Dancing beneath the stars. Her partner, the earth. Her lover, eternally cursed. A man crippled, and a boy forgotten. Together they were complete. And yet, her duties as priest and mother was her demise in the end. A body of sin but a pure heart. Her final act was one of duty. A final blessing brought to the world. 4 becoming a blessed number. A final blessing that was left with her.


A man of knowledge. The world in his grasp as he created things filled with wonder. But his mind of wonder was what brought him to such great heights. Just one last push. That final stretch. A singular moment enough that he can go down as legend. Only to all crumble as he missed one last component. Ah, such a shame. If only he had looked back a bit further. Maybe, he might have already figured out the answer was right in front of him.

….Alphonse …

So. Now that you've seen it. What would you do differently this time A̴̯̟̣̣̅̍͗m̷̝̠̳̞̠̣̟̙͑̓a̸̢͉̥̣̻̰̾̎̉̒d̸̡̔͗̀́̇͛́̇̀ë̸̲͔̦̲̞͍́̓͋̆̍͋̋̀̑̚ơ̴͔̥͕͙̭̮̜̈́͘͜?


I was crying. Through my teary eyes I looked at Yasaka with a mixture of confusing emotions. My body was currently being held up by his wife. Surprised by her strength as she was carrying me in her arms. Her face filled with complete worry. It took a while for me to calm down as she laid me down on the couch.

Collecting my thoughts, a sudden name appeared in my mind. "Momento Nostri."

"What? What does that mean?" She asked.

"Memento Nostri. That's the name of my Sacred Gear I think." Still getting used to whatever happened to me.

"So that's the name of the crown on your head. What does it do anyway? Never have I seen a Sacred Gear that did that to a user. Nothing so emotionally overwhelming that is." Somehow I could feel her grip on him become tighter. Barely noticing the weight on my head until she pointed it out.

"It helps me remember." I muttered as I groaned in pain from the headache.

"Remember what?"

"My past lives. A series of reincarnations. Fucking hell, I feel like my like the universe is fucking with me." I sighed.

"... oh. Oh, OHHH! … That's amazing love. Do you really remember everything?" She asked.

"Nope, it's way too much information for my brain to handle right now. I mean, I do remember bits and pieces. The sad thing is that I can only remember once I activate this. I'll forget it all once it's been deactivated." Tapping the crown on my head. "Although, the good thing I can get out of this is the accumulation of experience from my past lives at my fingertips. But only use it whenever I activate it. But hey, I guess I can use this to train myself to get stronger."

This wasn't my first life it seems. So many questions on top of the ones I had when Yasaka told me about the truth of the world. It was frustrating to know that I couldn't get my answer right now.

The series of lives he lived and the short memories from each life I saw was surprising. Especially when I reincarnated as a female too. To think I had children in those lives, both biological and adopted. Somehow it doesn't disgust me the way I thought it would. Only sadness at how much I missed them and causing me mixed feelings.

"Hey, can you leave me in the love seat for a while? I just need some time to collect some thoughts. Is that fine with you?" I asked Yasaka as she somehow still kept cuddling me.

"Sure, call me in case of anything."

"Thank you."

Yasaka's POV

I … I didn't really think this through. I should have taken my time to ease him in instead of rushing everything. Never have I seen such emotional change caused by a Sacred Gear besides near death events.

Reincarnation was rare. Those who experience it are so rare that the majority of them are usually Buddhists. But, to think the biblical God would create a Sacred Gear that allows one to remember their past lives and experience. Does heaven recycle souls? If it does. Are they wiped clean or have their memory sealed?

If I have to guess. That must be the reason for the rising number of "reincarnated" heroes and villains. Also should explain why there are these… Hero Factions shown in the reports. As my thoughts wandered, I went through the door to find my daughter awake. Staring at me with curious eyes. I leaned down to pick her up.

Such a small little thing. I have held babies before and yet this little one is different from all the other ones. Her little yellow eyes staring at me. It's funny. I haven't shown this much emotion since my younger days. Those were some fond times but here I am in the present with my husband-to-be and our daughter.

"I'm sorry Kunou. I think I hurt daddy by accident." Placing her in my arms as I walked out of the room.

"Bah~!" Kunou said with her baby language.

"Yeah, I guess I might be a bad spouse. But either way, it was necessary. I was just so worried about the two of you and needed him to catch up ." I sighed with regret. "At least to the point where he can defend himself."

"~Bah~ Abuh~!" Said Kunou.

But before anything, Yasaka felt a weird smell permeate the air as she sniffed in disgust. Only to realize what exactly happened. "Ara Ara?~ Did you? I guess I need to change your diapers." Walking downstairs to change her diapers.

"…. Now how to do this…. I think I should call Alphonse, he did say that he took care of baby cousins before." I thought to myself as I apologetically handed Kunou over to Alphonse.

Thankfully we ended the day with all of cuddling in the bed. The two looked so freaking adorable sleeping together.

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