Married A Fox, Wat Do?

Chapter 4: 4

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It took a while to explain the supernatural to his family. Even more, with explaining to his mother that no, he wasn’t fucking a furry. Furries were mostly werewolves and the other were-creatures. Hell, his mother had a heart attack when God was real but also other gods.


Sadly, his family was tired as the jet lag kicked in and excused themselves to find a hotel until Yasaka convinced them to stay in a nearby house. They were surprised by this outcome, as not only them, but I also didn’t know she got it ready beforehand. The house has enough rooms for everybody if they want to sleep separately.


She received a hug from the entire family due to this news. Acting a bit shy by the complete display of love emitting from everybody due to the news.


What she didn’t understand was that this was the first time everybody had their own privacy. As well as a place that will allow them to not fight on who gets to use the restroom first. As a family that lived in a single bedroom apartment. What Yasaka did for them was a complete godsend. A miracle in the form of a beautiful foxy goddess.


“Yasaka, how were you able to get a house for them so fast? I’m pretty sure buying a house around here is expensive, like hella expensive. Is it a rental? How?” I asked Yasaka while carrying Kunou with me while she was sucking on a pacifier.


“I just own the entire area, Alphy. Originally, I was going to convert this land into a small mall, but thought it would be better if it became a private housing area. I mean, I get a home that is closer to the palace where I work and a place to get away from everything.” Shrugging as if using millions of yen was nothing but pocket change, “And since there was an empty house nearby, I thought, why not have it ready to receive your family when they get here.”


“Honey? Are you there?”


Blinking as I processed the information, “Oh sorry, I just spaced out a bit. Did you just say that you own the entire neighborhood here?”


“Yes.” Looking at me with a raised eyebrow, not understanding why I repeated the question.


“Soooooo … How much was it in total?” Sheepishly asking her.


She only gave me a mysterious grin reminiscent of a fox. “That … is nothing you should worry about, dear~ All you need to do is take care of Kunou for me and be a good, little, house husband that I’m going to marry and love.” Patting my back, reminding me of our minor height difference where she was only a few inches taller than me. 


Sighing at the fact that I don’t have a job, “I can’t believe you talked me out of my old job. Why couldn’t you just let me take a part-time job? Wouldn’t you want me to at least take a part-time job to save you some money? I mean, I can pay the internet bills. Heck, I know there’s a café near here with a help wanted sign.”


She only shook her head, “Nope! I just want you to take care of Kunou. Mainly so that you can focus on the training and housework.”


“Training? When will that happen?” I was surprised at this. 


“Soon enough. But for now, take care of the house and get the food and bed ready~ It’s your duty as my husband to be!~” Walking forwards in order to lead the way but not without swaying her hips side to side as my eyes couldn’t help but leer at her plump ass.


“Mmmm, can’t say no to that one love.” Before I almost tripped but was thankfully saved by her tails that appeared in a flash, carrying me upwards while Kunou giggled.  


“Uhm, sorry about that.” 


“Fu fu fu~ No worries at all my dear clumsy human. I know you want to look as much as you want but wouldn't it be better to save the desert until later?~” 


"Yeah Yeah." Rolling my eyes, "All hail, Queen Yasaka of Japan. She who fucks up gods six ways to Sunday. The woman of my dreams and mother to this child.” Sarcastically trying to poke fun at her.


“Haha. Oh yes, bow down mortal, be honored as you will be serving me at my bed tonight!” Said Yasaka, having a bit of fun.


“Of course your highness. How would you like to procreate tonight? Shall I give you the loving, tender care of a princess or make you moan as a common whore?”


“Hmm. I would like both." Her tone of voice turned mature and arrogant, "Be glad mortal, for I am letting you dine my carnal flesh tonight. Anything less would surely disappoint me.” Giving me a small wink.


"Of course my lady. For tonight, I shall pierce your heavenly garden!"


We burst out laughing as we returned to our house. Putting Kunou in her room for the night and after making sure she went to sleep. We entered our room to continue the roleplay of servants and noblewomen for the rest of the night.


The next morning, my dad and mother teased the two of us as they somehow knew of our nightly passion. Further embarrassing me as I winced in pain while Yasaka preen with satisfaction.

“So why are we here?”


Wearing a silk yukata for the first time made me worry about Yasaka’s spending habits. Yasaka led me and Kunou into the middle of a road going towards what appears to be a large shrine at the end of said road.


The surrounding area appeared like a normal, but traditional Japanese town. Only for the crucial difference were the other Yokais mulling about their day as the town was filled with them save for the occasional humans. The majority did their own things but once in a while stopped to bow at Yasaka with respect. The Yokais themselves came in different shapes as I saw floating ghosts to the human-like Yokais talking, drinking, buying, and doing things one would find in a normal human town that was crowded.


It was a once in a lifetime experience to see real life myths and legends going about their day. 


As much as I wanted to wander around. Yasaka was taking me to visit someone.


“We’re meeting my mother today.” She said. 


“Really? That … sounds like I needed more time to prepare. I honestly wanted to meet your family but ... would they accept me?”


“You have nothing to worry about dear. They accepted you the moment Kunou was born. Although there were a few who refused, I simply made sure they would! Why deny my right to the love of my life? Stupid cousins." She grumbled. "And since this is the first time you're meeting my mother, that's why I had to get you this Yukata. I don’t want to look bad in front of her.”


“Sure, Yasaka. You don’t have to worry much. I’ll do my best to look like the best house husband-to-be the world has ever seen.”


She let out a small sigh of relief, “Thank you. That’s all I ask.”


The two of us entered the shrine through a side door. Never would I expect the inside to be vastly bigger than outside. It was barely the entrance as we entered through another door, finding ourselves in a lobby. It had a few bonsai trees and a small waterfall by the side, some cushions lying around the floor with snacks and tea at some of the tables.


“Hey, Alphy. Can you stay here for a bit? I’m going to go look for my mother.” Leading me to sit down at one of the tables. 


“Sure, I hope you don’t mind if I keep Kunou with me while you go look for her. I’m hoping to have some father and daughter time here.” Giving her a nod as I placed my daughter gently on my lap. 


Her response was a quick kiss on my lips. “Alright. Take care of her and call for help if anything happens while I'm away. If there's trouble I'll be there. Okay?”


“Yeah, sure, go ahead. Say bye to mama, Kunou.” Using my hands to mimic a wave with my daughter's arms. 


She gave a quick kiss goodbye on Kunou’s cheek and another one on my lips as she left to go find her own mother.


This left me and my daughter by ourselves in the empty lobby with nothing but the television and empty space filled with tables. Throughout the time waiting, I kept Kunou entertained, playing some games and overall having some quality time with my daughter.


Suddenly a voice called me out at one point after getting her tired and puckered out.


“Aww look at the little baby.”


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Turning my head, I saw a high school girl with her school uniform staring back at me as she had her chin on her hands, elbows on the table. It was easy to tell that she was a kitsune, judging by the nine tails behind her back. Like Yasaka, she too was beautiful. But sadly for her, my heart belonged to Yasaka.


“Yes, that’s my daughter. My little light of my life” Responding to the young-looking kitsune.


The kitsune giggled, “I guess I haven’t introduced myself. Apologies, I’m Sakura Fukunaga.”


It surprised me to find someone related to Yasaka so soon.


“Oh, are you related to Yasaka? She’s my fiance and she took me here to meet her mother. I’m just waiting here while she goes looking for her.” Replying politely. 


“Yes, I’m related to her. I’m surprised she actually took the time and decided to leave you here. You know that this room you're currently in is one of the many secured bunkers in the temple, right?” She asked me with a gaze filled with interest. 


I definitely didn’t know that the room I was in was actually a bunker. But that didn’t deter me the slightest, in fact, I felt happy and a bit more in love with her. Happy that Yasaka worried about Kunou and I so much that she left me here.


“Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t know this was a bunker. Am I not supposed to be here?”


“Oh, don’t worry about it. It’s an open secret on where these bunkers are. Heck, I use it whenever I want to get away from work." Waving away my worries, "So you said that you’re her fiance. Am I correct?”


“Yeah, that’s about right. We were originally planning to get married but when Kunou here was born. Yasaka thought it might be a good idea to speed up that process. Not that she needs to worry because I'm not leaving her. I love her and to be honest, I was actually going to propose to her soon before Kunou’s birth. Let's just say she got to me first. ”


“Aww, that’s so romantic!” Gushing at my response. 


“You think so?”


“Yup! Totes love me a story of romance between humans and yokai! Now, tell me a bit about yourself.” 


And so this went on for an hour. There wasn’t much for me to say about my life story, but the young girl in front of him didn’t seem bad and was simply curious. Throughout my conversation with Sakura, I told her how I met Yasaka, our dating life, learning more about one another and my dreams for the future. The girl in front of me was a great listener as she followed along my story without making interruptions but small questions here and there.

Sakura POV



She smiled at the end of his story. Just looking at the interesting human in front of her as he played with his daughter without care in the world. Simply focusing on his daughter. 


It was funny, such a young-looking man had what was one of the most ancient souls she had ever come across just staring at her granddaughter with eyes filled with nothing but love and affection. 


"Maybe, he's unaware of his unique condition. Certainly a reincarnation but maybe, there's a certain requirement he needs to meet."


She originally came to see if he was a threat, but to her great surprise. It seemed like her worries were unwanted. The feeling she felt of his ancient soul only belonged to what she was sure belonged to a Sacred Gear. Using a bit of hypnotism, she learned more about him and couldn’t help grow more fond as time went on.


By now, all she could say was that she would gladly accept this human into the Fukunaga family. Much to the dismay of her nephews.

Yasaka POV



“I’m sorry, Yasaka-sama. I don’t know where your mother is. She should have been back by now." A Kitsune attendant bowed at her, "I will inform you as soon as I see her. I apologize for taking your time."


“No worries. Thank you for helping.”


“With pleasure. Please excuse me as I attend to my duties.”


I was having a bit of a troublesome time finding my mother. For such a well-known woman, it should have been easy to find her. Sadly, this wasn’t the case today.


I left dejectedly to go back to my Alphonse and Kunou. I was hoping to show her Alphonse to my mother, but sadly, it didn’t seem like it was going to happen today. Walking back to the room I left the two loves of my life in. Right when I opened the door. I heard the laughter of two people inside.


“Hahaha. Did she really think that?” Said Alphonse’s voice. Sitting right next to a girl who was clearly a Kitsune. 


“Yeah! When she was little, she also thought that looking at another man besides her father meant she was going to get pregnant. So sometimes, she would use a blindfold or illusion to cover her eyes secretly.” 


"Wait a minute!" Screaming in my mind as I knew that girl. 


“Oh, that’s adorable! I didn’t know Yasaka would think like that.” He giggled.


I flushed in embarrassment. To think that my mother would tell him about my embarrassing moments in childhood.


“Mom!? Where were you!? I was looking for you everywhere? Also, why are you telling Alphy that?!” Practically screaming at the top of my lungs. 


I really wanted answers that instant but what I didn’t expect was for my mother to come up to me and pull my ears down to her mouth.


“By the Gods! Marry this man right now! I don’t fucking care if I break both of your kneecaps, but you’re going to do it right now! How shameful of you for not doing it earlier!”




"My ears! My ears! Have mercy!" I screamed in my head.


“Wait, that’s your mother?!” Said Alphonse in shock.


“Ow! Yes! Also, mom. We’re getting married in a week. Just stop!”


It took a while, but she finally stopped pulling my ears once hearing our plans of marrying in the coming week.


“Humph. Fine.”


“So, I see you’ve met Alphonse.” Tearing a bit due to the pain as Alphonse lightly massaged my abused ears. 


“Yes, and I must tell you. He is so much better than all those other men you’ve dated before. If I didn’t marry your father, I would have definitely stolen him from under you.” Causing the two of us to flush red. 



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