Married Life with Major General [Interstellar]

Chapter 21: CH 21.1

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Ji Feng was indeed temporarily pulled into this team. Yesterday, Fang Xinjie was particularly excited to tell him that there was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that would most likely make a qualitative leap in the research of the Ancient Earth. In his eyes, Ji Feng, the peerless genius with amazing talent in this field, must witness it personally.

Ji Feng was not interested in witnessing anything, but he was already curious about Ancient Earth, so today he appeared in this group of experts.

There were a total of five Ancient Planet Research Experts from several universities on Planet Lopa, all with an average age of over 100 years old. The youngest was 90 years old and there were 20 students of the five experts, with an average age of 60, the youngest being 52 years old.

The group of people all looked at Ji Feng with eager eyes, especially the 20 “young” scholars who looked at Ji Feng standing with five high-ranking white-haired teachers. Their eyes were about to fall out. Where did this little thing pop out from?

They were all scholars who were devoted to research. They didn’t have time to surf the Star Network, so they didn’t know that Ji Feng was a man of the world. This was because Ji Feng was made popular throughout the entire planet thanks to Moore two days ago, becoming the enviable model husband for the Gers in the Interstellar. 

In short, they didn’t know this kid, hadn’t heard of him before and found him to be an eyesore. Ji Feng’s appearance here was very abrupt, unreasonable and blatantly eye-catching.

Ji Feng didn’t change his expression and was much calmer than the five 100 years old, old men. Ji Feng perceived himself as a 300-year-old old man, and was still very stable in front of these 100-year-old children.

Hm? What did you2 say? More than 300 years old?

“How old is this baby? It’s not appropriate to appear here.” 

“25, 26? My great-grandson is even older than him by several years.”

“The planetary government has paid too little attention to our research. This little thing shouldn’t be the illegitimate child of the old man, the Imperial King, right?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, maybe he has a sugar daddy as his financial backer.”


After all, they were all people of considerable age. The group of scholars did not bother to whisper and directly turned on the mockery mode.

“Kid, how old are you? What aspect does your main research focus on, what are the results, and what insights do you have about Ancient Earth?” An old professor from the neighbouring university directly verbalised everyone’s doubts.

“Um… 30.” As for the research, you wouldn’t believe it even if I explained.

“Yi~ Tsk tsk tsk~”

“It’s not plausible.”

“The 30-year-old kid is put together with us old men, tsk tsk tsk.”


Ji Feng touched his nose. Fortunately, he got used to such suspicions after he came into this world. It was of no significance to him.

Several scholars and Fang Xinjie from Lopa Interstellar University could not tolerate their slander of Ji Feng. This was the existence they regarded as a God, especially so for Fang Xinjie. This time, he took a lot of effort just to let the heads approve for Ji Feng to go together with them. If these ignorant people made Ji Feng storm off in anger, who would he cry to?

“Teacher3 Xiao Ji is not an ordinary person. I can assure you that his knowledge of Ancient Earth writing is hundreds times stronger than any of us present. Just wait for your jaws to drop.”

Experts: ……Do you think we will believe such nonsense? It seemed that the rumor that the respected Fang Xinjie was getting older and more muddled headed was true.

“Teacher Xiao Ji, don’t take it to heart. They just don’t know how good you are.” A scholar, in his seventies at the Interstellar University, comforted Ji Feng.

Ji Feng smiled gently at the child, “It’s okay, I’m not bothered.”

If this little thing could trouble his mind, he would have lived for more than 300 years in vain.

However, it was not that nothing could affect him. A fine example would be the condescending eyes of the young Major General, dressed in a white military uniform at the entrance of the warship.

Really, Ji Feng really only found out last night and did not deliberately hide it from him.

Moore: Heh.

In the past two days, Moore was stirred up by Ji Feng’s behavior on that day and his departure this time was unpredictable with his life or death being uncertain, so he did not even return home. All kinds of complexities, irritability, hesitation… As a result, he turned his head and saw Ji Feng here, so why didn’t Ji Feng tell him? Was it intentional?

Ji Feng couldn’t explain, but he could feel that there was a lot of resentment in Moore’s eyes.

Since it was an escort mission, it was not a combat warship that was dispatched, but the highly defensive Yong An Warship. Even though a Major General was dispatched to be the captain, Moore only took 50 people, plus Ji Feng and his party, which made only 76 people in total.

This was the first time that Ji Feng had seen the super tyrant of this world up close. Apart from the unspeakable shock in his heart, every corner filled him with curiosity.

The hovering giant warship, the unimaginable sailing speed, the huge and complicated Control System, the Engine Power Source, the Intelligent System, the Defensive Shell…… Ji Feng could only sigh at how terrifying human ingenuity and creativity were.

Due to his age and the fact that Ji Feng was the last to join the team, he was assigned to live in the same lounge with several “young” scholars from other schools.

There were exactly six people in a room. Although the five uncles were full of noble disdain for Ji Feng in their hearts, they did not appear to be too obvious about it on the surface. Since Ji Feng was not a talkative person to begin with, he simply laid on the bed and browsed the Realm of the Dark God. 

In the blink of an eye, in just a few days, the fans of “Dark God” had skyrocketed to three to four million, and the numbers were still growing. Obviously, the video that Zuo Tiancheng swept all the way from D-Class to B-Class exploded within the fighting arena circle. Hence, the influence of Dark God in this circle became more and more powerful, spreading further and further.

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Ji Feng’s emotions did not fluctuate much, but he was dazzled by the thousands of comments and private messages. Among them were many private chats with famous accounts in the Realm of the Dark God. Ji Feng did not have the spare time to respond. He might as well spend this time sleeping comfortably.

So under the disapproving eyes of several “young” scholars, Ji Feng completely relaxed his state of mind with his body and heart, happily entering dreamland. The pleasure of completely relaxing his mental state was too good.

When he woke up again, he didn’t know how long he slept for. To Ji Feng’s surprise, he found that someone had actually sent him a message. What was even more surprising was that this person was Moore.

Moore: Why did you not come for dinner.

The message was sent fifteen minutes ago. It was then that Ji Feng realized that he was the only one left in the six-person lounge. He was a little speechless. These kids were much too insincere. They actually didn’t call him for dinner?

Ji Feng causally clicked on the next application for something and then got up silently to go out for his meal. Although he didn’t need to eat, he wanted to go out and have a look. Just then, the three-dimensional image of Moore unexpectedly flashed out in front of him.

Speaking of which, although they had been married for a few months, they rarely contacted each other, because it was completely unnecessary. This was why Ji Feng was a little surprised when Moore called.

A spacious and comfortable room appeared in his vision. Moore sat on the sofa and looked at him with a meticulous appearance. Those who weren’t aware would have thought that Moore was sitting in a comfortable home, and was even sitting in front of Ji Feng.


What a miraculous high-technology.

Ji Feng came to this world and hadn’t had a chance to use this stuff before, so he was full of wonder and curiosity about these most basic technologies. Unconsciously, he leaned his head forward, seemingly wanting to investigate?

Since the whole three-dimensional image seemed to connect the two rooms together, everything in Moore’s room could be seen clearly by Ji Feng, as if Moore was sitting in front of him.

As a result, after leaning over, he found that his head had passed directly through the three-dimensional light curtain, like passing through a wall.

“Miraculous.” Exclaimed from an old antique.

Moore, who sat opposite, stiffly looked at Ji Feng, who appeared as if he had never seen the world before. Especially at the remaining half head where the other half had suddenly disappeared from his view. He really had the urge to facepalm. Just what kind of strange existence was this person?

“Why didn’t you go to dinner just now?” Moore asked again.

In fact, he was also very upset about why he cared about this issue and he was even obviously more concerned than necessary.

As a captain, Moore had his own separate dormitory and there was no need to go to the warship cafeteria to eat. However, the demons and gods in his mind made Moore go to the cafeteria to eat.

As a result, he was depressed that he never saw Ji Feng’s figure. In addition, he waited for a long time and didn’t hear Ji Feng’s explanation. Suddenly, he felt helpless. Ji Feng most probably didn’t take it seriously, brushing it off as always.

The inexplicably irritated Moore could only return to his lounge. But after twenty minutes, the people in the cafeteria had left, one after another. Moore still didn’t see Ji Feng appear from inside. In the end, he couldn’t resist sending him a message.

Moore regretted it as soon as it was sent out, especially when Ji Feng did not reply for a long time. He regretted it and was irritated.

At this moment, Ji Feng’s call request popped up suddenly and Moore was shocked. His brain did not react for such a short two seconds, but his hand had already connected the call.

At first glance, Ji Feng looked like he had just woken up, with an obvious calm face, but curiosity was written in his eyes.

Ji Feng didn’t know that there were so many things in Moore’s mind, so he directly replied, “I slept and missed it.” After he spoke, he added with some regret, “Is there no more food?”

Moore’s heart moved. There must be no more in the cafeteria, but…… “There is.”

“Then I’m going to eat.” Ji Feng smiled at him and then unceremoniously turned off the video.

Moore: ……

Ji Feng didn’t take a few steps out the door before he met his five roommates, who came back with a belly full of food and drinks. They talked and laughed, but froze when they saw Ji Feng.

“Xiao Ji, when we went for dinner, we saw that you were sleeping well, so we didn’t have the heart to disturb you. You won’t blame us, right?”

Ji Feng’s lips twitched, “No.”

“That’s good. That’s good.”

“You might be able to catch up if you go now.” In fact, there wasn’t any more left. They were the last batch to leave. Meal times on board the warship had many rules. Once missed would be missed.

Another with a good heart glared at the wicked hearted, “Xiao Ji, I brought the nutrient solution, do you want it?”


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared and interrupted the several people’s awkward scene.

“Mr. Ji, please come with me.” Ji Feng saw a familiar figure as soon as he looked up, but it didn’t count as familiar, because he had seen the other only once.

The others looked at Ji Feng and at the other in surprise. Wasn’t this the guard next to Major General Moore? He only served Major General Moore alone, so his intentions basically represented Major General Moore’s. This meant that Major General Moore was looking for Ji Feng? What’s with this situation?

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