Married A Fox, Wat Do?

Chapter 5: 5

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There’s only 1 hour left before I become a married man. I couldn’t help but feel nervous at the knowledge that all of this was truly happening. But in the end, my happiness was enough to destroy most of that nervousness after a moment.


“Bro. You look like a Twink. A pretty boy. Seriously, how the fuck did you even become so goddamn handsome like this in since I’ve seen you up close?! I mean, sure we talk a lot online and face time rarely, but god-damn. I’m jealous as hell! What’s your secret? C’mon man, I also want to get hot chicks like your fiancé.”


I couldn’t help but smile at his jealousy. Knowing the envy my friend displayed because around 2 years ago, I was exactly like him appearance wise.


“Can’t today. Maybe later on I’ll tell you but definitely not today man.”


“Tsk. Fine.” Fernando grumbled. “Although I have to say. I never took you for marrying someone older than you. Your wife is a total Milf.”


“Yeah, I know.” I grinned. Satisfaction and smug plastered on my face as Fernando had a frustrated face.


“Even then, you are super shy. I mean, seriously. How?” He whined.


“Well, remember how I sometimes talk about my mom telling me those ‘life advice’.” I said while using my fingers to show air quotes.


“Oh yeah! Wait! Did they actually work!? Alphonse, I honestly didn’t expect you,” Pointing his finger at me, “-of all people to listen to those ‘advises’ you’ve been whining about on the group chat.”


Shrugging at his response, “Well, I kind of had an Epiphany and thought fuck it. I have one life left, so I might as well use it. It’s kind of amazing how much of an existential crisis can help build you confidence.” A bit ironic now that he said it. Especially when in regards to his sacred gear. Not that Fernando would ever know.


“Really? An existential crisis helped you grow the balls needed to talk to a girl? Dang dude. About time! Did you know that you mom asked me to take you to a prostitute?”


“Excuse me, what the fuck?!” I was both stunned and alarmed at what he said.


Fernando nodded, “I thought I told you this before?”


“No! It’s my first time hearing this! Wait, was this during that one time in my second year in college?” Suddenly receiving an epiphany of a past history.


“Yeah, you chickened out big time, bro.” Fernando sighed with happiness as if remembering something amazing.


“Bro, that was an orgy you invited me to.” Giving him a deadpanned look, “Why the fuck do I want to lose my virginity with a whore? Especially one that’s recently used? In fact, didn’t someone get some disease while they were there?”

“They did because their dumbass forgot to wear a condom.” Said Fernando

“Well, it doesn’t matter anyway. My girl is so much better than anybody else.” I said.


“Oh definitely. Shame she had a child before you married. … Is it yours?” Fernando couldn’t help but look at me with a tinge of worry.


“Yeah, it’s mine. I got the DNA test and everything. It’s mine so don’t worry about it, bro.” I smiled at his worried face. Glad to see that even after all these years, he was still a friend that worries about me. Regarding Kunou, I learned from a visit with the doctor that human genes become recessive and while her Kitsuné genes became the most dominant. Yasaka had a talk with me regarding this aspect of her species. Especially when she began explaining to me why Kunou looks the way she did. Barely able to make out anything that linked to me. Either way, I was still happy with how she came out.


“Damn. You really hit the jackpot.” He sighed.


Nodding once again as I finished the final touches, “I know right! She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”


“Wait, what about that time in Las Vegas?”


“That is a completely different thing! That right there was about money, and this right here is about the rest of my life.”


“Well, the girls there were thinking differently.” Chuckled Fernando.


“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Fernie. Didn’t you say that they were gold diggers?”


“Well, yeah. Although you have to admit it, they were pretty hot. Also, I have a quick question.”


“Shoot.” Letting him ask.


“Who the fuck is your wife? And what the hell is up with the security for this wedding?” Fernando pointed to the suited men in the room. These suited men were all muscular in their body appearance, each with their traditional sunglasses and a clear earpiece on one the side of their ears. Many were standing guard in certain corners observing everyone, a few walking around as they checked the area and some talking to the guests asking for their invitation.


And with the straightest and deadpan stare I could muster, I answered my friend’s question.


“My bride is a Yukaza Queen.” Not exactly true, but from his experience, it seemed like it. Possibly the best answer he could fully explain without having to expose his friend to the paranormal.


“....” Fernando had his finger up to give his opinion. Only to put it down once he processes what I said.



Like Alphonse, she too had 1 hour left before the ceremony began. Right now, she was trying not to worry about anything like potential assassinations, threats, blackmails, or all sorts of nasty things that may theoretically come its way.


Pacing back and forth in her wedding dress, carrying a frown and biting her thumb. If one were to look at her right now, they would think she was having second thoughts on this marriage. Sadly for the men, they had the wrong idea.


Inside the waiting room for the bride-to-be were the two mothers looking at the panicking bride. The two are staring at her with bored expressions, like if they have seen this before. After a while of seeing Yasaka pace back and forth, the two  called her out.


“Girl, if you don’t stop with that, I’m about to smack your head with my sandal.” Said Alphonse’s mother who was in a dress, wearing sandals.


“Sweetie, listen to your mother-in-law. I’m also getting tired of watching you worry about nothing. I mean, do you remember the fact that you stationed most of the palace guards and a few units from the army just outside the wedding? Not to mention the guards in here? Even the freaking door outside, for Inari’s sake!” Cried Yasaka’s mother. Outside through the open door were two men in suits standing at attention by the sides of the entrance door.

She could only sigh and appear slight embarrassment at this.


“Yasaka.” Called her mother.


Her eyes held a narrow but soft gaze, looking at Yasaka with the smile belonging to a worried mother, “You are the leader of the Yokai faction. I want you to act like it right now for the moment sweetie. Honestly, you’re about to get married to a wonderful young man and yet, instead of focusing on what will be the greatest day. You instead are focusing on other things. You’re about to get married honey. At least ignore everything outside for today and enjoy the moment.” Sighed the Kitsune’s mother, “Sure, what you did was a bit too much regarding security and perhaps making it a bigger deal than out of it. Do you really think anyone would try to ruin your marriage? Especially when the wedding is taking place in one of Amaterasu-sama’s realms.”


Yasaka felt tired as she knew her mother was right. She had a lot of things done when preparing the wedding and even as much as Alphonse wanted to help. He was useless due to the unique situation of their relationship. A human man marrying a beautiful Kitsune that held high political, spiritual power, and the strength to back it up. But she wouldn’t change it for the world. She’s already got a beautiful daughter and a great husband to be. Not that he was originally handsome, but she did like to think that all that the Bouchujutsu, otherwise known as the Bedroom Method. The one she’s been secretly doing to Alphonse helped a lot when developing his body to her tastes. Sure, she’s okay with him having a bit of chub but to be honest, what woman wouldn’t want their husbands to be handsome young men.


“I understand, mother.” She nodded.


“Hmph. Good. Now go get your makeup on. We have 30 minutes left, and I want you to go out there and stun him with your beauty.”


“Yes mother. Also, mother-in-law.” She bowed. Something that she rarely ever does. Especially to a human.


“Thank you for letting me marry your son.”


“Look, honey. You don’t need to thank me. Just go out there and wow him.” Showing her daughter-in-law her fist with a thumb in between fingers.


“Y-yes.” A bit embarrassed by the shameless woman in front of her.


She left to go put on that makeup.

“Friends and Family. We have all gathered here today to witness the communion of Fukunaga Yasaka and Torres Alphonse.”


Unsurprisingly, the officiant was Japanese.


The audience who came consisted with the majority being females, but there were a few males through both sides of the family.


On his side, it was just his family and 3 cousins with their own families and his best friend. Luckily enough, Yasaka was able to affect their perception and cast an illusion over the security so that they remained invisible for the ceremony. Appearing invisible in front of the guests and families. Then, they did a little mind control with his non-aware guests. Particularly his cousins and best friend. Causing them to not pay attention to most of the guest’s unique features.


Either way, he couldn’t help but feel a smile starting to form in his lips. The same went for Yasaka as the two stood by one another. As the traditional wedding began, they followed the traditional procedures. After a while, he and his best man were on stage waiting for his bride.


It felt like a dream, something he didn’t think would happen, but instead did. Finally, the bride came walking down the aisle on the red carpet floor. He was stunned, in shock at the sight before him as she came walking down. Yasaka was beautiful, her hair let down and wearing makeup that only further enhanced her already amazing beauty. Further emphasized by the voluptuous figure as the innocent wedding dress tried hiding but to no avail.

Walking up to the stage, the two now face to face in the grand ceremony of matrimony. Sadly for him, Yasaka’s face was covered in a veil. He couldn’t see her, but he knew she was smiling.


The shinto priest on the podium was a tall fellow. Somehow wearing a white suit and of old age judging by the white hair and small round glasses. But either way, it didn’t deter their desire for marriage.


“This is not the beginning of a new relationship, but an acknowledgment of the next chapter in their lives together. Alphonse and Yasaka have spent time and time again getting to know each other, and we now bear witness to what their relationship has become. Today, they will affirm this bond formally and publicly.


Alphonse and Yasaka will mark their transition as a couple not only by celebrating the love between themselves, but by also celebrating the love between all of us—including the love of their parents, siblings, extended family, and best friends. Without that love, today would be far less joyous.” Surprisingly, everyone smiled at his words. “Let us proceed with the matrimony.”


He paused slightly before turning to me,“Do you Alphonse, take this woman to be your wife, to live together in matrimony, to love her, comfort her, honor and keep her, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”


He has held up for a long time to say these magical words to someone and with the determination of a thousand warriors, said.


“I Do.” He said before turning to Yasaka.


“Do you Yasaka, take this man to be your husband, to live together in matrimony, to love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, in sorrow and in joy, to have and to hold, from this day forward, as long as you both shall live?”


“I Do.”


The priest smiled, and with his old voice continued the next part of the ceremony.

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“A ring is an unbroken circle, with ends that have joined, and it represents your union. It is a symbol of your infinite love. When you look at these rings on your hands, you are reminded of this moment, your commitment, and the love you now feel for each other. Alphosne, you may place the ring on her finger.” Gently grabbing her hands, I moved her finger and placed the ring on her. Even with the veil covering her face, I could feel happiness emanating from her.

“Yasaka, you may do the same.” Yasaka proceeded with the same actions as he did. This time, he noticed that she was much gentler as she placed a ring on his finger.


“By the authority vested in me by the Gods, I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may lift the veil and kiss!”

He wasted no time as he quickly pulled off her veil, only to be floored by her beauty. She was perfect. It may have been the lighting, the monumental moment of their wedding, or the fact that her makeup only made her more appealing, but he couldn’t help falling in love once again.


But seeing her tear up causes him to pause.


It would have been a disaster in the making if it wasn’t for that fact that Yasaka initiated the kiss first. The sudden emotional kiss wasn't what shocked him. It was when she held him by her arms, holding him downwards as she stuck her tongue in him.


The crowd erupted with a cheer.


“Huh, I guess I’m okay with the reversal of roles.” He thought as he returned the gesture. 


“I think it might not be the best idea to get a babysitter for Kunou, Yasaka.”


“Oh, hush now. We deserve our Honeymoon that will come later. I know some trustworthy people that can take care of her while we’re away so there’s nothing to worry about.” Yasaka told me, a big smile plastered on her face even after 5 hours.


Thankfully, someone cut into their argument.


“You two just got married and already the two of you are arguing. Gosh, if it wasn’t for you two, I would’ve begun to think that the marriage is doomed.” Yasaka looked to see who it was, only to widen her eyes.


“Amaterasu-sama! How are you?!I thought you wouldn’t be able to make it in time for my wedding!?”


He was flabbergasted. When they brought him into the supernatural world and learned everything the best Yasaka could. He couldn’t help but hold some suspicions on certain things. And when Yasaka cries, the name of a famous goddess. He couldn’t help but think that he might have been wrong.


“Oh? Did you really think I wouldn’t be here? I mean, you were the one who asked me to borrow one of my realms I keep out of public knowledge just for this. Either way, congratulations Yasaka.” The goddess smiled. “I really wanted to meet your husband and daughter earlier, but alas, I am the Japanese patron goddess and I still have responsibilities to uphold. Thankfully, I’m here.”


“If by making time, do you mean missing out on the paperwork?” Deadpanned Yasaka.




How shameless. Then again, if you are a sun goddess and leader of gods in Japanese folklore, then you are certainly liable to some waivers. One does not simply have a fuck tone of powers and not use it irresponsibly. He thought it was reasonable enough for an answer..


“I-I’m sorry to ask this but, are you really Amaterasu?” He felt a shiver go through his very being as he saw the goddess look at him.


Even when her appearance was that of a child, he wasn’t fooled. Somehow, someway. He knew he was looking at a god.


“I-I apologize if I sounded rude. My name is Alphonse Torres. Er… I guess Alphonse Torres Fukunaga.” He bowed down as best as he could in his seat. He really didn’t want to look bad in front of his wife’s boss. Even when he had so many questions to ask but at least a few were answered just by their first interaction. Just her presence cleared up a few superstitions.


“Hmm. It’s fine, child. Although I have to say. I’m surprised you married a human, Yasaka. Especially one with a sacred gear as interesting as yours.” Her hands on her chin, rubbing it as she looked at him with golden eyes.


“Yes, I love him for who he is and nothing can change that.” Butterflies floating in my stomach as Yasaka said that. Causing me to widen my grin even more. “Sadly, we haven’t been able to explore much in terms of his Sacred Gear, but I’d like to think it’s a good one. Even if it’s a useless one, I would still take him as he is.” Said Yasaka

The patron goddess grinned at Yasaka’s answer. Nodding as if satisfied with her response. “Well then, is it possible if you can bring Kunou here while I talk to Alphonse for a bit? I really want to meet her! Please!”


“Of course Amaterasu-Sama. Honey, do you know where she is?”


“She’s w-with my parents.” I said nervously as she stood up to leave.


“Okay, I’ll be back in a bit!” Before she got out, she gave me a quick kiss on his lips to go find her lover’s parents and her baby. While leaving, Yasaka swayed her lovely, wide child bearing hips from side to side. Teasing him even during their wedding.


With the two of them along. He couldn’t help but feel scared for his life. As he knew that if he said something wrong, then he might be in big trouble.


“Now. Don’t be scared, kid. I’m not going to blast ya to the moon.”


Okay, now he’s scared now.


“Kid, relax. If I did anything, Yasaka would have killed my avatar.”


When he heard that, he couldn’t help but feel happy and ashamed. Reminded at the fact that he was a Human. It took Alphonse a while but finally relaxed after a quick deep breath. When he turned to look at the “minor” goddess. He questioned his life choices that were leading up to this moment.


“Thank you.” She said,


He paused for a moment, trying to understand what she said. “I’m sorry?”

Why would a god be thanking me? In fact, why would she thank me at all?!” He thought to himself.


“Thank you.” Confirming that he heard it right.


“For what?” Alphonse couldn’t help but be blunt.


“Making her happy. I haven’t seen her like this since she was an adolescent. Even when she was indulging in sin, it all was but a momentary thing. A momentary fling in her journey to become what she is today. Although it could be said she was happy, this is the first time I’ve ever seen her act like this. Not a fake but a true smile for the first time in centuries. It was as if she could be herself whenever she’s with you. I’m glad.” Muttered Amaterasu. This information allowed him to begin to process what the goddess meant, all while staring at Yasaka from afar as she spoke with his parents and sisters.


“Did you know she was the one who asked me to allow this marriage to go through?” Now looking at him with her chin on top of her palms.


“Uh, what do you mean by that?” Confused on what she meant.


“The clans were constantly rotating and picking the best candidates for Yasaka to marry. In fact, they were beginning to lose their patience and were going to force me to pick a marriage candidate. But that all ended when I confirmed she was dating you. It scared her, you know.”


He said nothing and continued to listen to Amaterasu. Inwardly, he was coming to terms with what she was saying.


“She was scared, mainly for you. … I mean, think about it. What kind of Yokai would marry a normal human? Although it’s true one can marry outside their species, most still practice the aspect where the strong only marry the strong. I mean, I still want to think my children are all equal under my eyes and all of Japan. But, sometimes. We immortals and mortals think differently. And sometimes, they fight.” She sighed sadly.


A brief pause before continuing, “So when I saw her leaving early only to find out that she was seeing you, I had a few tail you to learn more about you. To my surprise, you came out clean. Indulging in bad choices here and there, but all around a normal law-abiding foregein citizen. Don’t even get me started with trying to get your file from the US. But, seeing you for myself. I can say that you’d be good for her. Being someone that can help her remind her that there is something more to life than the workaholic lifestyle she uses every day. Heh, I’m still surprised to remember the first time she asked me for a couple of weeks off.”


Today has been a roller coaster of emotions and findings. Yasaka never gave him the feeling she was a workaholic. Then again, he still doesn’t know much about her past. He hoped she could confide with him about it one of these days. The answer might still not matter in the end because with this confirmation coming from the mouth of the Japanese patron goddess, Alphonse was happy to hear that their love was genuine.


“That’s why I wanted to thank you. And for once, not giving me a reason to give somebody the shovel talk like the one you expected. Unless… you do?” She looked at him with a smile. It wasn’t a nice one but one filled with mischief.


He shook his head immediately as the goddess giggled at his reactions.


“Good. Now, I really want to meet Kunou. How old is she by the way?” She asked


Alphonse gladly answered that, “She’s around 3 months old. To be honest, I really didn’t expect Yasaka to get pregnant. We used control pills and even a condom. Yet, we somehow were able to get Kunou. Not that we regret it. She’s our little bundle of joy.” He smiled, remembering the first time he could hold her outside the hospital.

“Wait, you poked holes in the condom?!” Cried Alphonse’s sister.

“Hah! I knew I liked you for a reason!” Said Alphonse’s mother.

Unknown to him, the times he used condoms were deficient because Yasaka poked holes on every single one they bought. As a Kitsune, it was her duty to prank humans, even when they are the good ones. But to be honest, she really didn’t expect to get pregnant.

Taking Kunou, Yasaka walked back to where she left Amaterasu and her husband.

“I’m glad. Yasaka chose well. Speaking of Yasaka, here she is. Is that who I think it is!” Smiled the goddess as she reached out to grab Kunou.


“Of course Amaterasu-Sama. Kunou, meet Amaterasu.” Holding her little arms to wave at her. Kunou simply squealed like the baby she was and ignored the most important god in Japan in favor of the man next to her. She cried and squealed, calling for her father and leaving the goddess sighing in discontent.


“Oh.” She pouted.


The two chuckled at the dejected goddess in front of them. Yasaka gave the god her daughter, and then returned to his side on the table.


“So, what did you guys talk about?” Yasaka asked.


The goddess answered before he could.


“We mostly talked about you and no, Yasaka. I didn’t give him the shovel talk. I think he’s good enough to not get one.”


Yasaka sighed in relief.

“Also, is it true that you poked holes in the condoms the two used?”

Yasaka yipped in fright while he couldn’t help but bluescreen at that instant.

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